Resolution-PC 93-51r'" RE50LU1'ION NO. PC93-~], A RESOUlTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLAtJNINCi COMMI3310N AMENDIN(3 CERTAIN CONDI710NS OF APPROVAL OF CONDITIONAL U3E PERMIT N0. 2744 WHEREA3, on Jenuary 8,198f3, the /lnahaim City Planninfl Commission epproved Conditlonql Usd Permit No. 274d far a pe~lod ot threa (3) yaan und9r Resdutlon No. PCb3~8 to reteln A reeldontlel trailer, and WHEREA$, the petRtoner has requAated daletlon or modHicetton ot Condklon No. 2 of Resdutlon No. PC88~6 peKatning to a 3-year time IlmRation f~r n resldeMlal trallar In conJunction wkh an exlattng reltgloua iacpity (Temple Both Emet) at 1770 Wosi Cerritoa Avonue; end WHEREA3, the City Plgnnin9 Commlealon did hdd a publlc heering at the CNic Centor In the C(ty of Aneheim on May t7, t993, at 1:30 p.m., notlce of aald publlc hearlny hevlnp baen duly qiver. es required by law and In accordance with the provlaiona ot the Aneheim Munlcipel Code, Chepter 18.03, to hear and conaidar evldence (or end apalnst seld proposed amendment and to Irnreetiflate and msko findinps and recommendnttons In connectlon therewlth; and WHEREA3, seld Commisalon, aRer due in9pectlon, Inveatlpatlon and study made by itaelf an~! In fte behalt, and a~er due conalderetlon of all avidence arxt repons offered at aald hearfng, dnea Ond end detennine the idtowln~ tacto: t. That Condftion P~o. 2 of RQSdtrtlon No. PC86~8 epecities that subJoct permft aFtell torminete in threo yeers on Januery g, t989; 2. Thet ~ wrMan reqt~t wat rosolvod to emend tho conditione of approvel to olther dol~to or modHy Condkbn No. 2, end thet e public hea~lnp waa duly achedulod; 3. ThM two concemod panwns spoke at thg publk hoarlnp and that no correar.ondence In ~`PPoaftlon wes recNved; a. 7ha: rolocetlon oi tha mobAohort~ woukf reduce Ns vlstbAiry to ~earby roaidantial propoRlos; arxf that landsceph~0lnttatled aton4 the block ~.mll ~separatlrp the moWlehomu irom ed~econt ros~idontlat propArttes would provfde turthor vfsua! ~creanUp: end 8. Thnt aald Wennlt, es condltfonod h~roln, b t'~ exorched in e mennor not d~trlmental to tho perticular area and tho wmoundiny Iand usos, nor to th~ puDl~ poece. hoalth, sefety and Qanerel wol(a-e. CA FORNIA E~MRONMENTAL R'lUAI.ITY ACLFINQ~: Th't tho Mahotm CRy Plannirp Commtsslon hs~ rovlowod tho proposel to modiy Condltbn No. 2 ot Rpsolutfon No. PCA6~6 and das hsroby fhid tliat tFw Nopativo Dedarellon provbu~ly approvod In conn~ctlon wRh CorrclMfc~rol Uu Potmk No. Z~4d Is ~doqusto to torvo e~ tM roquirod arnAronm~ntal documoMntbn in oor-noctlon whh thl~ roquo~t upon nndin~ u~at tha dec~aretlon nllocts cho Udepm+dort judp~monc ot cne ~oed eponcy and c~ac h hes corn~ldeted lf» Nop~tNo DeNeratbn top~thor wlth ~ny C~ommeMa recRMed Ourtnp tho publiC rwlow procas: and runhor nndrr~ «+ uu c~s a tno InRlel auay ara .ny comrr+or~ recow~d thn enoro ~ ra ~ub~tantld ovfdor~ce thnt th~ pro~tct w1q hav~ n sl~nMlcant off~Ct on tho ernlronrtkM. ,, ~.,_~~, CR 1 T04MS.wp •1 • PC9331 .a», a NOW, THEREFORE, 9F IT R~30WED that the Anaheim Cfty Plannlnp Commtaston doea hareby amend the condNlons of approval oi Rosolutlon No. PC88•8, In thelr entirety, to read es iollaxe: t. That subJect