Resolution-PC 93-48~ ~ ,~. ~ RESOL~RION N0. PC93a48 '~ i A RESOLUT~ON OF THE ANAHLIM CITY PLANNIN(3 COMMI3310N ~ THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL U8E PERMR N0. 3599 BE ORAfJTEO ~ WHEREAS, the Mahelm Cly Planning Commisslon dld rocelvA a verlfled Pptftfon tor ~ Condftlonnl Use Permit tor cortaln real propeRy sltuated In the City ot Anahetm, County of O~anye, Stnte of CalNomfa, d9scrlbed a8: PARCEL A: PARCELS 2, 3 AND 4 OF PARCEL M~41', A3 PER MAP FILED IN BOOK 37 PAdE 4b OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF TH~ CAUNTY RECORDER OF 3AID C~~UNTY. PARCEL B: PARCEL 3 OF FARCEL MAP, AS PER MAP FlL.~D IN BOOK 110 PAt3E3 48 AND A9 OF PAf~CEL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE GF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUN71'. PARCEL C: TH~-T PORTION OF LEANDRO SERRANO ALLOTMENT UF THE RANCMO 3ANTIAC30 DE SANTA ANA, AS 3HOWN ON THE MA{~ FILEQ IN CA3E N0. 1192 OF TH~ OISI'RICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUOICIAL 013YRICT FOR LOS ANOELES COUNTY, DE3CRIBED AS FOLLCW3: BE3INNINti AT THE CONMON CORNER OF 3ECf17N3 4, 3, 9 AND '~ IN TOWNSHIP 4 30UTH, FWNCiE ~ WEST~ SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIOIAN; RUNNINCi 7HENCE NORTH 0 DEQ. ~~ 45' VUFST AI.ONG TFIE 8ECTION UNE~ 748.8 FEET TO A POtf~(T IN THC CENTER OF RIVER5IDE ROAD, AS PAVEO BY QRANQE CCUNTY HI(3MNAY COMMIS810N; THENCE NORTH 88 OEd. 1~' ERST ALONQ THE CENTER OF SAID ROAO; 476.68 FEET; THENCE NORTH 29 OEt~. 2T WEBT 1070.20 F'CET TO AN OLO 8A& PIPE: THENCE NORTH 35 DECi. 50' EAST ALONQ A LINE OF d~JM STAMPS 332.80 PEET TO A POIN'f: TNENCE NORTH 6 DE(3. 53' WE3T ALONQ THE UNE OF AN OLO FENCE 446.80 FEET; THENCE NOfiTF172 DEf3. 47' EAST 2d8. 66 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEaINNINd OF THE PROPER7Y HEREINA!°TER OESCR~BEC~ RUNN{NQ THENCE NORTFi 16 OEG. 33' WEST 119.8 FEET; THENCE NORTH 80 DEG. Z8' EAST 645.8 FEET; THENCE NORTH 11 DEd. 28' WEST 428.7 FCET; THENCE NORTH 80 DECi. FAST 8t37.60 FHET; THENC~ 60UTH 0 DEf3. 22' FJ~ST 7~9.25 FEET TO A 21/2 iNCH IRON PIPE; THENCE SOUTH 77 UEO.Og' VIIEST 1128,~ FEE'T; TliENCE NORTH 18 OE3. 24• WE9T 2g8.85 FEET TO THE TRU~ AOINT OF BEdINNIN3. EXCEPT 7N~REFROM TF1E EASTERLY 449 FEET OF SAID PARCEL OF V~ND, SAID 449 ~EET eEINO MEA8URED AI.ONB TiiE 80UfHERLY LlNE OF SAtD pqpCEl. pNp TFIE WE8TERLY UNE OF 8AlD EASTERLY 44A FEET BEING p/~qqLIF.L, WIT?~1 TME E118TERLY UNE OF 3AID PMCEL OF UWO. q~gp p(CEPT THEAEFROM, THAT POATION OESCRIBED AS FOLIOWS: BEdINMNG AT THE SQUTHEAST~RLY Ct~RNER OF 8AID CERT+~IN PAFICEL OF WVp; TFIENCE ALONQ THE EALR'TERLY UNk C1F SAID CER?AIN PARCEL OF UWD NARTH 0 CEG. 42' 33' EAST, 30•74 FEET TO A UNE PARAL~EL VVITH ANO DIBTMfT NQRTHERLY 30 FEET, MEA8URED AT RIGHT Mt~GL~8. FAOM CR1781MS.wp .~. `.. ~' 'THE SOU7HERLY UNE OF 3AID CERTAItv PARCEL.OF IAND; THENCE ALONG BAID pqqALLEL LINE 80UTH 78 DE(~. 08' 09' WE87, 2Q~.22 FEET TO A POINT IN A NON- TANQENT CURVE, CONCAVE NORTHFAST~RLY, HAVING A RADIUS QF 1780 F'EET~ A RADIAL UNE OF SAID CURVE THROU(3H SAID POINT DEAAS SOllTH 85 DEO. 5p' 12' WEST; THENCE NORTHWE3TERLY ALON(3 SAID CURVE THROUdH AN ANaLE OF t DEt3. 