Resolution-PC 93-67i'`~` .- ,B~SQ_,LUTION_[~J_O. PC93~fi7 A FIESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PIANNING COMMISSION 7HAT PETITION FOR CONDI'~IUNAL USE PERMlT N0. 3603 BE GRANTED WHEREAS, the Anahei-n Clty Planning Commlaslon dId roce(ve a ve~IflecJ Petftion for Gonditional Uso Permft for certain real properry situatAd in tho Ciry ot Anahaim, County of Oranpe, StatA of California, descrlbed as: PARCEL 1: THAT PORTIC~N OF LOT 10 OF TH°_ MILES RANCHO, IN TNE CITY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF ORANCiE, STATE OF 'vALIFORNIA, AS 1'ER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK A PAGE 7 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF TFIE CQUN7Y RECORDER OF SAID GOUMY, DESCRIBED AS FOI.I.OWS: BEGINNIf~G A7 A PUINT ON TWE SOUTW LINE OF SAID LOT 10, NORTH 89 DEG. a2' 00" EAST 163.00 FEET FROM TH~ SOUTHWESI' CORNER OF SAlD LOT 10; THENCE NORTH 0 DEG. 29' 10" WEST 160.OC FEET PARALLEL WITH THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 10; THENCE NOR'~H 89 DEG. 42' 00" EAST 174.19 FEET PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTH UNE OF SAID LOT 10; THENC~ SQUTH 0 DEC3. 24' 00" EAST 180.00 FEET Tn THE SOUTH UNE OF SAID LOT 10; THENC~ SOUTH 89 DEG. 42' 00" WEST 173.95 FEEf TO 7HE POINT OF BEGINNINCi. FOR THE PURPOSE OF DESCRIPTION THE SOUTH LINE OF L07 10 IS THE CENTER LINE OF A Fi0.00 FOOT STREE? COMMONLY KNOWN AS l.A PALMA AYENU~ AND THE WEST LINE OF LOT 10 IS THE CENTER LINE OF A A0.00 FOOT STREET COMMONLY KNOWN AS VVEST S7REET. EXCEPT THE WtS7HRl.Y 57.00 ~EET THEREOF. SAID I.AND IS INCLUDED WITHIN THE AHEA SHOWN ON A MAP Fil_ED IN 800K 28, PAGE 5 OF RECORD OF SURVEYS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDEH OF 3AID COUNTY. PARCEL 2: THE WESTERLY b7.00 FEET OF THAT PORTION OF lOT 10 OF T'HE MILES RANCHO, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, AS PER MAP RECORQED IN BOOK 4, PAGE 76 OF M{SCEILA~dEOUS MAP3, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING P7 A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 10, NORTH 89 DEG. 42' 00" EAST 163.00 FEET FROM THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 10; THENCE NORTH 0 DE(3. 29' 10' WE3T 160.00 F~ET PARALLEL WITH THE WEST I.IN~ OF SAID L07 10; THENCE NORTH 09 DE6. 42' 00" EA3T 174.19 FEET PARALLEL WITH THE 30UTH UNE OF SAID LOT 10; TWENCE S0; HENCE SQUTH 89 DEG~ 42 60' WES~173.95 EET 0 THEFPOINT OF BEGINNfNG. FOR THE PURPOSE OF THIS DESCRIPTION THE 30UTH UNE OF L.0'T 1(i IS THE CENTER LI{~E OF A 60.00 FO~T STREET COh1MONLY KNOWN AS LA PALMA AVENUE AND THE WEST UNE OF LOT 10 IS THE CENYER LINE OF A 40.00 F00T STREE? COMMONLY KNOWN AS WES7 BTREET. • ~ r*, T,~ CR1819MS.wp '~' P~$7 f'~e\ I ~I 1 SAID IJ~1ND !S INCLUDED WITHIN THE AREA SHOWN ON A MAP FILED IN ~ 800K 26, PAGE 5 OF RFCORD OF SURV~YS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE ~ COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUN7Y. '?. 4' PARCEL 3: TWAT F~ORTIOy OF LOl' 10 OF THE MILES RANCHO, IN THE CiTY ~ OF ANA~IEIM, AS PER MAP R~=CORDED liv BOOK 4, PAGE 7 AF i MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, IN THE pFFICE OF 7HE COJNTY RECARDER OF ~ SAID CCUNN, DESCRIBEa AS FOLLOWS: I BEGINNING AT THE SOUTFiEASTERLY CORNER OF THE LAND DESCRIBED IN A DEED TO DAVID CORQERMAN FiECORDED JULY 29, 1842, IN BOOK 1156, PAGE 18 OF AFFICIAL RECORDS 01= SAID COUNTY; THENCE SOUTM 83 DEG. 42' 00" WEST 25.00 FEET AL~NG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID LAND TO THE SQUTHEAST CORNER OF THE U1ND DESCRIBHD IN A GEED TO GEOR~E C. SCN(3LL RECQRDED OCTOBER '27, 1959 IN BOOK 4947, PAGE Mt9 OF SAID OFFICIAL RECnR08; Ti~ENCE ALUNG THE EASTERLY LINE OF ~AID i.AND OF SCHOLL, NORTH 9 DEO. 24' 00" WEST iG0.00 FEET THE NORTHEAS7ERLY CORNER TWEREOF, BEING TH~ TRUE POINT nF DEGINNING; Ti~ENCE ALONG THE NOFiTHERLY LINE OF BAID LAND OF SCHOLL A~lD THE NORTHERLY LINE OF THE LAND QESCRIBED IN A DEED TO JAMES M. DUFFY, AECORDED APRIL 21,1~~60 IN BOOK 5205, PAGE 431 OF SAID OFFICIAL RECORDS, SOUTW 09 