Resolution-PC 93-52~ ~''~ ~ g~S[~ i IQN NO. PC93•52 ~ RESO~.UTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNIN(3 COMMISSION ~i APPROVINC3 MODIFICATION TO I CONpITIONAL U8E PERMIT N0. 3535 (REAQVERTISED) j WHERFAS, on September 9, 1992 the Anaheim City Planniny Commission epproved Conditlonel Use Permit No. 3535, to permit a 3,132•squere toot automotlve repair facllity with welver o( minimum number ot pe~king spacea on property located at the southwost comsr of Mireloma AvanuO and Jefferson Streec, ha+ing approximate frontages of 109 teat on the south side of M(raloma Avenue and 185 feet on the west aide of JeNerson 5treot and tuRher descr:bed as 1287 North JeNorson Street, Units A end C; and WHEREA$, the petitioner now requests approval to permit a 2,227 sq.ft. expanalon to the e~,c!sttng autnmotNe repair faciliry wRh wa~vAr of minlmum number of pa~king spaces; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Cummission did hold a public haarin~ st the Civlc Centor in the CRy of Aneheim on May 17, 1993 at 1:30 p.m., notic~ of said public hearinfl havinp been duly g~Yen as required by i~ and in ecaordance with the provislons cf the Anahefm Munic(pal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and conatder ovidence tor and against snid pro~~esed modf8catlon to CondNlonat Usa Permit No. 3535 and to frnestlnate anci make itndfngs and recommendattons In connectlon therewith; and WHEREAS, eaid Gommisaton, etter due InspACtion, Investipqtion nnd study made by Itself end (n its behatf, and aker due consideration of al avidance and rAports oHered at said hearing, does Md and determine the icllowtng tecta: 1. That the proposed use ta proporly cne tor which a condit~onal us~ permit la authorized by Anaheim Municipal Code 3~ctlon to pormlt a 2,227 aq.R. expansion to an existlnq 3,t;i2 sq.it• automotive repelr facpiry wKh waiver oi the toltowln~: Sectlona_ 806.050.0212 •~ Mlnim~m number of cerklna ~oecaa. 18~0$.050.0222 .(G~ requfrod; ,~1, oxiatinp and proposed) 1 @.06.050.031 1@.OB.S~ and _t e.81 A88.05Q 2, That the parkiny varlence will not cauae an Increase In traHic congeation In the Irr,medtate vfcin(ty nor advsnely efl'ect am- edjolninp lard uses, end thot tho Cfry TreNlc end Treneportetic~i Meneqer has determined thet odequate park~np 18 aveNable lor the total combined usea on subJect property; 3. Thet the ~rentfn~ cf tho perkU~ ~e~-nce under the conclltions impo~ed wNl not ba dotrlmontal to the peece, health, sn'ety or generel wc~fare ot ihd citlzens ~! the Clty of Anaheim; 4. That the Clty RYdovelopmaM Co:nmission hss ro~rlewed the Fropo~al enci d~tartnlned that it Is conslatent wllh tho curteM RedewlopmoM P~a~; 6. That tho p~posed uee wUl nd advenely aNect thA adJotninq lend uaes s~d the yrcrivth and d~velopment at tho aroe In which tt la propoaad to bo IncatAd becauae the proposed sutomotNe repeir busine~s fs compatible with Bxistir.q manutacturlnp ond etetaqe uaos in the aree; 1~ ~~ CR17'95A1S -1 • Pq3~52 e. That the size and shape of the site tor the proposed use is adoquate to allow the fuli development of the proposod use in a manner not detrimental to the particular area nor to the peace, health, sefety, and general woltare; 7. 'fhat the traHic penerated by tha proposed use will not impose an undue burden upon the streets and highways deslgned end Improved to carry the trafiic In the area; S. That the ~~anting oF the condltional use pennit under the condltions Imposed wlll nat be detrimental t~ the peace, hoalth, safety and general welfare of the citlzens of the Ciry oi Anahelm; and 9. That no one fnd(cated their prasence at said public hear(ng tn opposltlon; and that no correspondence was received In opposltiun to tho subject petitton. ~„A jFORhIA E'VIROhh"Ef~~3'PL~~ALITY P.