Resolution-PC 93-75~ ~ ~ ~ s ~ g~snl_t~~ON N0. PC93-75 ~ t A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNlNCi COMMISSION ~ THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIONAL l1SE PERMIT N0. 3611 BE C3RANTEO, IN PART WH~REi4S, the Anahelm City Planning Commfasion dld receivo a veritied PetRlon for ConditiAnai Use Pormft tor certain rea{ properry altuated in the City of Anaheim, County of Oranqe, 5taYe of California, deacribed es: LOT 4 OF SUNRISE TRACT, IN 7ii~ CITY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF ~RAN(3E, STATE OF CAUFORNIA, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 3, PAQE 38 OF MI3CELLANEOUS RECORDS OF ORANCiE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA WHERF.~1S, the City Planning Commisalon did hdd a public hoaring at the CMic CantAr in tho City of Anahoim on June 26, 1993 et 1:30 p.m., n~tice of eaid publtc hearln~ having been duly ~Iven as roquired by law and in ecconlance with the prcwit,~.:~t of tha Anaheim Muntcipal Code, Chepter 18.03, to henr end cansider evidence for end agalnst seld proposed corx{itlonal use permit and to irnestigate and make tindings and recommendations In connectlon therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commisslon, aRer due inapection, frnestlpetion and stl~iy mada by itaelf ond in ita behalf, ancf aker due consideratton oi ell evidence and repaRs oNerod et eefd heertng, doec flnd and determine the fotlowing f~cts: 1. That the proposed use Is properly one for whlch a conditlonal use pennR la authorized by Callloii~la Ciovemment Codo Sectlon 85852.1 to pemlt a 537 sq.R. 'grenny uniC In conJunctton with en existing singie tamfly realdence wfth weh+er of the tdfowfn~: ~8~ s~ctn 18 27.n62.03 . MAYIm~m_!ot coverene. (b) ~~+loes 10,27.088AI.Q - Minim~m n~mber of earkfnQ,~a_. ~ B.o8.o50.0~ 1 (~ required; 4 ProPoged) ~t.08.050.G 132 ~nd 18.08.08Q 2. That the requostad w.aiver (ej Is i~ereby denled on tha baala thet ft waa d~leted foltowinq pu~lic rro!f8c,atMn. 3. Thet the pe~Cinp •+arience wlll not ceuae sn Increese In trnNtc con~estlon In the Immedlate viclnity nor adveraely ettect eny adJolning land uses. 4. That iho QruMinp X the perklnQ varlance under ti~e conditiona ImpoaAd will not be detrfinentet to the peace, heelth, ealery or pene-al wel(are of the cftlzena oE the Clry ot Anaholm. 6. Tfwt the propnsed use, ea ~ranted, wN~ not edversely effect thu ad~Mntnp lend uaea and the yrowth end development of ihe ares in whfch ft Is proposed to bQ IxMed. B. That the alze and ~ape ot the stte fu the proposed u~~ es prantcxt, is adequste to allow tho tull ~fovelopment of ths P-oposed tr~e In a mennor not det~lmantel to the paRlcu~ar eree nor to the c~eaco, heafth, sai~ty, and penoral w~ltere, 7. fhet the tratRc Qenerated by tho prop~d uae~ aa qrented, wUl not Impose an undue burden upon lhe stre~ts and hbhways dedpned end ~mproved to cerry the traf~c M the eree. .~~ ~R 1 R29MS.wp •t - PC93•75 ,'~ ~ ~~ 8. That the grenting of the conditional use permlt under the condltlona Imposed will not be !~ detrimental to the peace, health, safety and general welFare of tho citizena of the Ciry of Anaheim. °i 9. That no one Indicated their presence at sald publlc hearin~ in oppositlon; and that no ~ correspondence was received fn opp~sltio~ to the subject petN.lon. ~ ~FORNIA EPJyJRON~~NTAL ~JALITY ACT FIN JNG: T:~~at the Anaheim Ctty Planninp Commiss(on has revlewod the proposal ta permit a 537 sq.ft. "flranny ttnit" in conjunction wkh an existing single famiiy realdence wfth waivers oi meximum lot coverage and minimum number ot parking spacas on a rectangularly shaped parcel of land conslating oi epproximately O.t5 eore heving an approximate irontage of 60 feet on the west sido of Emily Street, having a maximum approxfinete depth oi t 12 feet, beln~ located approximately 145 feet south of the oenterline of Cypress Street, and turther descrlbed as 217 ~orth Emlly Streat; and doeE hereby approve the Negath~e Declar~tlon upon flnding that the decla-ation retleots the independent judgament of the tead agency and thet k has considered the Negetive Declaratlon togethur with any cqmments received during the pubi(c