Resolution-PC 93-5~ ~ A RESOLUf(ON OF 1'HE ANr1HEIM CITY PLANNIN(3 CdMMISSION THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMII' N0. 3576 BE f3RANTED WHEREA3, tha Anahetm City Planninp Commisslon d(d receive a varifled Pstftion tor CondRlontil Use Permk for aeRnin real propeKyr attuated In the Cfry of Anaholm, Coun4y of Orenge, State of CaINomFa, desc~ibad as: THE EA3T 160 FEET, MEA3UR~D FROM THE TtiJCiENT PORTIQN OF THE FJ13T UNH OF LOT 8g OF TRACT N0. 2517, IN THE CITY AF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF ORANQE, 3TATE OF CAIJFORNIA, A3 PER MAP RECOFIDED IN BOOK 133, PAQES 40 TO 42 INCLUSIVE OF MI3CELLAN~OUS MAPS, IN TH~ QFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF 3AID COUNTY. WHEREA3, the Ciry Planninp Comminslon clid hold a public hearlnp at th0 Clvlc CeMor in tha Ci1y o~ Anahoim on January 11, 1993 at 1:30 p.m., notice ot sald public hee~ing h~ving bean duly plven ea requlred by Imv and In accordance wkh the provislons of the Anahetm Munlcipal Code, Cheptar 18.03, to hear and conatder ~vldenae for and agelnat aaid proposed wndittonal usu permit end to Irnesti9ato and make ~Indinqs and recommendattona In connectlon thare~rlth; and WHEREAS, sald Commission, aRer due Inspection, (nvostiyatton nncf atudy mado by ReMt erxi In lus behafL end aRar due conalde-atlon ol atl evkienco and repoRS utfAred at saW hoerlnQ, dooa And end detortnine the followin~ tacta: 1. That the propoaed uae Is proporly onb for which a condklonal uee permit Is authorized by ~ Aneheim Mun~tpal Code Sectton 18.d4.O50.t35 to permk dNlsion of sn existing 3•unlt, 8,T94 sq.R. commarcial rotnq ceMer Imo 4 unks; ~ 2. Thet tha propoeed us~ is proporly one ior whtch a c~ndttional use parmh Is author(zed by the Zontnp Code; ~ 3, Thet the proposed uee wNl rwt adver~ely aNect the adJolnirp larnl uaea end tha gro~wth arxf devaiopmont of tha area in whlch h la propoeed to ba tocated becauee dlvtsion of one exlsting unR wpl not rosult M s~niflc~nt IMenslNcetlon a( commercial u~ of the property; 4. Thet tha alzo end shspe ot the a~e ior the propaod ute is adequeta to ellow ths hill I devalopment of thv propo~d use U e manner not dettfmAntat to thQ peniculer area nar to the poece, ; heaRh, ~etory, and floneral weltate; ~ b. That the traflic ponarated by the prop~aed t~e¢ wUl not Imposa an undtre burdsn upon tho I str~ets and hl~hway~ Oesipnod erut Improved to carty tt~e traHic In the area; ~ 8. Thet tha qranlinp ol the condftfonel u'e pam~R under the condhbns Impo~d wAI nc~t bo ~ ~~~`~ datrlmental to tho poecv, health, teiety end qorterai wellere d th~ cltixaris W the Clty d Anahetm; and $~ 7. Thet no or~ ~ndk~tod tho~ pro:enco sc ~efd puafc hasrinQ ~n oppoWtlon; and thet no correspondanco was rocohrod in oppo~Ition to the subJact potltion. ~~F9j~N1A El~MRONMENTAL ~UALIT~f ACT FlNOINQ: Tho Plennlnp Olrector or hfs euthorizod teprer~ntatlw has tlat~mitnod tt~t the propotod pro~ed Mit wlthin tM dellnltlon oP Cotopo-k:al Exomptlona, Gafs 1, sa dalln~d In tho State EIR dufdelinos antf b, tharafore. catopork~aly exempt Iran the r~qulremant to pnparo an ~IA. CRM1717MS.wp .~. PC60'6 4-~`+~ ~°b'`' NOW, TWFREFORE, BE IT RESOLV~D tt~at thA Anahelm Clty Planning Cammisslon doea hereby grant subJsct Petftton ior Conditlonal Use Permk, upon the iallowing condRlons which are hereby tound to be e necessary prerequiske to the prapos¢d use of the aubJect proporty In order to preserve the safaty and general welfare of the Citizens of the Ciry of Anaheim: 1. That within a perlod of ninsry (90) deys irom tha date ot this resolutlon, the pnrking ~at shall be rest-iped to entarno the substandarcf sized peirkln~ apaces and to Improve the sxlating poor vAhicuiar cl~culation patt¢m, to the satisiaction of the City TreHlc and T-anaporta:lon Msnager. If nacessary, 'ha petkioner shall obtein eppraval of an edmin(stretlve adjuatment or variance tor wahrar of the ralnimum numbor of requirad parking spaces. 