Resolution-PC 93-60RESOLUTION NO. PC 93-60
WNEREAS, on April 29, 1986, Cfty Council of the City of {~naiieim adopted Ordinanoe No.
4709 to establish unifarm procedures for tho adontion and implementation of SpecHic Plans for the
coordination of future development within !he City, and "Zaning and Development Standarcls" where the
Speciflc Plan includes z~ning regulatfons and development standarda to be substftutod fAr existing zonfng
under the Zoning Code which shall be adopted by ordinance Indepdndont af the rest of the Speciflc Plan;
WHEREAS, pursuant to Ch~pter 18.93 of the Anahefm Municipal Code, The Wait Disney
Company submitted an applicatlon dated Octobor 30, 1992, for City consideratlon ofi adoptlon of The
Disneyland Resort 5pecific Plan No. J2•1 (fncluding Zoning and Development Standarda, a Desfgn Plan and
Guidelines, and a Pubiic Facilities Plan) for the portlon af the proJect area owned by The W~It Disney
Company and a request dated October 30, 1992, as amended March 15, 1993, that tha Planning
Commfssion initinte Specific Plan No. 92-1 for the portlons oi the ptoject area not awned by The Walt Disnoy
Company; and
WHEREAS, on March 22, 19~3, the Planning Commissfon by Resolutlon No. PC9a-39
in(tfated Spacific Plan No. 92-1 for the portions of the proJect area not uruler the ownership nf The Walt
Disney Company; and
WHEREAS, The Disnoyland Resort Sper,ific Plan No. 92-1 (marked Exhibit A and on ille fn
th9 Planning Department) has been proposed to provide for thA development of an international multi•day
vacation destination resort Including the constructlon of the D(sneyland Admfnlatration Building (a 475,000-
square foot bulldfng with an accompanying parkin~ facility con•alning 2,300 spaces); constructlon of tFie
WESTGOT Center fncluding the WE5TCOT theme park (with up to 3.35 mlllfon square teet of development
including attractfons, pavillons, an amphithoater, rostaurants, retall, and potentlaliy somo hotel development),
hotels (up to a maximum of 4,600 new rooms, plus 1000 rooms remaining in the existing Disneyland Hotei
which wfll underpo extensive renovation); up to 420,000 square ioet at moetfng s, .~e and retail/restaurant ~
space, and accommodation of 9,360 new parking apaces, with provislon for up to t,00U rooms to be located
within the WESTCOT theme park), entertainment areas, interr~al transpartstton systems and two public
parking facllftles containtng A maximum of approximately 34,300 spaces; and designatfon of an area tor ~
future expansion to possibly Include a third ~ated theme park (analyzed with up to 1,250,000 squsre feet I
of buildinp area and parkin9 tecilities contafning 8,7Q0 parking spaces). Ongoing fnternal modllications and
renovation of the existing Disneyland theme park and Disnoyland Hotel will continue as part of the ~
p(sneyland Hesort. Aiso proposed is the establishment of ths C•R Overlay whfch would pertain to j
approximateiy 140 acres and would permit property in t!~e Ovoriay to be developed with land uses consistent ,
with the developmont arogram and standards for the unde~lylnfl ResoK District or be governed by the same
land uses (f.e., permitted and conditionally permftted uses, etc.) as the GR (Comma-cial Hecreatfon) Zone
as set torth in Chapter 18.48 aF the Anaheim Munfcipal Code. As described In EIR No. 311, the proposed
Froject alsu i~cludes the demolit(on and removal of sorne existing tacilitfes as well as property acqulsftion ;
fo~ (mploment~-tion of the oH•site Inirastructure fmprovements; and ,
WHEREAS, the zonfng and devalopment standards contained fn The Disneyland Rasort ~
S~.~ecffic Plan docurnent (Section 7.0) sot foKh minimum standards and pracedures for the development of !
therre parks and related usc~s as provided for in Chapter 18.y3 of the Anahelm Municfpal Coc1e; end ~
. ~
WHEr~EAS, The D~sneyland Resort proJect area enoompasses approximatoly 546 acres, plus i
appmximately 11 acres oi right-of-way improvements generally located wfthln the Cfty of Anahoim's ~~
Commorciai Recreation Area adJacent to and soutliwost of the Santa Ana Freeway (I-5) and accessible irom 4
Harbor Boul~rard, Ball Road, Freedman Way, Katella Avenue, West Street, Orang~ ~~od Aven~o, Hastar ~
Street and Walnut Street, more particularly described in Attachment A of this resalution; and I
WHEREAS, tho Planning DepaRment deemed ft approprlate, pursuant to the provis(ons of
the California Environment~l t~uality Act, to prepare Environm9ntal Impact Report No, 311; and
WMEREAS, the Anahelm City Planning Commission dfd hold a public hearfnq at The Inn at
the Park Hotol, 1855 Soutti Harbor Boulevard, Anahoim, Califomla on Aprll 28, 1993, at 1:3Q p.m., notlce of
said publla hearing having besn duly given as required by Iaw and In accordance wlth the provislons of thd
Anahelm Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evldenca ~or and against sald praposod
Disndyland Resort Specific Plan No. 92•1 (including Zoning and Qevelopment Standards, a Design Plan and
Gufdelines, and a Public Facilitfes Plan), in connectlon with Envlronmental Impact Report No. 311, General
Plan Amondment No. 331 ~nd the Anahelm Commerclal Recraation Area Height Standard Ordinance and
to investigate and make findings and recoR~ ~endatluns In connection th~rewfth; and safd public hearing was
closed at tho meeting on April 28, 199a, and the matter contfnued ta Aprll 29, 1993 and May 19, 1993; and
WHEREAS, the Commisslon, after due inspectlon, Investfgation ~nd study mado by Itself
and in its behalf, and after due cons(de~atl~n of all evidenco end reports nHerecf at safd hearlnp, DOES
1, That as authorfzed In Chapter 18.93 of Title 18 of the Anahelm Municipal Ccde, a
Speclllc Plan may provida for a diHerent set ot Zonfng and Development standards as part of the Specitlc
Plan text In Ifeu of existing zoning end development atandards. These standards shall bo patterned after
the zone dlstrlcts found In Cha~ter 18 of the Cfry of Anahelm Municipal Zaning Code and contaln the same
categories of standerds and regulat(ons as th~ underlyln~ zone district either ~y Incorporation by reierenco
of ex(sting sections, or by whale text. The Specific Plan Zoning :~d Development Standards shall, upon
adapt(on by ordinance, supersede any zoning previously established for that area.
2. 7hat the Zoning and Gevelopment standarcls are praposed in Sectfan 7.0 ~f the
Specific Plan document (Exhibft A), together with the errata corrections set tortli In the May 19, 1993, staff
roport to the Planning Commlasfon, and whfch atandarda and regulations s~t forth minimum standards and
pr~cedures for tho developmRnt within four Districta (Theme Park, Hotel, Park(ng and Future Expansion) and
the C•R Ovarlay.
3. Thet the Zoning and Development standards Include all appllcable zonin3 atflndards
tor'fhe Disneyland Resort. Any appllcable zoning ch~pter In the Ciry Zoning Code (Title 18) whl~h Is not
(ncluded ar amended as part of The Dfsneyland ResoK Zoninp and Development Standards, howeve•, would
Ppply to this proJect. Violatlons of tt~e Spec((ic Plan Zoning and Developmont Standards shall carry the
same penalties and shall be eniorceobie in the same manner as other violatfons of tho Zoning Code.
4. That uniess otherwfse provided In the 3pecHfc Plan, adoptlon nf a Speclflc Plan shall
have no elfect upon other requlremerts under State law or the Municfpal Codo for development appro~~al
Including, aut not Iimfted to, sub; ~sfon maps, grading and design, engineering and location oi public
5. Th~it the project applicant's explanatfon to suppon the request tor the prop~sed
Zonfng and Development Standerds tor The Disneyland Rasort devalopment has been incorporated Into th9
SpecNfc Pl~n document as Soction 8.0.
.2. PC93•60
5. That tMe deveiopment associated with The Disneyland Resort wll' ba In accordAnce
with the pro~.~islons of tiie Specific Plan.
7. That the &pecific Plan Is consistent with thA goals and pollcies of the General Plsn,
as proposed for amendment pursuant to GenerAl Plan Amenciment No. 331, and with the purpooes,
standards and lanri use guldelines contalned therein.
8. That the Specffic Plan text (Section 6.0 nf tha Speciflc Plan document, Exhibk A)
Includes a discusslon of the proJact's consistency with the Ciry Gf ~4iiahelm's 3ene~l Plan applicable goals,
objectives and policle~s.
9. That the Planning Commis~lon Is recornmending Gertfilcatfon of Environmsntal
Impact Report No. ;?11 and adoptlon of a Statement af Findings ~nd Facts and a Staternent of Overriding
Cons(deratlona ("Statement") Rs st~ted In Plannfn~ Commissior~ Resolutlon No. PC 93•50, a~iopteci in
connection with Genaral Plan Amendrnont No. 331, which Statemert Is applicable to SpecHlc Pian No. 82-1
Zoning ~nd Development Standards and incorparated herein.
10. That the Planning Commission adopted certaln findings (n Planning Commisslon
Resoiution No. PC 93-59 In conner,tion with the adoptlan of the Specific Plan No. 92•t which fln~ings Ere
appllcAble to Specific Plan No. 92-1 Zaning ard aevelopment Standards snd are Incorporated hereln.
NOW, THEREFORE, 6t IT RESOI.VEO that the Anaheim City Planning Commission, havin~
considered tho proJec' r,finemants and the ovidence presented during the public hearing process, do~~s
hereby recommend tha...;e Ciry Councll, by resolutlan and oidinarsce, adopt The D(sneyland ResoK Specific
Plan No. 92-1 Zoning ~nd Developmont Standerds es set fonh below:
CHAP'fER 18.78.
SPECIFIC PLAN N0. 92•1 (SP92•1)
18.78.030 DEFINITIONS.
AREA i).
ARCAS 3A At'~ 3B).
18.78.100 C-R OVERIAY.
.3. PC93di0
,, i ~~
.010 Purpose.'fhe regulations set forth in this Cl~apter have been establisho~ to
provide for orderly development of, and upon adoptlon of an ordinance reclassifying said prope!ty to SP
92-1 (the 'Zone'), shell bv applicable to that certaln property (hereinafter referred to as the 'Specific Plan
area') describod in that 5pecific Plan No. 92-1 document (herelnafter referred to as the 'Spe~fflc Plan')
marked 'Exhibit A' and on file In the Office of the Clry Clerk approved by the Ciry Councll on , as
the sa~ne may be herelnaker amended.
.02p Int~nt. The Disneyland Resort SpecNic Plan Zone rocognizes the uniqueness of
the Commorcial Recreation Area as a family-orler~ted tourist center dAStination and provldes for the
development of an urban destinatlon resart that features •~theme park attract(nns, hotel/mot~!s,
restaurants, shopping opportun-ties and parkirig fac:llities ~d!rectiy reiated to otitnrtaining, lod~ing and
supplyfng servlces to tourists and visitors consistent witFi the (ntent, purpose and goals of the Ciiy's
Genoral Plan.
Thfs Zrne Is funher Intended ta enhanc~, cnmmunity appearance; to protect
public Investment in, and the character of, publtc thoroughFares; a~id, to aid In the attraction of tourists
and othor visitors important to the economy of the City.
Applicatlon of these regulatlons fs specitically Intende~ to provido for the most
approprfate use of the tand, create a hermonious relationship among Iand uset; and protoct the hoalth,
safety and welfare of the community.
.030 Qrgantzatior~, Ir accordxnco with the provistons of Chapter 18,S3 of the
Anaheim Municipal Cade entitled "SPECIFIC PLANS," the standards herein are patterned aitar the zone
dfstricts and deiinitions cr ntained In Title 18, "ZONING," oF the Anahelm Municipal Cade.
18.78.020 GGNERAL PROVI810N8.
.010 Compl(ance With Dfsnsyland Fesort SpecNic Ptan Code. All use~ and
development in this Zone shail comply with any applicable provislons of the Code expresaly referred to
in this Chapt9r, including, unloss specffically amended horefn, the provisions of Chapters 18.01 entftled
this Code; provid~d, however, that in the event of eny conqfct or inconsistency betw0en any provision
contalned in any oth~r Chapter of this Ccxle and any pr~vf3lon contalned fn thls Chapter, the provisfon
contained fn thls Chapter shail govem and apply. All Englnosr;ng Standerds referrad to In this Chapter
are on iile In tho Oftice of the City Engineer and are incorporated herein by roterence as B fully sei fonh ~
In thls Chapter. Whore the provfsfons of this Zone do not discuss a speciffc conditlon or sftuatlan which i
artses, the nonconAictfng provislons of the Anahelm Munlcipal Cocle ahall apply. ;
.020 Dianeyland Resort Design Plan. The site development standards set farth in ' ~'a~•.
Sections 18.78.050 through 18.78.110 at this Chapter have boen adoptod to operate in conJunctlon with I ~'`"~
the Design Plan for The Disneyland Resott Specllic Pian Identf~ed In Sectlon 5.0 of the SpecHic Plsn ~
document (hereinaker refened to in this Chapter as the 'Design Plan') as the same may be herefnaker
amended in accordence with the Speciflc Plan emendment procedures set iorth in Chapter 18.:. entitled ~
"SPECIFIC PIANS" of the Anaheim Munfcipal Code. Said Dlsneyland Hesort Dosign Plan (s inc~rporated
hereln hy thf~ ~~terence as if fully set forth in thfs Chapter. PJI development otherwfse permitted by thfs ~
Cha~,~er shall compiy witFi any applicabie provisions of the Design Plan.
.030 Comp!ionce with CRy of Aneheim Codos. Aii grading and suadivisfon plans
shall comply wfth all ;~,pl(cabte regulatlons and be rovfewed and processed in accordance with tha
procedures contained in Titie 17 "IAND DEVELOPMENT AND RESOURCES" of the Anahelm Municipal
.q. PC93~60
Code. All constructlon shall comply wfth the provistons of the Uniform BuAdinp Code and oppilcabla ~
sections of T~le 15 "BUILDINd AND HOUSINCi" of the Anahefm Munictpal Code. Construation within y
any District may commencR only aner the Planntnp Director Mds that the construction proposal Is In
substantia{ compilAnce wlth these rdyulatlons, applicable policies and guidetfnes of The Dlsneyland r
ResoR Specfltc Plan. With the exceptlon of exemptions provided in Sectlon, the '
issuance of ~~ildinq pemtlts may only accur after Final Slte Plan epproval has been obteinRd irom the i
City of Anahefm, subJect to the procedures set torth in 18.7b.040.020 ent~led 'FlNAL 317E PLAN i
APPROVAL" of this Chapter. ~
.040 Dtstrict Boundarlo~. The Specmc Pten araa Is dlvidod fMo !our tand use
Distrtcts (the 'Dist~lcts'): ThemA Perk O(strict, Parkinfl Oiat-ict, Notel Dtstrict end FuturO Expans(on
Oistrict. The SpecHic Plan erea and D(strlct boundarfes are Idontl0ed on Exhlbh 3.3b erKkled
'Developmont Pian' of the Specitic Plan documeni. The proJect erea legal desc~lption Is provided fn
Section 9.0 of the Specitfc Plan documenG Modflicatlons to tho cantiguretion end size of the Dlatrict
boundaries may result (rom technical reftnementa erxl sfte conditluna in the subdivislon and/or Ftnal 81ta
Plan procesa, and may be modi0ed Ir accordancQ wtth the procedures sot toRh in Sectlon
enthlad `FINAL 31TE PLAN APPROVAL' of this ~hepter, without amendment to the SpecNtc Plan.
Procise District boundaries ahall bo estabiished, es herefnaRer provkied, by the subrnittal, revtew end
approvat ot subdNislon meps In con~unctlon wlth the subdlvlsion proceas ae set foRh In Chapter 17.08,
'SUBOIVISION3,' and Title t8, •ZONING,' ot the Anahotm Munlcipel Code end/or •FlNAL SITE
PLANS" In accordance uvhh Sectfon t8.78.040.020 eMidecl 'FlNAL SITE PLAN APPROVAL' oi this
ChoptPr. The Zoninp Map of the Ciqr shall reNect the boundarles of the Otatrict as do(fned In con~unctfon
with the recordatlon of aubdivlslon maps or approval oi Flnat 3ite Plana If no tubdivlsion la Irndvad.
.060 Nonconforminp 3tru~turos and Usos.
1. The provlslona of Sectlon 18.02.Ob8 ont~led •NONCONFORMIN(i STAUCTURES
AND USES~ENERAL" of the Anahelm Munlcipal Codo, shall apply to this zone.
2. The provisions ot Suction AMRIed 'LEaAL NONCONFORMIN(i
810N8-0ENERAL' d thte Che~ter ~hatl apply to nonconforminq sipna.
3. The tlte developmant standard~ In Sectton ernktud
'lAND8CAPINa" fn thit cheptor ehall apply to ail landacap;r;, herelnaRer
Imtalied or modi0ed, end to atl landscape on any lot or parc~i containinp a
buAding hereinaRQr ttructur~tly modNled to en extert exceAdin~ foRy-tlva
pe~cent (a5~) oI tht groas 8oor area of said ~xta~inp buAding wlthln arry
twayear parlod.
4. T1re slt~ devolopmant standa~d~ fn tMs Chaptor shalt apply to tho st~uctural
oxpenslon portion ot wory b~Adirq harNrmhor ~xpanded.
6. CoMtnue~t/lyo~n o1 buidin~f srid ~ucturo: mado nonconbrminp by reclassMkatbn
IO th~ g~oL~~ ZOnO.
~. B~Mdin~s ar~d otructuros In 1!w Ttwrtw Park Di~Mct Qxistinp un ttw ;
oHetth-o dato d the otdtnanco adoptinq thlt ChepWr. indudfny tht ~
monoraA =upport awctures, locatod withln 50 feet ot tFa rf~M~ot-way of ~
IMe~steto B and Narbor Boulavard botwoen ~ntorotato 6 ond e poiM Nvo ~
hundrod (500) toot touth d ~he frnersocthn ol Herbor Boulovard snd
Manc:h`ttor Avenw: stnictures on Ball Road snd on West !
Street/Ditrnylend Otlv~. '
b. BuMdin~s and ~tn~cturos In the HotAI Olttrlct ud~tlnq on the Ntoctlv~ i
daco a c-w ord~nonco ~dopctno cM~ cnaptor, ~ocac~d vultn~n tn.y (~.~o) toQc
.~. PC90~0 t
1~ 'f
ot the right•ot-way of Walnut Stroet betwsen Cerrltoa Avenue end tho
existing Southem Californfa Corridar.
c. It those st~uctu+es aro destroyed, they may bo restored and tho
occupancy or use of such bulldi~p or part thereot whlch exist~d at the
time of such destructian may :~ continued sub;¢ct to aA other
provisfons of thfs Chapter. Tha above Ilsted structures are shown In
Exhibft 3 ontNlecl 'Existinp Structures to Rematn' of thA SpeciBc Plan
d. Relocation of the monoreli ahown on Exhibft 3 entkl¢:.' 'Extsting
Structures to Remain' of the SpecKlc Plan doaument can occur subject
to the approval of the City Enflineer.
.080 Zoninp Codo. Any retere~ice to tho zonfnp code made In this Chapter shall
mean Title 18 of the Anahetm Munlcipal Code.
070 Tonns. Terms used in thts Chapter shalt hava the same ~ef(nitions as provided
In :he Anaheim Municipal Code unl~ss othervvfse deRned in Section 18.78.030 ent(Ued 'DCFINITIONS."
.080 Ganorel Pisn Conslttancy. In adnpting Resdut(an approvinp and
adoptinp the 8pectflc Plan, the Cfty Councll ~f the Ciry of Anahelm made cortain fincJin~s ~f conslstency
between the Qeneral Pian of the Cfty and the 3pecHia Plan. In fl~antinq tuture approvals as contemplated
by thls Chapter ancl by the SpecHic Plan, the partlcular p9rson or body so act!np shall not do ao In such
a manner as to obrogato or nullHy those 8ndings.
18.78.030 DE~I~~ITIONS.
For the purposos ot thts Chapter, tho followinp terms, phreses, words end thefr
darivations shall have the moenlnQ ~Nan heretn. Th9 word 'e~r/in$th s Cy~P ~Atory ancf not merely
dfrectory. Worda used only once are d~ifned where they appea
1. Accatory Udo, Pornftted. A Permiaed Acceeaory Use la a use which t~
considerod to be competible wRh a PannlKed P~Imery Use whAe also beinp
clcarly InctdeMa! to and inteflrated with the Permmed P~imery Uae. A Permitted
Accossory Use la permitted es of rlqht, provided that the aQeciflc propooal for
such e use contonna to all requlremenw of the 3pecHic Plan. A Permmed
Acc~+ssory Use Is a use whtch ta secondary or aubordfnate to e Permktad
P~Imary Use.
2, Appurtensnt StruMuns. Stntctures ~ubordtnate to thQ primary atructure such
ea, but not Iimltvd to, ~lavatora, atahweys, v~M~atln~ fans.
3. Automoblle Rentd Apency. A bualnaa~ spQClalizlnq In the r~nta~ of
t. Beck-oi•Houst. The a~ of a theme perls not nom~ally eccesaiblc to theme
pa~k vlekors whlch conta~ns malMensnce end repelr lacSN(es, store~e erens,
adminlstretlvP ~tltces, anlmet atcrepa tecNftles, emptoyee dressi ~gfg o~(mef nd
rest areas, mochanical oquipmsnt, end other theme pe~C euppo
1. Child Osr Cs~^R CMtK. M estabitshmQnt which provldQS c..+r~. protectfon and
=uporvisbn to ~h9dren, for p~riods ot les~ than twvnty-tour (:4) houn per duy,
whAe tho peronts or puardien: of tuch chAdron aro away.
.g. PC89~0
~ ~
rCr ~0~~' ~'g~~r end Phrasss
1r Fonca. An anl(icially constivcted baMer constructed solely af inetal, o~ mstal
and wood and Intendeci to enclooe a~d screen areas from ad~acent property.
For the purpos~s of this Chapter, fences shell tnclude, but aha~l not be Umited
to, chain Ilnk tences, wrought Iron fences, and tube•steei iencag.
1. Grose 3quare Footege. The totat square tootage oi a butldinp or structure,
including the exterlor walls of all floors.
1. HRipht, lNeximum 8tructurel. Tho maximum stNCtural height shall be as
deflned in Section 18.01.090 entitled "H' WORDS, TERMS AND PWRASE3"
of the Maheim Municipal Codo prorided that for parkinp ~tructures
located wiihin the Park(np Dist~ict, the maximum structural hoipht
shall te deter.nfned by the veKical measurement from tho datum to tha
h(ghest elAVation of the primary structure. Any appurtenances whlch
are less than twenry (20) (eet hipher In elevation then the higheat
eievation of the primar~ structure are allowable. The datum Is the
hiqh~st etevation oi tha exterior tinished prede at any poin; alon~
the pe~imeter of the structure which !s ten (10) ieet irom tho face of
the stn~Cturo.
2. Hotel/Motat Gueri Room. The smallest accommodeti~n that can be made I
aveilable (or a pgtron; it stiall coMaln one iutl beth and sleepinp accommodatlen ~
wkh ksyed oMry. ~
3. Hoto!/Motol Quoot Sulto. A hotel/motel puest room that Is for rorK by a 4lnple ~
paRy wlth ono entry door key tor the yueat thet also controla tho door Into the ~
guest room and the door Into service/kRchen area. A hotsl/motel puest euite
ahatl be cansidered one room (or the purpoae at total room c~wM permittecJ ~n ~
the 3pacNtc Pian area, even N R Includes more than one room.
t. Kitchanotto. Any roam or area wfthtn a hotel or mot~l unk Intended or designed I
tor the preparetion ot fond Dut limhed to a sGc (8) cubic foot reMperator, two (z) I
bumer atove wlthout provlsiona for oven and/or bakiny iacURlea, or a mtcrc~wave i
ovan, and a s(nglo compaRmont sirtk. ~
t, Lot or perctl. (ty A percel of real property as shown on tho eHectlvo da-A of
thfs ordtnance as a del(noated percal of land wlth a number or other desipnation
on a plat recorded in the OfBce of the Co~mty Recorder ot O~anpe County; or,
(2) a parcet of real prop~rty not dellnaated as (t) atiow, and a~uttlnp at leart
one puWlc streot or cllay, arxf held undor ~eparate owr~arohtp from adJacant
pn~perty prlor to the eNoctNe ~zte o( the ordlnance edopttnp thls Chaptor, or (3) ;
a parcal ot r,~al proparry not dallneatod a~ in (t) abavo, eml contelnlnfl an erea !
not ~ees than tho proscrlbod minimum iquaro tootega snd lot width roqulred ior ~
tM zons in whtch k Is locatod, and abuttln~ at least ono publtc atnet or eltoy, N
the same wes a poRfon ot s lar0er ploca ot unsubdividac! real propeRy held ~
under s~n~le ownenhlp prbr to the eHecthre deto of thp adfnance adopttng thia l
Chepter. !
.~. PC93~80 •
Murala. A palnted picturo localed on a wall nf a bullding or structure.
1, parking Facllitlos. An area yr structure fntended for the tamporary atorege of
automoblles and oiher vehlclAS. Such feclllties may conalst of, but are not
1(mited to, surface perking tots, pa~kiny structuros and parkln~ areas under
2. PeAple Movor/Movinp 8ldewsik. An electrtc convayance syatem intended to
convey pedestrians irom ono part of the 5peci~c Plan erea to anothar.
3. Plenntng Dfrector. The Plenning Director of the Ciry ol Ansheim or his or hor
duly authorized designae.
4. PoKe-Cochore. An accessory use cons(sting of a resarved space, rooted or
unroofed, end attached to the side or front of a buildSnp and establiahed ior the
cnrnentent loading and unloading of pasaenpers.
5. Primary Uso~ Pe-mlttad: A PermlKed Primary Use Is a use that Is coMomplated
to be the mAtn and prsdominant use In the underlyino Dtstrict. Such use Is
pormitted as ot ~tpht, provided that th3 speciilc proposal tor such uso coMorms
to all roquirements ~f the Speciflc Plar. Whilo such uses are not tho sde usss
allowed in the applicable Dtstrict, a p~imary pems~ted uso is the central use In
the Dlstr(ct and yenoratly wlll occupy the maJority oi land in tha D(strict.
6. Public Rt~ht•of-Wsy: Any aroa ot -eal property dedlcated to or owned by the
~ity of Anaheim or ovor which the Ciry of Anaheim holds any easemant, for
pubiic street, alley, sidewalk, landscepa, utltity or podestrian purposes; and
accepted by resdutton of the City Counctl.
t. Raataurent, Encla~~d. Any estab~ishmont which is engaped p~ima~ly ~n the
bustnoss oi prepa~inp and servtnp meals, providod thot the ectNky ot praparlny
and servlnp meals ahali be conducted entir~ly wfth(n a buildinq. Tha food
preparatfon aroa for auch a restaurant shall be an area permanenUy doatgnacl for
tood preparatlon end mey elso aerva othar such restaurants provtdod if the
restauraM la freuatandin~ the (ood preparatlon area ~ha~l consti:ute not less than
twenry•f!ve porcent of the 9roas fluor area. Such eatablishmants maY provide
take-o:~ service onty aa a IimRed, ancnlary functlon.
2, postaunnt, 3atotlit~. ARy astabliahmant wfilch Is vn0aped prlrtu+rl~Y ~n the
busineu of ~ervinp moels. The toa! propa-ation area ior such a reatau~ant shall
ba an area perrtienendy de=(~nad ior food preparntion. but may be ~ocated ~n e " t;.
sdpar~to tx:ildinp irom whvre tho meala are aorved. Meala U such a nstauroM '~~~
may be ser~+ed at tabies or by s01i•aervlce. Meala may be consumed enher ~
within a bundinq or outdoon In an aree dealpnated tor such purNose.
