Resolution-PC 93-82.... ~: ~~sni_uTioN N0. PC93-82 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY f'LAhNING COMMISSION AMENDING CERTAIN CONDI7;ONS OF APPROVAI.OF CONDITInNAL USE PERMIT N0. 3006 WWE~~EAS, on June 20, 1988 the Anahaim City Planning Commisslon approved Reclassffication No. 87-88-57 in conJunction with Conditional Usd Permit No. 3006 to rozone subJoct property irom the RS-A-A3,000 (Resldential~Agricultural) Zone to the CL (C~mmercial, Limfted) Zone) and to permit a 3•story, 196 unlt motel and accessory uses with waiver of m(nimum number of parking spaces on property lacat9d on the east side of Beach Boulevard appro~cimately 900 faet south of the centerline of Lincoln Avenue and further described as 212 South Beach Boulevard; ~nd WHEREAS, Resolut(~n No. PCEB-154, adopted in conJunction with Reclassfficat(on No. 87-88•57, Includes a requirem9nt thet Condition Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 be completecl prior to tho Intraductlon of an ordfnance rezoning the subject proporty or within a periad of one yoar, whichevor occurs flrst; and WHEREAS, Resolutfon No. PC88-155, adopted in conJunction with Condlttonal Use Permlt No. 3006, Includes a r~quirement that certafn conditions of approval be completed prlar to isauance of a building permit or within a p~riod of one year, whfr,hever occurs iirst; and WHEREAS, the petitioner has requested that the above•mentionod conditions oF approval af Reclassification No. 87-88•57 ba transferred as conditions of approval for Conditional Use Permit No. 300fi; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commissian did hold a pubiic hearing et the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on July 12, 1993, at 1:~0 p.m., notice of said public hearing heving b~en duly glvan as required by Iaw and in accordance with the provisinns of the Anaheim Municipbl Gode, Chapter 18.03, to hear and aonsider evldence for and agafnst seid proposed amendment and to Investigate and malce ffndings and recommendations in connec:lon therewi~h; and WHEREAS, :saaid Commission, after due fnspectlon, investlgation and study made by itsolf and In fts behelf, and aiter due oonsfderatfon of all evidence and reports offered at said hoaring, does iind end determine the following facts: 1, That the posting of bonds and payment of cash related to the necessary public improvemonts requfred In connectlon with Condition Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Roclassificatian No. 87-88-57 will still be required prior to the issuance of a bufldfng permit for tho project assocleted wfth Conditlonal Use Permit No. 3006; 2. That the Public Works Division has revlewed subJect request and does not oppose it; and 3. That no one fndicated their presc ~ce et said public hearing In opposltion and that no c~rrespondence was recelved in opposition to the subj9ct petition. ^A' IFORNIA ENVIRONti4FNTAL aUALITY ACT FINDING: Tliat the Anaheim City Planning Commission has reviowed the proposal to amend the conditions af approval by deleting certain condilfons from Reclassfflcation No. 87-88•57 and adding them to Conditional Use Permk No. 3006 and doas hereby find that the Negative Geclaration previously approved in connectian with safd petftiona is adequate to serve as the required onvironmental documentatlon in connection with this request upon 1lnding that the declaratfon reFlects the independant J~ idgement of thc iead agency, and that it has considered the Negetive Declaratfon together with any comments received during the public review process, end further flnding en the basis of the inltial study and any commeMs recefved that there is no substantfai evidenca that the proJect will h~ve a sfgnificxnt efEoct on the environment. s ~ '~ ; ~~ ~n ~3. ~.. ~' ~ k ~ ,t ,:•~,i~ CR1840MS.wp -t - PC93-82 ~ ~. i NOW, THEREFORE, 8E IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning CommlESlon does hereby amend :he conditlons of approval of Resolutlon Na. PC88-155, adopted In cannoctlon wlth Conditfonal Use Permft No. 3006, to amend existing Condition No, 18 and to add new Conditlun Nos. 21, 22, 23 and 24, as foilows; 18. That prior to Issuance of a building permit or within a period of ona (i) year (rom the date of s~';is resolutlon, whichover occurs ifrst, Condition Nas. 1, 7, 8, 17, 21, 22, 23 and 24, hereln•mentloried, shall be complfod with, Extenslons for further time to complete safd condi:lons may be granted in accordence with Sactlon 18.03.09U oP the Anahelm Municlpal Code. 21. That a rellef sewer shall be constructe~i in Dale Avonus nonh of Llncoln Avenue as requirQd by the Pubilc Works DepA~ment; and that security in fotm ~f a bond, certiffcete of deposk, I~t4ar of credk, or cash, In an amount and form satisfactory to the Ciry of Anahoim, shail be posted wkh ths City to guarantee the satisfactory completion of sald Improvements. Said securiry shal! be posted wkh the City prlor to Issuance of a building permit, to guarantee the Installatfon of the above•requfrsd improvements prior to occupancy. A sewer reimbursement agreement may be made Available to the developer of safd property upon their request. Sald relief ~awer may be conatructod in two phases each of which will Intercept su(ficfont units to permit connection into the exiating sewer system. 22. That streat Iight(np facillties along Beach Boulevard shell be Inotalled as required by the Utllitles GenerRl Manger In accordance wfth specifications on fila In the office of Utllitles Gensral Manager; and that aecuriry in a form of a bond, certificate af deposit, letter of credit, or cash, in an amount and tarm satisfactory to the City r~F Anahelm, shall be postad with the Ciry to g~ ~arantee the satisfactory completion of tho above-mentloned Improvements. Said security ahali be posi.~ wkh the City of Anahefm priar to (ssuancs of building permit. The above-requfred Imp~ovements shall be installed prlor to occupancy. 23. That the owner o~ subJect property shall pay to the City of Anaheim a fee for troe planting purpASes along 6eacli Boulevard in an amount as dotermfned by the City Council. 24. That prior to lssuence of building permit, the epplfcant shall participate In reducing the lavel of service fmm level "F" to level of "E` at the intersectfon of Beach Boulevard and Lincoln Avenue by paymant o; a fee equfvalent to the cost oi constructfon of curbs, guKer~ and stdewAlks (estimatod to Lze $11,000.00). No right•of-way acquisition will be roquired with thls condftion" THE FOREGOlNG RESOLUTION was adopted at tha Plann(ng Commisslon moeting of July 12, t~J93. _~/~~:~~"~ - CHAIRMAN PRO-TEMPO ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COM~AISSION ATf EST: CRETAR\', q EIM CITY pLANNING COMMISSION 1 ~ ~ ~S. ~ -2- PC93-82 ~ ,~. STATE OF CAUFOPNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANOE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Janet L Jensen, 3~cretery of the Anahelm Clry Plannin~ Comn~lasf~n, do hereby cenNy that the toregotng resdutlon was passed end edopted et a moetinq of the Anehetm Clry F~'anning Commlealon held on JWy 12, 1993, by the tallQw(ny vote of the membo~s thereoi: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOYDSTUN, CALDWELL, MAYER, MESSE, PEAAZA, TAIT NOES: COMMIS8i0NERS: NONE AB5ENT~ COMMISSIOf~ERS: HENNINCiER IN WITNE33 WHER~OF, I have'.hereumo $et my hand tht~J~j~dayGt ~,~. 19~3. / S ~TARY, ANAHE PLANNIa~G COMMIS310N '~ .~, ti1-