Resolution-PC 93-46~. ~ A RESCLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNINQ COMMISSI~N THAT PETITION fOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 3591 BE QRANTF_b WHEREAS, th0 Anaholm Clty Planning Commisslon did receive a veritied Petitlon for Canditlonal Uso Permit for certain real properry situatad In the Ciry of Anaheim, Counry of Orango, State o( Calitornla, described as: PARCEL A: PARCHLS 1, 2 AND 3, AS SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN 600K 16C, PAGES 49 AND b0 OF PARCEL MAPB IN THE OFFICE QF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF ORANGE COUN7Y, CALIFORNIA. PARCE4 B: THAT POF~TION OF TFIE EAST 6.00 A~CRE3 OF THE WES7 10.00 ACRES OF THE SOU1'H FIALF OF THE SOUTHFJIST QUARTER OF THE NORTHEAST ~UARTER OF SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RAPIl3E 11 WEST, IN 7HE RANCHO l.O:i COYOTFS, AS SHOWN ON A MAP RECORDEp IN t3nOK 51, PAGE 11 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, RECORD3 OF ORANGE COUNTY, CAUFORNIA, THAT LIES NORTMWESTERLY OF THE NORTHWESTERLY LINE OF TWE LAND DESCRIBED IN THNT CF.RTAIN FINAL ORDCR OF C(3NDEMNATION, SUPERIOR CnURT CASE N0. 8ti.588, A ~~RTiFIED GOPY ~JF WI-IIf:H WAS RffCORDE~ JUNE 11, 1962 IN BOOK 8140, ~AGE 399 OF OFFICIAL PECORdS OF SAID ORANCiE COUNTY, WfiEFcA8, the City Plannln~ Commisaion d(d hcld a publlc heaiing at the C(vic Center fn thd Ciry of Anahelm an March £. ~~~3 at 1:3Q p.m., nctice oi sald public hearir,g havtng boen duly given es requlred by law ard In accordancce wnh the provisions of the Anahetm Mun(cipal Coda, Chaptar 16.08, to l~ear and conskiar evfdence for and apalnat said proposed condltlonal uae permit and to invo3tlgate and make findings and recomnendatlo~is In canriectlon therewlth; and that sald public hearing was continued to the April 5, and AprA ~19, 1993 Pianning Commisslon meetinqs; and V~HEREl,S, aald Commisslan, eker dua ,nspectlon, frnestigetlon and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after dua consideratton of all evldenoe and repoRs oHered et ~afd hsarin~, does find anci deteim!ne thp lollrnulne ~cts: 1. Thac :hd prapaaed use Is properly one ior which a condkional use permit la authorized by Anaheim Munk:loal Coda Sectlon6, and 1H.ti4.050:170 to retaln a mobllo modfcal trafler ~MRI un7j ;':Ith welvnr ot the following: ,~ ct~,[~r~,~~,G.06.050.0211 - ,Minimum num r of oarkina ~oar,es. js.os.o~o,y, oz67 jg?,?,~oaces reyulred; es9 RQaces istina 1 a.QB,~@Q ~.41.098.Q$Q }~,r~t 8.44.C18,050 2. Thai the parkfng varience wlll not cause an Inc;rease In trattic congestion in the immedlete vicinity nor advor3ely aHect ahy adJafninq Isnd uaes; 3. That the ~rantfng of the parkir.~ varlance under the conditlons (mposed, H any, wlll not be detrimontat to the poace, haaRh, safety ar flene~l weltare of the citlzens of thQ Cfty of Aneheim; 4. T{~et !.he revised plan relocates the trafler behind a ecredn wall located adJacent to the t-uck loading !~ren and dis~lecea anly 3 spaces (In comparison to S spaces on the oripfnal site plan); ~ i, Pi n~ ~•. CR1779MS.wp .1. PL'f)3-46 5. That the proposed use, as approved, wll! n~t adversely aff~ct the ad)olning Iand uses and the growth anci devolopment of the area In whlch ft Is proposed to be locatod; e. That the size and shape uf the sits tor the proposad usA is adaquete to allow tho full developmont of the Froposed uso !n a menner not detriment~l to the partlcular area r.or to tt~a peace, health, satety, and general welfare; 7. That the traHlc ganetated by the proposerJ usa wi~l not impose an undua burden upon the street~ and highways desiflned a~d Improved to carry the traiilc in the area; S. That tha graMing of the con~itional uso permit under the condftions Impooed wlll not be detrlmental to the peaco, health, seidry