Resolution-PC 93-71~~ A~iESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNINa COMh~ISSION THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIQNAL USE PERMIT N0. 3607 BE GRANTED WWEREAS, the Anaholm Ciry Planning Commisslon did recawe a verifled Petitlon tor Conditlonal Use Permit for certaln real properry sftuated In the Glty of Anaho~m~ County of 6range, 8tate of CslHornia, described es: THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST OUARTER OF THE s~~1YWNIEST ~UARTER OF SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RANGE 10 WEST, IN THE RANCWO LOS COYOTES, CIN OF ANAHEIM, COUNT`f OF ORANQE, 3TATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 5~, PAGE 10 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: 9EGINNING AT A POINT ON THF WEST LINE OF SAID 3ECTIO~J, NORTH 0 DEG. 19' d4" WEST 645.~p FEET FROM THE SOUTHWEST CARNER OF 3AID SECTION; THENCE NORTH 89 DEG. 40' 18" EAST 270.00 FEET~ THENCE NCRTH 89 DEQ. 40' 1f3" EAS1' 270.00 FFET; THENCE NORTH 0 DEd. 19' +!4" WEST 88.59 FEET PARALLEL WlTW SAID WE3T I.INE; THENCE NORTI~i a1 DEG. 17' 34" WEST '17.70 FEEf TO AN ANGLE POINT ON THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF LOT 152 OF TRACT N0. 2093, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 78, PAGES 45 TO 48 INCLUSIVF. OF SAID MISCEI.tANE0U8 MAPS; THENCE SOU'~H 80 DEG. 36' 30" El1ST 62.30 FEET; TH~NCE SOUTH 0 DE(3. 19' ~~ ~-5T ~52.88 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 88 DEQ. 40' 16" WES7 315.00 FEET TO SAID WEST LINE; THENCE NORTH 0 DEG. 19' 44" WEST 80.00 FEET TO THE WOINT OF BEQINNING. WHEREA3, the Ciry Plenning Commiaslon dW hold a pu'~~~ hearinp at the Cl~fc Center In the Ciry of Anaheim on June 14, 1993 at 1:3o p.m., notlca of said public hsering havin~ bosn duly glven aa required by law and in accordance with the provlsions of the Anahelm Munecf~ I~ o I~AStIQate nd tQ hear and consider evidenco for and egain~t sald proposed conditlonat use p 9 make ifndlnps and recommondatlons In connectlan therewfth; and WHk'REAS, said Commfssion, atter due InsPectlon, irnestlgetlon and study made by ftself and In its bohalf, and aRer due conslderatlon of all evidence and repoRS oHered at r~aid heering, does find end determine the following facts: 1. That the proposed usa Is proparly one for which a condRlonal use permft lo authorized by Anahefm Municipal Code 3oction to permlt a church with accessory classrooma and oHlcAa f in en exiatinq b,390 aq.ft. oHice bullding. ~ ~,, ,,, .~ 2. That the proposed uso will not adveraely eHect the sdjotning 1end uses and th~ growth end '~, development of the area fn which ft is proposed to be located because a chun;h wkh eccesaory classrooms and admintstratfve offices is compotible wkh the surroundfng ne~9h~~~d conslstinp of both commercial and residential uses. CR1821 MS.wp -t- PC~3-71 ~w; ~ , ~ 3, That the aize and shape of the ske 9or the prpposed use is adequate to allow the fuli development of the proposed use in a mann9r not detrimental to the partlaular area nor to the paace, health, safoty, and general welfare becauae the proposec! numbor of parking spacea complies wfth the Code requirement for the proposed floor plan for subJect proposa~. a. 7hat the traHic genereted by the proposed use wlll not impose an undue burden upon the streets and highways designed and improved ta carry the traffic In the area. g. That tho gcanting of the conditional uae permii under tha condRlons imposed wlll not be detrimantal '• ~~~e peace, hoalth, ssfety and general welfare of tho ckizons of the Clty of Anehelm. g. That no freeatanding signs is be permitted for subJact property bacaus0 of said propeKy's speciiic location and characteristir,s: Iimfted irontage on Brookhu~st Street with an exlating traNic signal and utllity pole located lmmed-ately in front o( the praperry; and that any ireostanding sign would clutter ths praperty'$ street frontage and may restrict visibllity. 7, 7hat three (3) concerned people indicated their presence at said publfc hearinq; and that no correspondence was recefved In opposftion to the subject pstition. ~•, ,~~~.,," € ~~~~IRONM,~,hRAL. DUALITY ACT FINDIN : That the Anaheim City Planning Commissfon has reviswed the proposal to permit a church with accessory claserooms and aHices In an exlstfng 5,390 sq,R• oNice buliding on an Irregulsr~Y•ahapod parcel of land consisting of approximately 0.58 acre, having a frontape of approximetely 80 ieet on the east sid~ of Brookhurst Street, having a maximum depth of spproximately 255 teet, beln~ locatod epproximately 230 feet south of the ~0n rove the Nsgetive Avenue and furthar described as 1138 North Brookhurst Strsot; and doas hereby ,..pp Doalaratlon upon tinding that the declaration reftects the Independent ~udpsment of the lead ap~ncy end that it has considerAd tha Negative Daclaration togethor wkh any comments rece(vsd during the pui~llc is n substant I evidencerthatithe praj~ctbwlll have a is gniflcantyeHsct on he onviron entved ti~et there NOW, THEh1EFaRE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Andhelm