Resolution-PC 93-53!"'' , A RESOLUTION O~ THE NNAWEIM CI7Y PLANNING COMMISSION AMENDING CERTAIN CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 3498 WHEREAS, on April 6, 1992 the Anaholm City Planning Commlaelon gmntad CondRlonel Uae Permit No. 3498, to retein an automoblie r~p~ir service with waiver of minimum number of parlcing spaces under Resolutfon No. PC92-44 for a pericxi nf one year on property located at the southeast corner of Anaheim Boulevard and Santa Ana Street, having approximate irontages of i50 Teet on tho east side of Anaheim Boulevard and 320 ieet on the south alde of Santa Ana Street and turther descrlbed as 500 South Anaheim Boulevard; and WHEREAS, the petittoner has requested deletion or modNicatfon of Conditlon No. 1 of Resolutlon No. PC92-44 portalning to a 1-year timo Iimftation with poss(bte extenslons tor aubJect automobile repalr taclliry; and WHEREAS, the Ciry Planning Commisslan dld hold a pubilc hearing at tha Civlc Center In the Clty of Anaheim on May 17, tp93, at 1:30 p.m., nottce of satd public hearing having been duly given as requirad by law and In accordanco with the prnvlslona of the Anaheim Munlcipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and considet evidence for and agalnst said propos9d amendmdnt and to Investfgeta end make findings and recommendations in connect(on therew(th; and WHEREAS, sald Commission, aRer due Inspectfon, inveatlgatfon and study made by itsolf aiid in its behalf, and eiter due consideretlon of all evidenco an~ repoRs oifere~ at said hearing, does tlnd and determine the tollowing facts: 1. That Candltfon No. 1 ot f~esolutlon No. PC92-44, grantod on April 6, 1892, specNles that subject uso permft shall oxpiro one year aker approval on Aprll 6, 1993 end that a timd extensfon may be requested In connectlo~ wkh a publfc hearing; 2. 7hnt no ono tndicated thelr presance at the publfc hnering In oppositlon end no correspondence was receNed; 3. That Coda Eniprcement staff has Inspected the business prem(ses and tound no vlolatlons although thore wAre some minor vlolotiona elsewhero on the properry, conslsttn~ of inoperablo vehtclea and possible Fire Code vioiattons, which muat be reaolved; and 4. That said permft is being exercised in e manner not detrimental to the peRiculsr area and the surrounding land uses, nor to the puollc peace, health, setety and peneral weliare and thet the modfi(catfon of the time Ilmitotfon ts approprfate to permft reasonable operatlon of the praviously approved facllity. r`,ei iFORNIA ENVIRONMEfVTAL O~iAL~TY ACT FINDINCi: That the Anahetm City Planninp Commissfon has revlawed the -equest to delete or emond Condltton No. 1 of Resotutfon No. PC92-44 and doo4 hereby ftnd that the Neyativ~ Decipretion prevlously epproved in connec~lon with Conditlonel Use Parmit No. 3498 is adequata to serve as the requfred ern(ronmental documentatian In connection wlth thla request upon flnding that the declaratlon reflects tho Independent judgement oi the lead agency and that it haa conaldored tho NeAative Declaratlon toqether w(th eny commenta recetved durfnp the public revlew process and fuAher Rndfng on the beals of the Inftfal etudy and eny commonts r~-ceived that tltere tg no substantfal ev(denco that ihe proJect wlll have a signff(cant eNect on the ornfronment. ~~~, CR1798MS.wp -1- PCfl3-5C+ ~r. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that thq Anahoim City Planning Commfsslon does hereby amend Conditlon No. t of Resolution No. PCfl2-44 to read as tollows: "1. That aubJect use permit shall axplre on De mber 31, 1994; provided, however, ti~at time extnnslons may bo requested in co ec n with a public hearing." THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was adopted e tannl g C mission meoting ot May 17, 1993. ~ CHAIRMAN, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNIN~OMMISSION ATTEST: R[TAR'f, AN CITY PLANNINf3 COMMISSION S7ATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Janet L Jensen, SRCretary of the Anahelm Cfty Piannfng Commissfon, do hereby cartlfy that tho foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Plenning Commisalon held on May 17, 1993, by the followfnp vote oE the members thereoi: AYES: ~OMMISSIONERS: BOYDSTUN, CALDWELL, HENNINQER, MAYER, MESSE, PERAZA, TAIT NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this~ day of , t J93. 11/7L n ° " S ETARY, ANAfiEI TY PLANNING COMMI3SION •2- PC93•53