Resolution-PC 93-78Fj ~~~ ~ ~S ~ P~ Reso~urioN rvo. pcssa~ t~C` 4{ ~ A RESQLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNlNCi COMh118810N ; TERMINATING A4L PR~CEEDINGS IN CONNECTION WITH ~ CONDiTIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 727 WHEREA3, an July 19,1965, G nc~itlonal Use Pennft No. 727 was grented under Readutlon ( No. t 704 by the Anaheim Plonning Commisalon to pormk tha expanaion of an exiat(ng rost homo wkh ~ walver of minimum numb¢r of parkinp epaces on p~operry loceted on the north side of Mnls D-Ne i approximately 84 feet east of the conterllno of Cl~udtna Street, and funher described fls 205 Eeat Mllla Drhre; ; end ~ WHEREAS, Bdtty B. Feldman, properry owner, has submftted a letter requestinQ tortnination ~f Condftional Use Pormft No. 727 because this use no longer existe on subJect propaRy. NOW, THEHEFORE, SE IT RESOWED that the nahelm Clty Planning Commisalort does hereby terminate all proceed{nys In connectfon wfth Concikio Use Parmit No. 727 on the beais of tha toregoing findings. THE FOREGOINQ RESOLUfION was a pt at t e Pla ng Commisalon msetln~ of I June 28, t993. . ~ CH IRMAPl, ANAHEI CITY PLANNINCi MMI3310N ATTEST: io~,,s _-~J CRETARY, AN IM CITY PWNNINCi CGMMISSION STA7E OF CAUFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANdE ) gs. CITY OF ANAHFIM ) I, Janet L Jensen, Secratery of the Anehelm City Planninp Commisslon, do hereby ceRly that the forepoinp resdutlon waa pessod and addpted at a meetin~ of the Anehefm Clty Planninp Commisaion hnld on June 29, t993, by the i~llowlnq vote of the membe-s thereo(: AYES: COMMI3310NER3: BOYDSTUN, CALDWELL. HENNINCiER, MAYER, PERAZA, TAIT NOES: COMMISS:ONER8: NONE ABSENT: COMMIS810NER3: MESSE IN WITNE38 WIiEREOh, I hnve herouMO u+t my t~and thi~~, day of . t 99Ci. ~ SBCRETARY, AN CITY PLANNINQ COMMISSION ~~,~~ CR1832MS.wp •1- PC93-78