Resolution-PC 93-84t"`~
WHEREAS, on June 3, 1991, the Anahelm Cfty Planning Commission approved Conditional Use
Permlt No. 3417 under Rosotution No. PC91-74 permitting a temporary medicAl aNice tsailer (for MPI
"Megnetlc Resonanco Imagin9") at an existing medical compiex fn a commorcial centor v~ith walver of
minfmum number of parking speces; and
WHEREAS, sald Resolutlon No. PC91-74 Includes the iollowin~ conditions of approval:
That subJect medfcel o~ice trafler shall be permitted to oparato on•site (1) one day every
week. The traller shall be delivered to the ake no aa~iler than 7:00 a.m. on the day of
operatlon and shall be removed no later than 9:00 p.m. on the day ot operation. The eir
conclitloner for the unit shall not be operet~rS prior to 7:00 a.m.
1 t. 7hat this conditional use permit Is granted tor e period of one (1) year and ahall terminate
on June 3, 1992."
WHERF.l1S, on April 6, 1992, the Anahelm Cfty Pl~nning Commi$sion conaidered and denied a
requost to amend the aonditlons of approval to permit two days of op~ration weekly instead o~ -. me end to
delete the tirne Ilmftation which permitted the temporery trailer untq June 3, 1992. The ep~lfcart appealed
the Plennirg Comm(asfon denial to Cfty Councfl.
WHEREA3, on June 2,1992, the City Council approved the request, in peR, under Resdutfon No.
92R•105 to emond Condition Nos. t and 11 to retaln the prevlousiy approved operatlonal Ilmk of une day
weokly, to roqu(re tnstallat(on ot noise reduction measuros, to approve ths uss for one edditbnal year end
to permit luture tfine extension requos!s to be granted by the Planning Commission, es tollowa:
That aubJect med~pl ONiC!! tr8ll@f 5hall t19 ~?f1P1In6d t0 OF19-8t@ Ofl-ake one (t) day
overy week. The t~afler ahall be delivered to the ske no ea~llar than 7:00 a.m. on the
day of ope~atlon end shall be removed no later than 9:00 p.m. on the day oi
operation. The air conditbner tor the unR ahall not be oparated pn~r to 7:00 a.m.
That the noise reduction measures recommorxled in the nofae study dated May 29,
1992 and tR{ed 'MRI T~allar Alr Condltloninq Nolse' shsll be Instatled end melnteine~J
In connectla~ wNh the Mlil traNer operatfon to reduce the notse to the lev~ls epecifled
In ~afd wund study.
1 t. That ;his condllfonal uae perm~ ~s g~anted tor a perlod c~t one (1) yeat untU June 3, 1993,
at wt:ich time tha uae shotl tei ~:• ~te uMea6 a time axtenebn Is requested by the potRMne~
erd pranted by tho Planninp Commistbn (or by the City CouncN if appeelad) tdlowlnQ a
duly notk;ed Publk hea~in~.•
WHERFJI3, on Auquat 18,1992, the Clry Councp epPro~-ed anottwr roqueat, under Reaot~r:bn No.
92R•181 amen,7lns Corditlon No. t.a. of Rosdutlon No. 02R•105, to Increese on•aRe operetion ot the MRI
traber trom one to Mro dsys weaMy and oxtendinp tha dany operatlcmel houB to 0: p.m., aa fdlowa:
Thet wb~act medlcal oNico trader shall be pQrmmed to ope~nte on•sMe two (2) days
every week. The t~eNor shell Ise dNNered to the afto no aa~llnr than 7:00 a.m. on the
day of operetion end s~~etl be removed na tater then 8:00 p.m. on the day of
operntfon. The etr cabilfoner ta the unR ahell not be oNe!eted p~lor to 7:00 e.m'
; ~~
CRt861 MS.wp ~1 • PC93~t
~, ~
WHEr1EAS, the petftioner cunently requests amendrnent to Co~~dltlon Nos. 1.a and 11 of City
Councfl ResolutEon Nos. 92R-105 and 92R-tAt to extend the time Iimltatlon and to Increase the number ~f
weekly days of operatfon irom two to three; and
WHERFJ~S, the Ciry Planning Commission did hnld a public hearing at the Civic Centor fn the
Ciry oE Anaheirn on July t2, 1993, at 1:30 p.m., notlce of sald public hearing having been duty given es
required by law and in accordanco wkh the prov~sions of tho Anaheim Ntun(cipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to
hear and conslder evidenco for and agalnst said prop~sed amendment erxi to Investipata and mske
findin~s end recommendatlons in aonnection therewith; end that said public hearing wes c~ntinucd to the
July 26, 1~93 Plannfng Commfssfon meeting; and
WHEREAS, said Commission, e(ter due inspectlon, irneatigation arxl study mada by kself and
in its behalf, and a(ter du9 consfderatfon of all evidence and reports oHered at sold heerin~, does find end
dotermine the tollowin~ facts:
1, That t~ie petftfoner Indfcated at the public hearing that two days of opetatlon tor the
M.R.I. would be su((icient for thia busin0as.