2. Th~c the petltloner shel! submlt parking and landscaping plans to the Zoning Olvision for review end approval by the Planning Commisalon as a'RepoKa and Recommendatlons' Item. The epproved landscaping shall be planted and meinwined thereaRor. ~. That trash storage are9s $hall be returbished to the sattsfectlon oi the DepaKmern oi Malntanance to aomply wkh appruved plana on tfle w(th said depertment. 4. Thet the petltioner shall submk e letiar to the Zonlnp Divislon requestinp termination of Condklonal Use Permk No. 7S4 (permRting a senrice statlon at the IMersactlon of en arterlal highway erui e local atraet wilhin 1b0 teet of a re8ldentlat st-uctura in the R3•A-43,000 Zone wl-h walvers of requlred slte scroonlnp, maxlmum number of iroastanding siqna, ho1~M and Ixetlon of treeatendlnp sl~no, and minimum distsnco betwaen e ireeatanding alpn ar~d a roof eign) and Verienco No. 2444 (walvin~ maxlmum number ot ireestandlnp signs, minimum dfatence betweer+ireestanding slpns, and minlmum distancd boMreen e ireostanding al~n end ad~acent proporty ro permit a°saif serve' slgn). 5. That aub~ect propsrty shell ba developed subatentleliy In accorcJance wlth plana end epeciflcationb submltted to the Clty o( Anaheim by the petitloner and whlch plans are on Ble v+ith the Planntng Departmant ma~lced Exhibit Nos. t throuph 4. B. That prlor to Isauanca of a bullding permn or withln e period of on0 (1) year trom the data of thls resolutlon, whichevor occun 8ret, Co~dition Noe. 1, 2, 3, 4 arxl b, abov~montioned, ehall bo compllad with. ~xtenslona fw Tunher ti;ne to compl~te eaid condRl4na may be qraMed In acco+~ance wlth SeMlon 18.03.090 a~ the Anahelm Munfcipat Code. 7. Thet prlor to 8nal buNdinp end zaniny Inspoctlons, Cocxlition No. 4, ebov~momlonsd, shall be compllecl whh. 8. That apqrovel of this appl~atfon constkutes eppravel 01 tha proposed request oNy to tho extant that It compifas wNh tha Arwhe~m Munlcipel Zoning Code and arry cthar appltcablo Ciqr, 3tate end Faderel re~ulatlAns. Approval doos not (nclude any ection or findinpa as to camplionca or appraval ot the requast repa~dtnp any other appltcaWe ordinance, repuladon or requiremen~ BE IT FURTFIER RESO~VEO th.~t thA Anehalm Clqr Pianninp Commis4b~ doas hareby flnd ancf dotarmtne thet edoptlon of thla ReadWbn is expresely pred~cated upon appltcant's compllance wRh oach a~d all of tlw condklons hereinebwA aet toRh. ShouW arry euch co~dltlun. cx arry p0K thernot, be daclared IrnNkl or uneMaceable by the Mel judymOM of arry couR of compettent ~urlad~Mfon, then thls Resdutton, an6 ~ny app-ovals hereln contatn~l, ahall be deemed nutl and vold, <,.;~,'e. ,2. P~D3~b ~ ~ THE FOREf301NC3 RESOLUTION was January 11, 1993. ATTEST~ . ` SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PIAN INCi COMMIS310N Commiaslon meating oi . cmr 3TATE OF CAUFOFiNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANaE ) ss. CITY OF AfVAHEIM ) I, Edkh L Harrls, Secretary of the /lnaheim ~iry Planning Commloslon, do heroby ceKNy that th~ toregoing resdutlon was pasaed end adapted et a meeting of the Anahelm City Plann(ng Commisalon held on Ja~~usry 11. 1993, by the fdlowing vote ot the mombArs thersot: AYE3: COMMI3310NER3: BOYDSTUN, HENNINC3ER, MES3E, PERAiA, TAIT NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMi3SI0NERS: NONE VACANCY: TWO 3EATS IN WITNE38 WHEREOF, I hava hereunto a~t my hand this ~0~- dey of ~~~ U ~ 19Ei3. ~ ~~ _~_ r SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PIA NINO GJMMIS310N ,.~. ~~ ,3, PC93-5