Resolution-PC 93-85i ..~ r.-... ~ ~jESOLUTII~N NQ, PC93-85 ~' A AE60LUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CQMMISSION ~ t THAT PETITION FOR RECLA$SIFICATIOPJ N0. 91-92-19 AS READVERTiSED i BE GRANTED, UNCONDITIONALLY ~ WHEREAS, the Anaheim Ciry Planning Commfssion did receive a verif(ed petltlon far ~ Reclassiiication for real properry situated In the Ciry of Anahe(~n, Coun.y of Orange, State of Cailtornla, described as foliows: 'i PARCEL 1, IN THE CI'TY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF ~ CALIFpRNiA, AS SFIOWN ON PARCEL MA!' FILED IN BOOK 187 PAGES 20 ~ THROUGH 24, INCLUSIVE, OF PARCEL MAPS,IN THE OFFIGE OF TME COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. ' EXCEPTING TMiE(?cFROM THAT PORTION OF SAID 4.AND MORE PAR'PICULARI.Y ' DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: CQMMENCING AT'fHE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF BALL ROAD (KNOWN AS TAFf AVENU~ QN SAID PARCEL MAP) WITH SANDERSON MVENUE SAID POIN1' BEING THE BEGINNING QF A CURUE CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY WI7H A CENTRAL P.NGLE OF 33 DEG. 09' 22", END A RADIUS OF 160 FEET; TH~NCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALON(3 SAID CURVE AND THE CENTF.RLINE OF SAID SANDERSOH AVENUE AND ARC DISTANCE OF 92.59 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 18 DEG. 01' 00" WEST A DISTANCE OF 278.26, THENCE SOUTH 73 DEG. 59' 00" WEST A DISTANCE OF 32 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEQINNlNG; THENCE BEdINh~NG AT A POINT ON TWE CUSP OF A CURVE SOUTHWEST FROM WH~NCE A HADIAL UNE EXTENDS NORTH 73 DHQ. 59' 00' WEST, SAID CURVE HAVIN3 A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 76 DEC3. 11' 38" AND A RADIUS OF 13' THENCE PROCEEDING AROUND SAID CURVE FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 17.29 FEET, TH~NCE NORTH 89 DEG. 47' 22" WES7 A DISTANCE OF 79.42 ~EFT TO A POINT ON THE CUSP OF A CURVE CONCAVE Si~UTHEAST FROM WHENCE A RADfAL LINE EXTENDS NORTH 2 DECi. 12' 38" EAST, SAID CURVE H.4VING A CENTRAL ANGIE OF 24 DE(3. 50' 16" ANO A RADIUS OF i68 FEET, PROCEEDINQ ALONG THE CURVE A DISYANCE OF 72.83 FEET TO A POINT OF REVERSE CURVATUFiE CONCAVE NORTHWEST FROM WHENCE A RADIAL UNE EXTENDS SOUTH 22 DEQ. 37' 38' EAST SAID CURVE HAVINO A CENTRAL ANaLE OF 6 DEG. 43' 13" AND A RADIUS OF 232 FEET AND PAOCEEDIN(3 THENCE A DI3T.4NCE OF 27.21 FEET TO A PQINT IN THE EA,STERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF SANDERSON AVENUE FROM WHENCE A RADIAL UNE EXTEND8 NONTH 15 DECi. 5a~ 25" WEST, THENCE SOIITH 16 OEQ. Ot' 00' WEST FOP. A DfSTANCE OF 16.06 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGiNNING. WHHREAS, RoclessH(cetlon No. 91-92-19 (to rezone subJect property irom the ML Zone to the CL Zone In order to construct a 2•story, 50,000 aquare•toot medical oHfce buiiding) was approvod by tho City Council on Soptember 29, 1992 following approval by the Planning Commiaston; and WHEREAS, no ordlnanca has been adopted for tha ffnalizatfon of subject reclassilfcatfon; end WHEREAS, subject rsclassification was readvertised to delete the prevtously roquirAd cor~ditiona of approval whfch perteined to the devel~pment of a medlcal oHice building; and ~. ,~~, i, CRt852MS.wp -1- PC93-85 ,. r , WHEREAS, the Cit~~ Planning Commission did hold a public hearfng at the Civic Center In the City of Anaheim on July 26, 1993 at 1:30 p.m., notice of safd publia hearing having been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the provisians of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and conslder evidence for and against said proposed reclassificatlon and to Investigate and make findings and recommendatlons In connection therewith; and WWER~AS, said Commission, after due inspection, investigatlon and siudy mado by itaelf and in its behalf, and aker due consideration of all evidence and reports oNered at said hearing, does tind and dete~mino the following f~scts: 1. That the petitloner propases reclassification Af subJect property from the ML (Limitecl Industria{) Zone to the CL (Commercial, Limited) Zone, unconditionally. 'fhat the Anaheim Gene~al Plan deslgnates subject proporty tor General Cammorcial Innd uses. 3. That tha proposed reclasaNlcatlon of subJect propeny Is necossary and/or doslrable tor tho ordarly and propar dovelopment oF the communfty. 