Cky Plenning Commisalon doos hereby grant subJect Petftlon for Condftional Use Permit, upon the idlowfng condftlona which are hsreby tound N be a r ocessary prerequlsfte to the propased usa of tho subJect property in order to preserve tho satety and generel welfare of the Cltizens of the City ot Anahelm: 1 st eet tror~age alo giBrtookhurst St eethnlen amofuntas establlahed by Clty Councl resolutlon. ~f Z iront go alongtB eookhurst 3 teet Inhan~ amountt stost Wishecl by City ~ou~nc nresolutionh of street 3. Thet plans ahall be submltted to the City TraHfc and Tranapottation Manaper ior his review end gpproval showing conformance with the latest revision of Englneering Standard a~ll here pon ba 602 partalnin~ to perking standanis and d~-eway locetions. SubJect propany developed erxl meintained In coniormance wlth sald plans. 4. Thtd the existing maet noRherly drNeway on Brookhu 7~ e~~~~~ ~~8i o~nMB afl ~ebu(It to permit right tum exiting only, as approved by the City Po 5~ ~ 0)ti ot radius cuhb retums n~contormance wlthtEngfn er~ing Depart ent Standards. m~ate tan .Z_ PC93•71 ~ ! r~*~. ~~ ~ ~ 6. That trash storage area(s) shall be provided and maintalned In location(s) acceptabls to the Department of Malntonance an.d In accordance with approveci plans an file wfth a~id Department. Such informatlon s~~^~~ be specffically shown on the plans submltted for building permits. 7. That a^lan slieet for solid waste storage and collectlon, and a plan for rocycling shall be submltted to tho Depanment of Malntenance for revfew and approval. 8. That any proposed lockable pedestrian end/or vehicular access gates shall be equlpped wRh "knox box" devices as required and approved by the Fira Department. 9. That a local iire elarm system shall be Inatalled as requlred by the Fire Department. 10. That subject properry shall bo developed substantlally In accardance wlth plans and speciflcatlons submltted to the City of Anaheim by the petRia:~er and which plans are on ifle wkh the Planninp Department marked Exhli~~t Nos. 1 end 2. 11. That the parkfng lot shall bo cepaved and restriped. 12. That the buliding shell be repalnted. 13. 7hat landscapin~ shall be Inatailed adjacent to thd front of the building in ordor to prevent graHitl vandalism. 14. That a minim~~m of tert (10) trees (minimum i~fteen [15~ gallons each In slze) shAll be plantsd on maximum iwenty (20) toot cente~s adJacent to the north property iine abutting the resldential lot at 2t74 Falmouth Avenue, at the locatlon shown on the ,pproved Exhlbit No. 1. t5. Thet no freestanding signs shall be permitted on subJect property. 16. That any iights in the parking lot area shall be non•obtrusive to adJecent residential nelghbors, Including that such flxtures shall not bo directed towards or shine onto any resldentlai lots. 17. Thet prior to Issuance of a bullding permk or within a perlod of qne (1j yaar irom the date of this resolutfcn, whlchever uccu~s iirst, Condftion Nos. 1, 2, 3, 6 and 7, above-meMioned, shall be aompll~l wfth. Extensions tor lurther tlme to complete sald condftlon~ may bo graMsd In acaorclsnce wkh 3ectlon 18.03.090 of the Anehelm Municfpal Code. 18. That prior to final bullding and zoning Inspectlons, Conditlon Nos. 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 1 t, 12, 13 and 14, above•mentioned, shall be complied with. tg. 7hat epproval of thia appilcatfon canstftutes approval of the proposed request only to the extertt that k compifes with thA Anahelm M~nicl~al Zoning Code and any other appl(cable City, Etate and Federal rogulatlons. Approvel does not include any action ar findings es to camplianca ~r approvai of the requost regardinp a~y othsr applicable o~fnance, regulatlon or requlrement. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anahelm City Plarniing Commisslon does hereby flnd and determins thai adoptfon of this Resdutlon is sxpressiy predicated upon applicant's compllanca wlth each and all of the con~kions herelnabove aet lonh. Should any such conditlon, or any part thereof, be ~ declared invalid or uneniorceable by the Msi ~udgmFnt of any couR oi competerK ~utisdiction, then this ~ Resolution, and any approvais hereln contaUed, shall be deemed null and vold. i I ,3- PC93•71 ~ ~ a ~: +' ~~ ~ ~~, , ~~ ~ t'"~"`, ~ THE FOREGOINQ RESOLUTION was adopt at e P}An~ June 14, 1993. ~ , RMA~I ANAHEIM ClTY PWNNING ~ meeting of ~ ~ IMISSION , ATTEST: / ARY, ANAWE, CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANCE ) as. CITY QF ANAWEIM ) I, Janet L. Jensen, Sscretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby csrtHy that the foregoing resoiution was passed and edopted at a meeting oE the Anahsim City Planning Commisaion held on June 11, 1993, by the fullowing vota of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOYDSTUN, CAl.DWGLL, HENNINQER, MAYER, MESSE, PERAZA, TAIT NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIQNERS: NONE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunt~ set my hand thls ,~~1day of , 1993. V $, ETARY, A AWE~ ITY PIANNINQ COMMISSION .4. PC93•71