~T' FINDINfi: That the Anaheim Clty Planning Commisalon has revtawed the proposal to expend tho prevlousiy-epproved suto repair faclliry and cloes hereby iind that the Negative Declaration previously approved In connectlon wlth ~onditlunal Use Permit No. 3535 fs adequate to serve as the required ernironmental documentation in connectlon witl~ thts requost upon finding thet the dealaratlon reBects the Independent judqoment of the lead agency and that It has considered the NegaHve Declaration together wlth any comments recefved durinp the pubilc review ~ process and turther tindtng on tho basla of the initial study end any comments recetved that there la no ~ substantlal evldence that the project wNl have e signiticant eHect on the ernlronment. NOW, THEREFORE, EiE IT RESnLVED that the Anahoim Ciry Planning Cammisalon doea hereby grant aubJect modliication to Conditlone~ Uae Permit No. 3535, upon the toltowinq condltfons which are tiereby found to be a necessary prerequ(sfte to tho proposed use oi tho subJect proparty In ordsr to preaerve the saiety and Qsneral welfars of the Cklzens of the Clty of Anahetm: ~ F t. That no ovemiqht storaqe or repalr oi vehicles ahall be permitted outnide the bultding. 2. That tresh storage areas shall bo provided and malntained In a Iocation acceptable to the O~pertrnent ot Malntenance and In eccordance wRh approved plans an tile wlth sald Depertmont. Such Informetidn shall be speciticaily shown on tha plens aubmlKed for buildfng permits. 3. That a plen sheet ior aolid waste storaqe and coltection, and e plan for recycling ahall be submkted to the DepeKment of Meintenanae tor revlew and eppcoval. 4. That prior t~ the hendllnp of arry hazarclous materlals, the petRloner ehal! obtaln all noceasary Gity ~ire Depanment pormtt~. 5. That aub~ect proporty ahail bA doveloped aubntantlally In accordan~e with ptans and apeclifcationa aubmitted to the City o! A~~aholm by tho petit(oner end wh(ch plans are on file with the Plannlnp Departmont marked Revlslon No. 1 ot ExhibK Noa. 1 and 2. 6. That prior to Isauance ~ s bu0dlnp psrmit, or prfor to commoncement ot the activiry hercin approved, or wfthin a period of one (t) yeor from the dete ot thia roa~lutlon, whtchever occuro Iiret, Condition Noa. 2 and ~, ebove-moMloned, shall be compited wfth F.~ctonslona for fuRher tfine to complete:aid conditlona may be flrented In eccorcfance wfth Sectlon 18.03.090 ot the Aneheim Munlclpol Code. 7. That prlor to Mal bulicl(n~ and zoninp tnapect(ona, Corxllt~on No. 5, abovo-~nentlonpd, shall bs complled wlth. .2. PC93-52 ;~ •` "r.' ~r f _, ,-y .~ e. 7hat approval of this applicaNon constitutes approval of tho proposed request only to the extent that It complies with the Anaheim Municipal Zonfn~ Code and any other apptlcable Clry, Stato and Federa{ regulAtlona. Approval dues not Include any actlon or flndfngs as to compllance or approvel of the request reperding any other applicable ordinance, regulatlon or requlrement. BE IT FIiRTHER RESOWED that ttie Analiafm Ciry Planning Commisslon does hereby ilnd and detarmine that adoptfon of thls Resolutlon Is expressly pred(cAted upon eppllcanYs cumpllance wlth each and all of the conditlans hdre!nabove set forth. Should an such conditfon, ar any part thereoi, be declared Invelid or unenfprceabl~ by the tinal Judgment af ~ny~ourt of competent Jurladictlon, ihan thia Resotutlon, .tnd any approvals hereln contalned, shall be de~fie~l null and v9id. May 17, 1993. THE FORE(301NG RESOLUTION wAa ad~SreSA at Commission meeting of CHAIRMAN ATTEST: RETARY, ANA CfTY PLANNINQ COMMI3SION Pl.~1NNl STATE OF CAUFORNIA ) COUPJTY OF ORANQE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Janat L Jonsen, Secretary of the Anaheim City Plann(nfl Commisstan, do heroby certHy that the torego(ng resdutlon was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anahelm Cfty Planning Commission held on May 17, 1993, by the iollowtng vote ot tho members thereot: AYE3: COM~113310yERS: BOYD3TUN, CALDWEII, HENNINCiER, MAYER, ME8SE, PERA7A, TAIT NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONF ABSENT: COMMISSIONER$: NONE IN WITNES8 WHEREOF, { have hereunto set my hand this 1~~ day oi C _d,~,;~,~- _, 1993. / S CTARY, ANAHEIM PLANNING COMMISSION `,~, ~,,~ ~~ ~3- PC93•52 ' ~ l ~ ~