Resolution-PC 93-91i••, ~". A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PIANKiN(3 COMMISSION MODIFYING AREA DEVELOPMENT PLAN N0. 108 WHEREAS, Area Oevelopment Plan No. 108 was approved'~y the City Councq on August 3, 1971 to establish a collector end local ctreet pattem for the ar9a which exfendecl Blue Oum 3treet, retained White Star Avenus, added Armand~ Street, abandoned Canal Street and providocf a ironteige roed (la M.~se Avenue) along Route 91 (Riverside Freeway); and WHERFJ-S, on September 23, 1991, tho Planning Commfasion epproved an amerxlmsnt to Itrea Deveiopment Plan No. t08 (~.xhlbit H, to dotete the segment of La Mesa Avenue west ot Whhe 3tar Avenuo) in con~unct(on with a proposel to conatruct up to ta1,135 square fAet of tndugtrlaliy-related nHice within e propnsed 205,886 squore foot industrial park (Condhional Use Permft No. 3453); end WHEREAS, tho petitloner cumenUy requeats modNtcatfon of Area Developmant Pl~n Na. 108 (Exhibic H) to delete e portion ot La Mesa Avenue. beglnninq at a poiM approximately 21Q feet east of the centeriine of Blue (ium Street and la Mesn Avenue, and tartninating 630 feet east ot eaid polnt (Exhibk 1) in order to expand the parkinq a~ ior an exfstin~ irxfuatrial buslness (UnMersat Alloy); and WHEREAS, the Ci:y Planning Commission did hold a pubilc hearinq at the Clvic Center in the City of Anahelm on Aufluat 9, 1993, at t:30 p.m., notice of .~id public hearinp having been duly ~Iven as requlred by Mw and in accordanc~ with ths pravtalons ot the Anahetm Municipal Cale, ChaptQr 18.03, to f~eer erxl consider evidance lor end apatnst sakf propc~sed emertdrnent to the Area Devalopment Plan and to hrrestiqato and meke 8ndlnys and recommende.lons In connection therewith; ~rd yVHEqEAg, eaid Cammisalon, aRor due Inapectlon, investipetbn and r~~~dy made by Iteelf end In Ita bahall, end aRer due conslderatlon of all avidence and repoKa o~lared et eaid hearing, does Nnd end determine the tdlowirp factt: 1. That tho Anahelm Redevelopment Aqancy Is processinfl an abendonment n~quASt b~ C;ty Councp con~fderatlon end waect amondmerK to Area Dovslopmont Plen No. 108 to prwldo tho buslnsss wlth more useade lend tor parlsin~ and landecaplnp. 2. Thet, In tha avent the abandonmont b epprovod by Gry ~%ouncN, a percel merpar wiil be proces~d on the Univertal Alloy PropeRy (288t-T1 La Meaa Avenue) and that ~n accees eesement wNl be provfdaf to the trienpularahaped propeny abuttln~ the naewey to tl~e ~o~theaat. ~~~ ~FORNIA ENVIRON6~NTAL ~UALITY ACT FlNDINQ: Thet the Annheim City PlenMrq Commissbn h~ revlnwed tho propo~al w amond Ases D~rolopmont Plan iVo.108 (Exhl~lt H) to dNete 0 poRlon ei ~s Mese Avenutt, ~nnnw ec s panc a~~r~se~y z~o raec e~ac a cno wr,c.rnnv m Blue Cium Street and Ls Me~a Avenue. and tenMnetir-Q 630 test oaat of qfd poltn (Exhibit I) In ordot to oxpenef tM parklnp eres for an eaclatlnp IndusMel busin~ (Unlvonel Alloy) on an irrepularty-thaped percc! d IenO corahthq d approxlrrwtely 90 ac-es bounded on tta north by Ls Pelme Awrn~e. on th~ eest bY Kraortwr E3oulevard srvi on the Routh an0 west by the RNonlde Fre+wOy; end doe4 henRby approNe ths NepaNve oedaralk+n upon nndinq cnsc thedederadon renecss ttw u,depondom ~udQomom ot the ~~a o~anc~+ and tl~at K has consld~rod tho NeQetlve D~claretia~ topeti ~er whh eny commenb rocaMod durlnp the pud~ rovl~-v prpc~u ~nd IuKhor tindtnq on 1ho b0sb of tha Inttfal study end eny CommoMS rocohroA thAt thero It no subttarKlnl rvW~np that ths proNct wIH have a:iqnNlcsM Rllact on the onvbonmottt• ~.~, CR1B66MS.wp .i. PC~3-~1 ~ ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anahelm City Plenning Commission does hereby mocllfy Area Development Plan No. 108 and adoptod Exhibit I-Amended, to include a modHled cul-de-sac at the weatem end of the l~ Mesa Avenue ddletion ~n the basis of the torogoing ffndings. 1NE FOREGOINf3 RESOLUTION was adopted et the Plbnninp Commlaslon moetinp of Auguat 9, 1993. CHAIRMAN, ANA E(M CITY P~aRIVIN6'COMMIgSION ATTE3T: _ ` ETARY, ANAHEIM/ PLANNING COM~~IISSION STATE OF CAUFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CI7Y OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edkh L. Hanis, Socretary ~f tha Ana~helm City Plann(np Commisalon, do hereby certNy that the t~regoing res4lutlon was passed and edopted at a meotfng of tha Anaheim City Planning Commisalon hela on Auguat 8, 1993, by the (dlowl~g vote of the members thereo(: AYE3: COMMISSIONERS: 80YDSTUN, CAIDWELL, HENNIN(3ER, MAYER, ME8SE, PERAZA, TAIT NO~S: COMMISSIONER3: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: P1QN~ IN WITNE33 WHEREGF, I hava heraunto set my hand thisc,~~dsy of ~~, ~/ 1993. i CRETARY, ANAH CITY PLANNINC3 COMMISSION C. .,~~~,~ ~ , i , i -2- PC90-91 ~