uae permit Is hereby epprovxd for a perlod ot tive (6) yaars, io exp~re on Januery 8, 1999. and, iurther, that the Plannlnq Commiasion edds the (ollowing new condltlons: 2. That wNhfn a period ot or.e (1) month irom the date of this resolution or pri4r to -elocation of the mobAehome, whichever occuro ti~st, the petltloner shalt $ubmlt plans tu the Plannlnp DepeKmeM tor review end approvel by th~ Planntng Commisalon as a'Roports eru! Aocommendatlona' ftom. Tho plens shell show the idtowinq: (~) The apec~ic relocatlon of the mobltehomg (to be placed so that nearby reaidents wpl nok aeo the mnirt pert ot the mobqehome end to be located no closor than ton [10] foet to sny ir~aMor ~roperty Iine); (b) Thn numbar ot perkinp epacos Impac~ed by the mobiletiome relocation (the Clty 7raNic and T~ansportatlon Manepar wUl revlAUV the propoaecl locatlon of the mobilehumc to verNy thet on- site parkinp and clrculation aro nat adv~nreely Impectod); and (c) The propoasd landacapinp alanp the blxk wall separattng ihA mobNehome irom ad~acent reaWeMia! propeRlas. Tho land~ape plan shell include the proposed methxf of Irtiqntlon, the ptant apocies, size, location and number c~i plaMa to provide en effectlve vfaual buflar alun~ the residentlal boundery. Fotlowln~ approva~ ot the Iandscapinp pian, safd landucap~np and the approprlate Irtlpation facAltlea ahetl be irstalied end thereafter malMalned In e neat end ordorty mannar. 3. That tlw approp~lato perk araf recreation Indi~u fee shall be paid to ttw Ciry of Anahelm In an amount es Aatebllahod by Clty CouncA resdutlon. a. That subJect propaRy ahell be davnloped aub~taMiely 1n ecvordanco wtth plans and spQCMlcatlona submiKod to Ihe Gty ut Mehoim by tho pethloner arxl whlch plan is on t~o wlth tha Pkmniny DepeRment maricad Rov(sbn No. 1 d ExMb~t No. t; includ~nfl the mafiHcatbna roqulred In ~~onnectbn wRh CondRlon No. t, abovo. 5. That CondRlon Noe. 3 end A, dbovo•mentloned, ~haU bQ completed wltMn a perfod ot Mro (2) rt~nths Iroon the cfAtA ol this resolutlon. e. That Apptovtl ot thfb eppllcatbn constltut~ 'OP~ a t~ P~~ ~~ ~Y t0 the extent that R complfes wlth tho Anaholm Munldpel Zon ? Cocla end a Mtwr opplkaDl~ Clty. 8tato and Fodor~t ropuletbn~. Approval ~oge not Mdude erry action or 0 as to com Isnco a a~ovel ot tM reque~t ropardirp any ottrer opplicaao ad~nanco, roy tlo or . THE FORECi01Na AE80WTION w~s at ! Pla np Ccmmlulon mootln0 0~ AAAy 17~ 14~3. ii.. _ ~Ai~.t'~ss~,t~ ATTEST: S ETNqY. I CITY PL/INN~Na ~'AMMISSION .2. PC~3~51 STATE 0~ CAUFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANQE ) as. CI1Y OF ANAHEIM ) I, Janet L Jonsen, Secrotay of the Anehefm City Planning Commission, do heroby c¢rtily . that the toropoing resol~dlon wes passed and adopted at a mebting nf the Anahelm Cly Plenning Commtsalon held on May t7, 1993, by the toilowing vote of the members thereot: AYES: COMMISSION~FIS: ~OYDSTUN, CALDWELL, HENNINaER, MAYER, ME3SE, PERAZA, TAIT NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABS~NT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE IN WITNE35 WHEREOF, I have hareunto aet my hand thfa ~~/~,, day nf ,_,_~ 1993. CRETARY, ANA CITY PLANNINC3 COMMIR810N ~ •'' ~, ~- P~3-61 ~ ~