15' 59", AN ARC DI3TANCE OF 38.90 FEET Tp A POINT IN SAID CURVE~ A RADIAI UNE OF 8AID CURV~ THROUC3H LAST MENTIONED POINT BEARS SOUTH H7 OEa. U8' 11' WE3T; THENCE ALONQ THE 30UTHYVESTERLY PROLON~A~ON OF LAST MENTIONED RADIAL UiUE SOUTFi 67 QEC3. 06' 11" Wg$T, 80 FEE7 TO A CURVE CONCENTRIC WITH A~!D ~I3TAfJt 30UTHWE3TERLY e0 FEET, MEASURE~ RADIALLY FROM TH/1T CERT/-IN CURVE HEREINABOVE DESCRIBED A3 HAVINQ p RADIUB QF 1780 FEET; THENCE 30UTHEA3TERLY ALON4 SAID CONCENTRIC CUAVE, CONCAV'E NORTH~113TERLY HAVIN(# A RADIUS OF 1840 FEET, Tf~ROUGH AN ANOLE OF 0 DEQ. 50' 54' AN ARC DISTANCE OF 27.24 FEET TO A POINT IN SAID CONCENTRIC CURVE, A FtA~IAL UNE OF SAID CONCEP(TRIC CURVE TNROUCiH LAST MENTIONED POINT BEARS gpUTH 88 DEd. 15' iT WEST, LAST MENT~7NED POIMf ALSO 9EIN(i A POINT IN A NON TANCiENT CURV~ CONCAVE SOUTHF.A-STERLY HAVIN(3 A RADIUS OF t030 FEET, A RADIAL UNE OF 1A37 MENTIONED NON TANQEN'f CURVE THAOUtiH LAST MENTIONED POINT BEARS NORTH 18 OEQ. 51' 38° WE3T; THFNCE SOUTHWE8TEFiLY ALONCi LA3T MENTIONED NON TAN(3E.+r CURVE, 7HROU(3H AN ANC3LE OF 8 DEC3. b1' 67' AN P.RC DI3'TANCE OF 159.38 FEEi TO 3AID SOIJTHERLY UNE OF SAID CERTAIN PARCEL OF IAND; THENCE AIONQ SAID SOUTHHRLY LlNE NORTM 78 DECi. 08' 09' EAST, 525.58 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEdINNINCi, A3 C3RANTED TO THE 3TATE OF CALIFORNIA. IN DEED RECORDED JULY 29, 1968 IN BOOK 8873 PACiE 353, OFFICIAL RECORD3. ALSO EXCEPT TH.4'T PORYION 7HEREOF LYI:VCi EASTERLY OF THE CEfVTERUNE RECORDED NOVEMB R~8~19m N 00 ~:i4 PAQ~ 847, OFFlCIAL RECORDSD PARCEL D: THAT PORTION OF THE LEANDFtO SERNANO ALLOTM~NT OF TH~: t~ OF THE 013TRICT C U OF THSC F~R3T~JUDICIA DISTRICT ORE OS ANQEl.ES COUNTY, DESCRI9ED AS FOLl.OW3: THAT PORTIt~N uF THAT CERTAIN PARCEL OF LANO CONVEYED TO LOUIS W. BUSHARD AND JOSEPHINE BUSHARO BY DEED RECOADED IN BOOK 578, PAOE 304 OF DEED~ !N THE OFFlCE AF THE COUNTY OF 3AID COUNTY~ AS ACAUIRE~ BY THE S'rA*': '-F CAUFORNIA BY DEED C2546, RECORDED IN BO~K 8668 PAQE 805, OFFlCIA+. ~ECORDS IN SAIO OFFlG~~ BOUNDEO SOUTHEASTERLY BY 7HE FOLLOWINQ DESCRIDEO UNE: BE3INNINa AT THE Mn3T WESTERLY CORN~R OF ?HAT CERTAtN PARCEL OF LAND ACX~UIRED BY THE 8A'TE OF CAUFORNIA BY DEEO 45517, RECORDEO IN gOOK 8673 PA~E 363 OF SIUD OFFIqAI RECOROS, SAIO CORNEH BEINd A POIPtT ON A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHER~Y AN~ HAVIf~t~ A RADIUS OF 1.030.00 FEET; THENCE SatJfHVVESTERLY ALON3 TME SOUTFIWESTERLY CONTIN~ATlON OF SIUD CURVE FROM A TANQENT BFJIRING NOFiTH 84 DEQ. 18' 36' WEBT. THE WES'TERLY UNE OF SAID PAfiCEl. AS ACOU~RED BY SAID DEEO C25d8T0 .2, POB3~48 ~ ~ ~ ~ WHEREA3, the Clry Planning Commission dld hoid a pubtlc haa~ina at th0 Clvic Center fi in the Clty of Aneheim on qprll 19, 19fl3 nt 1:30 p.m., notlce of said public hearinp having been duly piven ~ as required by law and In accordance whh the provielone of the Anaheim Munlcipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evldence tor and agatnst safd proposQd condkional use psrmit an~ to Invostl~ete end ~ meke tindings and recommendatians In connectlon therewfth; And ~ WHEREAS, aald Commlaslon, atter due Inspection, Irnestl~ation and atudy made by itaelt and In Its behali, and after due conslderation oi all vvldence and repoRa oNered at said hearinp, does tind and determina the following facis: 1. Thet ths proposod use Is prope~ly one for whfch a conditional uss permft Is arnhorized by Anaheim Municipa~ Code 3ectlons, and 18.44.050.t70 to expand an Axlstlnp hospital and medicat oHfce compiex In crcler to construct a 800 sq.R. maynQUc ~saonance imaging (MRI) focllity; 2. That the proposed hiRl (acnity ia a compllmoMery servtce to the exlating hospitai and medfCtll ONlCeB; 3. 7het the proposed use vrnl not edversely aHact the adJolninp land uses and the qrowth and development of tho area tn whlch h is proposed to be located; 4. That the proposed MRI iecttlty ts located out of public view irom both the nearby publtu s!reets and tha sinfll0-tamity residencea across Riverdalo Avenue; 5. That the sixe and ahaps of ths stie tor the proposad use Is adaquato to ~Ilow the fu1! development ot the proposod use In a manner not det~iment8l to the perttcuiar arna nor to the peace, health, saiety, ancl gener~t weltare; 8. That tha propoaQd MRI iacUiry is a permanerK structure on a permenent foundatlon; 7. That the treHtc gene~ated by the proposed use wqi not Impoae en unduo bu~ien upon the streets and hl~Mnrays des(9ned and improved to carry the tratlic In the area; 8. That the qrentlnp ot the conditlonal use purmh under th~ condittona Imposa! wpl not be dstrtmental to the puace, h~lth, setsty and yonerel welfero of tho cltltsns ot tha Ctry ot M~ahelm; and 9. That no one Indicated thutr pnaoanca at ssid public h~arlnQ In oppoaltbn; and that no correepondence waa recefvod In oppaRlon to the :ubject petitlon. CALlFORNIA ENVIRON[~ENt'AL ~UAUTY ACT FlNDINQ: Thet tho Mahoim City Planrlnp Commiasion hos -ov~ew~ad tha proposel to expnnd an extatfng hospitel and medical oNice complex in order to construct a 800 ~.h. mapn~tfc r~onance imapln~ (Mnl) tecllry on an Imoqularlyahaped pcrcel of land consiatlnq W epproxtrrately 9.2 acrea locatad et tha northweat corrwr ot Rhrerdele Av~nue and lskeview Avenue, hAVinq approximeto irontepes of 630 feet on the north skle d Rivordalo Av4nue end gQA f~at on tho woat sklo ot Lakaviow Avonua, and tuRhAr doscrlbed es 441 NoRh takevlew Avsnw; nnd does hareby approvQ thv Napatlvo Dedaratlon upon ttndin~ that th~ declaratbn rotlocta ths Ir~depondont judpomont ot the load eq~ncy an! thet h haa consfdered the NopntNe D~darstbn top~the- with amr comman4 necohred durinQ th~a publ~ reviavr procas= end fuRhor Br~1tn~ on the besl: of the (nRiel atudy end arry comme~ta roceived that thore b no wbstaMlal evidance thnt tho pro~oct wpl heve a fipnl~Cant oHoct on tho envtronmeM. •3- PC93~48 ~ ~ if ~ ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOWED that the Anahefm Ciry Planninp Commlaston dooe hereby grant subJect Petltlon tor Condftlonal Usa Permit, upon the tollowinp conditt~na which a-e hareby ~ found to be a necessary preraquiaRe to tho prQposed use of the subJect proaerty In order to preserve the i sa(ety and gene~ai welfare Qt the Citizens ot ?ho Clty oi Anahelm: t. That the e~xistfng unparmitted MRI t~ailer shall be remo~ied lmmedlately or a conditional use permit application shail be filad to retain sald use. 2. That tha patitfoner ahall consuit wlth the City Traffla and T~anspoitatfon Manaper tc develop an acceptabie perking plan or proSiram. A copy oi the epprovod plan ahall therea(ter be submitted to ti~e Zoniny Diviston. 