3. Aoataursnt~ S~ml-enctosod. Any establlshment whtch is en~afled pclmarily In ;
the bustnes~ oi preparinp end servtnp meata, provided thas thQ ectivity of ~
preparl-~ end tervlnp meala shall be conducted malnly within e bu4dlnp. 7he i
food prapatation area for euch a reataurerK shall bo an ar9a permenanqy ~
desi~ned for food preparetlon srx: eheli constltute not teas than twamyNve ;
.g. PC93~80 i
~ f
percent of tho gross floar area. Such establishments may prov(de take•out ~
service onty as a Iimfted, ancillary' functlon. 4
Resteurant, Walk-up. Any establishment which Is engaged (n the business o! ~
preparing and purveying tood on a self-service basfs, where service to the
consumor Is by means of e wind~H• or opentn~ to the outside of the building
and the foal may be consumod ekher inside or outside the bu!Iding. !
Rstall EntortatnmeM Cernor. Centers In whfch all goods and s~rvices are
orlented, marketed and Intended for touriat, vishor and/or recreatlonel
r,onsumers and not to the general publ(c residinp tn the viclnity of such cantsr. I
1. 8tgn. Seo Sectfon entitled "DEFINITIONS PERTAININC3 TO SIGNS"
of this Chapter. Exposure Plane. An invlsible su~I~ce intended t4 deMe the maxfmum
structural helpht ot a oufiding. 8uch surtaces oxtond upward from e polnt
oatablfshed by de(Ininp the m(nimum setback i~om the adJacent property Iine
and the maxfmum build(ng lielght pormitted at that aetbbck Ilne. The slopo of the
sky exposure plane wlthin the Specific Plan area shall not exceed 2:1, which
means thet th4 helght of a structure ahall not exceed one (1) additfonal foat fn
height tar each N~o (2) additfonal f~et of setback from the adjaaent properry Iine,
as measured perpendlcularly from sald property Ilne.
3. Speed Parking. A special parking procedure tn which vehicles are dlrected to ~
speciftc parking ap~cos ~nd ara not allowed to circulate ireoly in a su~faco ~
parklnfl lot or parkinp structure. Such procedures are Intendec~ ta expedite the
parking ot vohlcias c4ntalnbig theme park viaitora and/or Anahelm Convention ,
Center users in arder 4o reduco stacking ot vehicles on public roads or streets,
an~ to mintmizo vahicle idlfn~ tfine, thereby reducing emisslorss.
t. TAmporary Uao. A tempo~ary use is a use which is al;awed Anly for a spocHied
pericd of time as eNher an Interfm use ot a site prlar to hs converslon to e
Prfmary, Accessory or Conditional Use, w as e use neceasary to implomont the i
conversion of a sRo to a perm3neM uso. A temporary use Is subject to th~ ~
reyulatlons described in this Chapter. (
2. T~an:pan.tlon Focllity. Facllities and structutes fntonded ta accommodato
t~ansportation terminal stattons ((ecllitfes intended to eccommodats the trensfer
from automobqe or pedostrlan trevel to bus, trein or other forms of mass t-enait),
ftxed trensit puideweys, and other atructures Intended to move pessenpers or
pedestrlens iram one locatlon to enother. ~
3. Turf block. Any ono of several pavfn~ products mede of conCrete or pfastlc !
wldch permft turf or other low•growing plent materlals to ~row throuph the
pavinp so that the pavfnp la not easDy ssen. Tu~i block pavlny Is Intended tor t
occasfonal vehlale treNic, such as requ(raf emorqency acceas through ~
landscapeci aress. ~
1. UKimat~ Plsnnod Atpht~ot•Wey. 'fhe rfyht~of-way desiflnated fn the Circuletlon ~
Etement of the Anahelm Qensral Plan as further described In Chapter 4.0, Public ;
-9- PC93~ ~,
Facilities Plan of Tho Dlsneylend Resort SpecHic Plen. Required sett~acks shatl
be measured from the ultimate planned rfght•af-way shown on ths Qeneral Plan ~
includfng any Critical Intersoctlon standard epF'Icable to the prupeKy.
t. Vacatlon Ownership Resort. A timeshare facility in which a person or entiry I
rece(ves the right in perpetulty, for Ilie or far a specHlc psriod of tfma, to the '
recurront, exclusNe uso or oacupancy of a lot, parcel, unft, space, ar por~lan of
real property for a perlod of time which has been or will b~ aliocated irom the
use or accupancy periods Into whiah the fariliry has bee~~, div(ded. A vecatlon j
owne~shfp resort Intarest may be coupled with an estate in real propaKy, or R ~
may ontetl a Iicense, contract, membersh(p, ar other ripht of occupancy not
coupled w(th an estate in the real property.
1. Wall. (1) the vertical oxterlor surtace of a bullding; (2) veKica~ inte~lor surFaces
which divide n building into rooma; (3) an artiflclally constructed berrier
conatructed p~edominately oi masonry, but which rnay Inciude a combinatlon of
masonry and other mater(ais such as metal or woai and whfch fs intended to
enclose or ocreen areas of land. As deifned hereln, masonry shall Include, but
shall not be I(mited to: concrote masonry urdts (suoh as procision cnncrete
~lock, slump btock, or other sfmllar products), brick, concrete (elther pre•cast or
cast•In-piaco), and stucco.
The meihads and procedures for Implementation and admintstration ot tho 8peci8c Plan
are prescr!bed as follows:
.OtO Implomentatfon. With the exception of tha axempttons prwided herefn, the
Speclifc Plan shall be Implementad thruuyh !he processinq end approval of Flnal Sfte Plens p~lor to the
fssuence ot building pormits. li a subdivislon ot land ts processecl, the tentativs subdivislon map ahall ba
processed in conJunctfon with the Fina! Sfte Plan and the ilnal subdiviston map shall be rocorded prlor ta
Issuance oi bulldfng permits.
.020 Finol yfte Pian Approval. Flnal Sfta Plans (es describ~d fn this Sect~on cnd
hereinaker collectively referred !o es the 'Flnat Site Plens') shall be ptoce~ed in th~
folfowin~ ways:
Proc~to for Approvel
Plenninp Commioaton Raport end Racommendetlon Itom. Flnal Site
Plons tor the foltowing types of plans shall be sub)ect to the revfew and
approval by the Plenning Commisslon At e publfc meetlnp es a Report
and Recommendation:
(t) All devolopment tn the Hotel District wRh the except(on ot i
development subject to the atandards end requlrements set •
forth in 8ectlon is.78.100 entftled "C~R OVERLAY" of this ~
Chaptor. ~
(2) Streetscape and landscepe wRhtn the Theme Park Dist~ict ~
Setback Reatm, as descrlbAd !n tho Deslpn Ptan. ~
(3) M(nor boundary end acreape verl~t(oitis not exceedfnQ ten a
pe~~cent (1096) M the la~ger parcel. ~
-10- PC93~60 ~
~y 4~'9
(4) Parkfng Struotures
(5) Elr3vations of Theme Park D(strict theme park Dack-o~-House
bialldings and structures ~djacent to Harbor Boutevard and
Katella Avanue ~or coniormance with tha approved Beck•~fi-
Fiouse Design Criterla.
If the Final Site Plan is found to be in substantlai conformance with the Spec{flc
Plan and the provislons of thls Chapter, the Plannfng Commisslon shall spprove the Final Sfte Plan. The
Planning Commission's declslon shall be final unless appealed to the Ciry Council wRhin ten (10) days
from tho date of such decisfon.
Pian~ing Commi~sion Pubitc Hoering Item.
Final Site Plans for all development wlthin the Futurs Expansion
District, with the exception of Parking Facilit(es shawn on Exhibft
5.8.3e, 'Future Expansion Distrfct Concept Plan,' ot the Specific
Plan docum9nt shali be subJect to the review and approvel by
the Ptanning Commisslon at a noticed public hearing,
Notlce of such hearing shall be given at the same tim0 and In
the same menner as specHfed tor hearinqs for Conditfonal Use
Permks In tha Anaheim Mun{cipal Code. Final Site Plana
processed under this subdivlslon shall be subject to
onvironmental ravlew. Tho Plenning Cammiss!on ahall rovisw the
Final Ske Plan to determfne ff It is in substentlal contc-rmance
wkh the Specfffc Ptan and the provislons of this Chapter. Th0
Planning Cc~misslon may approve, dlsapprove or approve wkh
conditfons the Final Site Plan. The Planning Commission'a
decislon ahell be flnal unless appealed to the City Counc!f within
ten (10) deys irom the datu of such decisfon. Baiore app!oving
a Final Sit¢ f'lan undar the pro~~islans ot this aubaection, tha
Planning Commission shall make the tollowing flndlr,qs of tact:
7hat the proposecf d~velopment w~l not adverasly eHect
the adJolning iand uses and the groNrth and
development af the area in which it is proposed to be
That the size end shape of the sito (s adequate to allow
tor the full proposed development In a manner not
detrimental to the particular area nor the peacP, health,
safety and general walfare;
That the approval oi the Flnal Site Plen under the
condltions Imp~sed, H any, wlll not be detrimental to the
health, satety end general weltaro oF the cftlzens of the
City of Anaheim.
3. NotwRhstanding the pro~lsfons and Ilmitations vf the foregoing
subsectlons.(a), (b) and (c), the Planning Commfsston or City
Council may approve any Ffnal Sfto Plcn R th~ Plannfng
Commission or Cfty Councfl finds and cletermines, ofthor in tts
approval of tho Final Sfte Plan or any other flnding pertaining to
the proposed development ((ncluding ernrirAnmental
documentation), that (a) the concems addressed by subsbctfcns
(a), (b) and (c) above ere mitfoated to a level of fns(ynHtcance or
(b) oveREd(ng consideratfons w~rrent the approval of tho Flnal
-11. PC93~80
Site PIAn in the event that ~ither (i) one or more of the tindings ~
ot fact requirod by subsections (a), (b) and (c) above is not ~
made or (II) Insufticient evidenca is set forth {n the rocord to ~
support ona or more of the findings af iact, i
c. C-R Overlay. Final Sfte Plans for development within the C-R Ove~lay i
shall be pracessed In the tollowing manner: ;
(1) Proposod development In coniormance with tha
requirements of the District ahall be processed
according to the requirAments of that District.
(2) Proposed deveiopment In cantormance wfth the
requirements of the C-R Overlay shall be processed as a
Planning Commisslon Public Hearing Item as described
in Subsection d above.
Exemptiona. Development wfthin the Theme Park District fntended for
theme park and theme park E~ack-of•house support uses, hotels withfn
the theme park, parking tacillties in the Parkfng Dlstrict and parking
tactlkfes wlthin the Future Expanslon Dlstrict as shown on Exhibit 5.8.3e
entltled 'Future Expanslon District Concept Plan' oi the Sp~ciflc Plan
clocument, shall be exempt irom the requlremants of the Final Sito Plan
review. Bullding plans for the3e areas ahall be submitted to the Bulldlnp
Division of the Ptannfng Department and shall be revlewed for
coniormence wlth atl applicable provislons af the Spec~ic Plan prlor to
fssuance ~i buildinfl pArmfts.
2. Cont~nt oi th8 Ftnal Stte Plan Submittai. Flnal Slte Plans shall contain the
tollowfnp Information, and other inFormatlan as required by tho Planning
a. Locatfon of property Iines and extsting and proposed easements;
b. Proposed uses of tho proparty, locatlon of buildings, vehicular end
pedestrfan clrcutatlon eloments, parking lots, iandscape and open spece
c. Proposed buildfng floor pians and ele~~atlons; ~
d. Conceptual grading and d~ainage plans showing finished flaor !
elevatfons; ~
e. Service araas; !
i. Utilfty location (above and beiow pround);
p. Demolitlon plans showing existing structures and trees preater than 4" in
d(ametor at a'~0" abovs fl~ada;
h. Propcaed landscape and irrigatfon plana; ,~~~`~»~
i. Tabulation of pprking courn, square iootage of buildings, and open ~'+~
space area; ;
~. Slgn locatfons, slze, elovatfons, sign caNy and colar es part of the ~
coordfnated stgn program.
k. Parkfng lot plans as described In Sectfon oF thfs Chapt~~r; i
I. Structu~al hetght ptans, elevatlons, and cross sections domonstrating ;
compifance wfth the helght prnvislons of this Chapter; and, ~
m. Lighting plans. ,
-t 2- PC93-60
Phased Submittals. Final Slte Pians may be submltted for phases or portlons
of phases as shown and described in Exliibit 3.4a, 'Phasing Plan,' of the
Specific Plan document.
.030 Site Plcn Conststency
Wevtsgd 81te Plan. Foilowing approvaf of A Final Site Plan, tf any chenOes are
pronased rogarding the size, locatipn or alteration of any uso or structure shown
on an approved Ffnal Site Plan, a revfsed Final Sfte Plan shall be submitted to
tho Plannfng Di~ector for epproval. If the Planning Director determ(nes that the
proposed revision Is In ronformance with the provislons of the Specific Plan, thls
Chapter ancl the goneral intent of the approved Final Sfte Plan, the revlsod plan
may be approved, as a ministerlal actlon, withnut re•submittal to the approval
process descrlbed in Sectlon entftled "FINAL SITE PLAN
AFPROVAL" in this Ghapter. Safd dec(sion shall be (lnal unless appealed to the
Ptanning Commission within tsn (1~) days irom the date of such decislon. If
appoaled, the Flanning Commissfon ahall revlew the rev(sed F(nal Sfte Plan In
accordance with the procedures set forth In Section ! entitled
"FINAL SITE PLAN APPROVAL" in this Chapter !n the same manner as the
orfginal Flnei Site Pian approval. The Plannfng Commisslon's declslon ehall be
final unless appeaied to th9 City Council within ten (10) days from the date of
such decision.
2. Reierral 01 Reviaed 31te Plen. Notwlthstanding the foregoing, the Plannin~
Diroctor may refer consideration oi a revfsed Final Site Plan to tho Planning
Commissfon for review and actfon fn accordance wkh tha procedureo set forth
In Sectlon 1A.78.040.021a entitlod "PLANNING COMMISSION REPQRT AND
RECQMMENDATION ITEM" In thfs Sectlon in the samo manner as the orlgfnal
Final Site Plan epproval. Tha PlanninD Commission's docision shall be ffnal
unless appealed to the City Council within ten (10) days trom the date of such
.OAO Planning Diroctor Approval ot Boundary and Acreaga Vartetlons. The Planning
Dfroctor has the suthority to approve, as a minlsterial act(on, minor D(str(ct boundary and acreage
varfatfons not exceeding ton percent (1096) of the smaller parcel.
If the mfnor boundary and acreage variations are found to be In substantfai contormance
wi4h the Speci(Ic plan and other provlsions of thls Chapter, then ihe Plann(np Directoc ahaq approve the
boundary and/or acreage variatlon. The declsfon of the Planning Dfrector shall be ffnRl unless a~pealed
to tho Planning Commission wfthin ten (10) deys from the date ot such decislon. If the decislan Is
appealad, the proposod varlatlon shell be reviewed by the Planning Commfsslon as a Report and
Recommendatlon item. If the m(nor boundary and acreage variatlons are found to be in substantlal
conformance with the Specffic Plan and the other provisions of this Chapter, the Pianning Ccmmisclon
shali approve the boundary and/or acroage varlatlon. The Planning Commfsslon decislon shall be flnal
unless appealed to the City Councll withfn ten (iQ) dnys from the date of such declsfon. Notwithstandfng
the foregoing, the Planning Director may refer consideratfon of a boundary and acreage varfatlon to the
Planning Commissfon tor revfew and actipn in accordance with the proaedures set forth fn Sectlon
.050 Specitic Plan Amendm~MS. Amendments to the SpecHic Plan shall be processed
accordanca with Chapter 18.93 entftled 'SP~~IFIC PLA~IS" of the Anahelm Mur,icipal Code.
~, rC4
-13- PC93~60
Set forth below are the standards f~r the development of The Dlsnayland Resort Spocific
Plan Districts excepting that Subsectfons entitled "GENERAL" through
entitlod "PROHIBITED USES" and Seatlon 18,78,050.075 entitled °LOT TIES" of this Chapter,
shall not apply ta pro~ects developad under tha C-R Overiay requirements. The C•R Overlsy
standa~ds for those uses are set (onh In Section 18.79.100 entftled "C-R OVERIJ~Y" of this
Chapter. The Districts and corresponding Development Areas hereln are those fdentif(ed on
the Development Plan Map (Exhibit 3.3b entitled 'Development Plan' of tha Specfflc Plan
.010 Gendral. Notwfthstanding any other provisions of thfs Chapter, th0 followinp
additional Iimitatfans shall apply to the conduct of any use permitted in this Zono:
1, All uses, except in the Theme Park District, or as otherwise permitted in thls
Chapter, shall be conducted wholly wlthin a building.
2. All uses shall bo conducted In a^^anner ~o as not to be obJectionable by
~eason oi nolse, odar, dust, fumes, smoke, gas, vibrations or other simllar
causes detrimental to the ~ublic health, safety or generaf wolfare.
3. All storos shall deai primarily In new merchandiso, excepting as otherwlse
specKied In thls Chapter.
.020 Limitatlon on To4al Number o! Fiotei GuQSt Rooma or SuRes. The total
number ot hotel guest rooms or sultes permitted within the Hotel District shafl not exceed five thousand
six hundred (5,600) rooms, not includin~ those perrtifttod under Sectlon entitled "C•R
OVERLAY DENSI'fY" of thfs Chapter. The tatal numbar of rooms ehall be further Ilmited as tollows:
1. Up to one hundred ilfry (150) of the flve thousand six hundred (5,6U0) guest
rooms may be permitted as Vacation Ownershfp Resart units; additfonal guest
rooms may be designated Vacatlon Ownership Resort units, subject to a
Condltional Uso Permit. All Vacation Ownershlp Resort Units shell be In
aanformance with Sectian 18.78.120 entitlad "RE~UIREMENTS FOR VACATION
OWNERSNIP RESORT5" of this Chapter.
2. Up to one thousand (1,000) of the ffve thousand s(x hundred (5,600) guest
rooms may be lacated wfthin the Theme Park Dfstrict, provided that vlsftor
vehioular access to any hotel within the Thsme Park District sfiall be obtalned
(rom West Street/Disneyland Drive only.
.030 Permitted Tomporary Uses and Structures. 7he fotlowing temporary bulldings,
structures and uses shali be permitted subJect to the condftions and ifmitatfons specified here(n:
Contractor's Otiice and/or Sto~age. Temporary st~uctures Including tha
housfng of tools and equlpmoM or contalning supervisory oteces In connectlon
wlth constn~ctton p~oJects. Such structures may be estabilshed and malntafnad
during the progress of constructlon on project~ In acc~rdance with the phasing
plan of the Specftic Plan. The location an~ duration of such use shall be subJect
to the approval of the Plannfng Director.
Open Alr Festivel. An event (public gathering, speech, concert, preaentatlon, or
show) orlented towards tourists and visftors to Th~ Disneyland Resart and held
outside tn a theme park or hotel complex out of view of the public rl~hi•of•way
and not dfrected to the public right-of•way.
.. n .~
-1 A- PC93-60
Speclal Events. The temporary use of premises for promotlonal events as
dofined in Section 18,01.200 entitled °'S' WORDS, TERMS AND PHRASES"
ot thls Code, Including but not Iimlted to promotfonal or outdoor
aales, amusements, such as rides, games, booths, or simllar devices,
but not Includfng Open Air FAStivals or events within the theme
parks, shall be subject to compllanco with tha provislons of Chapter
4.02 entitled "SPECIAL EVENTS" oF this ~ode.
Temporary PArking Lota. Temnoray parking Ints are subJect to tho review and
epproval of the City Traific and Tr~nsp~rtatlon Manager In accordanco ~~ulth
Sec-lon 18.78.11U.070 entitled "TEMPORARY PARKING" of tt~la Cha~ter. For the
purposes of this Chapter, 'temporary parking lots' shall be deflned as an area
fntended for the tomporary parking of automobiles and other vehicles and n~t
intended to be ths ultimate use of the property.
.040 Condittonal Uaes ~nd 3tructurea. Due to the un-queness oF the SpecHic Plan
area as a tourist and visftor center and the assoalated concerns of the circulatlon and tratfic system and
other infrastructure irnpacts and land use compatibility, the follawfng buildfngs, structuras and usea ahall
be permitted In any District, untess Ifmited to a specific pistrict hereln, provided a::onditlonal u3e permit
fs approved therefore pursuant to, and subJect to the conditlons end raqufred showings of Sectlon
18.03.030 entitled "CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS (C.U.P.'s)-GENERAL" af this Code. Proposed pisns for
related sfgnage shall be submitted with each conditlonal use permit application and shall be subJect to
approval by conditfonal uso permit.
1. Conversion of exist(ng hotel facllities to Vecation Ownership Units subJect to
compliance wlth the requlremonta of Sectlon 18.78.120 entitled
2. In the Theme Park and Wotel Districts, Vacation Owner3hlp Units in excess of
one hundred (150) units subject to compllanca with tho requlrsments of Sectlon
of this Chapter.
3. Emargency medical facilitfes with ambuience.
4. Helistops.
5. S(gns as prov(ded far fn Sectlon entitled
8. Any use not otherwise spACifled or prohibitod in this Zone but meeting the Intent
of the goals and objectfves as so: forth in the SpecRic Plan document tor each
of the Districts.
7. Masonry walis abave twelve f9et (t2') in hefght and fencos abave sixteen feet
(18') In heipht.
.050 Prohibited Uses. The tollowing uses shall be specifically prohibitod in all
DlStriCtS: r~ ~" * a~r
1. Ambulance servfces.
2. Adult entertainment business. Any business activity whereln patronage and/ar
employment (s Iimited to persons elghteen (18) years oF aqe or oldsr as
Identified !n Sectfon 18.89.020 entitled "(ADULT ENTERTAINM~NT BUSINESS)
DE~INITIONS" of this Code, except as otherwf;e exprossly pe~mitted pursuant
to any other provislon af this Chaptar.
3. Bfllhoards. As deflnad In Sectfon enthled "DEFINITIONS
PER7AINING 70 SIGNS" of this Chapter.
4. Bingo estabtishments.
5. Cemeteries.
.~ 5. PC93-60
;. Chrlstmas tree sales lots and/or stands.
~, Commerclal retall centers, as defined fn Sectlon 18.01.040 entitled "'C' WORDS,
TERMS AND PHRASES" of the Anaheim Munlcipal Code, minl-malis and ather
shopping centers not in coniormance wfth the requirements of a Retall
Entortainment Center, as definod in Section 18.78.030 entftled "DEFlNITIdNS" of
this Chapter,
8. Convenience markets or mini-markets.
g, Converslon of hatels or motels to permanent or semi•permanent Ilving quarters,
except tor a caretaker/manager unit as speclfied In Subsection
10. Drive•in or drive•through restaurents. Any esteblishment whlch Is engag~i in the
businoss of preparing and purveying food where provision is made for serving
and consumptlon of food to patrons in vehicies whlie they are on the premises
or for patrans In vehicles for cansumptlon at a separate location either on or off
the prernisas.
11 comme cpal enterprise or establishmentewhelherdongoingdorfltranslantn~rhich
sells any devices, contrivances, instruments or paraphernalia as defined In
12. Helfports.
1a, Hospitals, An Inst(tution providing primary health servl~es or gurgical cure to
persons or animals, primarlly Inpatlents, sufferfnp from Illness, disoase, In~ury,
deformity end other abnormal physical or montel conditions, and including, as
an Integral part of tha Institution, related facllities such as laboratories, outpatlent
facilities or tralning facllities. For the purposes of th(s Chapter, hospitals ahall
Include convalescent homes, rest homes, sanftarlums, institutlons for the
treatment of the mentaily III, birthing centera, ancl animai hospitals, all of which
are defined In Section 18.01 entitled "DEFINITIONS" of the Anaheim Municipal
14. ZONEr~aand Chapt rti g 63 IQ C gapteMhSHEAVYtINDUSTRIALI ZONE,D ost RgAL
16. Mabile homaiparksett ciudingpexpansho oif exlsp g faciUties oe ncreas0 Zhe e
number of mobile home sites.
17, Office bulidings when not accessory to, and Intograted as part of an on-site
permitted prlmary or conditional use.
18. Pawnshops.
19. Residentlal hotels or motols.
20. Sale of alcoholic bovorages tor on•premisos congumption and/~r oH•premise
consumptlon except as otherwise expressly ~ermittsd in thfs Zone.
21. Secondhand 8hops.
2z allo~l ed asian accelsso'ry usel I egrated with(n aChotel amotel or vacat~lon units
ownershlp tesort.
23. Strlp shapp~ng centers. A building or collection of bulidings contafning retafl
and/or commerclal uses in which the prlmary orientation of tha buildings,
entrances, signs, and uses Is toward the adJacent public street, and in wfdch
parking areas or access to parkin~ areas are prominently dfsplayed to passing
vehicles, Such shoppfng centers may contain uses fntended to attract elther the
goneral pubifc or tourfsts, visitor and/or racreational consumors.
~r ;~~~~.
.~ 8, PC93-60
24. Structures exceedinp the maximum heiphts do0nod In Exhibit t ontiUed
'Maximum Permltted Structural Heiqhts tor The Dianeyland Resott' ot the
3pecf1lc Plan document.
25. Structures origtnally designed or Intended for residential use but used for
nAn•residentlat purposes.
2a. Uses or actlvttles net listed in thls Chapter whlch ere Inconslatent or
incompatible with the tntend¢d purpose ot SpecNic Plan No. SPg2•~.
,080 Genorai Bulldinp Sito Raqulroma~ris. The slze and shape oi the sfte proposed
for the use shali be adequate to aliow tho tull developmeM of tha proposed uae in a manner consistoM
wfth the stated purpose and intent oi this Zone. Adequate prwlalan shell be mada for the sate and
orderly circulatlon ot both pedestrian a~ vehicular irafRc between the proposed sfte and ell atroets and
hlghways and botween coordinated facpitles, accesswnys or pa~klnq areas on adJacent akea. The
Nroposed development shall not limft or adversely aHect the yrowth and dev~I~pmeM potenttal of
ad~olning lands or the goneral area In which It Is proposed to ba locatad.
.070 Sttucturel Height end Lot Width RequlromeMt. This 3ectlon contelna peneral
butld(np hetyht and parcel wklth requirements that appty to this Zone, axcept es otherwise provkfed by
this Chapter.
t. Mezlmun- Pixmitled Structun~ H~IgM. Except aa otherwlae provlded in thls
Chnpter, the maximum ttructu~al heiqM of any bultdinp or etructuro shall not
exceod tha mattimum helpMa doflned In ExhlbR 1 Qmitlod 'Maximurt~ Permktad
Structurnl HWpMa ior The Otsnnyfand Roaort' of tha Specitic Plan dxument as
he~.naker eet foRh In thla Code and tha prov~alone d which tuo Incorporatod
horaln by this retorance.
2. M~ximurr~ P~rmm~tod Structun~ HoigM ~t tht Apulrod Sotb~ck As apecHied
In thls Chapter, all atructures thall have a maxlmum pertnMed riructural holqht
at the requirod setback tn nrder to provide o ecale approprfate tor pedeat~tans
ard to piarmrt aunlipht to reech th~ stroe~ ThvsR hciphts are detined apecHlceUY
for each DI~Mct s~tback.
