Resolution-PC 94-110RESOLUTION NO. P~4-110 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CfTY PLANNING ~OMMISS{pN THAT PETITIC~N FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 3708 BE GRANTED WHEREAS, tf~e Anaheim City Planning Commissinn did reoelvA a verifled Potitlon f~r Conditional Use Permit tor certafn real property situated in the City of Anaheirn, County of Orangs, Stat~ of CalHornia, describQd as: LQT 2 OF 1'RACT N0, 230, JEWFTT SUE3DIVISION, AS PER MAP THEREOF, RECORDED IN BOOK 13, PAGE 25, MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, RECQRDS OF SAIp ORANGE CUUNTY. WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at the C(vic Center in the City of Anahelm on August 8, 1994 at 1:3Q p,m., r~otice af said public hearing having been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the provislons of tha Anaheim Municipal Ccxle, Ch~pter 1t~.03, to hear and cunsider ~vidence for and against safd proposed conditlonal iaso permit and to investfgate and make finding~ and recommendatfons In connectlon therewfth; and WI-IEREAS, sald Commission, aftor due inspect(on, invescigation and study made by itself and in its bFhalf, and aftar due consideration of all evidence and reports offored at sald hearin~, does find and determine the fottowing facts: ~I. 1'hat the proposeci use Is properly one for which a condit(onal use ~ermit Is authorizod by Anaheim Mun(cipal Coda Section 18.44.Q50.140 to permit a cnnstruction company office fieadqu~artors within an existfng 1,134 sq.ft. residontfal structure and deta.hed garage with waf~~er of tho follcwing: Section 18.44.Ofi8 - Reaulrg~ is te &creening, (¢-foot hfgFi ,masonry block w~ll or landsa~ e~d t~rm or c~mF~in~tion thereof roquired along RM-1200 zoning to south; ,F~-(g~t chain Iink fence existfng) 2. That thore are specfal circumstances applicable to the property such as size shape, topography, locatfon or surroundings, whlch do not apply to othar identically zoned prapertios in the vic(nity; 3. That strict application of the~ Zoning Code deprives the property of prlv(IQges onJoyed by other properties under identical zonfng classiffcation in the vicinity; 4. That the proposed iaso is properfy one for which a conditional use permit is authurized -~y the Zoning Code; 5. That the proposed use ~ill not adversely aHect the adjoininfl land uses and the growth and devetopment of the aro~ in wliich it fs proposdd to be located; 6. That the slze and shape of tlie site for the pr~posed use is adaquate to allow the tull development of the proposed uso in a manner no! detrimontal to the part(cular area nor to the peace, hsalth, safety, and general walfare; 7. Th2t the traHic genera4ed by the proposed use aiill not impose an undue burden upon the streets and highways dosigned and improved to carry the traHfc in the aroa; CR2168M~.WP -1- PC94-110 8. That the granting of tho conditlonal use perrnit undor tho condidons Imposed will not be detrimental to tho peace, health, safety and goneral welfare of the r,it(zons of the City of AnaFielm; and 9. That no one Indicated their presenca at safd publfc hearing in opposition; and that no correspondence was received in opposition to ths subJect petftion. GALIFORNIA ENVIFiONMENTAL~C I~ALIl'~A~T FINpING; Thai the Anaheim City Planning Commissfun has ravlewed the proposal to roclassify subJect property frorn tl'~e RM-1200 (Res(dentl~i, Multi- Family) Zono to the CL (Commercial Llmited) Zone to permit a construcdon compuny office headquarte~s within an existing 1,134-square foot res(dential structure and detachdd garage N,;th waiver of requlred site scre6ning on a rectangularlyshap~d parcel of land consisting of ap{~roximately 0.16 Ecre, havlny a frontage of 50 feet on the easi side of Anaheim Boulevard, having a maximum depth of apprnximately 142 feet, heinp located approximately 265 feet south of the centerline of Valencfa Avenue and further descrlbAd as 874 8outh Anahelm Boulevard; and dnes hereby approve the Nogative Declaration upon findi~ig that the declaration reflects the independont judyement af the lead agency end tl~at it has considored the Negative Declaratlon together with any cn~nments received durin~ tho