revlew procesa end iurther tindln~ on ths basis of tho fnitial study and any comments recelvad that the~e is no substar~!al evldence thet tho proJect wfli havo a significant effect on the ernironment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOI.VED that the Anaholm Ciry Pisnnfng Commission doos hereby gr~nt subJect Petition for Conditlonal Use Permit, in paK, upon the following conditfuns whl,h ara horeby tound ta be a necessary prerequisite to the pra ~osed use of the subject property In order ta preserve the safety and gen~ral welfare of the Cltizens of the Ciry of Anaheim: t, That the Iegai owner ot subject property 9hail Ifmit occupancy of the granny unft to one (1) or finro (2) adults, both of whom are sixry (80) y~ars o( age or oldor, and shall specify that no rental tee ahall be charged 1or occupancy of the granr!y unit and, (urthermore, shell record an unsubordfneted covenant apalnst the property so•restrictinp the xcupancy o( said unit. Seld covenant ahall be submltted to the Zon~ng Divlaton tor transmittal to tl~e Ciry Attornoy's Office for reviaw and approvel prfor to rocordatlon. A copy of the recorded aovenent ahall be submitted to the Zoning Dfvislon. 2. That the I~gal propRrty owner shall irrevocebly of(er to dedlcate to the City oi Anahelm an eaaomont ten (10) feet In width irom thA aenta~line oi the alley atong the west propoRy Iine tor allay widening purposes fn accord~nce wRh Anahelm Municipal Code 8ectlon t0.04.080.010. 3. That the locatfon and screening cf tresh atorege area(s) for the roqulred trash containerss shall be shown on the slte plen, as required by the Ma(ntenance ~epertment. 4. That aubject proporry oha~! be developed s~beteMfelly In accordance wkh plans end spacltications aubmiKed to the City of Anahelm by th^ oetfttnner and whlch plans are on 81e with the Planninp DepaRment marked Exhfbft Nos. 1 thro..,,~i 3. 5. That the grenny unR shall not be Ind~Fendently metered tor public ut(litles. B. That p~for to tssuance ot e building permft or wRhin e pe~(ai of c~~e (1j year irom tF~ date of this resol~~tion, whichever occura tirst, Condition Nos. t, 2 and 3, above-mentfoned, shall be complfed with. Extensians 1or further timo to com~leto safd conditfons may be granted In acco-dance with 3ection 18.03.090 ot thE An~heim Municipal Gx1e. 7. Thet p!for to tin~l bnfldfng end zonlnp Irupectiona, CaidR~on No. 4 and 5, abrne-meMloned, ahell be ; camplfed with. ~ ~ i .2. PC93~76 ; ,~ ~"'*, 8. That approval of this application constftutes approval of the proposod raquest only to the oxtant that it cornplles wlth tha Anahetm Municipal Zoni~~g Cado and eny other epplicable City, Statt~ end Federal regulatlons. Approval does not include any aotion or flndings ae tu compllance or approv~l of the requeat regarding any othar applicable ordinance, reguletlon or requlrement. BE IT FUNTHER RESOLVED ti~ac the Anaholm Clty Flennin~ Commis~lon does hereby flnd and determin~ thai adoption of this Resolutlon Is axpressly predicatod upon appllcaM's r.ontpllanco with each an~ all of the condftiona heroinabove set forth. Shauld arry auch condklon, or any pert thereof, be declared Invalid or unenforceable by the ilnal judgment of any c irt of competent jurtsdiction, than this Resolutlon, and any approvels harein contained, sheil be dee full and void~/ June 28, 1993. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was ado~ed J(t tFie~hlann~ Commission moetinq of ATTEST: S RETARY, ANAHE CITY PIANNINC COMMISSION ANAHEIM CITY PiANNINCi STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE } ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Janot L Jensen, Socretary of tha Anaholm Ciry Plann!nfl Ccmmlaslon, do hereby certffy thot tha forogainp resdutton was pessed and adopted et a meeting oi the Anaheim Clry Planning Commissfon he~d on Juna ~8, 1993, by th0 following vote of tho memb~rs thereoi: AY~S: COMMIS810NER8: BOYD3TUN, CfiLDWELL, HENNINGER, MAYER, PERAZA, TAIT NOES: COMMISS~ONEP,S: NONE ABSEN7: COAAMIS510NER8: MESSE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto sat rtiy tu~nd this ~,~ d~y ot , 1993. S~RETARY, ANAIi CITY PLANNINQ COMMISSION :j,~~~ ~3- ~ PC93-76 ~ i u ~ i