3. Sky Ex~osun Pt~n~-PermMed H~M Botweon Maximum HeipM at tho
Roquirad Sotbeck end Maxlmum Pormhted Hei~M. No nnicture slretl oxceed the
lC~hapto~r euid%: d~ b~d k Sectlon 3 0& Land U s Ptan' of tho SpocNlc Ptan 14
4. Mlnirinum lot Wldth. Each Iot thall hevg a mintmum wldth at th~ areot trontap4
of not losf tl~n one hundrod savenry~iva (175) fe~t. Thls requlremeM shNl not
epply to any lot Iawt~A~y c~oet~J prlor to the olfoctlw dato uf this Cheptor ond
shell not r~andtt ony such b~ ~~c,oMSMtd h~nin. ~~~ tor purposa d
sp~fy~n~ ar.y othar nqukomo
6. Lot Tl~s. Lot tbs, dolirnd at tfw ~dnirq topMhot of two ttparat~ psrcols but
ed~olntnq lots Into a ~kql~ buYdhW Nta Purswnt W a cove^~nt to hold th~
pro~ty as on~ buidinp slto w~wn a la Urn ad~ustm~nt Fs n~t t~aslblo, shM bo
aNowod wlthin Mk zone. Such covanont ~~~ bY ~~Y ~ om~ a
to form. contont tnd proce~stn0
Pl~rndnp Giroctor uid th~ Clty Etqineor.
.0l0 ~nd ~otbacks cintondkq acxas tt~ 1uNtwldth of tfw parcd. Such minkrwm
pr~ovid@d vrRh op~n Ye~d
-17- PC~3-00
open yards and setbacka shall be measured trom the ultimate plannod ~ight-of-way os incficated on tho .
General Plan and turther des,rlbed in the Desiqn Plan and in Sectlon 4.0 and 5.0 oi the Disneyland ~
Resort Speciflc Plan document. ;
,qgp permitted Encroachments fMO Requlrad Yard snd So/back Area~. Butldings ~
ahall comply with the provis(ons of Se~:tlon 18.04.043 ontftled 'PERMfTTED ENCROACHMENTS INTO
RE~UIREO YARDS-GEfVERAL" ot this Code, except as provided hereln.
I. AppuRanant 3tructurae. The fdlowln~ atructurec appuRenant to o'h~-
st~uctures shaU be permittad to encroach into required setbecks as ahown In
Cross Sectlons 10, 1 b, 15, 17, 25 and 28 conta.nod In S¢ction 5.0, 'Desl~n
Plen,' of the SpecHta Plan.
a. Accesa ramps for Automob00s to enter and exk parkinp iacliitlea.
b. Acceas ~amps and stairways for pedest~ians to ~ter and oxit parkinq
tacnkios, hotels, mot~ls nnd othor permltted structures.
2. Maes Tremft Roleted Structuros. Structuros retated to the oporatlon of the
paople mc-vor/movinp sidewalk and monoretl systema, lncludfn~ stationa,
ped~strfan access ramps and stalrways, and elevrted tracks on which the
vahicles operste 3hall be permmed tc encroach IMo required a~tbac~s.
3. Vohiclo 91pM Distanco to bo Matntelnod. No landscapo mate~lata or other
elamants exceedlnp tweMytour (2a) Inchoa M helpht, axcapt as epproved bY
the Transportatton and TraMic Maneqor, shall be permkted withM the
'Comme-ciat Drive Approach' area as deened by Enpineer(np 3tendard qataA
iVo. 137. All IMnp landacapin~ must ba malMained, prunod or t~lmmad in a
manner which complle: wlth the roqulremeM contained h~ thla Chaptor.
4. Parkinp in R~qulrod 3Nbecks ProhlbR~d. Parklnp of prNat~lY owned and
ope~atsd automobAos Is not pennlltod wkhin thv required setbacks oxcept in the
'fherre Park Dlstrtct on Herbor Boulevard In tha bua and shuttle drop~o'H area
end in the sxlstin~ parkinp tacARios In the Hotel Dlatrict and in the Thomo Perk
Dist~lct as d~scribod in Exnibh 3, '~rt~n~ Structuroe to Ramnln; ot tht 8pocMtc
hont yard setbeckuis permkted~except c^ tHetfb°r Badova~rdl e Ketolla A Qven~uo.
5. Pukinp in Intorlor lot SnMaks. Wh~re an Mte~lor lot praporh- Ilno abuts a
mtdtiplahm~y resldilntfal zon~tho~ ~~ a~~automoqAo psrkin~ erea
iMerlor lot propertY ra~ maY
provldad thet troe~ are plantod and permanendy malmalnod In compllanco wlth
the D~n Plen ad(econt to tha reskientfal zon~ prop~Ry IMo on mmdmum
titte~n (tb) ioot c~Mert; end turther provkfed ttat such p~rklnp Rroe doo~ not
oncroach wlthln th~ roqufrod twonty (20) toot 18ndscapt satbeck aroa as
ep~cNtod In $octfon ~ruldod '8CREENING ABUTTlNa
e. Founulns, Por~dt~ 8eulptun~ Pms+l~t~d. Fou^W^s, P°^ds, ~P~~•
doaoratlvo pavinp. pont~ and d~cotatlvR walkways ~I~SfI bo p~rtnRt~d w1tMn
th~ rrquired ~otback, P+afdYd thay oro en Int~Ond P~R ot the lerxlax+pln0 P~^~
epprov~c! wlth tho Final Slt~ Plan os dosc~lbt-' (n Se~tion 1d.78.040.020. ~cuM~d
•FINAL 81TE PUN MPROVAL' ot this ChoPt~.
.~ g. PrA3~80
7. Decoret(ve Scrosn-Type Fonces or Walls. pocn~et(ve, screen•type fences or :
wells, not exceeding thirry-sbc (36) Ir,ches in helght, far the purpose of screening
utllity devlces or facli(ties such as back tlow assemblles and gas meters, shall bo
permitted provided such walls shall not be located closer than ten (10) feet irom ~
the nearest polnt oi any street rigltt-of•way Iine, end further provided auch walis ~
do not prohibR aacess to utility devlces or facfift(as. ~
e. Stgns Psrmitted. Sipns shali be permitted as provided in ~ectton 18.78.130
entiUed 'SIQN RECiULATIONS" ~f thls Chapter except as othorwise restrlcted by
~ectlons entitled "BUSINESS AND (DEM'IFICATION SIaNS,"
Exhibft 7.0s~ erttftled 'General Siqn StandeMs Metrlx' ~and Exhibit 7.Ob antltled
'Hotel/Motel Sign Stendarcls Metrix' found In Sectlon t8.78.130.084 antkled
"SIGN STANDARD MATRICES' and Sectton entftled
9. Fleppoloo Permitted. A maximum of one (t) 8aypole for th0 dlsplay af a
maximum of three (3) flaqs shaii bo permitted within the required iront yaM
setback provided safd ~aflpole doea not excesd titty (50) feet in helyht and Is
set back a minlmum af ten {t0) teat irom the front property Iine, and turther
provided each Ilag diaplayad thereon hag a siza dfinension not to axceed 1Mre (5)
teet by nine (9) feet.
10. Drivae and Welkwsye Pormitted. Entrance and oxlt drives and walkways tnto
buildinq or parkinp nrees thet are porpendicular to the cente~line ui the straut
irom whlch access Is provtded shatl be permkted.
.t00 Raqufred Stto ScroantnD.
L~nd~capo BuNor. Except as ~thervWse providaf hereln, a landscape buH~
shatl bo provlded alonp and tmmedtately ad(acent to the alte property Itne
ubuttlnp any heeway or rosfdentfal zona boundary as eet forth in 3ectlon
oi this Chapter. Tha buHer shell be landscepad, trrlgated and maintained In
compiiance with the Dest~n Plen.
Scrooninp Abutttn9 ResldeMtel Praporty. Where the property abuts s
rosidentlel zone, thh~ buHer ahall con.4lst of a mtnfmum abc (8) foot hroh, and
maxlmum elght (8) foot higl~ maaonry wall, lcx~ted et tNe prr~peRy Iine. except
In the Future Expanslon Qiat~ict where tt cen be MreIvA (12) taet hiph, and en
adjecent twenty (20) tout wklo pormananuy plnntaf, frtbatad and malntelnod
landacaped aron. 3etd wetl shall bo iand~capod with dtnpln~ vlnos whvroby
urch wall and/or bermh shell be meesurod trom he h q eat Onlahedlqrade tovc~l y
of the eub~oct or ad~acont propoRl~s, whlci~ewr ts the hiphor.
3cre~nirp Abutt(n~ Fn~way. Whoro tho property abute a Ireewsy, 4xcopt aa
provided ior In Soctlon ~ntMlad "SETqACK3•LOTS ABtJTTING
PUBUC RI(3FIT3-0F•WAY' of thb Chapter. a ten (10) ioot wido landscepe burhr
(but no walq ahetl ba roqui-ed. 3ald btA1~r shail be permenomly pl~ntod,
Irtlpated end malntalnod. Whon a wall la pro~vlded at the pr~paRy Itne. tho wall
shell be d4alpnod or sRusted oo as not to obstruct the vlew nf tha landacapin~
from the ho~way. 3ur,h wslls thall be decoraqva and land~capsd in compliance
wlth tho Dosign Plan.
.~ g. PC90~80
Screeninp o1 Automottv0 R~latod Ueee. All automotlve related usas, Including
service station auto workinq bays, truck loadinp dc~ks, sorvice entrances, rental
car storage areas, atorepe of translt vohicles, ~~nd simllar usea shall be screened
sa ae not to be visible irom adJacent pubiic streets or edJacont propertfes.
Scrooning of SuNace Parking Aroag. Where su~face parking is vlsibls from an
ad(acent public street, such parking areas shall be screened with landscopinp
Said ~andscaping area shall consist o(: (a) shrubs or bushes whiah can attain a
minlmum hetqht of ~hirtysIx (36) Inches wfthin flve (5) years of installation; (b)
lendscaped berms with a minimum height of thirty-sbc (38) lnch~s (includinp the
mature helght oi landscape planied thereon); or (c) decoratNe walls or fences
upon which ere planted clin~ing vinas, and ahell bo landscapad, irrlpatod and
malmained tn complience with the Desipn Plan and the Enginesrtng Stand~rd
Detall No. 137 ¢ntitlad 'Commercial Drive Approach.'
Fiatatning Wall Traalment. In Irstances wl~ers s retainii~g wall Is required
betwoer~ adJoln(ng propertias, and where othor walls are requlred on ane or
mora of the adJo(ninp propsrties, said walls shall bo aNset a minimum of two (2)
feet botween the reteining wall and tha other requlreci wall or ~ualls; and sald
walis shall be docoratNe and landscaped wkh clinping vines In compliance wkh
the Design Plen. The two (2) toot oHset area between the retalninp wAll and the
other requfred wall or walls ahall bo landscaped, Irrigated and matntalnad In
compliance with the DeslQn Plan. Whbre a alope exists, any requlred wall shail
be erected at the property Ifne with the alope kself, permanemly plaMed,
irrigated, and maintelned.
Utllity Equipment. Utilfqr equipment and communtcation deNices ehall be
screened from publfc vtAw so that auch dovices ere not vlsiblo when the ~te Is
viewed et any point measured sbc (e) feet nbove flrade irom other public or
p~fvate property. These devlces may includs, but are not Ilmited to: dish•type
and other antennae, crosa connectlon devlces, stend pipes, bcck Aow
assamblies, cable N equipmont, gas metars, ventflating tena, mlcrawave and
cellular transmitte~s, and electrical trana!orme~a. When encroaching IMo a
d Ice st all be ell~owedkdecoratNe wa Isefor the purp sre ofracreeninp such ch
utillry equipment ancl communicatlon aevlces ahall not exceed thirtysbc (38)
Inches In h~ipht and ataaN not be wMhln th0 requlrod froM yard aatbeck.
Roof Mountad Equ!pmoM. Roof mounted eyulpment shatl be patntnd th~
samo cotor as the roof, shetl be gcreened trom vlew of adlac~nt public
riflMs•ot•way and from adJacent propartlas et qround level, end ehail ba
constdered as part of the totat bufldfn~ heigM exaept af provtded ior fn S4ctlon
18.78.080 entNled 'l.AND USE AND SITE DEV~L7PMENT
thla Chaptvr.
Rotu~o Conhin~- Enclo~uros. Refusa contalner encloaurea ere requtrod and
•hall be scte~anod frorn publt~ vlow and thall ba dealpnQd, canstructed, and
matntalned In complfanco wfth tho Desipn Plan end in compliance wltt- the
MalMenance standerd entklad 'Refuse Comelnor Enclosur~ tor Muftlple~FemNy
ReaideMfal, Commercial and Industrlal Uso' on rno in the BulWin~ DNt~lon M tha
Planninq DepaRmeM.
.20. PC93~60
10. Vacant Land. VacaM land or tuture landscape areas which wlll remaln vacant or
unlandscaped for a parlad In excess of one (t) year shall comply wRh at IAast
one oi the tollowing:
Screening oi Vacant Lnnd. Vacant land ahall be scraaned from view
irom public r(ghts•oI•way wKii a m(n(mum thres (3) foat high and
minimum ten (10) toot wide berm, or a min(mum three (3) foot hiph
hedge screen Icceted in a minimum thrae (3) foot wide landscap9 araa.
l.andscape on safd berm or hedge screen shall be mafntalned in a
healthy oondltion as deacrfbed In Sectlon entkted
"WNDSCAPINCi" of thls Chapter, end Ahall coniorm to the Desi9n Plan.
Landscaping of Vacant Land. Provida temnorary Iandscapinp or
groundcovar complete wlth temporery Ir~fgatio~ and kegp adequataly
malntalned until such time as a valid pradfng or buildfng permk has
been issued for constructfan on the sfte and such work commenaes.
Wsed abatement ahall be enforced at all times. Any temport+ry
landscap(ng thot Is removed ahall be replacad by pormanent
landscapinq upon completlon of const~uctlon for any portion af the slte
whore construction has not occurced. This requiromeM shall bo In
additfon to the landscaping requ:rements for tho sfte as otherwise
required by this Chapter.
AgricuRure. Apricultural uee for the purpose of growinp Ileld crops,
trees, vegetables, irufts, barrles ~r nursery stock may be retalned
wNhout time IImR wMhfn thia Zone, and is not subJect to the acreoninp
requlremonts contained heroin.
11. Walls. Walls containing solld surfaces accossible to the publia, whh the
exceptlon of wells thet are paR of an entry monument desipn, ehall bA planted
with elther clfnging vines or fest-prowtnp shrubbery which will screen the
tence/wall suriace so as to elimfnate graHitl opportunltles. Maximum permltted
wnll helyht shatl not exceed M+elv~ (12) faet provtded that heiyht~ in excaas of
twolve (12) feot shell be subJect to the approval ot e Conditlonal Use Pe;mft tn
accordance with Sectlon entitled `CONDITIONAL USE3 ANO
STRUCTURES' V1-alls constructed under the provfsions of the C-R Ove~ay shall
not exceed eipht (8) teet.
1?. Gxcoptlons. Wfthin any requlred atreet landscape setback area, axcludln~ the
tt-~t tors (10) i~.~t whors no wall shall be permlKed, the hetght oi any requtred
wall and bertn shall be reduced to not more than thlRystx (38) IncN~s. Such
walls shall bs decorative and lendscaped with clingtnp vines in compliancA wkh
the Declpn Plan.
.110 t.end~capinp
Complianco with D¢~Ign PIAn Raqufrod. Excopt es otharwlae provtded in this
Chapter, elt requlred aetbeck ereae shall be iutly end permanently IandacapAd
wY.h lawn. trees cnd ahrubs and may Include wstkwaya, pleza~, fountetns, en~
other simtler rt-eterk~ta (not Includtnp turf Wock, except where auch tu~i block fa
used ior requlrod ems~poncy accass) in accobance wfth the Desl~n Pian. A
mfnimum of siphty percent (8096) of the required setback area excludinp
dr~reways perpendicular to the atroet, on elt IoW obuttinp public stre9ts (other
than Herbor Boulovcird) shall contaln IMe larxiacape mete~fals. A minlmum ot fitty
percent (5096) ot the requirecl setba~k area on ell IMs abuttlnp Harbor
.21. PCQ3~so
Bouievard, excluding driveways perpendicular to the strnet, shell contain Iive
landscape materlal~.
2. Matntenance oi Landscaping Required. All tandscaped ereas ahail be
permanently maintained in a naal, and orderly mann6r as a conditlon of use and
In accordence with the Desl~n Plan.
3. Raqutred Stze o1 Plant Mete~lel. All required troes shall be of a sfze et tho timo
of planting n~t less than the minimum sizo specl(fed fn the Deaign Plan. The tree
densiry tor the requlred front settack shall be as spectfled in the Desl~n Plan. If
not specifled In the Design Plan, the trees shall be a minfmum of fiftsen (1S)
gallons. All roquire-: ahrubs shall be of a sizo at t(me of planting not less than
t~~, minlmum size specHfed In tha Deialgn Plan. If not apecified in the Dbsign
Plan, the shrubs shall be, a minlmum of ilve (5) gallons.
4. Roplacomont oi Demaged, Diaeaged, or Dead Pldnt Meterlal. Any required
plant mate~lal planted on-~fte whlch Is r~.~bsequently damagod, removed,
diseased and/or de~d shell be reptscad on-sfte fn a timely rnanner wfth
comparable plant meterlal with s minlmum size as reaommended by the Design
5. Coverage. Graundcover shall be planted and maintalned wh~~e shrubbery
and/or treea are not suiflclent to cuver axposed soil. Mulch may ba used In
place of 9roundaover where graundcover will not grow ar where groundcover
wlll cause harm to the plant mate~lals, subJect to the approval of Zne Plenning
6. Inigetlon. All requlred landccape arAaa shall be provided and malntalned with a
permanent, automatic Inl~atlon system In accordance wkh the Design Plan.
Such system shell Incorporate water canaervfnp features.
7. Speciel Intonectton Land~cope Traetment. In connectlon with any buitding
herelnaker erected in this Zone or any buildinp structurally modified to an sxtent
exceedfnp twenry (20) percent of the pross floor area of sald existinp buiid(ng,
on any lot abutting sny ot the tollowinp fntersections concunent wlth tho
erection ur modmcatlon ot the buildinp, landscaping, pavlnQ and Ilphtiny
tmprovemants shall ba provlded wlthin that cnrtaln fNt~j (50) foot trfanguler
intersectton area in comp~lance wfth tho crtterfa set fortti in tho Desfgn Plan:
a. Herbar Boulevnrd and Katella Aven~te. ~
b. Katella Avenue and West Street/Qisnoyland Drive. I
c. Katella Avenue and Walnut Stre~-t. f
d. Wost Streot/D(snoyland Drive and Ball Road. '
" ,:.
,12~ Exterior LipMing. Except ss othervvlse provfded in this Chapter, all extarlor Ifphtinfl ~ ~~
shall be fn contoimance with the Oesipn Ptan ;
This Dfstrict ts IMendai to accommodate Thame Park uaes consi$tinq prlmarDy of tlcket
areas, din(ng, ret~il end entertelnment facflitiea, support beck-of•house service iacilities (m~intonance,
accessory uses, and stagln~ areas), end assoctated administratton facllfttes as well es iimfted hotels and
accessory usas as identHied on Exhlbft 3.3a entlUed 'Developmant Area Summary' oi tha
Speciftc Plen document and as sot forth heretn.
.~. PC93-60
.010 Theme Park-Permitted Primary Usea and Structures. Subject to ihe Iimitations
prescribed in Saction 18.78.050 entltled "LAND USE AND SI7E DEVELOPMENI'
STANDARDu-GENER.4L" of this Chapter and In accordance with the Design Plen, the following
buildinps, structures and uses shall be permlttod In this Dlstrfot:
Theme Park. A commerclal establlshment which Includos entertalnmaM
facilitfos of a re~lonal signiflcance and may Includa ancillary or incidental
facfiitles, such as plazas, streets, walkway promenades, marinas, lakes, parka,
ancl other landscaped open space areas, and rest area~ and whlch may charge
a fee tor admisslon. The following facllitles may be Included withln a Thame
Amphitheaters, Indoor and outdoor.
Amusemont devices and/or arcades.
Dance floors.
Ffrevrorks (locatfon and time aubject to approval of th0 F(re
Outdoor speclal Iight effects Includfng, but not llmRed to, sky beacons,
floodlights of the thematlc eloment and other theme park st~ucturas,
search Ilghts, laser Ilght shows, ilrew~rks, and other similar Ilghtfng
effocts intended primarlly for entertainrrient of The Dfsneylend Resort
visftors and not as an advenising display.
Retall s~, ° ...
Resiaurents•enclased, seml-enclosed, satellite, or walk-up.
Theatars-fncludes dlnner, legitlmate or motlon picture theaters and
portormance theaters or clubs.
Thame park attractfans. A bullding, atructure, Improvement, device,
mechanism, or other faclliry or combfnatlon thareof operated ior the
ontertalnm~nt of vfsRors In a theme park. Such tacilfties mey inctude, but
are not Ifmfted to: roller caaste~s, amusement -ides, wator rides,
monorails, shows (Ifve, automated or motion picture), dlaplays,
museums, art galleriea, eud(torlums, pAVilions, or zoos.
Outdoar stands and booths.
2. Hotels. Up to a maximum of 1000 hotel rooms or guest suites and flalninfl
vehicular access irom West Street/Dlsneyiand Drive subJect to the Ilmltatlons
prescrlbed In Section entitled "llMITAT~ON ON T07AL NUMBER
OF HOT~L 3UEST ROOMS OR SUITES" of thfs Chepter.
3. Retelt Entertalnmant Centere.
d. TranspoKetfon Facliltles.
5. Vacation Ownershtp ResoKs In compllance with Sectfon 18.78.120 entltled
ROOMS OR SUITES" of th(s Chapter.
.020 Psrmitted Acc~esary Uaea end Structures. The inllowin~ AaceASOry uses may
be conducted where clearly incldental to and Integrated with a permitted primarY ~se:
Thsma Park Acceeaory 3uppoK Facili4los. A buitding, st~ucture, devlce,
mechan(sm, or other fac(iky or combination thereof which suppoRs and is
-23- PC93~60
; ~'~. ~'""~
consfstent wfth the Intent of tho operatlon aE a thama p~rk. Such factlkles may
Include, but are not Iimited to:
~, Administrative offices including tempo~ary oHices within axisting hotel
buildings during construc:ion pariod only and subJect to approval of the
TraHic end Trensportetion Manager for parking layout and vehiculai•
b. Alcoholic beverages, on•premise consumptlon.
c. Anlmal atorage tacllitles. An establishment in which slx or more dops or
other damestlcated enlmals are housed, groomed or tsmpararfly
boarded. Such tacllitles shall be Iimked strictly to the uso by gueata and
patrons of a Theme Park and/or for use in the Theme Park and must be
located 5Q foet irom any residentisl zone.
d. Automobite/vehicle parking lots Ar struc4ures providing off•stroet parlc!ng
spaces, as required by this Chapter far use3 permitted under this
e. Bank(ng facllitios, includfng automated teller mach(nos.
f. Chiid day care s0rvices Intendod for the uso of theme parlc employees.
g. Emergency medical facllitles.
h. Employee ('Cast') dressfng raom and rest areas.
i. Mecfianical equlpment.
J. Movie and theatrical productlon facllities withfn theme park.
k. Repair iacllitles for vehiclea and attractlons.
I. Signs as permitted pursuant to Section 18.78.13~ entitled "SIGN
REf3UL4TI0NS" of this Chapter.
m. Staging areas.
n. Starege facllittes provfded they shall not be visible fram a point afx feet
above ground an adjacent publfc right-of-way or Any adjacent or
surrounding proporty.
o. Studlos, radlo and telovlafon. A tacility which may lnclude
accommodations tor (ilming/tap~ng in front of liva audiences.
Hotel Acceesory 3upport Uses.
a. Administ~atlve oNlces Including tomporary oHices wfthin existfng hotel
buildln~s during constructfon period only and subJsct to apQroval of the
i ~atfic and Trensportaticn Manapar ior parkinp layo~d and vshlcuiar
b. Alcohotic bAVeraqe sates, off-premise cansumptlon, withfn a hotel
c. Alcohclic baverages, on-premise consumptlon.
d. Amusement d~vices and/or arcedes within a ho2el complex with ~o
pubtic access directly trom tha e~erlor oi the building and subJact to
the provfsfons oi Chapter 4.14 ontkled "AMUSEMENT DEVICES" ot this
e. Bank(np facilitles, Including autamatud telier machfnes.
f. Barberahops.
g. Beauty ahopa.
h. Ghild dey care aervices, wkh(n s hote{ c:omplex, Intendod for hotel end
theme park emptoyoes and quests.
i. Caretakor unit. A residential dweliinp Intendod to be the p~lmery or
secondary Ilvin~ accommodatlons far the manager or careteker oF a
hotel. For hotels contsining less than 300 roorns, such unk shall be less
than one thousand two hundred ri+enry-tive (1,225) gross square teet in
.Zq. PC93-60
1r ~~~
~ ~;
sfze and integrAted withfn the hotel ~nly, Far hotels conta(ning 300
rooms or more, such unR may not be more than three thousand (3,000)
gross square feet.
j. Health spes and physical iltness centers within hotel complex and
Ilmfted strlctly to the use of the guests and/or employeea ot such hotel
k. Kltchens In a hotel complex or restaurant or kitchenettes In a hotel
gue~t coom or cufte.
I. Laundry and dry cleaning facllities as a paK af a hotel faclliry.
m. Massage services as a pan of a hotel cnmplex In sccordance with the
requirements and permRs set forth In ~heptor 4.29 entltled "BATHS,
BUSINESSEB" and Chapter 19.89 entitled `AQULT ENTER7AINh1ENT
BUSINESS" of this Code.
n. Meeting and conventlon facllitles as a part of a hotel faoiliry.
o. Outdoor stends and booths.
p. Postal and copy servlces.
q. Rocreatlona0 fa~ilitles, when a part of a hotel. Recreatianai facllRles
include, but aro not Iimited to, outdoor playground areas, tennis and
ra~quotbail courts, spas, t,nd sw(mming pools, when Integrated as Fart
of a hotel only.
r. Rental agencles tor automoblles.
s. Rectauranta, fndoar and outdoor.
t. Retoil uses, Integrated Into hotel.
u, Slgns within a featura landscape element with the i~IlowlnQ
(1) Shall be constructed In campllance with the Dosign Plan;
(2) Shell replaca mon~~ment signs permltted in Sectlan
18.78.130.U81 entltled "PERMITTED SIGN$" of this Chapter;
(3) Shall be setback a minimum of sevon (~ feet from the ultimate
publfc right-of-way;
(4) Shail not exceed a maximurn of ton (10) feot;
(5) Shall not have more than two sign facas por hotol entry drlve;
(G) Shall not creato a ccntlnuous wall along the ;~ublic right-ol-wey.
TravQl serv(ces.
Getewey FacIIH(pa. Gateway facilftles whlch provide access to the ticket
booths that serve theme parks, including but not Ilmi4ed tn, dlre~tory end
fniormatlonal sfyns, flags, bAnneta and changeable capy si~ns, provided tha
changeablo copy signs shall have the fo~lowing requiremonts:
a. No more than one (1) changeable copy slgn per street frontago;
b. Shall not be located wfthfn the required front sot6ack;
c. Maximum hefght ot seventy (70) feet;
d. Meximum sign copy area of !hirteen hundred (t300) square feet ~•~dh a
maximum of five (500) square feet oi changeable copy; and,
e. The changeable copy signs Can be sfnpte or double slded.
.030 Struct~s~al Height LimKattons.
.25. PC93~60
~ subsocdons 2rA id 3, hte maximum~sg~ucturel hefght shali beby the provislons of
a, Within a theme park use: two hundred fiPcy (250) faet, exaept that one
str,~ctural thematic element may have a height of three hundred (300)
b F~Ianidocument entftledr~MaximumtPermitted Structuiral Height,Sp~cHic
2, Maximum Permittad WOlght et Raquired Setback.
a. Harbor Boulevard: Fnrtyfive (45) feet.
b, Katolla Avenue: FoKy-fiuA (45) feoi.
