Resolution-PC 94-101~ ~ U r ~ ~, G '/.. y n ~ s. 0 ~ ~ n ca c. ~ ~ A 4 ~ t Y ;~ C a~ 1 ,; aeso~uTioN NQ. PG9a-~~ A RESQIUTIOh OF THE ANAHFIM CITY PLANNING COMMI5SIOiJ THAT PETITIQN FAR VARIANf;E NQ. 4255 BE GFiANTED WHERE~S, tl~e AnAheim City Planning Cammisslon dld receYe a verified Petftion for Variance for certain real praperty situatod in tho City of Anaheim, County ai Orange, State of Califomia described as: PARCELS ~ AND B AS SHOWN ON r> MAP FILED !N BOOK 222, PAGES 3? TO 41 INCLUSIV~, OF PARCEL MAPS, AND AS AMF_NDED BY 7HAT C~RTAIN C~RTIFIr/-TE OF CORRECTION RECORDE~ DECENIBER 1S, 1989 AS IN5TRUMENT N0. 89-680795, OFFICIAL RECORDS, IN THE dFFlCE pF THE COUtVTY RECGRDER OF ORANGE COUNTY, CAUFORNIA. WHEAEAS, the CKy Plnnning Commissian did hdd a public hearing at the CN~c Center in the City of Anaheim on Juiy 25, 1994, ~t ~:30 p.m., notice o( ss~id public hearing hav(ng been duly gMen as required by law and in accordance with tho provisions of the Anah~im Municfpal Code, Chepter 18.03, to hoar snd consider ovidence for and against said proposed variance and to irn~uatigate and make firtdings ond recommendations in connectlon therewith; and WNEREAS, sald Commfssfon, after d~~~ inspoction, investfgetion arxi stu~y made by Itself and In Ns behalf, and after due consideration of all ov'.ience nnd reports offored at safd hearing, does tii~d and determine the idlowing fQCts: Tf~at the petitloner proposes walver ut the (ollowing to construct a 100 sq.it. w~~l sl~n: ;~@ctions i8A5.0a1.029 - Permitted walL s(ans• and 18.84. 2.04 (maxfmum_51 sa.it. wall sign permitted; ~~qJ~, proposed) 2. That the propos~d sign is tor an ~utomotive repalr facflity Includin~ re4all ~les and inatallation of parta and accesso~les (Pep Boy's}; 3. Thnt there are spRCfa! circumstances applicable to the property conaist(nfl ot fts irreqular shnpe and ir~catfor whlch do not apply to ather identfcally zoned propertles in the vicinity bocauae the prop~sed wall siQn will be on a buitding locatod e subatantlal cJlstance trom S~nta Ana Canyon Road (approxfmatety 300 teet); 4. That strfct applfcetlon of the Z~ning CaJe do~rNes the property of prNll~ges en~oyod by other propert~gs und~ kfenticat zonlnp classlflcatl~n In the vicinfty; 5. That the p-oposal t00 sq.R. well sfgn, is equsl !o approximately 596 of the entire south elovatl4n (1,971 sq.R.) ot the lwAdiny arxl that snki elevation actually conatats at ~hroe wall ~nea wNh the si~n bcrfnq locet~d on one well plane iwving nn aroa u1510 sq.h.; ar~ 8. That no one ir~Jic.ated th~ir presence et safd puUlk hearirty in op~osi~bn; ar~t that no correapondonce was roconred in nppoeftfon tu subjoct petkfon. CR2155MS.VJP •~ - PC9~t• S 01 Se@~FQ_Rj~l.g ENVI QNMENTAL~~LIT'f ACY FINGING: The Planning Qirector or his buthorized ropresentative has det9rmined that the proposed proJect iocated on an Irregula-ly-shap~d percel of I~nd consistiny of approximately 3.3~' acres, having a frontpge of appraxlmutely 120 feet on the north slde of Santa Ana Canyon Road, having n me~ imum depth of approximately f00 teet, being lacated approximately tOSA foAt west of tho cent~:rllnJ of Walr Canyon Roed and further deacribed as 8205 East Santa Ar.a Ganyon Road (Pep Boy's) iall^ wKhin the deiinition ot Ca;e~orical Exemptions, Clasa 11, as dotinAd in the State EIR Guidelines and !s, theretore, ~~ategorlcally exempt from tha roqulrem~nt 4o propare an EIR. NOW, THERE~ORE, BE IT RESOLVEU that the Anphoirn City Planning Commisaion does h~reby grant sublect Petftlon for Variance, upon tfie following conditiorts which are hereby tound to be a necessary prerequisits to th9 proposed use of tho subJect praporty in order t~ prr~serv~ the sttfoty and ynneral welfare of thu Citizens of the Cky of Anahaim: 1. TFiat -;ub~ect proporty shall be deveioped substantlally in accortlance with plans and specffications stibmitteci to the City of Anaheim by thA potitio~ier and whiah plans are on fi~e with the Planning Department marked Grhibft No. 1. 2. That p~(or to tlnul buildiny and zoninfl inspections or wftF~in a~oriod oi one (1) yeur irom the dele of th(s resolution, whichever occurs iirst, Conditlon N.. 1, aeove•mentlor.ed, shall bo complied witli. Extonsions for further timo to com~lete ~aid ~ondition may be grantecl in accordance with Section 18.03.090 oi the Ar-ahefm Municipcil Code. 3. That approvel of this applfcati~n constitutes appruval of the proposed reyudat only to the oxtent that it complies with the Anaheim Municipel Zoning Coda and any other ap~licaL~e Cfty, State ~nd Federal regulatlan~. Approval dues not Includo any actiun or (irxiings as to compllance or approval of the roquest regordinq anv other ap~licahle o-d(nance, ~agulation or requirament. 8E IT FURTHER RESOLVEn that the Anahelm Clty Plannirg Cornmlesfon doos hereby firxi and detarmine that adoption o! thls Resdution is oxpreASly predicated upon epplicanr~$ complience wkh each and ali ot tho co~xlitfons hereinAbove set foRh. Should any such condkion, or any p~rt thereof, lw declared irrvelkl or uneniorceable by the final ~udgmenl of any court o( competent Jurisdiction, then this Hesol~rNon, and any approvals herefn contained, shall be doemed null and voicl. 7HF FOR~GOING RESOLUTION was adoptod nt the Planning Commission meeting of July 25, 19~4. J//~~ /~ ~.__. ~' /1 GHAIRMAN, ANAHEIM CITY P ING ~OMM{SSION ATTEST: ~~ . . ~~ I ~_ Q2!- ~n~t~,~c~.~_. SECRETARY, AHEIM CITY PLA.NNIN(3 COMMlS$IUN .2. PC94•tbt ,-- STATE QF CAUFORNIA ) COUN'fY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF P,NAHEIM ) I, Mar~arita Solorlo, Secretary of the Ansiheim Ciry Planning Commisslon, do hereby certity that the forogoing resolution was ~ssed and ado~ted et a ~neettng of the Anaheim Clty Planning Gommiasion held on July 25, 19y4 by tho fc+llowing vote of tlie members thereof; AYES: COMMISSIO~IERS: BOYDSTUN, CALOWELL, HENMINGER, MAYER, PERA7A NOES: CQMMISSIONERS: NONE A9SEN7: COMPu11SSIONERS: TAIi', MESSE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I heve hereunto set my hand thfs ~ O~'_day of u 1994. ____~-~. arci~ ~c~Cur~~ SECHETARY, A HEIM CITY PI.ANNING COMAAISSION -3• PC94-101