Resolution-PC 94-10RESOLUI'ION NO, PC94-10 A RESOLUTION OF TH~ ANAHEIM CI7Y PLANNING COMM!SSION THA7 PETITION FOR VARIANCE N0. 4242 BE GRANTED WHERE.AS, tho Anaheim City Pianning Commission did racelvo a veriFied Petitton ior Varianco for certain real property situated in the Cfty of Anaheim, County oF Orango, State of Calffarnia describ9d as; PARCELS 1 AND 2, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF ORANGG, STATE OF C~4LIFORNIA, AS SHOINN ON A MAP RECORDE~ IN t300K 210, PAGE (S) ;i7 AND 38, OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFIC~ OF THE CrJUNTY RECORDFR OF SAID COUNTY. WHEREAS, tho Qity Planning Commission dld h~ld a publfc hearing at the Civia Gontor In the City of Anahefm on January 24, 1994, at 1:30 p.m., notice o4 safd public hearing having boen duly given tts requirod by law and (n accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Munfcipal Gode, Chapter 18,03, to hear and consider evidence ior sand agalnst safd proposed variance and ta investigate and make tlndings and rocommendation, in connectfon therewith; and WHEREAS, said Cortimission, after dua Inspection, fnvestlgation and study made by (tself and in its behalf, and after due conslderatlon of all evidence and roports uffered at said hearin~, does find and determine the following facts: 1. That th~ petltioner proposes waivers of the fallowing to construct h9,615 squnre feet of oNico area In a 406,992 square foot industrial complex. ctf n 1. .050,C212 - Mlnimum n~mber ot parking spaces. 18.06,050.031 1 1 required by Code; 18•06•O80 g71 roqulred by parkfng study; and 18.61.QF~6•05Q E~7 pmposed) 2. That a parking demand stucly was prepared showing that subJect sito can adequately provide the rQquirod parking for the proposad industrial/oftfcR uses, and that said study was rev(ev~ed and epproved by the City TraHic and Transpartation Manager; 3, That the parking variance will not cause an incroa~e in traNic conyestion In the fmmedlate vicinity nor advorsoly aNect any adJoining land uses; 4. That the grant(ng of the parkfng variAnco under the con~itfons impo&od wlll not be datrimental to the peaco, health, safety or general welfare o~ the citizens of the City of Anaheirn; and 5. That no one indicated the~r pres~nce at sa(d publ(c hearing in opposition; and that no correspondence was received in o~pos!tfon to subJect petition. C~ALIFOFiNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT FINDI : That the Anaheim City Planning Commission has reviewed the proposal for waiver of minimurn number of parking spacos to construct 49,6? 5 square (eet of oHice are~ in a 406,992 square ioot (ndustrfal complox on a rectangularly-shaped parcei of land conslsting of approximately 20.4 acres locatod at the northeast corner of South Streot and Olfve Street, having appror.irnate irontages of 1120 feet on the north side of South Street and 800 feet on the oast side of Olive StrQrzt, and turther described as 6t 0 South Oiive Street and 525 East Suuth Street and doos hereby approve the Negativo Declaration upan finding that tho doclaration rQtlerts the independent judgement uF the lead aflency and that it has cons(dered the Negative Dacler~tfon together with any comments received durfng the publfc review process and further ffnd!ng on the basis af the initlal study and any comments received that there fs no ~ubstantial evfdence that the projec: wlll have a signlf(cant etiect on the environment. CR t 998MS.W P -1- PC94-10 NOW, THEREFQRE, BE IT RESOI.VED that the Anaheim City Planning Commiss(on does horeby grant subJect Petltlon For Variance, upon the tullowing conditiuns which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisito to tl~o proposed use of the subJect property in order to prdsErve the safety and general wolfare of the Citi~ons of tho City of Anah~im: 1. 'fhat the nark(ng lot shall be restrlped to provlde a minimum of eight hundred sevdnty one (871) parking spaces. The parking stall striping shall conform with the latest revlslons of Engfneering Standard No. 436 and 6p2. Said striping shall be shown on plans submltted for building permit purposos. 2, That tha total combfned o(fica area shall not QxcAed forty nine tt~ousand six hundred ffitsen (49,615) square teet. 3. Tliat the owner of sub~ect property shaN submit a letter to the Zonfng Divislon requesting termination of Varianco No. 3530 (walving the m~ucimum number of compact sized parking spaces and the minimum number of parking spaces to construct an Industrlal faciliry). 4. That an unsubordinatod reciprocal access and parking agreement, in a form satlsfactory to the City Attorney, shall be recorded with tho Office of the Orange County R~corder. A copy ~t the recorded agreement shatl be submitted tc tho Zoniny Division. 5, Tl~at subJect property shall be develnped substantlally in accordance with plans and spe~iilca4lons submittod to the City of Anaheim by the petitioner ~nd which plans are on file with the Planning Department marked Exhibit Na. t. 6. That prfor to issuance of a bullding permi2 or within ~ poriod af one (1) year from tho daie of this resolution, whlchEVer occurs first, Condition Nos. 1, 3 and 4, above-mentioned, shall be compllAd with. Extenslons tor furthor time to complete sald conditions may bo granted in accordance with Soctlon 18.03.090 ot the Anatieim Municipai Cr.lo. 7, That prior tn ffnal buiidfng and zoning inspections, Conditlon No. 4, above-mentfonod, shall be complfed with. g, That approval of this aRplfcatlon constittdos approval uf the proposed request only to the e:dent that It complies with the Anaheim Mianicfpal 2oning Code and any other applicable City, Stato and Federal regulations. Approval does not Inci~de any action or flndings 2s to compllanGe or approval of the request regarding any other applicable ordinance, regulatton or requirement. gE IT FUNTHER RESQWED tl~at the Anaheim City Planning Commisslon does hereby find and detormine that adoption of this Resolution is expressly predicated upon applicant's compliancs with ench and atl of tha conditions herRinabove set forth. Should any sucli condltfon, or any part thereo(, be declarod invalid or unenforcoabte by the tinal judgmant of any court of cornpAtent jurisdiction, then this Resolution, and any approvals herein co~tainecf, shall be deemeci null and void. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was adopted at the Plenning Comrnission meeting of January 24, 199~3. ,~~ ,,~ ,-~ ~ i r ~:,1~:.~.~-~ ~~~ : ,_...~~L CHAIRMAN, ANAHEIM CITY P NNING COMMISSION ATTcST: _J (/ CREI"ARY, ANA~i CITY PL~IP1NINu COMMISSIAN _2. PC94-10 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COI;NI'Y OF ORAIJGE ; ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Janet L. Jensen, Sacretary of the Anahelm City Planning Commisslon, do horeby certify ~ that the foregoir~g resolution was pa~sad and adopted at a meetfng of the Anahoim Cfty Planning Commission helcJ on January 24, 1J94, by the fullowing vote of the members thereofi , ~ AYES: COMMISSIONERS: F30YDSTUN, CALDWELL, MAYER, MESSE, PERAZA, TAIT i NOEu: COMMISSIONERS: HENtJINGER ' ABSENT: COMMISSIOPJEFiS: NONE i IN WiTNESS WHEREOF, f have hereunto sot my hand th(3 ~7.,,~day ot ~~~ ~ 1994. ~ .aa...L_ CRETARY, A At •!M CITY PLf1N~lING COMMiSSION .a. P /9~-10