~, West Strset/Disneyland DrNe: Fortytive (45) ieet excopt twontyone
hundred (2,100) feet north of the c2ntetlins of Kcitetla Avenuo the
maxlmum helght at the setback shall be determined by Exhfbft 1 of the
Specific Plen document entitled 'Ma~cimum Permitted Structur~l Height.'
3, c;y Expasure Plene. The maximum helght of structures adJacent to the
follpwing streots shall not exceed one (1) additlonal foot of holght above the
maximum permltted he(flht at the requlrecf setback for each two (2) addltional
feot of ~etback:
a, Katella Aver~ue.
b, West Street/Disneyiand DrNe, between Katella Avenue and twentyana
hundred (2,100) feet north of the centerllne of Katella Avenue.
~. Harbor Eoulevard.
.040 Intorlor Structur~l8atback and Yerd Raqutremonts. 7he tollowinp rr,inirtwm
setback requirements ahall apply to parmanertt buildtngs and structuros constructed wfthfn thle Dl3trict,
excopt as provided elsewhera in this Chapter. Such setbacks shall be measured from the interior
proporty iine.
1, From intorior lots wholly with!n the same District: zero (0) fe^+ minimum.
2, From intorior lots in an adJacent ~istrict, but wholly within tlie Speciflc Plan area:
zero (0) teet minfmum.
3, 'rrom adjacent lots wholly outside tho SPec~ic Plan area: ton (i0) teet minfmum.
4~ entitledd~C-R O~lERI.AY tofhfslChapter:ten (10) feet minimumoction 18.78.100
,050 Setbac~s-Lots Abutting Pubifc Righttt-oi-Way. The follawing minimum
setback requfrements sha!I ~pp!y to paimanent buildfn~s and structures constructed within this Distrlat,
except as pro~rfded Qisewhere in thfa Chopter. Such setbacks shall be measured trom tha ultlmate
planned public right-of-way as deolgnated or tho Clrculation Element of thp General Plan and as turther
i~reSatied end mafn ei 9d in a ma nfer fn compllorce w h he Das gln Plancks shail be tully landscaped,
Ball Road.
~26~ PC93~0
~~^, ~
From a paint tlvo hundred (5Q0) 4est oaat of the centerlfnR of West
Street/Disneyland Drfve to Interstate 5: an avgrapa of thirry (30) feet with
a minimum of zero (0) feet, provided tha length oF the bulidfng wkPi a
zern (0) foot setback shall not exceod ten (10) feet, wlth landscaping
consfstent with Design Plan Cross Section numbor 24, provldRd an open
dec~ .,,ve fence, such as wrought Iron, may be located no closer than
ien (10) feet from the ultimate public ri9ht-of•way.
From the centerlina of Walnut 5traet to a polnt five hundred (500) feet
east of the cente~line of West Street/Disneytand Drlva: twenry (20) teet
minimum ft the helght of the structure Is sevenry•ffve (75) feat or less or
thlrty (30) feot minimum ff the helflht of the structure Is graater than
sevenry-fNe (75) feet, witM a minimum of ten (10) toet of landscaping
conststent wfth Dosign Plan Cross Section number 23.
Harbor Boulevard.
e. Within th~ C-R Overlay: Twentysix (26) feet, minimum, with
landscaping consistent with Dealgn Plan Cross Section number 6.
b, Between the C-R Overiay and a polnt one thousand (1,OOQ) feet north
of the centerline of Freedman Way: Fffty (50) teet, minimum, with
landscapfnq conslatent wlth Design Plan Cross Sectlon number 7.
o, Between a polnt or.9 thousand (~I,000) feet north of the centerline of
Freedman Way and a pnlnt slxteen hundred (1,600) teet north of the
centerline of Freedman Way: thirty (30) feet, minimum, with iandscaping
consistent with Design Plan Cross Sectfon number 8a.
d, Between a point sbcteen hundred (i,600) feet north af the centerllne of
Freedman Way and a point ffve hundred (500) feet north of the
conterline of Manchester Avern~e: twAlve (12) feet, minimum, with
landscaping consfstent with Design Plsn Cross Sectlon number 8b.
Interstate 5(Santa Ana Freeway). Teh (t0) faet minfmum provided that
foot stetback wlth landscap ng consist nt wlt~h Des gn Ptlan C osa Sev ion ~ro (0)
number 18.
Katella Avenue.
~. From the centsrline of West Street/Disneyland Drive to a pu(nt eleven
hundred (1,100) feet east of sald ce.~terl(ne: iffteen (15} faet minfmum,
with landecaping conslstent wfth Dasign Plan Cross Soctlon number t,
and ptavfded that the monorail and its structural supports shall also ba
permitted wkhin the setback area.
b. From a polnt eleven hundracl (1,100) toet east of the cente~line of West
Street/Disneyland Drive to tha w~s4em rlght•of•way ot Harbor Boulavard:
eleven (11) feet minimum, wfth landscaping conalstent wfth Design Plan
Cross Soctions numbers 7 and 3.
West Strest/Disneyland Drive.
a. Batween Katella Avenue and a polnt twenry~one (2,100) hundred teot
north of the centerline of Katella Avenuo: nineteen (18) teet minimum,
with landscaping consistent with Design Plan Cross Section number 11 •
b, Between a point tw9ntyone hundred (2,100) feet narth of the cente~iine
of Katella Avenue and a point four thousand (4,000) feet north of the
.27. PC93•60
~' ~
centerline of Katella Avenue: nineteen (1 ~J) feet minimum, prov(ded
extsting walls and bulldings shown on Exhlbit 3 of the Specific Plan
document entltled 'Existinfl Structureo to Remaln,' may remaln, and lhat
Iandscaping shall be consistent wRh Design Plan Cross Sectlon number
a Betwoen the centerline of Bali Road end a polnt faur thousand (4,000)
feet norlh of the contorline of FCatell~ Avenue: twenty (20) feet provldod
existiny structures may remain as ahown on Exhibft 3 of tha Specino
Plan document entitled 'Existin~ Structures to Remain,' and that
landsceping shatl be conslstont with Desfgn Plan Cross Sections
numbere 14a ttnd 'i4b.
6. West Piac~.
T~:~ (10) teet minimum, ff the height uf the structure is thirty•five (36) feet
or less or twenry (20) feet minimum, If the helght of the structure is
greater than thiKyfive (35) feet.
.OSO Enhaneed Structural ElOVatione tor Thema Attractinn Buildtnga. Elevallons
of bulidings intended to enclo~e theme aRracilons and which are visible from a point six (6) feet above
ground lovel, from adjaaeni publtc straels, adJecent parcels outsfde lhis District or adJacent parcels
develaped under the provislons of Secllon 18.78.100 entitled "C-R OVERUIY" oi thfs Chaptar, shall have
enhanced architectural elevatfon treatmonts. 5uch treatments m ay Include, but are not limftaol to:
1, painted buildinp surfaces;
2, applled buitdlnp matenats; and,
3. other types o} appl(catlons whlch a-e genernlly intended to:
a. creatA the illusion thet uses wRhin the building are other than thosa
ac:tually contelned therefn, or
b. reduca 1ha apparent vlsual scalo of euch bulidings.
Thame attractions not Intended to be enclosed are not subjeat to tha provis(ans of this Section.
This District Is in!end~l lor hotel/motels, accessory retaA and recreational use, antl open
space uses as Identifled on FachibR 3,3a entitled 'Devalopmen: Araa Sumrnary' ~f the
Specific Plan
document and as set ionh horetn.
.010 Permitted Prlm9ry Useo and Structurea,
1. Hotels.
2. Retall Entertainment Cent9rs.
3. Transportation Facilities.
4. Vacation Ownarehip ResoKs In complfancowfth Sectlon 18.78.120 entfUed
ROOMS OR SUITES" ~f this Chepter.
.020 Permitted Accasaory Supnort Uaes.
, ~;p~
.2g. PC93-60
^ ~
Hot~i Accessory Support Servlcoa as deacrlbed In subaaction 18.78.060.~D20.2
ontfded "HOTEL ACCESSORY SUPPORT U3E3' of thls Chep2er except that the
tollowtnp additional uses set farth tn a throuqh c below may be considored
accessory suppan uses and the use set forth in d shall be subJect to the
Approval of a condittonal use permit:
a. Automobite Rentai Aflency provided the sto~ape and/or dlaplay oi reMel
vehicles fs withfn a parktn~ structure and vehicles aro acresned 1rom
vlew and are not located within requlred hotel complex {wrkin~ apacos.
b. Mlniature ~dt.
c. Thaaters (ncludin~l dinnsr, leyftimate or motion picture theators,
pertormance theatars or ciubs and i~oor amphitheatorn.
d. Chitd dey caro serv~ces.
2. Murals, provided H visiblo irom the publlc rl~ht~of•uvey a condittonal use peRnR la
3. ResteuraMa. enctosed, semi-enclosed, satellfte, or watk•up.
.030 8tructurot HoipM end Aros UmRetlont. #
1. Me~cimum PonnHto~ Structural HNpht. With t~~o ar.captlon of tho provialons ~
(n 8ubsection 2 below, the buAdinp helpMe Nlustreted in Exhibk 1 ~f tho 3pocMic {
Plan documeM entiUed 'Maximum Permhted 3truMural HeiflM,' thall epply to ,
permanern buildinps and atructure= conatructed wkhin thta Diatrlct. °
2. Maximum PormiHod Structunl HaroM at R~qukod SNback:
a. Katella Avenue: Fortytlvo (45) teet.
b. We~t Street/Dfsnayla~d Drlve: Farly-tiva (45) ieot.
c. Walnut Str~^t• Forty (AO) foet.
d. Cortit~. '' ~e: FoRy-tivo (45) faet. ~
3. Sky Expo~un Pt~n~. The mexfmum hoi~ht of atcuctures ad~acont t~ ths ~
fdlawlnp atreets thall not exCQed ono (1) eddhlonal foot ot hoipM ebov~ th~r
Maximurn Porm~ted Hoipht at tho roqulrod =etback for each two (2) add~lor~al ~
1w~t ot s~tbecl: ss doecribed in 3ectkM 18.T8.030 oMhlod '~EFlNITIONS' In this t
Chapt~r and in Sactbn 3.0, 'Lsnd Use Plen' ot thA SpacNfc Plan documont: +
a Katells Avenuo. T
b. W~st Stroet/DbnnAend Drlvo.
c. Walnut Stroet.
d. Cettltos Avonue.
.0~0 Inte~lot SttuCturol SMlN~k ~nd Y~td R~qulnm~tKS. Tho fdlowUKi mlMmum ,,`Y~v~.
~wtback ~quirerneMS shall spply W p~rmanont bultdlnps end nructuns cor.~tructod wlthin tMs GlsMct
wccspt iis provklad Nsewh@ro M thb CNaptsv. 8uCh s~tb~Ck~ ~hall b~ mMSUrod hom th~ property I(r~.
t. From Intwio~ lou whopy wlthin the semo Oistrlet: uro (0) i~t minlmum. ~
pr~vW~O tho minimum di~tsrx~ bKw~en ~tnrcturoa ahall b~ ten (10) toet. f
2. From Into~for lob M an rf{acont DfWict. but wholiy ~Ithln tM SP~cfflc Plan aroa: ;
t~o (0) foet minimum, prdvid~d 1ho minimum difaanc~ Dftvv~on ~tiucturs: sheli ,
b. un ~~o) r.a.
-29. PC91~80
From edjacent Interior lots wholty outskle the Speciflc Plan area: ten (10) teet
From adjacont interior lots developed under the provlstons of Se~:tlon 18.78.100
entltted "GR OVERLAY' of this Chapter: ten (10) teet minimum,
.060 3etbecks hom AbuNinp Public WIgMs-ai-Way. The idlowtnp minlmum
setback requlroments ahatl apply to pam~ans~t bulldlnqs and structures conat-ucted wkhin thfs District,
except as provided elsewhere In this Chaptor. Such sotbACks shall b0 measured irom th¢ ultlmata
planned public rlpht-of-wey aa desiQnated on tha Clrculetion Eloment ot the Qenerel Plan and u` tuRher
described in Section 4.0 and 6.0 of the SpacNic Plan documeru. All aetbacka shall be fttfly landacaped~
inipated and mainte(ned tn a mannor in compliance wlth the Deaign Plan.
1. COrtkos Avenuo.
a. Cerritos Avenuo aouth side of street: Ten (10) feet wlth landacap~~p
conslsteM with Oesign Plan Cross Ssctlon number 26.
2. Katelit~ Avenue.
Nln~teen (19) teat minimum, with landscapinfl consiste~t with Deslqn Plnn Cross
8act(an number 13.
3. Wel.iut Stre~t.
a. B~tween Kateiia Avenue and a polnt touReen hundred (1,400) teet north
of the coMedine: thlRy (~G) feot minimum, wRh Isndscapinfl conalateM
with Oosiqn Plan Crou Sectlon number 20.
b. Betweon e polM (ourteen hundred (1,400) teet no-th ot the coMe~llne of
Katella Avenue: thlrty (30) foot minimum, wkh lendscaptnq con~latont
wtth Desl~n Plan ~rc»s 3ectlon number 19.
4, West 3traet/Disnoylend Orhn-. Nlnoteon (19) teot minimum, w-th larxlec~pin4
conslneM wkh Dealqn Plan Croas Section number 10.
.c+~0 I.IMM~tlon on Accofs from WNnut St»ot
No vehiculer acc~ss trom Welnut Stroot Is permlt~d oxcePt for the existinp
emarqency e~d sonric~ vahlclo acxwss for !r,o Obno}Aend Hetet as shovm on ExhtbR 5.8.3b ~MIUad
'Hotel Dfatrict Concept Plan' o~ the Doabn PMn.
.070 Mi~tmune l~nd~cep~ ~nd Opon 8pAC~. Tha mtnhnum -~nd~cape arxl
recreatbn area for the HaiDistrict sha~~~ I@~~~ ~~ a~~ a tre4s,ihrubs and
mfnimum Isndscaped open Pa meY
~proundcovor, water teatutos h~dudinp, but not Iimhod to. swtmmin9 iiods~ apeis~ Pond~. Iskss, and
IouMOlns: Poclestrian walkwey~ snd potlos~ I~ndscap~d anes wltMn parklnp IaclltNs~ aroos IMendod ~er
e~nerpe~cy ~ccos~ Psvad wRh turi Wock. Ptved u~as intonded prfmarly for voMcder traHlc Mdudbq.
ebut not Ihnlted to. tomporary and/or ponr~er~er~ P~rici^01aciItNK; d~h-owi+ri, end p~ataco~horo~ sF+all
not be con~idQrod as ~and~capad ePw+ Apac.~ tor tho purpo:e~ a thb -eq~d~wnt•
Thk Dlstrkk:t is Intond~d W sccommodata P~~Mnp hdhl~s and/or aMoce parkkro lot~ ~~
IdentNkd on ExMblt 3.3a erKRt4d 'Osv~lo~xrnnt l4~ea SummarY' d tfw Sp~cMic Plon
documoM and as sot (oRh t~ein.
~, ,~+~
~. PC~1~0
i'u°1 ,~';
.OtO Permftted P~ImaEy Ueaa end Structura'.
1. Parkfng Facilkiea.
2. Tr~nsponetlon Facilities.
.020 Permkted Acaasaory Ueas end Structuras.
Perklnq facllftles developed adJacont to Harbor 8ouievard public ripht-oi•way as
shown as Optlon 2 In Exhlbft 3.3.3b entRled 'East Perkinp Area Optlons' o~ th0
Speclfic Plan document, may have the foltowlnp pedestrian orfented commerciel
uses provtded that addklonal parkinp shall be provldad tor aach use In
accordanre ~~;hh Sectton 18.08.050 Antkled'VEHICLE PAFiKING AND LOADINa
REOUIRE~dENT3' at the Anahetm Munlcipal Code, the commerclal uses ahatl
only face Harbor Boulevard and have e maxfmum depth of aeveMy-Ma (75) feet,
and shalt havo seMce ontrencss to the ~aar ai the use:
a Banklnp facUkles, Induding automated teller mact~ines.
b, Book atores, Includinfl newapaper and pe~lodlcal salea.
c. Clothinp atores.
d. Drugstores.
e. Flo-~I shops.
t Photo supply ehops.
q. ReataureMS, includiny outdoor eatinp, provtded a Gonditlonal Use
PormR ehatl ba obtalnecl tor on•prAmise consumptlon ot alcohd.
h. 3owenir, ~IIR. end/or novelty shops.
i. Tobacco ahopa.
J. T~avel apenclas.
.030 StruMurd HoIpM ~nd Are~ Llmitattons.
Maximum Po-mitted Structunl HoIgM. The maximum hotpht of a parklnp
~cHlty in thls District la IimRed to sixty-itve (85) feet In the West Park:ng Ar~a
ar~d aevenry•iNe (76) Ieet In the Esat Parkinq /trea. e~ept thet eppurtonancei to
a atructure may exceed theae maximuma, provWinp they do not excood by
m~ro then twtnty (20) teet the maxlmurt~ helphts provida! heretn or th9
provlsfons of Exhiblt 1 of the SpecHtc Pla~ docum~M ontNlacl 'Mexlmum
Permhtod StruCtutel Helpln.'
2. Maximum PnmUted HdpM at R~qulrod SAtb~ek:
e. Wainut Streot: Forty (~0) ioa1.
b. Corritos Awnua: SbctyHw (85) toet.
c. Katetla AvQnua: FoRyfNo (45) foot. '' .T~
d. qomonUne 3treet/Manchost~r Avenuo: 3eveMy1Ne (7b) feet. ~
e. Frtedman Way: 3evontyftvo pbl t~K.
t. Harbor 8oulevoN: FoRyINe (4:,) feat. ,
3. Sky Expa~ur~ Plen~. The mmclmum helpM o/ nructuros ed~acoM to tho ~
fdlowiny strortta shall not exceod ono (1) sddriionel toot ot h~IpM abova thQ (
~Aaximum P~rmMed HaipM at tho nquind svtback lor nach two (2) tddNona~ ~
tAet o1 ~tbaCk sf da~ctlbod tn SoCtfon 18.78.030 orKMad 'DEFlNITIONS' of this f
Cheptor and M S~ctlon 3.0, lerd U~e Plan ot tho 3pocl8c Plan docurtwnt: E
a. Ketolla Avenue. ,
b. Herbor Boulward. ~
c. 1Natnut Street. j
at- PCS3~40 i
~ '
,040 Structunl SAtback and YsM :-aqulramento. The following minimum setback
requfrements ahall appiy to permanent bultdlnps and structures constructed wkhin this Dlatrict exc~pt as
pravfded elsewhero in the Chapter. Such setbac~s ahall be measured irom the Interior proporty Ilne.
I. ~=rorn fnte~tor lots wholly wRhSn the same Dlatrtct: zero (0) teot minimum
provkfed the minimum distance betwoen atructures ehell be ten (10) feat.
2. From intorlor lots In en adJaceM D(st~ict, but wholly withln the SpecHic Plan erea:
zero (0) teet minimum provlded the minimum distance betwoen slructures shall
be ten !10) teet.
3. Prom adJacent interlor lots wholly nutside the Specilic Plen area: ten (10) iset
4. From adJaceM lots developad under the prr,visions ot Sectlon t8.78.100 entitled
"C•R OVERIAY" of thls Chepter: tan (10) teet minimum.
.080 S~tbacka-FroM Abu:!inp Public Riphtt-of•way. Tha followlnp minlmum
setback requirements shall apply to permgneM buildings and structuros constructed wlthin thls atst~tct,
exc,ept as provtded etsewhere In th:s Chaptar. 3uch setbacka ahall be measured trom tha ultimate
planned publlc ripht-ot•way as desipnatod on the Ctroulatlon Qemen! et the Qanarf,ll Plan and as iuRher
described In Sectlon 4.0 and 5.0 oi tho SpecHlc Plan documAM Atl setbacks shall be fully landsceped,
Irrigated and ma(ntatned In a mannar In complfance with the Deaiqn Plan.
t. Cerritos Avenue. Tw~nty (20) feet with landscaping conslstent wtth Desipn Plan
Cross Section number 25.
2, qementino Street. TweMy (20) feot minlmum, with landscapinp conalstent with
Dealqn Ptan Crosa 3ectton number 27.
3. Freedman Way.
p. N~Rh sida o( the street:
(t) From tha centu~ll~o of Harbor Boulevard to a poiM atx hundred
(e0p) teet east: FiRy (50) iaet minlmum, wlth Iend~c~p~nD
consl~teM with Deaifln Pian Cros~ 3@ction numbor 16.
(2) From Clementine Stre~t to a point ~aven hundrod (700) leot
wAat of the c~eMedlne ot Clemonttne Streat: Twonty (20) feat
mtnknum, wRh Iandtcapinp cnnstAtent with Detlqn Plan Croea
St~cctlon numbor 16.
(3) Provlded that tho fdlowlnp wccepttons may hava a z4ro (~) ioot
(a) padeatrhn bridpo end/or automobAe brldpA a~ shown
on Desipn Ptsn Cross Secdon number 16.
(b) Raked pade=trlan br~dpe aa ahown on Design Plan
Croaa Sactioa number 16.
(c) Poople movor/movinp eldAwalk.
b. 3outh sfde of areet: Treronty (20) foet mf~~mum, with lendacaplnp
cqnaistent wlth Desipn Plen Cross t~ct~on numbet 17.
~32. PC9~60 }
4. Katetla Avenue. Eleven (11) feet minimum, wkh landscaplnq conststeM wlth ;
Dosign Plan Cross 3ectlon number 4. ~
5. YJalnut Street. Thirry (30) feet minimum, with landscaping consistent with Desi~n
Plan Crass Section number 21.
.080 Limtta3lono ot Acceus trom Publie Righta-ot-way. Nn vohicular acceas from ',
Walnut Street ts permitted. ~
.070 Parking OletriCt RequirAm6nte. Parking spaces providoJ within this Dlstrict ~
shall bo used to fulfilt the parl;;~~~ requiroments of tha theme perk usas within the Theme Park District.
1. Use of Parking 8pacos. Perkfne spaces within thia Dist~lct may b0 used by ,
thomo parl< ~ucsts and employees and the qAneral publlc dur;np da}r3 and ~
hours not less than the hours of operatlon of theme parks In the Thome Park ~
District. ~
2. Totel Number of 3peces. The total number o~ vehicle ~arkfn~ spacss
provfded within the Olstrict shail not excced 34,300 spaces.
3. Type N Parkinp FacilitiAa Provlded. Parkinp apeces may be provided withln
parking facilities or un surface parlcing lots. Such surtace park(np lota may be
elthsr tempnrary or permanent and are subJect to the review and approval of the
Traitic and Transportation Manager.
4. tand~caping of Surlaco Pa~kinp Lote. Su~tece pa~{Cinq lot~ used ior spesd
parkiny, as daMed in Section 18.78.030 onthled `DEFINI710NS' ol this Chnpter,
wlthin thls District or intanded to serve theme perk employees ahall be exempt
irom the surtace parkinp lot tendscape requiroments desc~ibed herein, except
that amr auch lot shall be aurro~nded at the porlmeter by a continuous,
ever~resn landscapo acreen consistinp of ahrubs, trees and pround cov~r which
cen achleve a height of tort~•two (42) Inches tn flve (S) yesrs, and Is Intarxled to
prevent vievus into the aurtaca perking lota from surroundinq adJacent publlc
This Dla~rlct Ia tntundad to accommodato tutu-e oxpanaion of The ~Isneylend Reaott whh
en edditlonal theme perk end support usea ea klentMiod on Fachibit 3.3a entftled
'Development Area
5ummary' ol the 3pecflfa Plan document or es aet foKh herein.
.OtO Pormittod Primery U~o~ and Structuns.
1, Aq-Iculture.
2. Parlclnq Fecqttlos.
3. Theme perka as desc~lbed In Sectlon t8.78•080.010 oM~lad 'THEME
tor the Iimitetfons provided horetn.
.02o Permitt~d Accos~ory Uses end SWcturea.
t. HotelF/Motels ~p to a maximum density of toventyffve (75) ~ueat ro~ms par
.~, ,~~.-
.~- PC93~0
Hotei/Motel Accessory St~pport lJses. Accessory uses as deacribed in 3ectlon en3ltled "HOTHL ACCESSORY 8UPPORT USES" of thls Chepter.
Theme Park Accessory Suppo-t Facllitles as describ~d In Sectton
entitled "TH~ME PARK ACCESSORY FACILITIES" of this Chapter.
.030 Candiilonel Uses and Struotures.
1. Animal Storage Facilities.
2. Vacat(on Ownorship Res~rts subject to compHance with thd requfrsments of
RESORTS" of tt~is Chapter
3. Retail entertatnment centers.
4. Ciifld day care facilfties.
.040 Structurel Helght and Area LlmRetions.
Maximum Pormitted Structural Helpht. The maximum bulidiny heiqht
permltted in thie Dtatrict shali depend on the type of usea developed within the
Dl~:rict eccordinp to the followiny standards:
a. Theme Park uses, includfng Theme Attractiona: two hundred iffty (250)
b. Other uses, IncludinQ, but not Ilmited to, h~tols, motels, and parkfnp
tacllitfes as shown in Exhiblt 1 ot the Speciflc Plan document ent~led
'Me~cimum Permmed Structural Hel~ht.'
Maxtmum i~ermiited HaigM at Hequ(r~sl 8etback:
n. Katella Avenue: FortyMe (45) feet.
b. Haster Street: Forry-fiv~ (46) feet.
c. Herbor Boulevani: Forry•tive (45) teet.
d. Adjacent to a Rosidenti~~l Zone: FHry (50) teet.
5ky F~acposure Piane AdJecont to Public Filphtu-ot•Way. The maximum hoight
of structuros adJacent to the ioltow(nfl atreets ahall not exceed one (1) addkional
toot of helqht above the ma~ctmum permitted hel~ht at tha requlred s~back ior
eech Mro (2) addRional i~,et ot setback as desscribed in Sectton 18.78.030 entkted
"DEFINITIONS" oi this : hapter and in Sectfon 3.0, Land Use Plan of the
Speaitic Pl~n document:
a. Katetla Avenue.
b. Haster 3treet.
c. Harbor Boulevard.
Sky Exposure Plano Adjecont to R,atdontlel Zor.o. Ths maxtmum halpht ot
structrres et the requlred eotbeck adJacent ta a restdentlal zone ahali not
exceec`. one (1) toot of he(ght far each two (2) feot of sotbeck irom the adjecant
residen+tal zone up to tha maximum helpM permitted In the Dlstrict.
.060 Sttuctund Sotback snd Yanl Requ(romonts. The foltawinp nzinimum setback
requtrements shall eppty to permenent butldings end structures cor,atructed within thfs Olst~iM exn@pt as
provided elsewhare in the ChApter. Such setbacks shail bo moeaured irom the fnterlor proporty
From Interbr lota whotly withln the samo Distrlct: zero (0) teet minimum
provkled the minimum dlstenco betwaen structures ahall be tAn (10) feet.
~4- PC93~80
~ ~
2, From adJaCent commercisl interlor lots wholly outside the Spacfflc Plan area: ten
(10) teet mfnimum.
3. From adJacent mulliple•family re5ldential zone: minimum tiiry (50y foot wlde
st~uctural setback, with not less than twenry (20) feet of landscaping adJacent to
tho property Ilne, consistent wlth pesign Plan Cross Section number 29.
4. From adJacent lats developed under the provisions of Section 18.78.100 entitled
"C•R QVERLAY" of this Chapter: ten (10) teet minimum.