2. Thet seid use is befnp exercfsed in a manner not detrimental to the particuler Qrea end
surrounding land uses, nor to the public peace, health, sofety and general weliare.
~. That no indicatod their preaence et saW public hearinfl In opposition; that a potftion ~'
containing one•hurvlred end one (1Qt) s(pnatureu tn favor o/ thQ proposal was aubmkted by the petitloner; ,
anci that correspondence was received In opposition to the sub~ect petitlon.
,C~A~IFORh1A ENVIRONMENZAL ot~A~~ ACT FINDiNt3: That the Anaheim Clry Plannlnq
Commlasion has revlewed the proposa~ to arnentl Conditlon Nos. ~.a and tt of Cfty Council Resdutlon
Nos. 92R-105 and 92R-161 arx; dnes hsreby flnd thet the Neyativu Declaratlon prevtously approved fn ~
connection with Conditlonal Use Permit No. 34t7 Is adequate to aerve as the requ(red environmental
documentation fn connection with this request upon flndfnfl that tha dectaration rellects the Irxieperxierit ~
~udgement oi the laad a~ency and that It has consfdersd the Negathra Declaratlon to~ether with any
commonta receNed durtnp the publ:c roview prx¢ss and turther 8ndinp on tha bosis of the inkial atudy ~
and any comment~ receNed that there Is no subatentlal evidence thet the project wlll have a stpni(IcaM
eftoct on the environment. ~
NOW, TFIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEO thet the Anaheim City Plenning Commisslon does
hereby ametxi Condklon Nos. t.a and 11 oi CRy Councll Reaolutlon Nos. 82R-105 ard 92R•181 to re~d
as toltows (all other corxiitlon~s ahatl remain in tull force and eHect):
1. a. That sub~~t med(cal oNice traiter ahall ba permftted to operato on•elte Mro (2)
dayu evory weak. Tho traaer ahall be detkered to the aite no later than 7:00 p.m.
the evening betore the tirn day ot operatlon and ahall be remo~~ed no later than
7:00 p.m. on :he evsninp ot the aecond day ot operatfon. Yhe ulr ccnditfoner for
th9 unR shall not ba opsrated p~lor to 7:00 a.m.
tt. That thls conditlanal usa parmk ts graMad for a parlod ot one (1) yoar arxi ehell
temdnnte on June 3, 199+t, st whbh timv the use shall terminete unlees a tfmo extenslon
Is requested by the petRbner end qreMOd by the Plennin~ Commisalon (or by tfw Clty
CouncA) fdlowtny e duly notlcod publfc heotfng.
'~ . =<~.
,2, PC93-84
r'~", ` ,`
THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was ~adopt a the lan Commission moeting ~f
July 26, 19~3. ~ ' .
~ ~.~4~iliG~iw9...
I, Janet L Jar.sen, Secretary of ths Anaheim Gity Planninp Commisslon, do h~roby certity that
the foregoing rosolutlon was passed and adopted et a meeting of the Anahdim City Planninp Commisslon
held on July 2g, 1993, by the followin~ vote ot the memb0ra thereof:
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I heve hereunto set my I~end this ,~(~, day of ,
t fi93.
, ~
~ ,
.3. PC~13~{