3. That trash atarago areas ahalt be reiurbished to the satisiactlon of the Department oi Maintenance to comply wlth approved ptans on iite wkh safd DQpartment. 4. That a plan aheet for sui;d ~yaste atorage and collectfon, and a plan far recyclln~ sholl be submfKed to the Department oi Maintei:ance Tor revlew end approval. 5. That sub;sct property shall be developed subatantlally In accordance wlth ptena anc+ apecificattons submitted to the Ciry of Anaheim by the petitloner and whlch plans are on ~le wfth the Plannf~y Department marked Exhibft Nos. 1 throuflh 3. e. That prlor to iasuance of a bunding pertnit or wfthin a period of one (t) year irom the date of this resolutlon, whtchever occura ifrat, Conditlon Nos• 2~ 3 end 4, above-mentioned, sha11 be complled wlth. Extenslons for further tlme to complata sald condittons mxy be flranted in eccorciance with $ection /8.03.090 of the Anaheim Munlcipel Code• 7. That p-:or to flnal bunding and zoning Inspeotfons, CorxlRfon No. 5, above-moMlonod, ahcll bo complled whh. 8. 7hat approval ot thls a~pltcatton constltutes app~~l of the propooed request onty to the extern that It complles wtth the Analielm Munlclpal 2oning Ca1e and any other appticablo Ciry, State and Federal reguletions. Approval doos not Include amr actfon or flndln~s a~ to compliance or approval of the request reqarcling any other app~~~able ordlnance, reguletlon or ruqulrement. BE IT FURTFIER RESOLVED thet ths Anaheim ~Ity Ptannlnp Commlaslon dooa hereby fi.xf and determine thec ~doptwn ot thta Roadutton la uxpressly predtcated upon applicant's compllance with each and all M the condftions hereinabova s~t foRh. Should erry s h ~ondltlon, or any pert thereof, be declared trnalld or uneMorcoable by the 8na1 ~udymont o~ any of competeM ~u~tsdtct(on, then this ~esoiutlon, and any epprovals hvnln contalned, sha~~ be deem II and vold. THE FOREOOIN(3 RESOLUTIpN waa ado a tho lannl Commis~sfoi. moettnq of Aprfl 19, t993. • _ i ATTE8T: CFiETARY, ANAHE~ TY PLANNINCi CpMMISSION .,~~1t ~ .4- PC93~48 ~ STATE OF CAUFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANC3E ) ss• CITY OF ANAWEIM ) I, Janst L Jensan, Secratary of the Anah0lm Ciry Planning Commfssion, do hereby certKy that the toregoing resolutlon was pass¢d and adopted at a meeting of the Anahelm Ciry Planning Commission held on April 19, 1993, by the following vote of the membe~s thareof: AYES: COMMISSIONEHS: BOYDSTUN, CALDWELL, HENNIN(3ER, MAYER, ME38E, PERAZA, TAIT NOEB: COMMI8310NER3: NOME ABSENT, GOMNiISSI0NER3: NONE IN WITNES3 WFIEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand th(s ~'~ day of ~ ~,~ , 1993. ~/ I SION g ETA~Y, ANAHE TY ~UNNIN~ C~MM S -5-