.08c+ 9atbacka-Lota P.Uulting Ultimate Publfc Flights-of-Way. The tollowing
minimum sotbeck requfrements shatl apply to permanent bulldlnqe and structuras constructed within this
District, except as provided elsewhero tn this Chapter. Such setbaaks shall be meASUrec1 from the
ultfmate planned public right-of-way as dealgnated on the Circulation Element of the (3en~ral Plen and as
further deacribed in Section 4.0 and 5.0 of the Speciflc Pian dncument. All setbaaks shall be fully
landscaped, frrigated and malntalned In a menner In compllance wkh the D~slgn ~lan.
t. Herbpr Boulevard. Twenty•six (28) ieet wfth landscapinp consistent wfth Design
Plan Cr~ss Section number 9.
2. Haster Street. Twonty (20) feot minimum, if the hei~ht of the atructure is
seventy•ffve (~5) feet cr IASS or thirry (30) feet minimum, If the helght of tho
structure Is greater than seventy-five (76) faet, wfth IandscApinp cansistent with
~esign Plen Craae Section number 22.
3. Katelta Avenue. Eleven (11) feet with landscapin~ consfstent with Dosign Plen
Cross Section number 5.
.070 Enhanced Buliding Elavations 1or Theme Attrection Bultdinga. The
tollowin~ regulstian Is intendod to apply to this Dlatrict oniy It k is developod with theme park usss.
Elevatlons of bufidings Intended to enclose tl~ema attractlona and which aro vislble trom a polnt within
slx (6) feet above gruund level irom adjecent public streeta, parcels outalde this Dlat~lct or ad)acent
parcels developed undor the provistons ot Soction 18.78.100 entitled "C-R OVERLAY" of this Chapter,
shall hnvo enhanced architecturai elevatlon treatmenta. Such treatmenia may include, but ere not Iimited
1. pafntod bullding surtaces;
2. applied bultdfng materfals; and,
3. other types of applicat(ons which are generally Intended to:
a. create the ili~.~s(on that usen within the building ere other than those
actualty aantalned therefn; or,
b. to reduce the appar9nt vlsual scale of such bulidings.
Theme attractlons not Intendod to be enclosed are not subject to the provisions ot thfs 3ectlon.
1A.78.100 C-R OVERLAY
.010 Purpoee. The C-R Overlay has been establlshed to permft the useR set
torth in Chapter t8.48 entitled "'C-R' COMMEFIGIAL RECREATION ZONE" oi the A.nehelm Munlc(pal
Coclo, ff the propertfes are not developod as part of The Dlsneytand pesort SpecNic PIAn.
.020 Pannkted Prlrnery Uses end Structures. RII primary uses and structures
permftted in Chapter 18.48.026 ontitled `PERMITTED PRIMARY USES AND STRUCTURES" of the
Anahe~m Municlpai Code, subject t4 the Ifmitetlons prescrlbed in Sectlon 18.78.Q50 entitled •LAND USE
~ t't.
. ~~~
~35• PC93~8Q
~"~ ~;
L~ENSI'f'Y" of this Chapter, Section 18.48,015 entkled "PERMITTED USES AND &TRUCTURES
GENERAL," and Ser,tion 18.48.060 entitled "PROHIBITED USES" of the Anahelm Munlcipal Code.
.030 Permittsd Accaseory Uses and Structursa. All ecce~sory ussa and structures
permftted In the Soction 18.48.030. entitled "PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES AND STRUCTURES" of
the Anaheim Municlpal Code.
.040 Parrtiitted Temporary Usos and Structu~aa. All temporary uses and s4~uctures
permitt~d in the Section t8.48.040. entltled "PERMITTE[~ TEMPOHARY USES AND STRUCTURE3' of
the Anahoim Municipai Code.
.050 Conditionel Usos. All condftlonal uses and st~uctures Iisted fn Sectlor~ 18.48.050
entftled "CONDITIONAL USES AND STRUCTURES" of the Anahelm Munlcipal Code.
.Q60 C-R dverlAy Density. The maximum number of hotels/motels permitted wRhln tho C-R Overlay
shall be:
1, For parcels designated L~w Density on Exhibit 3.3.5b antitled 'C-H Overlay' af
the Speclfic Plan document, up to ~1lfry (50) hotel/motel rooms per groas acre or
seventy-(ive (7b) hotel/motel rooms on an parcel existing on the date of
adoptinn of The Disneyland RnsoK Specltic Plan Ordlnance, whichevor is
2, For parcels designated Medlum Density on Exhlbit 3.3.6b entided 'GR Overlay'
of the S~ecffic Plan dacument, up ta seventy•iNe (75) hotel/motel per gross
acre or seventy•ffvs (75) rooms on an parcel existing on the date of adoptlon of
The Disneyland Resort Speciilc Plan Ordinance, wh(chever fs greeter.
3, Paroels that are developed wfth hotel/motel rooms which exceed the maximum
densiry designation, that the number of rooms existing on the date of sdoptton
of The Dis~eyiand Resort 3peclfla Plan Ordinance may be rebutit or modified at
their axisting dansiry.
.OTO Maximum PenriiNed Weights. The maximum permitted hei~ht of structures ahali
be as Indicated on Exhiblt 1 of tho SpecHlc Ptan document entitled 'Maximum Permittsd Structural
080 Inte~ior Structurel SAtbeck and Yard Requtrsmor~ts irom AdJecen~t Interto~ I
Lots. The tollowfng tnlnlmum setback requlrements apply to structures devoloped under tho provfslons
of Section 18.78.100 entitled "GR OVEI~IAY" at this Chapter, except as provlded elsewhere in this
Chapter, ten (10) i9et mfnfmum. ;
.OSO 6etbacks trom Abutting Public Rtghts-oi-Way. The minimum smtbeck ,,~
requirements (or structures developed under tha provislons of this Sectlon ahell bo as ds3crlbed far the ~'~~4
base Distrfct th~ structure (~ located in v~~ith the iollowfn~ except(ons:
Clement(ne Street. Twenry (20) feet minimum, if the hefpht of the st-ucture is
seventy-five toet or less in hefght or thirry (30) feet minimum, H the heipht of the
structure is greator than seventyfivs (75) teet.
Freedman Way. Twenty (20) fest mfnimum, if the helght of the structure ts
seventy-tive feet or less fn height or thirry (30) teet minimum, H the hef~ht of the
structure is greater than seveMyflve (75) teet.
~36. PC93-60
~t ~
Wlth thv exceptian of parking areas within tho Paricing District, for employoes of the
Theme Park District, and other parkfn~ lats Intsnded tor speed parking procedures as deflned In Sectlon
18.78.030 entitlecl °DEFINITIONS" of thls Chapter, all vehicle accessw~ys and parking and loading areas
shall comply wlth the provislons of Chaptor 18.08 entRled "VEHICLE PARKING AND LOADINCi
REDUIREMENTS" of the Anaheim Munlcipal Qade, except as provided hereln.
.OtO Mintmum Parking Requlrementa.
Parktn~ Requlraments tor Thame Parka end Aesociated Usas.
a. Perkfng shall be provided at tho rate of one (1.0) space tor oach onA
thousand (1000) porsona of estimated annual attendance with e
minimum of twonry•four thousand tive hundred (24,500) parking spaces
provided tor both employees and guests for both the Dianeyland and
WESTCOT theme parks.
b, Required parkfng spaaes may be provided alther within the Park(ng
Distriat or other Districts containud within this Zone.
Parking Raqulremunts tor Hot~la and Asaociatacl Uses In th0 Theme Park
and Hotel Dlstricta. The following minimum number of parking spacea ahall bo
provided: Four fifths (0.8) of a space for each guest room. One tenth (0.1) of a
space per seat of eating/drfnking capaciry plus sbc and saven•tenths (G.7)
spaces tor each 1,000 aquare taet of banquet/meeting room areas, plus tha
following employea apaces: one-quarter spaod (.2b) tor eech employsa work(ng
fn ~usst room areas; two (2.0) apacea por 100 seats of eating/drinking capaclry;
one (1.0) apace per each 1,000 gross square feat of retall spaca.
3. Mtnimum Parking R@qulroments for Adminietrattve Ofilca Facllitias.
Administratfve OHice Facllftlos within the Theme Park Distr(ct contalnsd within a
buflding of mora than flky thousand (50,000) yross square feet shall provide
parking spaces within the Theme Park Dlatrict adJacent to such adminlstrative
tacilities. The requfrod parking may be located within a parkfng iar,lilty or In
aurface parkfng lots end shall be provided at the following rates:
Bulldfnps three (3) sturles or less: Four (4.0) spaces f~r sach one
thousflnd (t,000) gross square teet.
Buitdfngs greater than throe (3) mtorles: Three (3.0) apaceg for each one
thousand (1,000) gross aquare feet.
4. C-R Ovarlay Parking Requlrumanta. Tho minimum number, rype and
design of off•street parking spaces for us~s developed under the provislons of
the C-R Overlay shall comply with the requirements of Sectlon
thls Code.
.020 Location oi Requirad Parktrtg Snaces. All parkfng areas shall comply with the
provisfons of Sectlon 19.06.Q10.020 antiUed `(LOCATION OF RE(JUIRED PARKINQ SPACES)
NONRESIDENTIAL USES" of thls Coda and Sect(on entl+led 'PERMfrtED
ENCROACHMENTS INTO RE~UIRED YARD AND 3ETBACK AREA3' ot this Chapter, with the followiny
Parkinp spaces constructed to serve uses wfthin the Themo Park District shall
be exempt irom the provislons of this requiremaM.
I ~''n
~37. PC93~60
Parking sp~ces required for the Wotel Distrlat may be lacated In anothar Dlctrict,
subJect to the approval of tho Giry Traffic and Transportatlon Manager.
030 Leyout and Design.
Layout tnd Design of SuKace Parking Araas. All surface parking areas and
vehfcle accessways shall comply wkh the requirements of Section 18.08.020
entitled "~'.YOUT AND DESIGN 4F PARKINC AREAS" of thls Code, with the
exGeptlon of parking spaaes constructed withln the Parking District and for
employees of the Theme Park District, whlch shall bo exempt irom the
pr4v(slons of this requfrement providad they confarm to the Exhibit
entitled 'Empluyee Parking Leyout' and the provisions of the Qeslgn Plan.
Parking Structwre Design. All Parking Structures In ths Parking District and tor
employees of the Theme Park Qistrict sh~ll conform to thb Exhiblt
entitled 'Public Parkfng Facilfry Layout,' the provfslons of the Design Plan and
tha foilowing requlrements:
a. A visual barrler shall be provided aiong the edgea of ea~ch lovel of the
parkfng structure to conceal complete vlews ot parked vehicles.
b. ~ngineering Standard Detail No. 137 entitied 'Commerclal Drive
Apprnach' shall not apply to the parking facllky.
.04o Wotel/Motel/Vncetlon Ownership Paseonger Drop-oH Areas. All
hotol/motels and vacation ownorshfp resorts shall have a passenger drop-off ar9a located on•site.
Passenger drop-off ereas (whfch may Inciude a covered area or poK -cochere) shall be for the purpose
of dropping oif and picl<ing up pessengers and luggage, accommodating valet parking, pedestrfan
accASa and safoty, and itre ~ccess white proviufng iree flow of vehicles. Such areas shall not encroach
Into the requlred }ront yard setback, except as provided in Section 18.78.090 entkied "PERMlTTED
.060 Perkin~ Lot Plan Revlew. Parking lot plens, Including parkinp faclNtiea, shall
be subJect to revlew and approval by the Planning Department and the Giry Trafffc and TrenspoKatlon
Manager during Final Site Plan Rev!ew and shall, at a mfn(mum, incorporate all applicable Enpineerfng
Standards and shaii cantaln the tollowing iniormatlon:
1. Dfinenslons tor intemal spacing, clrculation and landscaped areas; I
2. Curbfng, stsil merkings, signing and other treffic cantrol devices; I
3. Locatlon end haight of Ilghting ifxtures; i
4. Lo~:atlon, dimansiong and accesslbiliry of trash containers fur refuse tNCks;
5. Locatlon of ifre hydrants snd flre access~,~ays;
6. Location and hafght of perimeter walls; ~
7. Tour bus and/or ahtdtle parking and loadln~; '
8. Grade elevatlons and ramps mssoctated with driv(ng and parking facilftles; I '`'"_
a. Oeneral IocaNon of utllity devices and other related above•ground featureu; and, ~''~>
ta. Exhibft and/or delivery truck parklnc~/loading areas and bfcycle racks. ~
.080 Paving. All permanent and tempor~ry oH•streot parkfng tecitkles, Inctuding
accass aisles and driveways, shall be permanently paved (not to Include turt block). 3uch surFactng, as
well as strip(ng, afgrdng, end dlrect(onal mark(n~s, shall be malntalned in good conditfon at all tfines.
.070 Tomporary Parking. Temporary parking facilRlea ahall be pavsd end screenecl
with landscapfn~, and shall be subject to the review and npproval of the Clty TraHfc and Tranaportation
Manager. Such faallitlos may be permitted tar a perlod at one (1) year, but may be renewed for up to a
.~8- PC93~60
~~~ ~,
total of flve (5) yoars fn ono (1) year Increments subject to tho roview and approval o( the CRy Traffic
and Transportation Manager.
.000 Perking Me~kinga and Separatlons. With the exception of parking spac~s
and facflities locatecl in the Parking District and for employees of thA Theme Park Dlstrict, all parking
spaces shall be clearly and permanantly outlined on the aurfaco of tho parking taclliry in accordance with
the Engineering Standard Detall No. 602 entltled 'Minimum Off-Stroet Parking Dimencions,' and
Engineering Standard Detall No. f,04 ontitled 'Parking Structure Design.' Parking shall be seperated from
bulldfngs, sfdewalks and plazas by lendscapedline, byhaVminimum~nsxu(6)Wnch ufrb,~and shall ~erking
shall ba separated from any abutting property
screened from vlew of public rights•of-way and adjacarit properties.
.090 Driveway Abandonment. When use of a driveway to a public atroet Is
abandoned or otherwise discontinuad, tho owner, upon recelpt af notlce from the Engineering
Department, shall remove all driveway pavement, curb and gutter; and shall roplace the curb, gutter and
sidewalk, and landscape the area to match the adJacent landsceped areas.
.100 Requira~ Improvemant ol Perking Areas. Surface parking areas in the Hotel
District and within the G-R Overlay shall be improvod In compllance wfth Section 18.08.030 entfUec!
"RE~UIRED IMPROVEMENT OF PARKING AREAS" of this Gode; provlded further that all portions of
vehicular parking lots not used for parkinti stalls or cfrculation shall bo planted, Irrigated and malntalned
fn aacordance with the ~tandards Iist~cl below and the Deslgn Plan.
1, lNinimum Numbor ot Treos. Surface parking areas shall be landscepad and
malntained with a minimum of one (1) twenty•four (24) Inci~ box tree per each
tive (5) parking speces.
2, 81zo ot Nlanters. There shall be an avorape of fony-elght (48) square feet of
planter area provided for each tree requtred In the above Subseotlon wRh a
mfnlmum dimension of ii~e (5) feet.
3. Mtnimum Width ni Perlmote~ Landscaping. Park(ng facilitles shall have a
Isndscaped area wfth a minfmum width of ten (10) feet provided along the
peripheral edges ot the parkfng facilftfes. Such areas shell be landscaped and
maintained with a combinatlon of sh~ubs, groiand cover and trees. Adjacent to
parkinQ facilftles, trees shall be providod and mafntalned consisting of at least
one (1) twenry four (24) inch box tree for each ten (10) Ilnear feet of parking
faclifry perimeter. Such trees may be efther prouped In(ormaliy ur formally.
4, Exceptions. Parkinp Facilitles In any Oistrict intended primarily for employoes
of the theme parks and hotols, or for use by them0 park visitors, shali be
exempt irom the provisions of subsectlons 1 and 2 above.
.110 Coniormance with th~~ Design Plen. Tree, ahrub and ground cover selection
and ptenting desifln shall coniorm with tho Design Plen.
,12p Parking Spece and Accesa Design. I.ayout and design of parking areas and
vehicle accessways in the Hotei Ofstrlct and C-R Overlay only shall comply wfth tho requirements of
Section 18.06.040 entitled "PARKINCi SPACE AND AGCESS DESIGN" of this Code, and Engineering
Engineeri geStandard Detal No. 604fentitledffParkfnp Dfmiens oins tor Struccu es~' excieptnaslfollows;and
Maximum C~b OponingR per Street Frontaga. A maximum of twenry•iNo
percent (2596) ot any street fronta~e may be used io! curb openfngs; except
-39- PC93-ti0
when tFie street frontage is less than one hundred (iQ0) feet but not less than
twenty-five (25) feet, in which case there shall be a maximum of one (1)
twenty-five (2b) foot wido curb opening. The maximum number of cur~ openinga
per straet frontage shall not excsod the followinq s~andards:
a. Parcel frontage 300 feet or less: One (1).
b. Parcai fruntage 301 to 600 feet: Two (2).
c. Parcei frontage greater than 600 feet: Fo~r (4).
d. One (1) additional curb opening may be allowed if It Is used as legal
access to ~ne (i} or more adJacent parcels sub~ect to the approval of
the Traffic and Transnortatlon Manager.
e. Access requlred and Ilmlted to emergency vehlclea nr access to utility
easements shall not bo considerod as curb openfngs as provided in this
2. Driveway Sepaiation and Spacing. Thera shell be a minimum distance af
th(rtysfx (36) feat betwaen drfveways (nearest driveway edge to nearest
driveway edga) serving tho same parcel, and a minf-num distance of forty (40)
fset betweon drfveways (nearest driveway ed4o to nearest driveway edge)
serving adJacent parcels.
3. Uriveway Width DlmensionA. Driveways shall be a minimum of twenty-five
(25) feet wide, and a maxlmum of thfrty•five (35) feot wide, in accordance wlth
the Design Plan.
4. Curb Return. The curb cut shali have a minimum i!fteen (15) foot radlus curb
return and sfght dlstance alearance in accordance wlth the Desi~n Plan.
5. Entry Clriva DlmOnsfon. A minimum entry drlveway (throat) of forty (40) ieet
shali bo providad, measured from the neareat potnt oi the ultimate street
right•of-way Ilne to the nAarest polnt of the on•ske psrking area or an•site
vehtcular accessway to sald parking area. Parking shall be designed so as to
precludo a car from ber,king out of a~tall and into the forry (40) foot entry dr(ve.
.130 Truok Loading. Truck loadfng facilities shall comply with the requfrements of
Sectlon 10.06.060 entitled 'Truck Loadfng Requiremonts' of this Code snd Enpineering Standerd DAtail
No. 605 en;itled 'Truck Dock Standard.' A mfnimum of one (1) truck dock or truck loadfng araa ahall be
provfded for each hotel or motel.
.140 Bua Parking Areas. Hotels/rnotols ~nalt provide space ior bus parkinp subject
to the approval of the Ciry Traffic and T~ansportatlon Manager and Planning DepaKment.
.010 Purpose oi Section. T hs Glry Council has determinad that vacation ownorship
reso~ts constitute a commercfal usa sfmttar to hotel/motel facilfties. Due to the mixed method ot
operation, hybrfd ow~orship, the potential generation of lerge numbers oi peop!e and vohicles, end the
pntential Impact on ths Ciry's tnurism-related facilfties, speclal crfteria are warranted tor the development
of vacation ownership resons in additlon to tho requfrements of the underlyinp zane.
.020 Limits on Occupancy. Occupancy, or rlght of occu~ancy, of any vacatlon
awnership resort unlt (including different units within the same tacillty) In a vacatlon ownership resort
facility by a person or entiry shall be Iimited to no more than thlrty (30) consecutNe days r~or more than
a totat of sixty (e0j days durfng any consecuthre twelve (12) month period. Units which do not meot such
oriterfa shell be considered to be resfdentlal unfts and ahall be prohibitod.
.,40. PC93~0
.r.,. I""~
.03a Requlr~ad Zoning. Vacatlon owns~ahip rescRS and curnaratons to vacation
ownernhip resoKS shall be permltted only In the Theme Pa~C, Hotel and Futura F.xpansion Diat~lcts
s~5~ect ta the requfromeMb of Sectlon t8.78.050.020 entKled "UMCfATIQN ON TOTAL NUMBER OF
5ect on a8.78.1 0 050 a tRled uDEVE OPMEM S~'fANDAH 3~ot th~is Chapt b~~ to tho requiramerrta ot
.p40 Reletad Ueo~. Vacation ownArship re~oRa may lndude other uses, aNhar as
accessory usea to the vacatlon ownership resoK use or as IndependaM iacAitles, so lonq as the specNic
use Is nllc~wed by the relevartt Olstrlct or C-R Ovetlay desipnatlon. Such uses shall meet ell CRy iaws und
.060 Davelopment 3tandsrd~. The developmeM stendards establlahed In th0
onvrnraton of exlst ny taait~es opvacation ovme'~shtp resorl usa~Fo~ho~GR Ov~e~lay, ddltlona! the
requfrements may be Imposed aa fdlowe:
,. Addn,onai ~ci o~ ssm y°~e' ~~e°qu ~~o e~~su e c~r~i~ ~a~~r ~ a~aiay
buNerod hom sumoundin~ uses.
2. Parkinp. Additional p~rkinp may be -equlrod M th~ daslfln of Uw iac8lty end unita
Irxlicatos thet eddttional parkUp la nocesaery.
3. Required iacqltiea T'he Plannlnq Commlaslon and/or City CouncA rtwy roquUa ~~
the pravision ol fecpttiea, amenitles, or deatyn loaturos usualiy aaeocletod with ~
hotela/rr~otels (for example, lobblat, ct~ack•In ereaa, ro0i~tratfon deske, aervice ~
rosoR wAI ad~qust~ly'tunctlon~M tho ,aart~e menno~aa hotol/ ael~cll~lip ~
4. Ktchen iaCNRies sultablA tor W~Itore may bo P~nnMtod by th~ condhlonal uso ~
permR permhtln~ ttw vecatlon o~vrwrship reaat ~
.080 Com+n~on to V~c~Uon Ownenhip Ui». Tho td~~^~ ~^da~s s~ appty j
ta converslon+~ of exlstlny McANles to vacatlon ownerahip rasort us~a. MY ~o~°^ a an oxietlnp i
fac~iry to vaca~bn ownenhip resoR use shatl be roqutred to maot che samo qandabs us nav~ facettbs. ~
t. The conve~lon ot any typo of oxlstlnp unlt or McAhy to vucatbn ownenhlp
rasoR uae shall bo wbJ~ct to tht epproval d q condltbnal u~v Pomtlt. ~
~orn,onlon ehall be wNuatod In ter:n: W th~ phyik~l eultabYRy d ths units or ,
hCNhios tor vec~tlon own~h~P r~toK~ ~t~~~; q~~notaiN~physk~'N ~dud~
tha ~no~al meintoriarw~ a~d upke+p
condNbn d tho tacAriy; a~ d tho ttructuns; suRabll~h- of tM unlb tor the typo
d occuPA~~Y P~'oD~~% tha epe~ condltlon. nrK! q~~al ropok of ~nY
recroatlonN factlty; end conton!~n ~~u ~~~ ~~ end ftn
atanderds. Thr iaclliq- shall bv uaprnd~d to rt~ti~ot~ anY fd~tNfod dollcbnclen.
Corworrlona she~l olso bs malu0ted to ~nwn thet tM co~vK=bn das~
creato or edd to ttw sherte0o W pa venkWor NW ~~~.
~ortvortod !n th! CRY es ~ whd~ or k~ anY Pe~
2. IUi Facwnies convart~d a vacatton owrwnl+~P ~r~ ~~~ u we ~ss s!~ ~
~ ~ a ~ s« o~w~+. °' ~•~v,
-A1 • PC~D~l~O
,~rf,~ ~py~
{, ~
3. Converstons whtch would slpnHlcanUy reduce th~ aiorall number ot cornentional
ovomipht accommodetlone In the Clty for visrtors ahall nut ba ailowed. The
eHect of the corne~slon on existinp convonttonal ovem(pht eccommoa~tiona
shatl be quantHled by means oi a aurvey. The survey shall Include a
rBpresentatfve snmpte ot the existfnp unR supply tn terms of locat(on, prtce and
type of unk.
.070 Intonns;ton Roqutred tor Applicetlont. In addP.ton to arry Informatlon
requirements estebtished by other applicable sectlons ot the Anahelm Municip8l Code, the tdlowin~
IMormatl~n shall atso be submitted as paR of any appilcation to develop ar InstRute a vacation
~wnership resort:
1. Typical floor plans for each vacatlon ownerahip resort unk typA; ~
2. The phasinq ot the cons!ructton of the vacation ovmerah(p resoK use;
3. The rype ot vacatlon ownership resoR mothod to be uaed pee atrs~ple, lee•.ehdd,
tonency-in•common, Iicense, membenhtp, ar~d the Iikej and how such use n~ey ~
be created;
4. 7he IdentHtcetlon o1 vacation resort IntArvela end the number of IMsrvela pat ~
5. IdemNicet!on of which unRa are in tha vacatlon owner~hlp reaoR proprem, tha ~
ua9 of the unha not In~ludad fn the proqram, and the matho~ whereby other
unRo may be added, deleted, or subatltuted; ;
8. A descrlpt(on and klontNfcatbn of erry accessory us~s which aro proposad In
conJunctlon with tho vacatlon ownerahlp reao-t;
7. A desc~iptfon ot ths ava~abniry of tho vacatlon ownership roeort proJact,
includin~ accessory uass, ta ths general publtc;
8. The provlatona made tor mana9emeM end meintenance of 4he pmject and ~
Indicatlon ot a contact peraon or party responsible for tha daytaday operation
of tfw projoct; ~
9. A desc~iptJon of the typo and oporetlon of arry othor usos (comme~cl&~ and/or ~
recreatlor~ wh~h are Indudad In the fac8fty;
10. 7he formula. fractfon or percentape, ot tho common oxpensos and any votlny ~
r~Ms eaalpned to oech vecatlon a~wnenhlp reaoR unlt end whero epplksbl4. to
eech unh wlthtn tho proJect whtch unlt b not ~ubJect to tha vacetbn o~wng~ship
rosort ptopram: ~
t t. Any rasMctlonu on tho us~, xcupancy, alto~tbn, or ollenatfon d vacatbn
ownonhip ro~oR unRs: ~
t2. A~arktnp dQmend ttudY prepared by an 7~xlepertidarK traMic englnper Ik~m:od
by tho 8tato d~alKomla or tiuch ~th~r study as approvod by thy Clry TraMic
end TranfpoRetbn Mar~apor ~nd provfdod to tFw City by tho eppllcnM at '
arpkant'~- wle oxpon~o; '
13. A dosalption d tha m~thod to bo u~od co~istont arxf In compltanc~ wlth tho '
prpvitlons of Cheptor 2.12 ornldad '7RANSIENT OCCUPANCY TAX' ol thtt ~
Cod~. to colloCt at~d tnt-EmR th~ trarnl~tK ocoaupmCy tax to tM Clty; i
t4. Any oth~r I.~formedon or documentatlon tho applk~nt~ CItY ~toff~ or tM Plannlnp
CommisWon d~ rossonebly n`cos~ary to tho canidoratlon d!ho prqoet. `
I~,c1udM~l arry nquln0 ~nvlronmontal or fbcal kn~~act noport docwnsntt; and. i
16. Applkxdons for the cornertfon of arry pdRion d en ~xbtinp iecARy to a vecatlon
ownortMp nsort ahNl k~dud~ thf fo~owMp intormst~on. ai w~ll a t!w othor ~
tniorrr~tbn roqulrod t~y thb Soctlor+: (
a. A proporty ropat dacrlWnp In doteA tM condfUon ard uootul IM~ of dto i
roof, ~n~, tamdatbns, uid mtch~Mcd~ ~I@ctric~l, pumbinp, end ;
nru~turn! Nornems pr~p~rod by e Ikonsod wqk~ee-. an archRoct, or i
~enOrN ~fr~e~rlnp t~on~actor; ,
~i2- P0o3~0 ;
b. A comprohensive Iist of all improvoments, uppradinp, and adclitlonal
faankles proposecl; and,
c. A repoR descrlbinfl atl r0palra and replecements need¢d, H any, to b~lnp
all structuroa into substential complianCe with the UnNorm Buildtnp
Code, Unliorm Housiny Code, National Eiect~lcal Code, UnNorm
Plumbinp Code, UnHorm Fire Cocie, UnMonn Mechanlcal Code, encl any
other unitorm bulidinq related cadea as modffled and adoptsd by tha
City. Approval shal! bo subject to recelpt ot such IMormation and
appltcant's failure to aubmft sucFi documentotion may be prounds tor
.080 Bulldlnp PermHa. P~tor to iasuance of a bulldinp permit, the lepal property
ownor shatl bo roquired to provWe the iollowing:
Copiea o( a8 relevant ena~linp dxumentatlon, Includinp, but not IimRed to,
artidos oF Incorporation, bytaws, declaratlons W covenants, condkions, end
reytrlctions, and mombershlp ur Ilcense ayreameMa; and,
2. Copios oi all Sta;o DepaRment of Real Estete applicetions and pennns, includlnp
any pubitc report ~asueti.