DEG. 42' 00" WEST 187.19 FEET TO THE St~UTHEASTEt~LY CORNEH OF THE LAND DESCRIBED IN A DEED TO JESS LEOS RECORDED JUNE 21, 1954 IN 80C1K 2753, PAGE 106 0F SAID OFFICIAL RECORDS; THENCE ALONCi THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LAND OF LEOS NORTH 0 DEG. 29' 10' WEST 83.00 FEET TO THE NOFi'~HEASTERLY CORNCR TIiEREOF; THENCE ALONG THE EASTERi.Y PR~LONGATION OF THE NORTHERLY UN~ OF SAID LAh1D OF LEOS AND PARALLEL WITH 7HE SOUTHERLY UNE OF SAID LOT NORTH 8J DEG. 42' 00" EAST TO THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAID LA~D OF COWDI4RMANK THENCE ALONC3 SAI~ LAST MENTIONED EASTERLY LINE SOUTH 0 DEG. 2A' 00" EAST 83,p0 FEET TO THE EA3TERI.Y PROLONGATION OF SAID NORTHERLY IINE OF THE LAND OF SCHOLL THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID LAST MENTIONED EASTERLY PROLONGATION QF THE TRIJE POINT OF BEGINNIN~a. EXCEPTINC 7HEREFROM THE WESTERLY 8.62 FEET THEREOF. WHEAEA3, the City Planning Commissfon dld hdd a publfc haaring at t~ie Civic CAnter in the City of Anahoim on May 17, 18~3 at 1:a0 p.m., notice of sald public hearing having been dul,y given as requfred by Iew and In accordance wfth tha provfslons of the Anehelm Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and cons(der evidence tar and egelnst said proposacl condRfonal use permft and to Inveatigete bnd make findings and rocommendatlons In connection therewith; and that said publlc hearing wes contlnued to the June 2 and June 14, 1993 Plannin~ Commisslon meetinga; and WHEREAS, sald Cortsmission, efter dua Inapectlon, InvesU~ation and study made by dsetf and in hs behaif, and aker du^ conside-atlon of atl evidence and repons oi~ered at safd henring, does find and determfne thv following facts: t. Thst the proposed use is properly one tor which a conditional usa permft is euthnrixed by Anahefm Municipal Code Sectfon to permit a 2,548 sq.k., 24•hour, residentlal reca~iery homa In an Rxisting uffice building in aonjunctlon with a prevlousiy approved ramedlal educatlonal and vocational tACility; ~~, .2. PC93-67 ~.~»:.~ , 2. 7hat the proposed use, aonsisting of a"sober Iiving environment" (not a recovery center) for a maximum of 18 recoverfng alcoholics ~ver the age of 18 years, is properly one for which a conditionni usa permft fs a~rthorizod by the Zoning Code; 3. That, prlor to establlshing residoncy ~t this facliiry, clionts wlll have been de•toxed at a rec~very center ~nd ~craened for suftability to reside in a aober living environment, and that none of the cllents shall have any previous folony convlctiona rsleted to abusive behavlor, particularly towards chlldren; 4~. That the cllents will receive counseling and attond ciasses or work off-sfte during the day; 5. That sub,~ect propeKy has been utUized as a psychologlcal treatment faGlllty alnce 195b with no roported adverae Impacts on surroundfng lend usos; 6. That the proposed use will not adversely affect the adJolning tand uses and the growth and devolopment of the aroa In which k Is proposed to be located because tho cllents will be supervised on a contlnual ba4is; loft~ ~~ng around the properry wlll not be allowAd; end, during the adJacent day care c9nter's (1035 West La ~aima Avenue) hours of opA~atlon, th~ residenta of aubJect facllity are Ilkely be oH- olte at thefr place of employment or attending cloeses or treatrnent programs; 7. That the size and shape of the site for the proposed use is adequate to allow the iuil developm9nt of the proposed use In a manner not detrimontal to the particular erea nor to the peace, hualth, safaty, and general welfare; 8. That the traffir, generatod by the proposed use will not impose an undue burden upon the streetA and hlghways deslgned a-id improved to carry th9 traffic in the area; fl. That the grantfng of the condftlonel use permlt under the conditfons irnposed will not be detrfman4al to the peace, health, oafety and genor~l wel(are of the cltizens c;f the Ciry of Aneheim; 10. That elght people indicated -hefr presence et safd public