Resolution-PC 94-11RE~QLUTIpN NO PC9a-11 A RESOLUTION OF THE AP:AHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION INITIATING APPLICA'fIONS FOR GENEF;AL PLAN AMENDMENT NQ. 336 AND THE DISNEYLANI~ RESORT SPECIFIC PIJ~N N0. 92-1 AMENDMENT N0. 1 WHEREAS, on June 29, 1993, ?he Cfty Councfl per Ordinance Nos. 537~ and 5378, adopted The Disneyland Resort Specific Plan Nu. 92-1 encompassing four planning districts - a Theme Park Oistrict, a Hotel District, a Parkinfl District, and a F'uture Expansion District - and A C-R Overlay which allows certaln parcels to become part of tho overall Resort doveloprnent or to be doveloped with the usos set iortl~ in the C•R (Commer~lal Recreatlon) Zone as it currontly exists or rnay be amendod In the future; and WMEREAS, on Docembor 30,1993, Disney qevelopment Company submitted a lotter requesting the Planning Commission to inftiate an amendment to tho ~ity of Anahe(m General plen and The Disneyland Rosort Specific Plan for a rectar~gularly-shaped parcel of land consfstin~ of approximataly 9 ar,res at the southeast cornor of Freedman Way and Harbor Boulevard in the C(ty of Anaheim within the bot;ndariss of The Disneyland Resort Speciffc Plan Parking District, East Parkfng Area/C-R Overlay and further described as the Anaheim Plaza Hotel; and WHEREAS, tho Planning C:ommission is authorizeci to initiate applications for reviow of general plan amendmonts and specific ptans; and WHEREAS, the Disneyland Resort Speciffc Plan No. 92-1 Amendment No. 1 is proposod to redesignate subJect 9 acres from "Parking District" to "District A" (Dfstrict A is identifieci as Development Area 5 on the revised Disneyland Resort Specific Plan Development Plan in Attachment C of the January 24,199a statf report to the Flanning Commission). Said amendment Incliades the removal of D(strict A acreage from tho C-R Overlay and the East Parking Area Optfon, and the removal of pubifc parking facilitios as n permltted use in Distrlct A. Similar to the C-R Overlay, District A would permit developmont of permitted and condilionally permitted uses aliowed by the existing C•R (Commercial Recreation) 2one as set forth In Chapter 18.48 0( the Anahefm Municipal Code, as it currently exists or may be amended or supersed4d in tfio future. Said amendment also Includes text and exh(bit revisfons in The I~isneyland Resurt Specific Plan document to refloct the new District A and rnvisions to thn Specific Plan ;~ssociated thorewith; and WHEREAS, the Land Use Element of the City of Anahoim Generat F'lan currontly refars to 7i~e Disnoyland Resort and doscrfbos four land use distr(cts (Theme Pari<, Hotel, P~rking and Futuro Expansion Area) as weli as the C-R Overlay. General Plan Amendment No. 336 is proposed to amend the I.and Use Eleirient to rovise the descrlption of 7he Oisn~yland Resort to re(lect the redesignatfon of the approximate 9-acre portion of the Parking D(strict to "D(str(ct A." District A would continu~ to be designated for medlum denslty de~delopment aliowing up to 75 hotel/motel rooms per gross acre or 75 rooms per parcei, whfchevor is c~reater; however, it would no longer be dasiynated for public parking facility i~ses. Hotel/mote! accessory uses would continue to bo allowed as well as othor visitor-serving uses; nnd WHEREAS, on January 24, 1994, the Anahoim City Planning Commissian cons(dered the aforernentionsd mattor as a Raports anr~ Recommendacions item r~nd atter due study made by itself a-id in its behalf, and after due concfderation of all c~vidence and reports o(fered does hereby ((nd and detormino the following facts: 1. That this request is in accordanco with a Settlement Agreome~it between the City, the Walt Disney Company, Disney Dovelopr,iont Company and Pryovest Corporation, dbn Anaheim Plaza Hotal; CR2QOOMS.WP -1- PC94-t t 2, That safd Agreement, appro~~ed bythe City Councii an January 11, 1994, rerulred Disney Development Company to propare and submit, tor City initfation, a prapased amendrnent to SpecHic Plan No, 92-i to (1) dolet~ the reference tn "parking" tn tho nomenclature usecl to descrfbo the Spealfic Plan District in which the Anaheim Plaza Hotel property is located and (2) remove Gption 1(the east•west configuration) for the eastern publlc parking facility trom Speciflc Plan No. 92-'; 3. That, in said agreemont, tF~e City Councll agreed to consider, but is under no nbiigatlon to apnrove, the proposed amantlments to Spacffic plan No, 92-1; and 4. That the arnandment to the Genoral Plan Is proposed to retlect the changes pr~posed In the Speciflc Plan. NOW TM~REFORE, BE IY RESO WED, that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does heroby initlatc~ the appiicatfons for General Plan Amendrnent No. 336 and The Disneyland Resort Specific Plnn No. 92-t Amondmont No. 1 for the purpose of presonting the proposed amendments for Rtudy And consideration. THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was adopted at the Planning Commisslon meeting of January 24, 1994. ~ , ~ ~ ~ ( .i -/J~ ~ CHAIRMAN, ANAHEItit CI7Y PLAN~G (.OMMISSION ATTEST: S RETARY, AN IM CIT'/ PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss, CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Janet L. Jensen, Secretary of the Anaheim City Plann(ng Commisslon, do heraby cortify that ttie foregoing resolutfan was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim Clty Planning Commisslon held on January 24, 1994, by tl~e following vote ot the members thoreof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: NOES: GOMMISSIONEAS: ABSEN7: COMMISSIONERS: 1994. BOYDSTUN, CALDWELL, MAYER, MESSE, P~RAZA, TAIT HENNINGER NONE IN WITNESSWHEREOF, I have hareunto set my hand this,~~day of~/~~.~~ ~ > L- CRETAPY, ANAH~I ClTY PLANNING COMMIS510N .2 PC94-11