.000 Ftndinqs oi Fact Nacoossry 1or Approval. In eddnion to tha hndtnps of ia~~t
otherwtsa required by any other provislon of the Anahoim Municipat Codo, approval ot any condittonat
use pormli for a vacation owne~ahip re$oR shell requiro th~ followlnp Ondin~: that thero aro adequetc
viskor•servin~ fac(litiea In lhe Cky and that th~ project will not preclude or signHlcantly reduce tha
development of other needad tou~lat facnities or hot~l or matsl facllhlea.
.100 Vacation OMmorship Ro~oR Subjrct to Trsn~loM Occupency Tex.
Notwithstendiny any other provlaton uf the Anaholm Muntcipal ~.,oda, ell vecatlon owne~ahip resort unRs
shall be aub~ect to the paymoM ol the translent occupancy tax aa otherwlae praso~ibad by Chaptar 2.t2
antPJed "TRAN8IENT OCCUPANf;Y TAX' of this Code. UnR: occuplod sa tradltfonal hotol/motel rentafs
~hall have thQ tex tevbd on the reM paid. Unita occupted on a vacadon ownenhip rewrt ba~fa ahall
have the ~x iavlad on the baal~ of the equMaloM rontol rste whkh would bo charpad for that pertir,ular
unk If tt wero to be reMed as e tradktonal hotol/motN rornal un~. Tho ownor and manepor of the
ve:atton ownero~tp re~ort Rhalt JolnUy end ~evornlly be roaponelbto co pnovldo suNklerN data to the Cky
to (u9tNy the oquNaler~t rencai reto usod In calculating the tremleM occupancy tax.1'ho n'iena{,~r ol tha
fecNNy (or N thn facAiry has no mana~er, the owner of the focNlty) ahell be deamed ifw'operater' withln
the meantnq of Chepter 2.12 oMlUad 'TRANSIEPlf OCCUnANCY TAX" oi thlt Codt (or purposes d
cdloction and remittence of tM tax.
18.7d.1~0 SIGN REGl1UlTI0N8.
r,o r~,.~. a c~s soccro~, ~ co ncoq~rz.e ch. wncuor+ a~ra~ ~+ t~: zor,•, to prcvkfe
tor thetr Indutlon undor this Soctfon oi tha 11nehMm Municlpnl Code, and to n-~ulat~ end contrd all
matters rolatlnp to such sipn:, except the conaWCtlon th~rool.
.010 OttlnRlon~ P~InInQ to Sbn~. For the purpo~o of thl~ Ch'ptor, tho fdlowlnp t
abbrovlat(ons, torms. phraaos and word: shail bo c.orutrued as specMi~d bolow: ;
t. Animtl~d 81pn. Any ~Ipn that wes mowmont or chorpe ot IlpMinp to dopict ~
or slmuleto movom~nt. actlon or to otharv~ise c-oato ~ apocfal atoct or toono. i.
z. nn• ot sbn. n,o sr.~ a. ebn enan Mdudo u,o .naro on* wnnrn ~~y ey~ a i
peNmot~r or barder whtch rnvy ~nclaso tho outw IImRa d any wrhhq.
roprosernatlon. or.ibl~m, ~opo. llpure or charnctor. Tho aroa d tM sipn havtnp ~
.•13. FC~3~0
~ ~
no such perimetor ar bordor shall ba computed by enclosinfl the entire erea
constitutind the advenlsing messaga within the smalteat palyflon requlred to
enclose all typaprAphic/praphic elements, in compliance wkh tho Design Plan.
3. Belloon. Any alr-tHled or gas-flllod batloon attached to a st~ina, rope or etmilar
1lgature, and tethered to a flxed or movin~ ptece or obJect, Including a mntor
4. Bonner. Any slgn made ot fab~ic, r.loth, paper or other mate~tal that Is fasteiied
to a pole or bu(Idin~ at one or more points. Natlonal flaps, atata or munictpai
fle~s, or the otflclal flays of any InstRutlon ahflll not be considered bannare.
Pennants os defined herein shall be considored banne~s tor purposes ofi thls
5. BB8C0~. Any Ilght with one or more beams directed Into the atmosphers or
dfrected at one or more polnts not on the same parcel as the IIgM source; elso,
am~ 1(ght with ona or mare beams that rotate or movo.
e. Blllboard or OH•Premloe S(Qn. A sipn of any kind or character upon whlch
any poster, blll, prlMing, wrftlnp, palntlnq, flrephic ar other display of any klnd or
nature whatsoever may be placed tor adve::Isinp purposes and whtch structure
is erected, malntained or usad for the pu-pose of advertl9emsnt ot qoods
produced, sold or avallabls for sale, or servlces avanable or rsndered, at
locatlons other than the premiaes upon which :he structure is iocated. The tertn
'bnlboard' or'oH•premtse sipn' shall not Inciude:
a. ONiclal notices Issued by any court or public bocfy or oNicer,
b. Noticea poated by any public oNicer In performanco ot a public duty or
by any peraon In givinp legal n~tice;
c. Directtonal, waminp or In/ormatlon structures nquired or authorized by
law or by Federat, 8tate, County or Ciry authoriry;
d. A et-ucture whlch co~~tains sololy the namo of the Clry and the names
of, or eny ~thar IMormatt~n reflardtn~, cNtc, tretemal or rell~ious
orpanizatlons located thereln;
e. Ciuide aipna, on•premise alpns, buslnosa slqna, end temporary roal
estate atprns as da8ned In 3octian 1~.T8.130 antiUed 'SIQN
REdUlATI0N3' of th(s Chapter.
Businoo~ Intorm~tion Sipn. Any Informational al~n (not a project Id4MNicatlort
afpn) on the proJect premisas that relatea to the p~inctpal bus(nass or ~no ~f ttia
premisea upon whtch the elgn la arscted. Thts atgn type maY indude alflna
whlch dErect attaMton to e businaas commodiry, sorvicA, or othor ectfvky which
la aoid, oHered, or conducted on the premises upon whlch tho sifln Is locatad.
or to which it is aKbced.
C~n-Typ~ Slpn. A box•sl~epal tiyn which hae capy on the outaWe of ke
aurface end le IMornally B~uminated.
e. C~nopy 3bn. MY sbn thet ts a pert of er atteched to an awntrtp, cenopy, or ;
other tabrlc, pleatlc, ~r st-ucturat protectNa cover ovor a daor, entrence, t
wlndow, or outdoor sarvtco srea A inarquen stpn as delined heraln i~ not a j
canop~/ ~ipn• ~
•44. PC93•80 ~
t0. Changoebte Copy Sign. A sign or portion thereof, including but not Ifmlted to
electronlc message boards, with charactors, letters, or Illustretion~ thet can be
changed or reaRanged wfthout altering tt~e~ tace or the display surface of the
11. Compony 3ymbol. A merk or logo that can ekhar stand aione or be ussd whh
a company namo to IdentNy a company.
12. Company Name. The full spellinp oi the namo of the bus(ness.
13. Cornice. Any prominent, continuous horizontally proJectiny featuro extending
irom a wall or other conatructfon.
14. Diapley Surleco. The suriace oi the sipn structure avallabla tar the mountlnp of
mate~l, or tha et~ctrontc messa~a board, to carry an advertislnp measape,
trademark, emblem or lopo.
tb. Emiriing 3ign. Any s(Qn thet reteaaes amoke, steam, wator, bubbles or other
sollds, Ilqulds or gases as a devlca far adverttsing.
16. Elactronic Mosaege 8oard. 4 chanqeable copy al~n upon which the copy is
displayed or chenqed by electronic means.
t7. EMrance/Exk Sipns. Siflns ryplcally tocated gt dfi+eway ent-ances and
displaylnp only'enter' or'exR' alon~ wrth a small lo~o.
18. Exposod Noon Signe. A algn whe-e the neon or arpon/me~cury tlluminated
plasa tubinp is vlstble and not ahletded from view by any matertal or si7n
19. Flep. Any febria attached to a Happole and complytnp wlth Soctlon
18.48.0&t.080 and 18.78.05a.U90.9 entitled •FLAGPOLES" of the Anahetm
Muntctpal Code, and contalnlnp distinctlve colora, pattems, or aymbole, and
used es e symbol of a qovemmeM or other antity.
20. Fteshinp Slpn. Any aipn desiQned to opereto under conditiona ot IMermktont
~luminatlon which operatos in a manner to creato the Alvelon at bein~ on and
21. Froe~bndtnp Monum~nt 81pn. A siqn which b permanontly attechad to tha
flrourM by meana ot e perme~snt bese and whkh Is Independent ~rom any ~",, }
buildin~ or other structuro. ~
22. IIIp~l8fpn. Any sipn or advoKisinp ol~play conetructed or erected wkhout Orat
complylnfl wkh all appl(cadv ordinances and re~ulatlons In oHoct at tha tima of
ks construcdon, eroctlon or usa
23. Intorm~tionol, Repul~tory ~nd D~nctionel ~Ipn 8ystAm pRD 81gn Syot~m). ~
Arry flroup d sbns that ant Intentlonaliy deslpned to be a unNted iamqy of sipr~s
throu~h a const9teM u~ of cola. typop~ephy, 9raphics, dealpn detaAlnp and
~t~ucturel detanlnp.
~d5• PC99~80
,~, E~
24. Lighter Box 31gn. An Illuminated slgn that cantafns wo~ds, nurnbers or
symbols, deslgned to be an Integral part oi tho architecb~re ~f a service statlon,
and intended to be placed above the tuel pumps ol a service atatlon for
purposes of providing Ilght tor the working area and commerc~al IdentNicatlon.
25. Locatlon. A lot, sfte, premises, bullding, wall or any placs whetsoever upon
wh~ch a sign Is erected, constructed or ma ~tainad.
28. Magnetlc Sipn. A slgn which Ia magnetically aKached to e surf~ce.
27. Marquee (Chenpeable Copy) Sign. A sign whlch is charactsrized by
changeebie copy whether sald sign is a wall sign or whether said sign proJects
from and (s suppoKed by a buildfnQ.
28. Monum~nt Stgn. A large freestanding olgn atructure used primarfly as en
fdentity s(pn for a bulidinp or proJect. It fs usually ortented tor vehicular vlew
along roadways. NAonument signs are okon used at sntriea to a butlding ar
proJect and may Inc~rporate landscapiny or other afte elsments such as a wall.
Menument sipns may hava efther a horizontal or vertical orientatian and may
requlre a foundetlon.
29. Nameplate. Any Ilghted or unllghted slDn mountad on or near an entry that
IdentKles the name and occupatlon or profesalon of the occupant ot tho
premises and shall be part of the IRD sign syatem for the property.
30. Noncommerciel Maeea~o Sipns. Signs d(splayinfl poiRical or eoclal mesaaqes.
3t. Nonaonto-minQ 31gn. My slqn that complied wlth ~II applicable oMlnances "
and requletlons in eHRCt at the time ft was orected, but which does not confarm
to one or more M the requlrements o} thla Chapter.
32. OH•SRe Sl~re. Any sign not loceted on the same parcel to which such sipn
mesaege portafns.
39. On•81te Direcltonel auidance Sign. Any sipn located on•site and not vislble
irom the pubtic riyht~ot•waY~ 9Winp dfrectlon for on•sita pedestrlen or vehlcular
34. On•SitO Diroctory St~n. Any on•site slpn oxhibftlnQ th0 names and lacatlons nf ~
on•site uses and/ar tacllft(os, and Intended to iacilttata the n.ovement of patrons ~
or vlsitors throughout the afte.
35. On•SMe Sipn. Any aipn located on the aame percel to which such stgn ~, ~'roM,~
meseape pertelnw , "
36. Outdoor Advortlelnp. AdveRlsinp on any board, fence, alfln devlce, atnicture or ~
bundln~, or the pleclnp thereon ol any poster, bill, prtntfn~, pstnttnq, dovtc~ or ~
arry adveRla~np mettor of eny kind whatsoaver, and tha paattn~, poating, ~
printfn~, pa~Mlnp, nallln~ or tacktnp o- otherwtae tasten(ns of any handb(II, card,
benner, slgn, poa!er, advonlsament or notlce of any kind upon eny property or ,
place. Said tenn shall not Include any slQns ar noticea poated or dfsplayed by
eny public c~Hicer fn the performancs of a public duty or a prlvato person in !
yWing e leqal notfce. ~
-48- PC93~80 ?
f'~~ ~,
37. Parepet Wall Sign. See deflnition tor Weli Sign
38. Pennant. Any plastic, fabric, o~ other materlal, whether or not containing a
measafle of any kind, suspended irom a rope, wfre, string, or other simllar
devlco usually in ser~ea, designod to movo In the wind.
39. Polo 31gn. A sign which is aHixed to cna or more poles attached to the pround
and whic~~ fs constructeci in a mannar which does not fully obstruct the vlew Af
the area between the sign and the ground.
40. Portoble 81gn. Any sfgn not permenently atteched to thv ground or other
permanent str~icture, or a stgr. designed to be tranaported, Including, but not
Ilmited ta, stgns designed ta be tranaported by means of wheels; signs
converted to A•frames or T-iremes; menu and sandwich boaM slgns; batloons
used as gigns; umbrellas used 1or advenising; and signs attachsd to or palntsd
upon vehicles parked and vlsible from the publfc rlght•oi-way, unless sald
vehicle is used in the normal dayto-day transportation operatlons of the
41. ProJecttng Sign. A wall slgn which projects irom the face of a
42. Pump Top Stgn. Any slgn atop a tuel dfspensing pump, elther aHlxad to or
placed upon such pump. A Ilghter box a'~n Is not s pump tnp sign.
43. Aacewaye. A metai box centalnfn~ wtrinp, t~nsformers and housings for a
4~. Reat Es:ata Sipn. Any slqn and ~fpn structure oi a temporary natur0 rotating
to tho sale, iease or other d(spositlon ot real property.
45. Flool Stgn. A sign ~rected, conatructed or maintained upon the root of any
48. Rolettng or Ravolvfng Sign. Any sipn all or a poRton of whlch moves,
revolves or rotates in some manner.
47. Raveroa Psn Channei Lettars with Noon Halo Illuminatlon. Ind(vidual letters
formed as a sign cnn atructure where the iront suriace Is opaque and the back
is apen. Neon tubinfl Is molded to ftt the torm of the can structun 7ha IIyM }rom
the neon shinea out the ~peninp In the back oi the lettar and reBecta oH tho
su~fece oF the build(nfl or structure whare the letter Is mounted. At nlght, thta
reflection appoars to be a halo t~round the opaque IeKeriorm.
48. 8tgn. Any devlce, ilxture, placab, or structure that usos any cotor, iorm,
praphic, iiluminatton, symboi, or wrRfng to advertise, announce the purpose oi,
or WontNy the purposo of a pa~son or entity, or to cornrrnsnicate Iniormatlon af
eny kind to ihe public.
49. 31gn Aroa. 3ee d~finRfon far Araa of Slgn.
50. Slgn Copy. nny characters, lettora or type that constkutes the messafle ot the
styn excluslve of a company symbd or c~mpeny name.
-47- PC93~60
~ ~
51. Storefront. A wall oi a businass contalnlna display wlndows and a public entry.
52. 3tructure. The supports, uprlghts, braaing, fluy rods, cables and iremework oF
a sipn or outdoor advertising display.
53. Tamporary Sifln. Any sign that Is used only temporarily and is not
permanently mounted or effixed to tha ground or any atructuru.
54. Typoface. The generel form, st~ucture sry1e, or chamctsr common to all
elements comprising an alphabet.
55. Wall Sign. A sign which is sffixed to an extsrior wrall ot any buildlnp or which
is nffixed to any structure ~ttached to tha wall of ttny bullding.
56. Window Identifiaptlon 31gn. Any sign bearing only the nama end/or togo
and/or address ot tha businass occupying the premisea; and conslatind of
lettors and/ar numbers permanently eifixod to tho window, and made ot gold
leaf, paint, stenoil, or other such meteriat. ~
57. Wtndow 31gn. Any stgn, pictur~, symbol, or combfr~ation thereof, dealgnod to
communic;ate informatlon about an activRy, business, commodlty, evont, sale, or
service, that Is placed tn~fde a w(ndow or upon the wfndow panas or glass of a
bulldfng and whlch Is vlsibte trom tho exterior side nf the window, excluding any
window Identiticatlon slgn.
.020 St~na-Ganerai.
1. Application. Sign standards and requlations contafned wltFifn thts Sectlon
epply to all DfstrlCts and the C-R Overlay withtn the 3peclffc Plan erea wNh the
except(on of the area fnside tha theme parks, which shall be exempt irom the
provfsfons ot this Sect(on Rnd other re~uletlons contalned wfthln the Anahelm
Ciry Code govoming signs on the basis that tho9e signs are not vl~ible irom the
exterlor of the theme park.
2. Admintstrativ~ Provtstons-Sign Rogulattoc: -. The locatlon, size, tyQe,
const~uction and all other mattsrs relating to aigns In the SpecHfc Plan area shatt
be regulated and contn~lled exclusively by the provisions of this Chepter axcept
to the extent reterence Is expressly made In th(s Chapter to any other provlslon
oi the Anehelm Municfpal Code. In the event of any confllct between the
pravtsfons oi thfe Chepter and any other provfsions ot tho Anahelrti Mun-cipa
Code so rEterenced hereln, the provisions of this Chapter shatl Aovem and
All stgns and all applicat(ons shall theretore be oxclusively adminlstered by the
Planning Dfrectur except those sfpns which may be soupM In conJunctlon wlth a
conditlonal use permft or a zone vartance.
3. Coordtn~taQ Sfgn P~ognm. All a(qns on a property shall be des(qned as paK
of a coordinatod erchitectun~l, Infarmatlunal, regulatory and dfrectiortal elpn
system with a consistent design detailfn~, typeface and color system. All
n~ultf•tenant siflns shell afther use one consistent rypelaca tor all tonants or use
one color tor all sign copy. The cap!tat lettor hetaht oi ali tenant Identmcatfon
copy shall be tho same on a sinqle slgn face. Multi•tenant wal! signs ahall either
~~~ry}' ~
-48- PC93~80
~'""` ~,
be ali wall signs or all cancpy signs except for as provlded efsewhere in this
Chapt~r for hotel/motel accessory uses.
Resolutlon ot Inconalatant Proviatona. Notwlthstand(ng any other provislon
oi thls Code tp the contrary, ali provisions governing algns or advertising
structures of any type In ihis ~one shall be coniained wlthin this Chapter;
provided, however, the provislona of Chapter 4.02 entltled "SPECIAL EVEM'S,"
Chapter 4.04 entitled "OUTDOOR ADVERTISIN(3 SICiNS AND
AND HOTEL RENTAL RATES" of this Cade shall apply to sf~ns and
advertlsing structures In this zone ta the e~ent such provlslons ara
not inconsistent with this Ct~aptsr.
Vertences From Slgn Requlraments. No person ahall Instail or malntaln any
sign In the Spscific Plan areA axcept as permkted hereln; provided, howavsr,
that any requlrementa or restrictlons m~y be waived in whole or In part upon
such conditions as may be impossd by the Zoning Adm(nistrator, Planning
Commission or the Clry Councll by a zone varlanaa processed and approved f
accordance with All Nrocedures, requlrements and restrictlons establlshod tor
v~rlances pursuant to Sectlon 18.03 entftled "ZQNING
VARIANCES" of the Anehelm Munlcipal Code.
Signs App~oved in ConJunction with Conditlonal Ueo Pormfts. Approval of
any conditional use permit shail ba deemed to constftute approval of eny on-atte
slgns which are otherwise permitted in the 3peciilc Plan area unleas, ss part of
the actfon approving the conditfonal use permit, more restrictt~e sian
requirements ara Imposed.
Legal Nonconiorminp Sfgns-Ganeral. Any sl~n or othar advertistnp
atructure of whatover type or nature, other then an nlogal aign, whfoh violates or
otherwise doeo not comply with the applfcable requlrements of this Chapter shall
be subject to compliance with the re~utatlans prescribed hero(n in the time and
manner herelnafter set torth.
Legal Nonconformtng Signs-Continuatlon and Tar-nination. Any ~
logal nancan(ormfng sfgn or sign structure in exlstence on tht~ eHoct(ve
date of this Chapter which violatas ar othervvlse does not conform to the
provisions hereof shali be removed, a~tered or repleced so as to (
contarm to the requlrements of thia Chapter (herelnafter tho i
'abatemant') efther i
(t ) wfthin tweive (t 2) years from and aRer the data said '
aign tirst becomes nonconforming to tho provistons of ~
this Chapter, or '
(2) on or before December 3t, 2005, whiche~~er Is later; ~
provided, howover, In no event shall such abatement be ~
roqufred unless and until the owner of sald sign has ~
raceNed not less than one (t) year's advance written ,
natice !rom the Plannfnp Dlrector of the City requirinp `
the removal or alteratfon of sign. Notwithstandfnp the I
foregoinq: j
-4~- PC93-00 ~
(a) Any advertising display which w2s lawFu{ly
erected, but whose usa has cea~ed, or the
atructure upon whlch the dlsplRy exists has been
abandoned by ita owner, Tor a parfod of not lesa
then ninery (90) daya, shall be ramovod, eltered
or replaced ao as to conform to the provlslons of
this Chapter wfthln slx (6) months from the data
of recelpt of a written order of abatemsnt irom
the Plannfng D(ractor of the City raquiring auch
abatement. Costs incurred by the City in
removfnp an abandoned dlsplay shall be borne by
or cherged to the legal awnor of the real
property upon which sald sign is locatecl,
(b) Any advertising dlspiay atructure which hes been
mora than Bky percent (~096) dostroyc~cl, and the
destn~ction is other than f~cfal copy
repiacement, and said struature cannot be
repalred wlthin thfrty (30) daya of the date of
its dostructlon shall be removed, altored or
replaced so as to conform to the provislons of
this Chapter wkhin six (~) months from ths date
of recelPt of a wrltten order of abatsment irom
tha PlanninQ Director of tho City requlrinp such
(c) Any advertising dlsFJay, whoso owner, outside of
a change of copy, rNquests pArmisslon to remodel
and remodels that advertising display, or
expands or enlarges the buliding or land use
upon ~Nh(ch the edveKising d(splay is tocAted,
and the dlsplay is aHected by the constructton,
enlargement, or rgmodeling, ar tha cost of
cunstruct(on, entergement us remodeling oi the
adve-tfsing display excer.ds fffry percent (5076)
of the cost of reconstructlon of the buAding
shall remove, alter or replace such bfpn s~ es to
contorm to tho requlrements of this Chapter In
conJunction wfth said proJsct.
(d) Any advertlsinp olsplay tor which there has bean
an apreement between the advertlsing dlsplay
owner and the Cfty tor fts removal as of eny
gNan date shall removo such sign per satd
(e) Any temporary advertising display eractod
pursunnt to a speola! events permit Issued by
the Cfty shall be remo~ed as specN(ed under
Chapter 4.02 entlt!ed 'SPECIAL ~NENTS" of this
c~fe or withln such other t(mo as ~xpressly
authorizai by the City.
(~ Any advertising dlspiay which Is an immedfete
danger to puWic health ot satety shall be
removed, altered or replaced so as to confortn t~
the requfreme~ts of this Chapter wfthin thirty
(30) days irom tho date of recelpt of a wrftten
•50- PC93-80
',,,~"~, ~,
ordor oF abatement from tho Plannin~ Dtrector of
the City requ(ring such removal or altaratton,
(g) Any advertising displsy which In the opinion of
the City Traffic and Tran4portaYlon Manager
constltutes a traffic haxard not created by
relocatlon oF streots or highways or by acts of
the City shall be removed, ~Itered or replnced
so as to canform to the requlremants of this
Chepter wfthin thirty (30) days from the dote of
receipt of a written order of abatRment from the
Planning Diractor of the Ciry rec,.,lring such
removal or alteratlon.
(h) Arn~ other advertising display for which the City
is exempt irum the payment of compensatlon in
conJunctlon wkh raquiring Its ramoval as
specifled in Cnapter 2.5 af Dlvislon 3 of tho
Buafnass and Professlons Code of tha State ot
Callfornla, or a~1y successor pruvlslons ther~to
shall be ai~~;dct tn removel as speoified in said
(I) Illegal Slgns. Illegal signs as deiined In
TO SIQNS" of thls Chapter shatl be removed,
altered or roplaced so as to conform to the
requirements of this Chapter within slx (8)
months Pollowing the effectlve date of this
Reguletion ot 8pactal Typea ot Stgns-Generel. Notwfthstanding any other
provistons of this Chapter, the follow[ng apeclal typos and classiflcatlons of algns
shall be permitted sub~ect to compllance with the Iimitatlons and condftions
prescribed herE:.~.
Siana Requtred By Law. Nothing aontalned In this Chapter shall prevent the
ereotlon, location or construotion of any elSn on privata property where such
erection, locatlon or constructlon ot safd sign is required by any law; provided,
however, no such sign erected, placed or matntafned pursuant to this provislon
shall exceed four (4) squaro feet In area exaept to the extent a groater sl8n aroa
is expressly requtred by law.
10. Signs In tha Publla Rtghta-oi-Way. Sfgns shatl be prohlbited in any public i
riphts-of•way as provided In 3ecNon a.oa.130 entitied `PROHIBffION ~ `'~ ;y
~F S~QNS i ~ `~,
IN THE PUBUC RIOFIT-OF•WAY" of this Code exaept signs and pateway3 as ~ ~
describod in the Desipn Plan. ,
11. Polittcal Campsign Signe. NotwRhstandlny any other provlsion of this Chapter,
polft(cai campalgn sfgns shali be permittod on Nrivato property provided:
Sight Diatence. Such signs shell comply wfth the minfmum si~ht
distance requirements set torth in Snctlon entftled
SI(3NS" ot thls Code;
b. Code Compllance. Such slgns shall comply wlth the provislona of
Sectfon 4.Ob.130 entftled "PROHISITION OF SlGNS IN THE PUBLIC
RIGHT-OF-WAY" of this Codo; and,
c. Title 16 Complisnce. Any atructure to which a political sig~~ is
attached shall comply with all appllcable pro~isiona of 71t1o 15 'Bullding
anc! Hausing' of the Anahelm Municipal Code, except that na bullding
permk ehall be rec~ulred for a tempo~ary political campalgn slgn having a
surface area of thirtyffve (35j square feet or tess and which atructure Is
removed within ono hundrAd and twenty (i 20) dayo oF ks erectlon or
placem~nt, or within thlrty (30) days aiter tho electlon to whlch the slgn
relates, whichevor occurs first.
.030 I.Ighted Signs-Ganeral. No artiflclal Ilght of whatever rype or nature used In
conjunction with, or far thd purpnse of, Ii~hting any sign shall be so erected or conatructed ~r placed,
nor shall any substance or material capable of reflecting Iight be so placed, as to raoult In directing such
artificial Iight into any structure used exclusively for residentlal purposos. For the purposa of thfs
provision, structures devoted to hotel and motel uso are not to be construod as atructures used
exclusively for residential purposes.