hearln~ in oppositlon; and that correspondence was recelved fn apposit(on to the subject petkion. cALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL OUALI7Y ACT FINDINQ: That tt;e Anahoim City Planning Commlasion has reviewed the proposal to reciassffy sub~ect properry from the RS•A~3,000 (RQSIdsMlal/ Agricultural) Zona and the CL (Commercial, Umited) ZonE to the CO (Commerclal, Of~ce and Profesaloruil) Zone ancl to permit a 2,548 sq.it., 2~•hour, residentlal recovery home In an oxisting offlce buliding In conJuncSion with a previousiy approved remedial Rducational end vacatlonal faclliry on proper.ry cons!ating Af three parcels and descrlbed es follows: Parcel 1 is a rectangularly-shaped parcel of lend consiatln~ of approximately .27 acre locatod on the nortnwest comer of La Palma ~lvanue and l.eisura Court, having approxfinete irontages of 115 teet on the north side of I.a Palma Avonue and 105 iset on the weat sid~ of Leisure Caurt; and Parcels 2 and 3 ara an frregulariy-shepAd parcel of lend conaisting of epproxlmnt~ly .39 acre located north and west of the nonhwes~ comer ot l$ Palma Avenue and Lelaure Court, having approximato irontages ot 55 iaet on the north side of La Palma Avenue and 70 feet on the weat gide of lefsuro Court; and does hereby approve the Negative Declaration upon find(ng that tha declaretlon reflacts the Independent Judpement of tho Iead agency anci that ft has considorod the Negatfvo Declaretfon together wlth any comments received during the pubilc revlew Nrocess and turther flndinp on the basfs of the initial otudy and any comments rocefved that there is no substantiai evidAnce that the proJe~t wil{ havo a s(gniticant eHect on the environment. ~r4 ~ ~. .3- PC93-67 .~+~, ~ , NOW, THEREFORE, 8E IT RESOLVEU that the Anahelm City Pianning CQmrrdasian does ~ hereby grant subject Petftipn for Conditional Use Pernit, upon tho followln~ condklons which are horeby ~ found to be a nocessary prerequlsite to the proposed use of the subJsct property in order to presarva the ~ safety and general weltRro of tho Cftlzens of the Clty of Anahelm: ~ 1. That subJect petftlon Is granted t~~ ~ period of two (2) yea~s from the date of thla reac~lution; provWed, ~ however, that this Iimftation may b~ extended or delated In conJunctfon wi4h A public hearing. 2. That subject facllfty shail be Iimitad to a maximum of elghteen (18) cliente/patlents and one (1) caretaker, all over tho ago of o;~hteen (10) years. 3. That within a period of three (3) months from the date of this resoluti~n or prlor to Issuanco of ~ ~ bullding pern~lt, whichevAr occurs iirst, the applicabl~ traHic slgnal assbssment fee shall be paid to ~ the Cfty of Anahetm In an amount establ(shed by City Councll Resolution. 4. (a} Thnt there shall be a suparvl3or presAnt on the promis9s at all tfines. (b) Thet aU residonts (with the exosp~lun of those whose work hours are outalde the curfew houra) shali obseNe tho tollowing curfows: Sunday thrnugh "fhursday: 1 i p.m. ~ Frlday and Saturday: 1 a.m. ~ (c) That tho resldents shail bo Ilmited tA the following dafly vfsltatlons houra: Monday through Friday: One (1) hour Saturday and Sunday: Three (3j hours 5, Thet plana shell be submitted to the Ciry 7raHic and Transportatiun Manager for his revlew and Approval showing c~niormance with the curr4nt versluns of Englneering 3tandard Plan Nos. 436 end 602 ~srtaln{ng to parking stendards and driveway IocAtion. SubJoct property shall ihereupon be developed and maintalned In contormance with seld plans. S, That tho driveway on Leisure Street shall be recenstructad w(th ten (10) foot radius curb returna as rsyufred by the Cfty Engfnesr In conformance wfth Engina6rfng $tandard No. 137. 7. That an on-site trash truck tum around area be provldacJ in acGOrciance wkh [ng(neerfng Standard ~etall No. 610; as requfred by tha Department of Mefntenance. I 8. That trast~ st~rage aroas shaN be provide~ and malntelneci in location(s) acceptable tn the Uepartment ~ of Maintenance and in accordence wft~i approved plans on flle ~vith said ~epartmant. Such ~ t~itormatlen shell be specfflcally shown on the plans submitted 'ror f~ullding permits, ~ ~:~,~ . `~, g. 