4. That the proposed reclassif-r.ation nf subjoct proporty doos proporly relate to the zones and tf~eir permitted usoa locally established in close proximfty to subject propeRy and to the zones and thoir permitteci uses generally established throughout the community. 5. That the proposed reclassfiicailon conforms ta the (3eneral Plan land uae des(gnation for subJ~. ;~~operty; that Plenning Commissinn and City Council have previously approved a rezoning tor subJQCt property to the CL Zune for a proposed medical office bullding; and that the reciassificatlon is being rendvertised to dei~te conditions of approval whfch pertain ta the constructlon of a medlcal oHico building. 6. That no one indicated thefr presence at seid public hearing in oppositfon; and that no correspondence was rocelved in oppositlon to subJect potklon. Qgl„IFOR~~IA E~'~IRONti~lEI~TA,~~UAI.ITY ACT FINDWCa: Shet the Anaheim City Planning Commlaslon has reviewecl the proposal to reclassiiy oubjoct property irom the ML (Limited Industrial) Zone to the CL (Commerolal, Llmited) Zone to perm~t automoblle sales lots with accessory sutomotlve service/rgpelr on three parcels with waivers of required number of trees, required parking lot {andscapinp, maximum number of iree atanding and roaf signs, permltted locatton of ireestanding aigns, minimum distance requlred between ireestanding and roof signs, minimum number of parking spaces and required landscaping abuttinQ a local street, and to gateblish a three (3) lot commercial subdivision on en Irragula~ly- shaped parcel of land c~nsistfng of approximately 8.39 acres located between Sanderson Avenue end Auto Center Orfve, having approximate irontages of 600 feet on the nonh side of Sanderson Avenue and 1240 feet on the south and weat s(des of Auto Center Drive and iuKher descrioed as 130Q -1382 East Auto Canter Drive; and daes hereby approve a m(tigated Nogatlve Decla~atfon and edopt the Mftigetfon Monitorinq Program pursuant to Section 21081.6 of the Pubtic Resourcos Code on thE baais that the declaratfon re0ects the independent judgement of tho lead agency and that the Plannfng Commisslon has considerod the proposal wfth tha mitigatRd Negat(ve Decla:ation and MonRoring Progrem, toqether with any comments received during the publfc roview process and further ilnding, on the basis of the Inftial Study, that there ts no substantial evidence that the proJect wil! have a sfgnHicant eNect on the ernironment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE50LVED that the Anahelm City Planning Commissfon does hereby epprove the subject Petition for ReclassNicetion to authorfze an amendment to the Zoning Mep of the Anaheim Munlclpal Code to exclude the above-described property firom the ML (llmked Industrial) Zon$ and to (ncorporate said described propeity into the Cl. (Commerc(al, Llmited) Zone, unconditionally 4~~'~,. -2- PC93-85 ~~, B;s IT FURTHER RESOI.VED, that approval of this epplication const(tutes approval of the ~roposod requost only to the extont thnt It complles with the Anahefm Municipal Zoning Code and any other applicabie City, State and Faderai regulatfons. approval does not include any actlon or findings as to compllance or approv&I of the request regarding any other applicable ordlnance, regulatlan or requlrement. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that ihis resolution shall not aonstftuto a rezoning of, or a commitment by the Ciry to rexone, the subJect proparry; any such r oning shall requlre an ordinance of the Ciry Councll whfch shalt be a legislative ect which may ba ap oved or denled by the Clt,y C~uncll at !to sole discretion. / / Th1E FOREGOING RESQLUTION was ad t t Pla g Cammission meoting ~f July 28, 1993. • ,'t" CNAIHMAN, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING ATTEST: ~ RETARY, AN E ITY PLI+NNINQ COMMISSION S7ATE OF CAL.IFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ,4NAHEIM ) I, Janet L. Jensen, Secretary of the Anahelm City Planning Commiaslon, do hereby certify that the toregoing resolutlon was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Aneheim City Planning Commisslon held on July 26, 1993, by tho foflowing vote of the membero theroof: AYE3: COMMISSIONERS: BOYDSTUN, CALDWELL, HENNINGER, MAYFR, MESSE, PERPLI, TAIT NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE . ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NCNE IN WITNESS WWEREOF, i have hereunto aet my hand this ~,~,day of , 1993. ~ ~.'t~.,1J RE?ARY, ANAH CITY PLANNINO GOMMISSION ~ ;.~ ,~ • .3. iI • 11 PC93-85 ~ ~ ~ Y ': ~~l