Resolution-PC 93-81: "~ ~ i RFSOLUZION N0. PC93-81 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION AMENDING CERTAIN CONDITIONS OF APPROVA~ OF RECLASSIFICATION N0. 87-88-57 WHEREAS, on Juno 2Q, 198a the Anahelm Ciry Planning Commission approved Reclassificatlon No. 87-88•57 in conjunctlon with Conditional Use Permit No. 3006 to rezone subJoct property irom the RS-A- 43,000 (Residential/Agricuitural) Zone to the CL (Commercial, Limltodj Zone) and to permft a 3-story, 1~6 unit motel and accessory uses wlth waiver of minimum number of parking spaces on properry located nn the o~st sido ai Beach Boulevard approximateiy 900 teet south of the centerline of Llncoln Avenue and further described as 212 South Baach Boulovard; and WHEREAS, Resolutian No. PC88•154, adopted in conJunctlon wlth Reclasslticatlon No. 87-88-57, includes a requirement that Conditio~~ Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4(porteining to co~structlon of a relief sewer, inatallat~on of street Ilghting facilities, payment of the street tree fee, and payment of a fee in connection wkh str~et tmprovements to reduce the level of service irom "F" to "E" at the Intersection of Beach Boulevard and Llncoln Avenue) be completed prfor to the Introduction of an ordinance razon(n~ the subJact property or within a period ot one year, which~ver occurs first; and WH~REAS, Rosolutlon No. PC88-155, adopted in conJunction with Conditlonal Use Permft No. 30Q6, tnr,ludes a requlrement that certaln conditions of approvAl be comploted prior to issuar:;,e of a building permit or within a period of one year, whlchever occurs first; and WHEREAS, the petitloner hss requested that the above-mentloned conditions of approval of Reclassirication No. 8T-88-57 be trancferred as conditions of approvel to Cond(tlonel Use Permit No. 300f,; and WMEREAS, the City Planning Commisslon did hold a publ(c hearfng at the Civic Center In tho City of Anahaim on July 12, 1~J93, et 1:30 p.m., notfce oF sAid publlc hearing having been duly given as reaulred by law and in accordAnce wlth the provisions af the Anaheim ~Jlunicipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evicienco tor and against said proposed amendment and to irniestigate and make findings and recommendationa in connection therewith; and WI-IEREAS, said Commfssion, aftei~ duo inspectian, investigation and study made by ftaolf and in its behalf, and aker due consideration of ell evidence and reports oHered at safd hearfng, does tind and determ(ne the following facts: 1. That the posting of bonds and payment ofi cash related to tlie necessery publlo Improvements can be required prior ta the fssuenc~ of a building permit ~or tho proJect assxlatgd wRh Conditional Use Permit No. 300a; 2. Tl~at the Public Works Qiv(sio.i has reviewed subject request and doos not opposo ft; 3. That no one indicated their presence at sald public hearing In oppositlon, and that no correspondence was rocefved in opposition to tho subject petttion; and 4. That transferring the conditions of epproval irom Rosolutlon No. PC88-154 t~ Resolutlon No. PC88-15b results in the unconditional approval oi Reclassif(catlon No. 87-SB-57. ;;~~y~ '~h ,,. CRt 839MS.wp .1. PC93-81 i^ GAI.IFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL C~UALITY ACT FINDING: That thA Anaheim City Pla~nfng Commisslon haa reviewed the proposal to amend the conditions of approval by deleting certaln conditlons from Reclasslifcation No. 87-88-57 and adding them to Condit(onal Use Permit No. 3006 and claes hareby find thet the Negative Declaration previously approved fn connectlon with sald zonin~ petkions Is adoa~:ate to serve as the requ~red environmontel documentation in connectlon with this request ~pon flnciing that the declaration reflects the independent Judgement of the lead agency, and that !t has consldered tha Negative Declaratlon together with any commAnts received during the publlc rovlew process, and further finding on the basis of the initial study and eny comme~ts recaived th~t there Is no subatantlal evklence that the projeat wfll have a signiflcant effect on the environment. NOW, ThlEREFORE, BE IT RESOWED that tho Anaheim City Planning Commiasion does hereby amend tho conditlons of approval of Resolutian No. PC88•154, adoptod In connection with Heclassiflcation No. 87-8D•57, in their entirety to read as follows: 1. That approval of tlds application constitutes approval of the proposed request only to the ex~end that it complles with the Anaheim Municfpal Code and any other appllaable City regulatlons. Approvai does not includo any actlon of tindings as to complience or epproval of the reques4 ~egarding eny other applloabie ordinance, regulation or requlrement. 'THE FOREGOING RESOLUTIQN wa3 adopted at the Pianning Commisslon meating ~f July 12, 1993. ^ ~ / ~ CHAIRMAN PR •TEMP E ANAHEIM LITY PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: ~~ A ~ CRETARY, A G~li CI'fY PLANNING COMMIS510N STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss• CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Janet t~ Jensen, Secretary of the Analieim City °lenning Commisalon, do hereby cenHy that the toregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meetfng of the Anahefm City Planning Commissfon held on July 12, 1y93, by the tollowing vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOYDS7UN, CALDWELL, MAYER, MESS~, PERAZA, TAIT NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: HENNINGER IN WITN'cSS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 7~day o1G~~i-~~ /,~~ 1993• ~ RETARY, ANAH ff CITY PLANNINCi COMMISSION i •2- PC93-61 ~ i ~ ~ ,~ ;u ,.~i~~.