'That a plan sheet for solfd waste atore8e and collection, end a plan for recyclinp shall ~ie Rubmkted ~;f to the Department of Malntenance f~r review and approval. 10. That this Conditfonal Use Permit is granted subJect tu adoption of a zoning orcilnance in connectton i with ReclassNication No. 92-93-8, now pendin4. i i 11. That a local fire alerm system shall be instelled as reou!red by the Fire Department. .4. PC93~67 1?_, That subJect property shall be ~ieveloped subalantially In accordance with plans and specfElcatlons submitted to the Ctty of Anaheim hy the petilioner and which plans ere on fll9 with the Planning Department marked Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2; provid~d, however, that the p~opoaed slx (6) foot hiflh fence in the area af the parking lot shati be constructed of wrought Iron Inatead of masonry block (as was shown on the approved exhlbit). 13. That all nonconformfng signs, Including the nags~ shall be removed. 14. {a) That clients ahell be Iimited to alcohol rehabilitatlon only; (b) That this uso shall ba Iimited to a sober Iiving environment only and shail not be a recovery center; (c) That prlor to establlshing temporary resltlance at subJect faclllry, the ailents ahall have been de- toxed at a recovery center And screened by referring hospitals for sultabitity to reside In a sober Iiving environment; and (d) That the clients ataying overnight shall receive counseling and shall attend clasaes or work „ during the day. 15. That none of the clienta at this faciliry shall have had any prevlous felony convictfons rolated to abuslve behavlor, particular towards children, 16. That prior ~o issuance of c bullding permit orwfthln a period of one (1) ysar from the date of th~s resolt~tion, whichever occt~rs first, Cot~dition N~s. 5, 8, 9, 10 and t3, abovo•mentlonod, shal) be comptfed with. Extensiona for further tirr.e to complete said conditions rnay be granted in accordance with Sectian 18.03.090 of tha Anahefm Munlclpal Code. 17. That prior to final bu~~ding and zonir~g inspecllons, Condition Nos. 6, 7, 11 and 12, above•mentionerJ, shall be complled wlth. 18. That approval of thls appllcatlon constltutes approvat of the proposed request only to the extent that it complies wfth the Anaheim Munlcipal Zoninq Code and any othor appiicable Clry, Stete and Federal reyulatfons. Approval does not include any action or iindfngs as to compllanca or approvbl of ihe request re~arding any other applfcable ordinance, rogulatlon or requ(rement. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED thal lho Anaheim Ciry Piannfng Commisalon does hereby iind and determine that adoption of this Resolution la expressly predicated upon applicant's compilance wRh each and all of the condftions herelnabove set fa~h. Should any a h condition, ar eny paK thereoF, be declared invalfd or unenforceablo by the final jutlgment of sny c rt of competant Jurisdiction, then this Aesolutlon, and any approvals hereln containad, ahall be dea I and vold. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was ado the an Commisalon meeting rf June 14, tfi93. ~ CHAIRMAN ANAWEIM CITY PLANNING MMISSION ATTEST: CRETARY, A ~IM CI7Y PLANNING COMMISSION .5. PC~3-67 `'"~` STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORAN(iE ) sa. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) !, Janet L Jensan, Secretary of the Anahoim Qky Ptanninq Commteaton, do hereby certRy that the tareqoing resdutlo~ was peased and adopted et e meetlnq of the Anahsim City Planninq Commisston h~id on June 14, 19~i, by the idiowiny vota o! the membo~a ther~d: AYE3: COMF•. ,SIQNER3: CALDWELL. MA.YER, MES3E, TAIT NOE3: COMMi$310NERS: BOYD3TUN, HENNINaER, PERAZA ABSENT: COMMI3SIONERS: NONE IN WITNESS WHEREOF. 1 have hereurKO set my hend thle ~~ dey of , 1993. ~ CRE?ARY, NAH~I IN PIANNIN4 COMMI$SION '~ "~~ ~