Resolution-PC 93-97^ ,r`~l ~ s RESOLL~ION tJO. PC93-97 y A RES~LUTIO~t OF TH~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNINr, COMMI3310N ~ AMENOING CERTAIN CUNDITIONS OF APPROVAL CF ~ CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 3Q12 i WHEREA3, on May 23,1988 the Anehelm City Plenning Commission ~pproved Conditional Us9 ~ Pennit No. 3012 under Resolutlon No. PC88-134 to permit a 10-unit, 5,999 square toot comrnorclal retell i center on propeRy located at tho northwest comer ot llncdn Avenua and Mfest 3treet rnd furthsr descrlbed ' as t101-1111 West Lincoln Avenua; and WHEiiEAS, said Reaolution No. PC~B•134 Includes the tollowlnq condition of approval: "9. That the commercisl retail conter shall not Inclucte any food service facllRles.' WHEREAS, the petitioner currently request3 to amend snkJ condRlon oi aRproval to permft a donut shop withln the oxisting commercial retail center and to walve the minimum number of parking spac~~a; en~i WHERFJI3, the City Plannfng Commission dfd hdd a publlc hearfng at the Civ(c Center In the City of Anaheim on Aunust 23, 1993, at 1:30 p.m., notice ot sald public hearinp havtng bean duly ~ivun as required by law and in eccordence tivith the provisiona of the Anahoim Munfcipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidence tor and aqainst saiu proposed amendment and to Irnestigate and make ilndinpa and recommendatlons in connection thorawfth; and yyF{EqEA$, said Commisston, aker due inspectlon, frnestigat(on end atudy made by Raelf arx9 In fts bohalf, and sRer due conslderetlon ol atl evidenco and reports oNered et aafd hearfng, does flnd and determine the td~owing facts: t. mat the petRloner requests the deletion or amendmeM to thP conditlons ot approva~ pertoining to food servlce IacAlties to pennit a donut shop within an exlstirq co~nmercial rett~fl ~ronter and to waNe the fdiowiny i~nder the autho-Ity of Code Sectbn No. 18.08.080: a„F~'TIONS - AAir~imum numtt~G~ ~~inq soaces. ~ ,~g,~.o50.023;! (Spacea requtred (ar use, es determined AJ~(Q 18.44.088.U5Q bY Pbrk(np atudy; ~~p8~cas reciuired by Code~ and ,~,3„¢~,~,~ exiettng) i 2. Thot the parkinq varfenca wlll not ceusa en incroaae in traNic confleation In tho iI irnmediate v~inity nor edvera9ly aNoct erry adJoinlnp lend usee. i 3. That the 9rentins of the parkin~ varfencg under the conditiona Imposod wUl not be detrimertel to the paece, h~th, aalety or ~enerol welfare of the ckizRns of the Cky ot Anah~im. 4. ?hat the Infttal pr~,hibftlon ot iood uses waa due to parkinp conalderat~ona ordY• 5. ?het the Traitic and Transport~tinn Maneper revtewed the pa~Clnq studY prope-ad bY ; Rock E. MRlor and Associetes and determined that avdilabte on•sita parkln9 b edequeto to sen-e tha ~~ PrcPosed uee. 8. That CodR E~forcetn~-- records Indieate no pendinp vldntbno, with a recard fntpectbn ~ ul tMa property Irxilc~atlny e well mnintafned reteN c~-Mer. ; ~ :f CFi1878MS.wp -1- PC83~97 A , ~ 't '~; ,;. ~~t. ,~ r• ~ 7. That one person Indicate~,i his preaence at sald public hearinp In opposftlon; and that no corr~spondence was recelv~ fn oppositfon to the subJect petition. SALIF RNIA VIRONMENTAL aUALITY gCT F DIN : That tho Anaheim ~ity Plannlnq Commission has revlowed the proposal to amond or delete Conditlon No. 9 of Resolutlon Mo. PCBD-134 pertaining to prohlbiting food service facllitiAS to permft a donut shop within en oxisting commerolat retall center wfth waiver of minimum number of parkfng spacss and does hereby flnd tl~at the No~ntiv~ Dealaretlan prevlously approved in connectlon wfth ConrJitlonal Use Permk No. 3012 is adequat+~ to senre ~s the required onv(ronmental documentation In ^onnectlon wkh this requsat upon finding that the declaratfon retlacts the Independent judgement o( the load apency and that R has consW~red the Nega;ive Declaratfon together wlth Any commsnts recefved during tho public rsvlew praceas and further ilndfng on the baKls of tho Initiat atudy and any commonts rece(ved that thore Is no subatantiai evidence that the project wlll have a slgniilcant eTfect on the environment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED thet the Anahelm City Planning Commisslon does hereby amend Condition No. 9 of Resolution No. PC88•194 to read ea tollows: "9. That the food use shall be Ifmited to a maxfmum one thousand forty (1,040) sq. R. donut shop occupyfng Unft Nos. 155 and 185 only." and, funher, that the planning Commfssion adds the followin0 new condltions: 24. 7hat the donut shop shall be Ilmitod to selHng donuta and boverages only (no other fooc! Rsms). 25. That the pethloner shall provide a tresh rec9ptacle Immediateiy autside subject unk at all times In order to service those petrons who may consume goods outs'de the shop. 26. Thsi a plen aheet for adid wasie storegce and c~llection, and a plan for racycliny ahall be submittsd to the DepeKmer-t of Meirt¢nance tor review and epproval. 27. That tho eppllcant shall pc~st a'right-tum 4nly' sl~n at the Uncdn Avenue driveway exk. 28. That prior to commencemant ot the donut a~~op activity herefn approved or Hithin a perlod of ons (1) year trom the date of thie resolutlon, whichever occurs Iirat, Conditlon ~'oa. 2F, 28 and 27, abovo•mentioned, shslt be complied wRh. Extenslons tor fuRher tlme to comp;,~te aaid condklons may be granted fn eccordance wlth Sectlon 18.03.U90 of the Anahelm Muntclpal Codo. THE FORE(301N0 RESqLUTION was adeptecl at the Planning Commisalon meeting ot August 23, 1993. ~ C IRMAN, A AHE M CITY~~LANNING COMMIS810N ATTEST: ~ CRETARY, ANA M CITY PLANNINCi COMMISSIUM '~~, . ~,~i •2• PC93-97 r"~' ~' STATE ~F CA~.IFORN~R ) COUN7Y OF 4R/~N~3C ) ss• CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Jrnet L. Jensen, Secretary ~f the Anahelm City Planning Commisalon, do hereby certify ahat the toregoing resolut~on wAS passerJ And adopted at a meet~ng of the Anaheim Clry Planning Commissiun held on August 23, 19n3, by the follawing vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: HENNINQER, MF_SSE, PERAZA, TAIT ( NOES: COMMISSIONERS: s01'DSTUN, CALDWFLL, MAYER ~ ABSENT: CQMMI3SFONERS: NONE ; IN WITNESS WWEREOF, I tiave hereunto set my hand thls ,~~~, day of ~~f,~~~ , 1993. ~ REYARY, ANAHEI TY Fi.ANNINC3 COMMI3SION ,f~ ~ ! I ' ~. PC93-97