1, Indirect Lighting. No sign Iighted by sny type of indlrect IlDhting shall have
any such Ilghting wf~ich oxceeds elght hundred (800) mllllamps ratod capacity
nor shall any alan Iighted by nean or simllar meterials have any such neon or
simllar materlal which exceeds throe hundred (300) milllamps rat~d capaclty.
2. Intensity of Illumtnatlon. Tho approvel of any illuminated sign shall not be iinal
untll thfrty (30) days akor installation, during which perlod the Planning Dlrector
may order the dimming of any Illumination fcund io be excessively brllliant and
no sign permit shall be val(d until such order has been carried aut to an oxtent
satfsfactory to the Pianning ~Irector. For purposes of this Section, Illumination
shall be considered excASSively brilllant when it prevents normal perception cf
obJects or bufidings beyond or In the vfciniry of the sign, or when k shines
directiy onto any rosidentlat zone or residentlally dsveloped properry.
3. Lighter Box Sign. A IlOhter box sign:
a. ahall be either single•faced or double-faced,
b. shall only be internally Iighted,
c. advertfsing thereon shall be Ilmited !o the company name or logo oniy,
d. sald neme or lopo shall not exceed twenty (20) porcont of the totel area
oi each f~cs of sald sign,
.040 Rsal Estate 8tgns. Notwithatanding any other provislon of this Chapter,
temporary real estata s~gns adveKfsing properry for sale. lease, rental ar for Inspsction by the public
shall be permitted subJeot to the foilowing IlmRations:
An-SftO Real Estete 81gns. A maximum of ona (t) unll8hted, sfngle-faced or
doub~e•iaced ireestandfng sign adveRis~ng properry for eale, lease, rental, ar
other dispositfon of the property on which such sign Is locateci shall bA
permitted on parcels of less than one•halt (1 /2) acre in aroa. On {arger parcels,
one such sfgn por each street or hfghway frontage of sald parcel shall be
permitted as provided herein. Any such sfgn(s) may Also Include the name,
address, and phone numbor of the pe~son, firm, entiry or agent offering sald
premfses far sale, lease, rental or other di5positton.
~~~~,,~, i
~;~~ I
-52- PC513-60
Slpn Sizo: Parcots le~e then 7wonty-Two Thou~end (22,000) Squoro Feet
in Arae. The maximum area o! aach slpn ahail not axcead ton (10) squara teat
per ei~n face, and the helpM theroof es Inetalled ahall nat exceed four (4) feet.
gign Sism: PereNs oi Bohvoon 7v~nnty-Two Thousend (22~A00) and
Forty~Thro~ Thoussnd (43~000) 3quero F~et In Ane. The maxlmun~ area d
oach sipn ehali not ~cceed twenty-tour (24) squgre foet per elpn hco, and the
het4ht thoroot aa instalted shall not sxceed four (4) feet.
Sipn Stzo: P~rcels FortyThro~ Yhou~and (4~,000) Sqw~ ~ Foot or Mon In
Aroa. The maximum grea ol ~ech slgn shall not exceed forty (AO) squere 1~l
per si~n tace, end the hAlQht thereol aa Irntellod shall not excaod iour (4) teoR.
.060 Futuro EslnbOshment Slpn~. Ti:o hitu-e aatnblt'hment ai a businesa or othor
bctNrity on a parc~l or lot mey ~c+ adverilsed bY me~ns ot on'site a~0^a~@~ aubJect to compttance vvlth tho
tdiowlnp Provlsions:
t. pwnonhip of Proporty. 'hQ sut~oct ProP~Y ~Pnn whlch tha slqn Is locato~
must be ownatf In feg Intarest. or munt be under IeasA for a mt~imum ton (10)
y~±r pertod (from the datQ of Isa~n~w of the sl~n permh?~ by, or tor tha purpose
oL tha future busirwas or eatebllshmoM retened to upon tho coPY of seb'I4n.
Proof oi comppance wlth thb aub~sectlon ahall be submitted to the BuWinD
Divlalon d the Planninp DepemneM prlor to Isauance af a pem~tt.
2 M~xlmum 11ro~ PK Sbn Fe~: SbRy (80) u~an fo~.
3. Maslmum HObM: Four (4) feot wlth e Mro (2) toot borm~ for e mmcimum tctal
helqM t~f ~bc (~ fAet.
4. M~xlmum NumbK P~rmitt~d: Ono (t) sin~lafacod or douHr~ ~arAd
ftoostandlnq slpn For oach ~ttQOt or hiptiwey 1rotMe~.
g. Locotton. NI futun onaWfshmont ~ns shall bo locatod in the ml0dlo ~.hirtY (30)
pQrcant d the stroot honta~+ ~+xc~pt hx come~ lot locatbns whoro :ald :ipn
st~all t,e aut becic fn ~:ompl~anca wlth tho Dostqn Plan.
e. Timo UmR I~cX dovol~Pmmt In coMonnnnco wph tho Thenw Puk. Hotol,
Psrkk~p ~nd F~dure Expenslo^ Distrk~u, flvo (6) Y~n trom dato ol cauteualon
a+s+ctlon. pnd tor dwolopmont In contom+enco wUh ctu crR wo~tay~ on~ (~1
y4ar inor, dece a oonstructlon or orocclon unla. prbr w x~xpindon. eav~
by th~ Plom~p Olncta lor ~n ~ddhlorwl t~tod mt a~xc~-od on~ (t) rier.
~. N~nro~ ~nd DNq Rpuihd on Sfpns. ~a~ao woA ss~~ dat~~ ~ b
ownor or ~n buidlr 91otp wllh 6 phono
onotod, eh~l bo ucurrtY p1++~d a+ ~ch ~qn.
e. Sqn P~renlt FNS ~nd D~po~lts. Fa uch and fvKy an~to futun
ost~bll~hrr~nt ~I~, M~n sholl bt p~td o~ tM BuYOkp Dhrisbn ~ a~
Dapartmont. ~~pn PMnk f~ snd wth d~cx~~ ro Ouary^ts~
,fqn. ~n,..mauit a ~.~a re~. ond drpo~ shoa a~ .. ~c~d bY ~r ~
R~dutku~. Furthor. dl wch ~ns ~aM bo weNct to the (c~lowirg a~ndRfons:
,~, F~ODCl~O
a. R~turn of Dapoelt. It sald afpn is r~~noved wkl~in thirty (30) days
followin~ the sxpiretlon dats, the -~•moval doposit shall be refunded to
the dar-asRor in full.
b. FoilurA to Romov~, li seld sipn is not removed prior to or upon the
permft expt-ation date, tha C(ty or Rs apems may snter upon sub~ect
properry and :amove tho slpn, the cost of the r~moval to be deducted
frcm the removai depusk, and the rumainder oi the removal deposit, H
eny, to be retumed ta thR depositor. 7ha porson, Rrm ar ~ntlty whose
name appea~s on the sign (collectlvely'p~rson') shatl be
notHled ot the City's intent to remove the sipn not less then
fouReen (1b) days prior to romoval by tha Ciry. Follow(np
removal by the Ciry, sald pe~son shall bo notNied oi thA
removat and aaid aiqn ahall be retalned for a mtntnum ot ten
(10) days fdlowln~ the date of such natlco eRer which said
siqn may ba disposod of by tha Clry.
c. Aulhorlty. Baiore e permR tor such a atpn Is tssued, the ownera of
record of thA premises end the person propusln~ to erect the aipn must
fumish tha BuAdin~ Ohrlalan w~ittan author{:y graMinp the Clty of
Anaholm or any oi ita apertts or emptuyees IRevocablo pertn~salon to
enter upon the premlaas and Irrevocably appolntinp the Ch(ei 8ubdin~
Omcial aa the apent ot thA owner~ wlth permissfon end authority to
remov~ auch sign pu-suaM to the provisions of tho 8action.
.081+ BuNnoss snd Idemtftcatlon Siph:. Buaineas and kientHicatton ~Ipna ehall
~•omply wfth the Deal~n ptan, ahall conalst oi parmaneM non~chan~eable copy s~ccept eg provlded fo- In
3ec-ion 18.~8.100.U62a entlUed 'ChUWGEABLE COPY SICiN3' of thla Chapter, and shall ccmply wKh
!he Idtow(np:
PormMttd 81pn~. Tt~ idlowlnp slpn typ~ sre allowed In this Zono subj~ct to
thA rAqulremonts o( this Chupter.
a. FrN~tandln~ Monum~nt Sbns. Such ~Ipn.s ahell ba:
(t) MonumeM ofqns oxcep: as provlded olsevifiorn In thl~ Chapter,
(2) UmRed to the nama ~f tha do~~lopment and/ot a maxlmum of
throo (3) cdmpa^Y nartwf and/or comPanY ~ymboli onty;
(9) Such si~ns ahalt usQ tho atanderd monument elpn ba:e and
coMorm to tha epproprFato ~Ipn ~hape as ~poclHed M Exhlblt
7.Os ontlder! '~onoro181pn Standards Matrbc' and Exhiblt 7.Ob
anthfod 'Hotei/Moto181pn s3tand~M~ Matrbc' tn 8ection
18.7d.1~.A64, onlMod 'SIaN S7AN^.ARn3 MATRICE3," of thlt
G+aptor; end
b. Intormdlon~i, RpuUtory ~nd DIrkllon~! ppD) ~Ipnt not vtaleN
flrom th~ PubltC RIpM~obWAy. Such qprn ~fmll:
(1) Bo Iceat~d ouaido en/ roquirod sotbeck aroa; i
(21 Be dQSl~nid to diract podosMens and/a vehkuler t~aRic whlv ~
~aw cramc b on tho p.rca Qn wh~cn .ea •Ipnop. b ~ocatocl: ;
ond ~
~31 Ba d~stprNt! a a coordinetod srchftscturnl~ Ir-Iormationel~ ~
dinctlorMl ub npulrtory sipn hntam lor sefd pro~~ct, prcvl4od i
II a comp~ny iymbol a le~po Is put d the slpr~ eopy- R stap E
axupy a mndmum uf Nw~tydNo pRrca~ (26%) a tM ~pn
ana. ~
~6!- PC91~80 i
~ ~
Intormetlonal, Aepuiatory and OfrncttonRt pRD) Sipne il~eible hom
tho PubliC RigM-ol-Wey. Such ei~ns shall:
(t) Hava a max~mum slgn area of elght (8y aquar~ fs~t; and
(2) BA desipned as e coo-dinatad aMhftectural, iniannattonal,
direotlonal end ~eguletory slfln system tor sald project, provided
N a aompany symbol or lopo la paK oi the alpn copy, R ahatl
nccupy a maxlmum of twenty~flve percent (2b%) af tho alpn
Wsi! 3lpna.
(1) Such slgns, other than p-ojocttnp sipna, shull not oncroach into
any pubtb rlflht-0i-way, and are aub~ect to the provislons
specHted In FachlbR 7.Oa omitled 'Qanoral Sip~ 8tarxiarda Matrbc'
and Exh(bR 7.Ob entfUed 'Hotel/Mote131pn 3tenderds Metrbt' In
Sectlon 18.%8.130.Q6ti entlUed '31GN 3TANDARD MATRICEB"
oi thia Chapter.
(2) 3aid alqn9 ahall hcva only one (1) dfapey surface; and,
(3) Said siqr~a shall be placed pereUel to and In Irom of eny exterlor
wall ot the buildin~.
Canapy Siqnt. Canopy Sipns as deltnad tn 3~ction
ornKlgd 'DEFlNITIONS PERTAININO TO 318N3' ol thts Chapter sre
consldered a wall at~n and as auch, all reputatlons pertei~inp to wali
•Ipna also peRain to cnnopy siqns. Suci~ sipra ahall ba perm~ted on
awninfl valnncea, provlded awnlnpa ahall not bs penn~ted to pro~ec:
over or Imo a publl: ripht-d-wey and the awntn~s sheil be en Imeprel
pert ol the buAdlnp deetpn. Cenopy sbna an auminp valancoa are
conatderod wall ~I~na arxl ~re eub~eci to the provisions ot well'I~ns as
prov~d~d in ExhlbK 7.Oa mtRled 'Cienoral 8lpn 3tandards Matr6c' and
Exhibh 7.Ob er!tRlsd 'HotelJMot~l Siyn Stenda~ds Matrbc' tn 8action
10.78.t90.084 entlded 'SIGN 3TANDARD MA7RICE3' M thts Chaptor
and to thQ toltowinp provlslons:
(t ) Seld sipna muri bo o~lontod to tho pod~st~lan;
(2) Seld ~Ipra ahdl not be IMOmelly plutninated;
(3j dMy IIR~en pen~nt (15%) ol the ~Mlre wrMc~ of ths mminp
may bo utALtad fot tho ~n~ and
(4) i;al~ sf~n may Indude tho company nart~ and/or compsny
rymbol or~hl.
VYlndow Id~Ml/ic~tlon 81pns aubioct to fn ExhlbR 7.Oa ~ndtled 'Oonoral
Slpn Standarda Mat.a' and Exhibh 7.Ob ont~lad 'Hotoi/MotM SIQn
3tendards Metrbc' In 8octkm 18.78.130.Q84 ~ntMl~d 'SIGN 8TANDAR~
M~TRICES' of thl~ ChApta.
Otlror tlprn a: Rermkt~d Niowh~ro M thia Ch~ptor.
CondRlorntly P~r~nM~d Sbn~. TM tdlowinp :Iqen ~haN bo pormMod suWact
to tho epproval ot a c~ondltia~ai u~a pormlt punuant to snd In ecc,~clar+c~ whh
tM eppikadt provklons Ot Chepter 18.03 l~lttdod 'ZOf1SINCi
V/M'1~~~~7~ Vr ~Iqf VWer lf1~i ~7Q{:{~~ ~i ~ ~~~~ W~1~R1~~ ~~
-55• P~D0~60
_,, x
« "~
signs ~rohlbited by this Chaptsr or to chang¢ tho standarcis contalnad hereln,
but is Intendod to provide s mechanism to address special circumstances.
a. Chan~eablo copy signs (Inciuding elactron~c messaga boards) for a
theater, entertainment tacilky, amuaement pa~C, ar for notel/mot~1
comploxas provlded tho sRe on which the use is located Is a minimum
oi sbc (8) acrss in area. In addRion, the fotlowing provislons shall appiy
to such slpns:
(1) In addftfon to the permitted busin9ss IdentHicatlon wall algns,
chanfloable copy sipns shail be wall sipna prov~led tho top ot
such sipn is below the comice of the bulldinQ or N~enry•i(v !2b)
feet whichever is lower except:
(a) A theater or entsrtatnment facqity moy have a
chanqea~le copy al~n whlch displaye IdontHicat(on and
proyram intom~atlon, tha name of tha the~ter or
uuditortum end R meY be a Man~uet sipn.
(2) 3uch siqns ahalt not be vlsiblfl irom residenttal zonsd or
reAidentl:~ily developod propenlea;
(3) The dealqn of such stqns ahall be Inte~reted with the
architecture of the bulldfnp;
(4) Animation and bare butbs are allowed sa they panaln to bulb
matrbc technolopy (tha technolopy used for readar board
chan~eable m~aape slgns); and,
Slqns nelthar otherwiso expres~ly pennitted nor otherwlea mcpreso~Y
prohibRed (n thla Zono.
Slpns ior arry usa, buildinp or Mructure requlrlnp a c,bndltlonel uss
Pro~ectinp slpns as d;Ainod In Soction antided
•PROJECTINO SIQN' In this Chapter.
ProhibR~d 5{~ns. The tollow(np types of ~Iflns ehait bo prohlbhod i~ th(a
a. A•trama or'~ar~dvrich board' sipn~. ~
b. Anlmnted ~I~rn.
c. Attachmonta o-'~Idm' to sipnn. ;
d. Beoron Ibhts or beacon sl~na~ whon tho iMont ot ~uch sipns Is ; -
adve-ti~inp and not enteR~aMmeM, which shall not hevA adveRO ~loro on ,,:~
adJdninq propoRlos. ~~.
~,. BAlbosrd:.
f. 9uslness Intormatlon Slgn.
q. Can•rype aront ~-h~ch i~corporete tr~nslucont capy snd tmns-ucant
backproun~. Provldod~ howorro~~ that can•rypo ~ns wlth opaquo
back~round~ allo~r.dnq only tha copy to b~ Mlumin~tod. thdl bs
h. d~,, M t~~(oxc~pt Pom~ b urxl~ o oot~dltionel ua pom~R ffor thoaten~
ent~rtei~mont IecAhbs. esnus~meM parlcs or for hotol/motd comPloxss
~x~ovidod th~+ aRe on whkh tho use fs locatod b a mMimum of sbc (f~
acna in arsa.
i. E+nRtinp siprn.
~56- PC6Ci~0
,•»., ~..,,
' Exposed neon s~~ns. ~
k. Fleshinp or trevellnp Iight signs. ~
I. Florescent colors on sl~ns except tor colors on company symbols.
m. L~ndscapa Slpns. An arra~pement of any plant type (Aowers, ahruba,
etc.), which spells out worcis or resembtes a symbot or a flyure ahall not
be permlKed. I
n. Magnetic sfgna. j
o. OH•premises or oH•slte dtrectional signa. ~
p. Or•site dfrectional guidance and on•aNe directory sl~ns whlch are not I
part oi a coordineted architectural iniormatfonat, dfrectfonal end ~
regulatory si~n system.
q. Papqr, cloth and plastic stroemsr slpns, and 8ags, banners aixl ibced ~
bslloons except as othervlse parmitted pursuant to Chapter 4.02 antitlsd
"SPECIAL EVENTS" and Sectfona 18.06.074 entkled 'FLAt3S, ~
r. Palntecl glpns on exteror walls. ~
s. Perapet signs except es otherwise permitted tor atdomotive aarvlce
stetions purauant to Sectton entltled 'PARAPET WALL
SIG~VS" ot this Ghapter.
t. Pennants except as otherwise permitted pursuant to Chapter :.:2
ent(tled 'BPECIAL EVENTS" of the Anahelm Munlctpal Code and ~
Sectlon 18.05.074 enlRled •FLACiS, BANNER$ AND FIXED BALLOON3'
of this Code. I
u. Permanent 'cuma-on' ai~ns (9.p. 'Snle Today', 'Stop', 'Look', 'Qoln~ ~
out of Businesa', atc.). ~
v. Pde algna.
w. Portabie alpns. ~
x. Product adveRlainp elpns (e.~., soR defnk~, ciparette~, etc.). ~
y. aoor e~s~s.
z. Rotattnp or revolvinp aiqna. ~
ea. Sipns ettachad to treea or landacapinp. ~
ab. 3fpna proJectfnp ovur a tnto the puWic Nght-ot-way except as othorwlae
oxproasl/ ponnmad h~rein. ~
er.. Statuea uttlized tor edvaKisin~ purposes. E
ad. Temporary alpna excopt as otherwiso expresaly pormM.~ed hereln. ~
ee. Replicas of oftlciet tramc control alqns tir elpn~ so ~Imllar ea to be i
coniusinp nr hazardou: to tretflc. '•
at. Vehicle erKrance rx o~dt stpns which Incorpo-at~ bu~ineu nemo(e) or i
other adveRlaing :rot in complianco whh $~;tlon 18.76.130.~1.c antt~od
VI8IBL~ FROM THE FUBUC RICiHT-0F•WAY' of thla Chopter.
ag. VehldA slpna (alpns mountod or dtsplayed on a vohide for adveRlelnp
purpoees) or tho peirkinp or atorepo ot ~dvorlfsfn9 vehicleo on publ~ or ~°"~~,
private prope .ry.
ah. Wall alpn~ locatad beiow the thtrd (3) Aoor tovel ot a buUdlnfl end whlch
sipna are IacatQd on a pmpeRy ad~ecent to end vlstblo from rosld~ntlal
ei. ~~Indow slpn:, Indudinp noon ~Wns and al~n~ pefm~d on dlapley
wln~ows whh day~plo, a tomporery pah~t (othor than pem~~tud wlndow
tdgntRicatbn aipna as dMtnad i~ Sectfon entRled
'1MNDOW IDFPRIFlCATION SICiN" of thi~ Cl~epter.)
Slqn Standerd M~t ':~~. In eddttlon to all ~ther roqu(rements cornalned in thfs '
Chapter. perm~tad sipns al~ll compiy wkh the provisfons of Exhibh 7.Os entkled ,
-57- PC93~60 ~
'General Sign Standards Matrlx' and Cxhibit 7.Ob entiUed 'Hotel/Motal Slgn
Standards Matrix' es herelnatter se; torth In this Chapter and the provislons of
which are Incorporated herein by this reference.
.070 Automotive Sarvlce Statlon Signs. The tollawing provlsfons shell epply to sil
automotive service statlons located in this Zon~.
Freestanding Monumem ~Ign. Iniormatlon on thia sign ahall fncl~~de
only the aompany symbol or logo, company name, speclel services
(such as car wash) and prlctng fntormatlon. In addklon, the followlnp
provisl~n~ shell epply to such signs:
a. There shall be ~ maximum oi ono (t) double•taced ireestandfnp
monumant s(gn per street irontaga. The slsn muat be IoCated et
least seventy•ifve (75) teet irom any Intersectlon. Ii I~catsd upon
a comar lot, said sign shall comply with the Deslyn Pian. If said
slgn Is not located upon a comsr lot, sald slpn shall be located
tn the middle thtrty (30) porcent of the strest lrontaga of sald 'ot.
b. The helpht or said st dn shall not exceed ten (10) teet, the width
shall not exceed tour (4) feet and the total slgn dlsplay area
shap not exceed iarry (40) aquare feet. Additlonally, thfa aign
must be ~'aaed on the standard monument sipn base ss
specifled tn Exhibft 7.Oa entftled 'Qeneral 31gn Standards Metrix'
In Soctfon entitlod 'SIC3N BTANDARD MA~RICE$'
af this Chapter, for a maxtmum total helpht of tan (10) fset
ebove tho ttnished qredA of the lot.
c. Lotter hefpht ot th~ cnmpany nasne shall be a maximum of
twelve (12) inchea. Company symboi or lago helpht shatl be a
maximum of atphtaen (18) inches.
d. Pricinp stens shall conform to the provfaions of D~fsion b,
Chapter 14, Article 12, Code Sectlons t3530•13SA0, of the
Buoinass and Protosalons C~de of the State ot CalNomla, or any
succeasor provislons theroto. The helpht of eny pricinp numbera
shall be a mtnimum ot ebc (8) Inches and a ma~clmum o~ tan (10)
lnchea provlded the hetgM Is Issa than tha holght of the
compeny neme and ahatl be ekher menuslly or electronlcally
changeA~~g. All copy shall be contained in the slqn aroa closest
to the s. .at as specKled in Exhibft 7.Oa entitled'Cienera! Stgn
3tendards Matr~c' In 3ection 18.70,130.084 ent~lod 'SION
3TAND.4RD MATRICE3" of this Chapter.
e. 3atd alpns may be itlumtneted intsmalty; however, the
permanent backpround portlon shall be opaque, with onty the
message poRlon balnp Nluminated. They may also be
Uluminated by concoelad pround•mounted spotllphta.
t. Thase sipna shatl be conatructed of materlafs in compllance with
tho Dostgn Plan.
Perapot Woll Sfnrn. In additlon to iroestendfnq manument sipns, the
company symbol and neme mey be applied to the buildinp. The
tollowinq nddlcionol ~rovlatons shail appiy to caid parnpet wall at4na:
a Sgid slgna shafl conslat M Inc'"r,rMually Mbricated IeKers 9nd/or
company aymbot or lopo.
b. Uphted sipns may ba iMemally muminated only.
~ ~~.
.58- PC93~
,;v'"h r "',
, ~
c. All signs shall be e,ttacheJ to the bullding !aco with~ut the l~e
of v(s(~le supports or raceways.
d. Letter heiflht sheil be a ~maximum of elghteen (18~ inchc+s.
Company symbol or iogo hei~ht shatl be e maxlmum of
twenty•fo~tr (2d) (nches.
e. Sald signs sliall bs Iimi:nd to one (1) axposure for Bach
direc3lon of traHic Acw, up to a rnaximurn of four (4) exposures.
Pump Tap and Pump Faco Signe. No signs othe~ than Instructional or
operational slgns (e.g., 'Self Service,' 'Patl Cashler Flrst') shall be
permitted on the pump top or pump Isiand canopy, unless they are part
af an ove~all, desfgned corporate Identfry propram for signage.
Lightar Box 8(gna. Lighter box signs, as defined i~ Sectlon
18.78.13D.010 entitled "tJEFINITIONS" of thls Chapter, shall be
permftted In senrice stetlons; provided that such aipns have dimen3lons
not exceed(np two (2) feet In height and the span of the working erea or
thirteen (13) taet, whichever is tass, ~nd shall be Ilmited to tho company
namo o: company symbol or Iogo. Ughter bnx signs shall contorm to
the provlslons ot Sectlon 18.78.130 entitled "5'GN iiEGULATIONB" uf
thls Chapter. Slgns complying wlth this subsection shall not be
considered treestanding monument signs.
.080 Temporary Signa, Fiege, Bennore, and Fixad 9allonna. The provlstons of
Sectiun 10.48.094 entitled "TEMPORARY SICiNS, FI.ACiS, BANNEHS, AND FIXED BALLOON5" of the
Anaheim Munlcipal Codo shall apply to tl~is Zone.
By reaolutfon, the Ciry Council may sstablfsh tees and the amounts thereof required to
be paid to the Ciry tor desfgn guldeline or landscapa plan re~-lew and tor processing SRe Ptans, buliding
permM~s and any other a~pl4cAtfon ior subsequent approvals to carry out the purposes of this Chapter or
imptement or amond Specitic Plan No. 92-1.
.010 Dov~alopment Reviaw a~d ParmRs. Prlor to comm~ ~cing any work pertafninfl
to the erectlon, constructlon, reconstructlan, ~novfng, cornerslon, alterat(r or additlon to eny bullding or
structure w(tt~(n this zone, all bulidinp and sfte plans ahall be subject to .,vfew by the Piennlnp
Department of the C(ry for conformance with the SpacHfr plan and pe. mfts shall bo secured irom the
Chiet F3uilding OHicfal of the C!ty of Anahelm in compliance wRh ell provlslono of Sectian t8.04.090
enNtled "~EVELOPMENT REVIEW AND PERMIT3-GENERAL." M thts code; provided further, that where
thero are ex(sting bufldings and stn~ctures on a sfte for which moro Intensive development Is propoaed
under the provisfons ot this zone, no bulldtng permit shell be Issued untll the Chief Building O~Iclal and
the Ffre Chfef hava certiffed that the exfstfnp buUdtngs and structures are saie for occupancy and to;
human habitation.
.020 Lundecepe Plen Ravfew. The location o~ a41 proposed on-site and off•site
landscapfng, Including that with(n the parkway area (the area within the ultimate stroot rl~ht•o(-way as
descr(bed on the Clrculat~on Eiemant oi tho Cieneral Plen as turther desc~tbed In ~ecti•m 5.0, the Desfgn
Plan oi the Specif(c Plan, ahatl be shown on a sfte plen, drawn to scele, end shali ye subjact to tho
revfew end approval of the Plonnin~ and Public 1rVorks/Enpineerin4 Departments prior to I~statlation.
Such plans shall be consfstent wlth the Ffnal Site Plan approved pursuant to Sectlon
entitled •FI~AL SITE PI~4N APPROVAL", and the provisfo!ss of the Design Plan.