and gensral weltare of the ckizens oF the Ciry of Anaheim; and 9. That no ono tndicated thelr preaence at said public hsarlnp I~ oppositlon; and that no correspondence was rocolvod in opposRion to the subJeat petftlon. ,~~ IF~, ORNIA E~IVIRQNMEN'JAL QUALI'1'Y AC'f,pINDING: That the Anaheim Cfry F'Iarming Cumm(ssion haa rovlewud the proposnl ta retaln 4 moblle medical trailer (MRI unit) with w~ives of minimum nuPnber cf parking spacea an an Irregularty-shaped per~col ot land consistin~ of approximetaly 11.2 acrea located at the northwest corner of Orango Avonue and 8each Baulevard, havir,g Approximate irontages of 945 teet on the north alde of Arenge Avenu~ ~nd 145 feet on tho west side of Beaah Boutevard, ~nd further dascribed as 3033 West Orenge Avenue; end does herc+by approve the NegatNs Docla~atian upon find(ng that tho daclar~tfon reAects the Indopendent judpament of the Iead agency and that It has , considered the Negatlve Declaratlon together with any comments recelved durlnq the pubiic revlew I process and tunher tinding on the basis of the inkial at~dy and any commenta r~celved th~+t there Is no 1 substantlal evidence that the proJect will have a slgnHicant eHect on the envlronment. ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOWED that the Anahelm Clry Plannin~ Commisston doea ~ iioreby grant subject Petftlon for ~anditional Use Porm(t, upon the tollowing condftlons which are hereby 1 found !o be a necessary prerequlsltG to the proposed usa of tha subjact property In order t~ presen~e ti~~a I sater~ and general woltare ot the C(tizens o4 the Ciry of Anaheim: 1. That subJect permit is granted tor a pariori of one (t) yoer irom the data oi this resolution provided, however, that the patltioner may request time extenstons or deietion of this time Ilmhetion in conJunctlon with a public hearing. 2. That subject property shall bs dev~loped subatantfally In accordance with plans and speclticatlons submitted to the City of Anahelm by the petftfoner and which plans are on flle ~Hith tNe Planning Department marked Rsvision No. t of E~chlbft Na. 1 and Exhlbit No. 2. 3. That approvel of thls applicatlon constitutes approval of the proposed request only to the ext~nt that ~ ft complles with the Anahoim Munlcfpal 2oning Code and any other appiicable Ciry, State and Federel ; repulatfons. Approval does not Include any actlon or tlndings as to compllance or approval ot the , ~~"_> request regerdlnp eny other npplicable ordinance, repulatlon or requfrement ~Y' BE iT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anahelm Clty Planning Commission does horeby tind and determfne that adoptlon oi th(s Resolutlon is exprassly pr~dfcated upon appllcanYs compllance wi'h each and all of the condklons herelnabovo set forth. Should any ~uch condkton, or any part thareof, be declared irnalid or unenforceable by the Mal ~udgment of any court of competent jurisdictton, then thls Resolutfon, and t~ny epprovals herein contained, shall be deemad null end vokl. .2. PC93-46 THE FOREOOING RESOLUTION wea Aprll i9, 1993. ~ammission maeting of CMAIqMAN ANAHEIM CITY PLANNINC~ ATTEST: ~/ S RETARY, A H CITY PWNNINC COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAFIEIM ) I, Janet L. Jensan, Secretary of the Anahoim Cky Plenning Commisston, do hereby certHy that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meettnp of the Anaheim Cfry Planninq CAmmisslon held on Aprll 19, 1993, by the following voty of the membere thereof: AYES: COMMI3SIdNERS: BOYDS7UN, CALDWELL, HENNINC3ER, h1AYER, ME33E, PERAZA, TAIT NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERB: NONE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I havo hareunto set my hand th(s ~~ day oi , 1993. S ETARY, ANAHEIM PLANNINQ COMMISSION .;., ~~ ~ ~ .g. PC93~48