.5g. PC93~60
~ ~;
Dedicatlon of street riqhts-of-way, public utility easoments and other publlc worka and
improvemonts shall be requfred In cannectlon wlth any wcrk pertaining to the eroction, construction,
reconstructlon, moving, converslan, alteratlon or addition to any building or structure wfthin thls Zone es
otherwise rsqulred pursuant ~;o Sectlon 18.Q4.080 entitled "DEDICATION AND
Con~urrent with or subsequent to Introduction of an ordlnance adding thls Chapter to
the Anahelm Municipal Code, the City Councll may Introduce an ordfnance to recisssliy the propeKy
covered by Speciflc Plan No. 92•1 (SP No. 92-1) and this Chapter to the zoning designation SP No.
92-t. Such reclassificatipn shall be subJeat to aach of those certsin conditlons of approval of SP No.
92•1 as set forth fn Resolution No. . Any vlolatlon of any of sa~d condftlons shall bs deemecl a
viotation of thfs Chapter as ~vell as of the reclessHication ordinanco and ahall be punisheble es set frnth
In Section 1.01.370 of the Anahelm Municipaf Code.
Any vlolatfon of the provisions o! this Chepter shall be subJect to penatties as prescribed
~~ ~c~ctfon 18.04.110 entitled "PENALTIES FOR VIOUITION OF REGULA~'IONS•QENERAL' of this Code.
Any conditlon caused or permitted to ex(st In violatfon uf any oi the provisions of this Chapter shall be
deemed a public nuisance and may be, by this City, aummer(ly abatod as s~tch, and each day such
condition contfnues shell Ue reflarded as a new and separato oHense
Boun~aries ot the Distrfcts establlshad by this tftle (other than those ml~or boundary
adJustm9nts proceased in accord~ncd wfth Sectlon entitlad "FINAL SITE PIAN
APPROVAL" oi this Code), the classiflcatfon of property uses therein, or other provislonR at this t~le may
be amended, exr,options m~de theretrom, or condklonal usas permitted in eccorclance wkh the facts,
conditions, pracedures and requlred ehowings specffled !n Chapter 18.03 eMitled "ZONINQ
entftled "SPECIFlC PLANS" of thfs Code.
Notwithstandinp any other prnv(slon of this Chapter to the contrary, no provision of this
Chapter shali apply to or be a Ilmitatfon upon tha Cfty ot Anahelm, whether the City acts In a
governmental or prnprietary capacity.
r tM~*~,
.g~. PC93~60
Th0 Dlaneyland Reeorl S, ^.tflc Plan ~~a 3ect{on 7.0: Zoning 8~. :uelopmenC 8tandarcis
1 ° ~
ON ~ d~
~ ~~ ~
~ ~
~ ~~ ~~ ~
~ ~
~ 4
~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
0~80 M. Nane Nane IU (9) NA
>80.150 fl. 5E SF r ti
~ ~~~b NA
>15aY101t. 6A SF °rr~a~rii (B) nrbnled on
"~~° ehorlmnW
FREESTANDINO Ona~l)va ~""""i~r+"w`"wa°1 larm~t
MONUMENf 910N > 30p R, tl0 SF ~~ ~ o~Qe "'"'~ ~,,,'w"'a
0•901t. 90 SF
a~C~80 M. GO 8F
On~ (1) pK
NR CorNn Iln~
ur 25 M
,6p.~pp ~, t00 5f q o
pon Iront .
>100•15011. 140 SF
WALL SION ~ ~~n ~~ $F
~ nwrwMM
~~n: ~r
«„~~ OM~') p!f
616t YYlndow
p~~~~; ~ mu
PRCJECTIN6310N N11 d5F s~~~~mu~i -u ton w-
b nOWraO AY nOWntl
~ fqnu~'i
~~~ e~'bul,
~ aor 'D~loe+l'
~ a
JINO ON•SITE DIRLCTORV tION N ~~~ ~ , ~~y~ iyyerol
cnde. rnM.
10 R-
,I' ' i
~~ ~_._ J ~ •
10~ _
NON•F000 5 FL=
~ •
, ~ ^'~
- STATION:~G~ -iaair~aaiur~ww
- ~ __. NWidiACIIfYITlE11E11
11qyt p.pp ,_ - NW'Jq W~0 ~OlFftlll
Ml1 ~ mUl 0 m
5R. - ioao ~f~~ ~7 f~ S~w ooa
~ ~oo~W
+ MEI1l~410M040M1Y[MI Mi[
~ ~'~ ....
Page 354
, ~..
Ths Dtenoyland Resorl S, .iflc Plan ~~~ 8ectton 7.0: ,Z~sning Si. .uelopment 3tandards
Hotal/Motel Slpn Standarde
8,7A.130.O6A (E~Alblt 7.0~1
coMlnued) ~
~~ ~~
!5 ~ ~
~~ ~~ S ~ ~
~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~
~ xuMUn~a iuuWiunawuWwwra ~m"'ic`~"«~".~ai ~nsni~iwiu~newe
~~~ ~NpWryqOp1111111bYp1~ MYMYtlIykMtltl101MYyl
NIM 41Q~01 rNeMnOJM •~TI ~MryyN~ynlMNb~plnh
NA ~^Mww~
M pa Tpy~ r o+wwi ~
NA ~Ipncow,nW
MULMAI3% .daunmow~a1pqbw
ItMM11M1 VEYC~M ammiwran~wa
NA mro~u~
~~a. w~ti
•~nr a~lnwr a•nem• b upn N~
~ •~ ~ 'W~~ bM~MIE
q10~ Ilt
~i+u ~"""""""10 •pi°i0oi011M
"'a'"~o"" w"""+°V01"~ 'NW"mmrp~noa'n""'d""'"'nm'
~aw. ~oi
•R/MAMOdI~YM7~ •1NIi0YYn41111i/~pn YW1Y01MYM
•IleVpi^dpilnMl7d fd41/ORlRlo1141.1417001
~w~q~ • Rqa~m wN 11M ~1IIt ipl'M'~M
M •N1NbapltobM
~(ybpMM 014~MI~II1
18tl n
iam~a~Wkye, .YLMMI[{qN111UMIUtMN 1~i+d+M~Mw~ aY~~llnb
maar4e. aq
~'~~ u yyy yy ~/
11 ~j1~~ r~
IY~ NA1 ~~Y~ MMI
•~ ~~~, ~ ~
~ r
1 In
unNOOwio~mFicnnoNaioN w- ru „; ~ ••y~•~^•~^••~••~~•,w~~~~~~«w~•
~+~'••r w~"ia~w~i.+i~rr.w
vnaccnNO aiaN 301n 18rt M~.,,,~. ~ r
d,~,.~.. ,~,.~,.~,,,,,~,~...~
~.,.dd~. .~,,.~~M..«~~~~
NA ~ ~ ,~„~ ~e~ ~a~
~ 1~~ On~M~MMAnbFY~MQ
for HoleVMotel SI9n ShndarAs aae E~AIDIt 7.Ob, "HotelMatel Sfqn SUndards Matriz"
A Rrea of alpn lace rele~s to ane ~ t) alpn Ixe.
B NA•Hol Rppllc~bb.
C On•slte dlrectlon~l uuMJOnca and on~site dlrs~tory slpns vlslhle Irom tne DuWlc r,,~ .i•w7y ~Aall not canlllct wlth veAlde elte•dlsUnte
reQUlromenla: ma~lmum ol nro slpns Der drfvew+y permitted
D Muft1•tenant elpne chall elther uae one conalsent type tace lor all lenants, or use one cdor for all slpn copy. T~e capftal letter he~pht and lopo
af all lenant IdanlltlatV~n oapy snall be the sar,a on a Qnple slpn lace.
~~, B
Page 355
-~ .--
The Dlmeyland Resart S, .I}Ic Plcn os~ Sectton 7.0: Zoning & •ueiopment Standard~
HotolJMotel ~Iqn Standard~
a.~e.~ao.a~ i~,nmu ~.ae1
iorzuMOr~~ ~ioN
~Teeoanos M~rnix
~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
~ ~ ~ ~
o-fi0lt. Nane NA(B) Nane
>t0•150 tt. 52 SF 101c ~ iN~ 1a1
Ao Uo
>:50~7001t. 84 SF NA lomut 1 per lot
MONUTAENT 810N (C) a7001t. 80 SF l^l
sion ~ansF ~;,i nir' sn: om, an: oin.
Bdav tM
poda ~~ S' 9 h.• 81n.
p~rl~tter q It: O ln. 7 tl: 0 In. ~aD ol IM
e,~~ u~~ ~ ~
~~ uF
e n.• o in.
par Itlter
A rt• 8 M.
8 h.• OIn.
rooi iM.,
it IowN oW
, o°,~n
aoa Si
a; i~„",•
s n.• e in.
~a n• o m.
70 SF ,o,n.
t h.. p Ir. eib"'~"'
n +o"
BU81NE83 WIILL 810N (E) ~~ ~~~~~~ p~r A
~ t
~ron ImM
l'pM 1114
pM 1pn I~n Y
,,,ey A7 flQlllltld
Dy Ircal,
ON•81Tf DIIIECTIONAl0Ul011NLE ~ ,"°",yn""w.~ ~ ~ ~ n~~q,°~~ ~
IIOTEl/MOiEL ~ Loallon la (corponq) ~Mlbtbn lopm md lor nancy Intomutlon copy
10i1.- .~'~
~FL- ~ ~ •
52 SF 615F N~ ~F
~~ Y ~~
MGlOGO ~ y •
Apphll~ - I~U
_ _~ ~
Poge 356
Th0 Dl~nayland RAeoK 5, 1.INc Plan s~~ Sectton ?.0: Zoning 8~/ :velopment Standards
Hotel/Motol Sign Slandarda
ieao.~so.oe~ ~~mm~ ~.oe~
~ ~
~ ~
BIONTYPE ~~ `~, ~ ~
.N ~bh ~e M m~ 1NM Y m~ qurYN In W CmmMelr
~ hMUI YY ~ M RI KYOM b IM Iw bkWYnal YY Y~P
•IbWlpib •61pn{tlY1NMY1~'MCPnNtllOINlMbqbnWlA~!
NuNwIW fo1M~ yIOWINLSNYINIUWM1Il0y 'NlystrMw~wtrae~. YWblauYtlMMmM4
OMbpMh ~ 1~M1
~W b M M[~wmmnnwl~M GYr/i WN
p~~~ M.
INnU.TOhlpulq C Ii
•Mw~~OMiNWWMUnInlbpw .AIMItlmYYVlurrMld~IIY~
wIJIMY/~wm i5%1~
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For Gen~r~t Sbn SUndardt, ses Exhibit T.O~,'General Sipn Standards Matrl•~'
A IUea nf alpn hce reters to ona (t ) sipn face.
B !IA•NotAppliwblo.
C A eoeclol dletdcl hes heun created on WoflSlreeV0laneyland Orlyo Uetwnm Kalell~ Avenue and Ball, RoaU._ Holel~lMotels develaped In
D One (1 ~ Der 88~ ft. ol street Iront~pa wilh minimum dislance of 300 tt. he:wean slpne, v~ln a maalmum o12 elpne per street tronuna
E Aec~seory bu~ineu wall sipns not vfslble hom IAe pi.Glie ripht•ol•way oro e~ampt. Drovlded tliey iro Uart of the coordinatod alpn proprem.
F Multl•Ienanr elpns sha11 efther uce one eantlsnnt rype face lor all tenants, or uu one color lor ~II Ripn copy. Tlu upllal letter ~elynl md loqo
ul all tenmt ~4entlllcntlon copy ah~ll W Ihe ame on a slnqla elpn hce.
f1 On•sNe directlonal Guidance and o.. •slu diiectory alpne vlsible from the puUllc rlpAl•of•way ahall not eonllkt witA veAtcle site•ENWna
mQutr~menta; mulmum ot Iwo alpns Der ddveway permltlad
Page 357
1u1:11 ils 11 w~~~ v~ ~~~~a~ ~u~~usw~yo ~w.~~. ~~......~.............~.....~.~.... _.C ..._..._.._ "".'~'~' " "'" __ '. _' ' _ '. ".__ _'.. .
%anA ~nutv sia~naui In lioii eiitie sun~ard monument~ilan baia and an Include tlie sseit addresi profiiilonil oHl~itloniiuJ vaqncyused
THE FOREOOIN3 RESOLUTION waa adopted ~fie~lAn~inp C~qmmission meetlnp of
May 19, 1993. ~ ~ ~ ~~ .
~J(.(.P~+. ~ , / a.t...v.~
!, EdKh L Hartie, Sacretary of the Anehetm Chy PlannM~ Commisalon, do horeby cartNy
thet th~ torogolna teaolutlon was paaeed end edopted st a tno~elnp o! tha Mahetm C~ty Plannin~
Commissbn hekf on May 19, 1993, by the idlowlnq vote of the mambere theteof:
IN WITNE33 WHERECF. I heve hNeunM tot my hend this e~, day of ~~ 1993.
aerA r "~
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zDRESOtB.»p 86 PCOO-00
Attachment "A"
All that certain real property , in the City of .4naheim, County oE Orange,
State of California, more particularly described as follows:
Beginning at the intersection af the nartherly line of Katella Avenue, 12A feet wide,
with the westerly line oE Harbor Boulevard, 120 feet wide; thence
North 89° 11' S3" West 2583.25 feet along said nartherly line to the centerline of
West Street, 90 feet wide; thence continuing North 89° 41' ~5" West 1255.79 feet
alaag said northerly line to the beginning of that certain g:operty line curve return
cancave aortherly and having a radius oE 17.00 feet, as shown on Tract No. 2854, in
said City, as per map retnrded in Book 90 Pages 39 through 40 of Miscellaneous MaFs
of said County; thenre westerly 7.32 Eeet alo:~g said cuzve through a central angle .
of 24° 40' 5T' to the easterly line of Walnut Stre~t, 90 feet wide; thence on a
non•tangpnt tine Nozth 00° 40' SS" East 1265.11 feet aloag said easterly line to the
southerly line bf Lot 3, Block 14 of Fairview Colony Tract, in said City, as per map
recarded in Bcwk 1 Page 33 of Miscellaneous Maps of said County; thence
North 89° 3~' 26" 1^'est 4.00 feet alang said souiherly liae to the beginning of a
non-tangent curve, concave westerly, having a radius of 698.77 and ro which
beginning a radial line bears South 89° 19' OS" East, said cutve being the easferly line
~f that certain document recorded in Book TI00 Page 764 of OEficial Records of safd
Couary; thence northerly 87.73 feet atong said curve through a cen:ral angie
of 07° 11' 36" to the beginning of a reverse curve, concave easterly and having a
radius of 69~.i7 fee:; thence northerly 87.73 feet along said curve through a central
angle of 07° 11' 36" :o a polnt oE tangency wlth the easterly line oE said Walnut
Street, 90 feet wide; :hence North 00° 40' 55" East 109i.16 feet along said line to the
beginning of a curvr concave easterly and having a radius of 25.00 ~eet and tangent
at its easterly with the southerly line of Cerrttos Avenue, :~7 feet wlde;
tnence in a direct li:~e North OS° 58' 30" West 149.11 feet to the Iatersect{on of the
northerly line of tha: certafn document recorded in Book 8735 Page 780 Af Offirial
Recards of said County, with the easterly line of Walnut Street, 60 feet wide, as
shown on Tract tio. 7948, in said City, as per map recorded ia Book 260 I'abes 42 as~d
43 oE Miscellaneous Maps of said County; thence North 00° 40' Z~" East 1305.73 feet
along said casterly tine to the northerly liae oE the north half of the west half of the
Southeast Quarte; oE the Northeast Quarter oE Section 2i, Township 4 South, Raage
t0 West, ia the Rcccch~ San )uan Cajon de Sa~~:a Ana, in said City, as pet rr.ap
r~corded in Book 51 Page in oE Miscellan~ous Maps of safd Ctiunty; thence
South 89° 45' 45" East 37.00 feet along said Iine ta the easterly line o! Walnut 5trret,
87 feet wid~, as shown on a Parcel Map, in said City, u per map recorded in Book 10
Page 44 of Parcel Maps; tbence North 00° 40' 7.3" East 662.71 feet elang satd easterly
line w the sou:he:ly~ line a: said Parcei ~41~; thence Sout1189° 39' S8" Eas: 6~3.: K feet
along said southeriy line to the southeast corner thereof; thenre
North 00° ~GO' 22" E~st 608.70 feet along the v+~esterty tine of said Parcel Map to the
southerly line of Ball Road, 106 feet vvide; thence South 89° 34' i l" East 405.67 feet
4 ~-~-
along said southerly line to the westerly line of a Parcel Map, in said City, as per
map recorded in Book 29 Page 14 of Parcel Maps : F said County; thence
South 00° 39' 47" West 210.03 feet along said westerly Iine to the southr~vest rorner
thereof; thente South 89° 34' 11" East 195.00 feet along the southerly line of said
Pazcel Map to the westerly lir,e of West 5treet, 1q0 feet wide, as shown on sald Pazcel
Map; thenre South 00° 39' 47" West 66.87 feet~along said westerly line to the westerly
proloagation of the northerly line of the suuth half of the Northwest Quarter of the
Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 22 of sald Rancho San )uan
Cajon de Santa Ana; thence South 89° 10' 01" East 560.54 feet along said
prolongation and northerly line to the easterly Ilne of Parcel 1 of a Parcel Map, in
said City, as per m~p recorded i-1 Book 78 Page 42 of Parcel Maps aE said Counry;
thence North 00° 38' 42" East 277.25 feet along said westerty line to the southerly line
of said Ball Road; thence South 89° 09' 30" East 317.12 feet al~n~g said southerly lins
to the beginni:~g of a non-tangent curve, concave southwesterly, having a radius oE
40.55 feet and to which beginning a radial line bears North 23° 01' 08" East, said .
beginning being the most westerly corner of that certain Irrevocable Offer of
Dedicatton recerded December 22,1988 as Instrument No. 88-668535 oF said County;
thenc~ 6outheasterly 4.37 feet along said curve through a cAntral angle of 06° 10' 49"
to the beginning of a reverse curve, coacave northerly ~nd having a radius of 59.45
feet; thence easterly 29.42 fzet along said curve through a cer.tral angle of 28° 21' 2T';
thenre South 89° 09' 30" East 195.71 feet to the southerly line of 8a11 Road, variable
in width, as shnwn on a Parcel Map, ia sald City, as per map recorded ia Book 40
Y'age 9 of Parcel Maps; thence South 75° 59' 03" East 21.91 f~t along said southerly
line to the beglaning oE a curve concave aortherly and having a radius of 330.00 feet;
thence easterly 151.52 f~et along curve through a central angle af 26° 18' 29";
thence North T7° 42' 28" East 48.61 feet to the southerly line of that certaln
Document recorded February 21,1990 as Instrument No. 90-090852 of Offidal
Records of said Counry; thence South 89° 09' 30" Fast 500.26 feet along said southerly
line to the southwesterly line of the Southern Pacific Raiiway ~ompany Right of
Way; thence South 39° 56' Zi" East 284.22 feet along said southwesterty line to the
most westerly corner oE the land described ln the Deed to the State of Califoraia
rPCOraed Apri! 6,1960 in Book 5179 Pege 272 of OfEiciaj Records of satd County;
theace 5outh 36° 41' 26" East 391.36 feet along said westerly line to the beginning of a
eurve concave westerty and hav[ng a radius of 370.00 Eeet and tangeat at Its
southerly t~rminus with that ~ertain course, recit~d as North 00° 16' 25" West, in the
Deed to the State of Calffortia filed December 1,1954, as Instrument No. 30189 in the
oEfice oE Ehe Regtstrar of Titles of said County; thence southerly 241.06 Eeet along said
curve throvgh a centra! angle of 37° 19' 43"; thence
South 00° 38' 17" West 265.88 feet along said tangent ltne to the beginning of a curve
concave northeasterly and havlna a radius of 350.00 Eeet, satd rurve being the
northwester:y continuation oE that certain curved southwesterly line, recited as
haviag a radius of 350.00 feet, in the Deect to the State oE CaliEornia rPrn~ded
August 11,1954 in B~ook 2789 Page 450 of Of~cial Records of satd Crunty~; thence
southeusterly 349.7G feet along said continuation and recited rurved southwesterly
ltne, through a cr.ntral angle of 5T 1~' 25"; tlience continuing
South ~6° 3T 08" East 39.04 leet along said soutliwesterly tine to the beginning o[ a
~~;.C~rIC PLAN n0. '`
curve concave s~uthwesterly and having a radius oE 275.00 feet, said beginning being
the most northerly corner of the land as described in Document recorded
June 20,1955 in Book 3109 Page 539 oE Official Records of said County; thpnce
southeasterly 274.81 feet along said curved westerly line, through a centzal angle
of 57° 15' 2S"to a line parallel with and distant westerly 60.00 feet, measured at right
angles, from the centerliae of Harbor Boulevard as shown on Record of Survey filed
in Book 78 Pages 31 and 32 of Record of Surveys of said County; thence on a
nnn-tangent line South 86° 28' 57" East 7.01 feet to a line parallel with and distant
westerly 53.00 feet fr~m the centerline of said fIarbor BAUlevard; thence
South 00° 38' 17" West 1106.79 feet along said line to an an$le point therein; thence
continuing South 00° 39' S7" West 114~.72 feet to the westerly prolongation of the
northerly line ~f the sousherly 175.00 feet of the Southwest Quarter of the
Northwest Quarter of the Sauthsast Quarter of Section 22, ~own~hip 4 South, Rang~
10 West, in said Raneho San Juan Cajan de Santa Ana ; thencP
South ~9° 09' 46" East 713.78 feet along said prolongation and aortherly line to th~
westerly line of Lot 20, Tract No. 190, in said City, as per map zecurded in Book Z3
Page 50 of Miscellaneoua l~iaps oE said County; thence
North 00° 40' 07" East 505.52 f~et along said westerly line to the aorthwesterly comer
thereoE; thence South 8g° 09' 33" East 1215.80 feet along the northerly line of said lot
to the northwesterly prolongation of the northeasterly line of Parcel 1 oE a Parcel
Map, In said City, as per map recorded in Book 122 Pages il az~d 12 oE Parcel Maps;
thence South 99° 57' 30" East 278.71 feet along said prolongation and northeasterly
liae to the beginning of a curve concave southwesterly as~d having a radius of 455.00
feet; thence southeasterly 25.80 feet along said curve through a central angle
of 03° 14' 57" to the westerly line of the lar-d desuibed in the Deed to the State of
California recorded ir~ Book 132i6 Page 132 ef Official Records of said Counry; thence
on a nan-tangent line South 25° 14' 14" East 76,12 feet to the northwesterly corner oE
the laad deseibed in Deed to the State of California recorded january 11,1982 as
Instrument No. 82-009830 oE said County; thence South 1~° 24' 29" East 123.00 feet;
thence South Ol° 29' 09" West 127.53 feet an angle point in the westerly Itne of the
land dPSUibed In the Deed to the St~te of California recorded March 11,1982 as
Instrument No. ~2-085437, of Offic[als Records of sald County; thence
South 20° 45' 10" West 114.51 feet; thence South 25° 28' Z3" West 29.84 feet to the
~outherly line of said Lot 20; tlience North 89° 0?' 46" West 526.16 feet along said
line to the northerly prolongation of the most westerly line ef Clem~ntine Street as
per document recorded in Sook 13525 Page 165 of Official Records of said County;
thence South 00° 39' il" West 211.22 feet along satd prolongation and westerly line
to the begtnning of a curve concave easterly and having a rad~us of 501.?3 feet;
theace continuing alr~ng said westerly line, southerly 50.08 feet alAng said reverse
curve throu~h a central angte oE OS° 43' 30" to the beginning of g reverse curve,
concave westerly aad having a radius of 501.23 feet; thence contiauing along ssid
westerly line south~exiy 50.08 feet along said curve through a centzai angle
of OS° 43' 30"; thence mntinuing along said westerly tine
5outh 00' 39' il" West 335.40 feet tc- tl~e norti~erly line or 7ract tio. 3330, in said City,
as per map rQCOrded in Book 113 Pages 21 and 22 of Miscellar-eou, Maps of said
County; thence South 89° il' 4G" Fa°t 2.00 feet along said northerly line to the
SFcC~F~~ P~AN N0.
westerly line of Clementine Stteet, 60 feet wide, as shown on map of 4aid Trach, ~ '~
thence South 00° ~1' 15" West 735,30 feet along said westerly line and its southe~ly I
prolongation to the southerly line of Katella Avenue,120 feet wide, thence easterly `
along said line to a line parallel with the east line of the No:theast Quarter of I
Section 27 of said Rancho San Juan Cajon de ~anta Ana, and which gasses through a '
point an the north line of said Section, distant thereon westerly 620.00 feet from the j
N~xtheast Cornez of said Northeast Quarter; thence southerly 265,05 feet along said j
parallel line fo a line parallel with and distant southerly 2~65.00 feet, measured ~ e '`
right angles, from the North line of said Sectior-; thence easterly 575 feet along said '
parallel line to the westerly line of Haster Avenue, 90 feet wide as shown; thence
southerly 367.16 feet along said westerly line to the south line of the north half of i
the north half of said Northeast Quarter; Ehence westarly along said sauth line to the ~
east line of the west half of the east half of said Northeast Quarter; thence southerly ,
along said east line to the south line of the north half of the south half uf said i
Northeast Quarter; thence westerly alang said sauth line to the easterly line c~f
Harbor Boulevard, 120 Eeet wide; thence northerly along said east line to a.,tine ~,
parallel with and distant southerly 120.00 feet, measv:ed at right angles, ~rom the ~
south line of the north half of the norlh half of said I~iortheast Quarter; thence '
easterly 600.OOfeet along said parallel lins; thence northerly 120.00 feet, narallel with ~
the east lit~e of satd Harbor Boulevard, 120 feet wide, to the suuth line of north half 'i
of the nortr, half of said Northeast Quarter; thence westerly along said southerly line i
to a line parallel with and distant easterly 400.00 feet, measured at right angles, from ~ easterly line oF said Harbor Boulevard; thence northerly ~90.36 feet along said ~
parallel lins to a line parallel with and distant southerly 205.00 feet, measured at
right angles, from the southerly line of sald Katella Avez~ue; thence easterly along (
said parallel line to a line parallel with and distant easterly 890.00 feet, measured at ~
right angles, from the centerline of said Harbor Boulevard; thence northerly 325.00
feet along said parallel line to the northerly line of said Katella Avenue; thence ~
westerly along said northerly line to the easterly ltne of the land described in Deed ~
to Alwyn S. Jewell and Lucille G. Jewelt recorded October 5,1959 In Book 4912 Pa~e
102 of Offiaal Records of said County; thence Narth 00° 37' S7" East 615.00 feet along ,
llna to s line arallel with and distant 6:5.00 Eeet northerly, measured at
said easterly
right angles, from the cen erline of said Katella Avenue, thence
North 89° 11' 49" West ~93.51 feet along said parallel line to lhe westerly line of said
Harbor Boulevard; thence South 00° 39' 5T' West 615.00 feet along satd westerty line
to the Point oE Beginning.
S~~C-r tC PLAN N0. .
~~ ~i
EXCEPTING THEREFTtOM the following described land:
The easterly 500.OQ feet of Lot 1 in Block 15 oE the Fairvlew C~lony Tract, in
the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of Califarnia, as shown on a
zriap Recorded in Baok 1, Page 33 of Miscellaneous Maps, records af Orarige
Counry, California.
F,?CCEI"I'ING THEREbTtOM that portion of said land includ~d withia the lines
of Tract No. 2854, as shown on a map Recozded in Book 90, Pages 39 and 40 af
Mlscellaneous Maps, records of Orange County, California.
ALSO EXCHPTING THEItEFItOM the following desuibed tand:
?he North 435.00 feet of the West ~55.OQ feet af the East 460.00 feet of 1 in
Tract 2854, in the Ciry of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of California, as
per Map recorded in B~ok 90, Pages 39 and 40 of Miscellaneous Maps, in. the
of~ce of the County Recorder of said County.
Prepared undez the supervision of Robert C. Olsan, PLS.
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Rot~ertC. Olson i.$5490
Psomas ds Associates
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