public revlew procass and further findfng an the basis of the (nitial study and any comments recelvecl that thera is no substilntial evidence tha4 the proJect will have a significant effect on the environment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anafie(m City Flannin47 Commisslon does hereby gr2nt subJect Petition for Conditional Use f'ermit, upon thc~ foilowing cunditions which ara hereby found to bo a necossary prerequisite to the propased use of 4ho subject property in order to preservo the safety anci general welfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim: t. That the autdoor storage of construction oquipment, mat~rials ar vehictys is prohioitod. 2. That the existing garage sF~all be usad for parkin~ vehicles and shall not be used for storage purposos untess rivo (2) additionat Code-conforming parking s~aces arn provldAd elsewhere on site. 3. That ~ plan sheet for sol(d waste storage and colloction, and a plan for recycling shali be subrnfttod to the Department of Maintenance for review and approval. 4. That plans shall be submltted to the City Tr~ffic and Transportatfon Manager for his revlew and approval showinc~ conformance witti tho most current versions of Engfneoring Standard Plan Nos. 436 and 6U2 pertainfng to parking standards and driveway locations. Subject propeity shall ther~upon be devoluped and maintained in con(urmance with sald plans. 5. That any proposed ireas4andfng sign on subJect property shall be a monument-type not exceoding eight (8) foet in hei~7ht and shali bo cubJect to the review and approval ~f the City 7rafiic and Transportation Manager to dc~termine adequato Iinos-of-sight. 6. That subject property shall be developad substantfally in accordanco with plans and spocffications submitted to the City of Anaheim by the petitioner and whlch plan~ are on file with the Planning D~partment marked Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2. 7. That the cha(nifnk fenca alonc~ the south property Iine shall be entirely sletted with PVC slats. 8. That priar to fssuance of a buflding permit or within a perfod of one (1) year from tho date of th(s resolution, wh(chever occurs first, Condit(on Nos. 3 and 4, above-mentionecl, shall be complied with. Extensions for further time to complote said conditions may be granted in accordance ~vith Section 18.03.090 of the Anaheim Mur,icfpal Code. 9. That prior to tinal building and zoninc~ (nspections, Conditfon No. 6 and 7, above-mentioned, shall be complied with. .z_ PC94-110 ,.. 10. That appruval of thls applicatlon constitutes apprrn~al of the proposecl requost oniy to the extent that It complies with the Anahoim Municipal Zoninp Code and any other appl(cable City, Stato and Federaf ~ re9ulations, Approval does not include any sctfon or findings as to complianco or approvnl of the request regarding any othor applicable ordinance, regulatlon or requirement. BE iT FURTH~R RESOLVED that the Anal~eirr~ Cfty Plannfng Cornmission does hereby find and determine that adopclon of thfs Resalution is expressly predicated upo7 applicant's compllance with each and all of the conditlons her9lnabove set forth. Should any such condition, or any part thereof, be declared Invalid or unenforceablo by the final Judgment of any court of competont ~urisd(ction, then thl~ Resolutlon, and any approval~ herein contained, shall be deemed null and void, TI~E FOREGOING RESOLUTION was adopted at lhe Planning Curnmission meoting of August 8, 1994, ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~'"'`'~`--"u C AIRWO AN ANAHEIM CITY LANNING COMMISSIC~N ATTEST; ~~ ~~~-~--. 8~C ARY, ANAHE M /G/f'fY PI.fINNING COMMI~SION ~j V STATE OF CALIFORNIA } COUN7Y OF ONANGE ) ss, CI7Y OF ANAHEIM ) I, Janet L. Jensen, Secretary of the Anahelm Cit; Planning Commission, do horoby certify that the foregofng resolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on August e, t994, by the (ollowing ~~ote of the members thereof: AYES; COMMISSIOiVERS; BOYDSTUN, CALOWELl, HENNINGER, MAYER, PERAZA, TAIT NOES: COMMISSION~RS: NONE ABBENT: COMMISSIONERS: MESSE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ~,~~ day of ,,~~~//J,~~. 1394. _ ~.~~. l/ ,/1/iv/7 n~ . ,~/oiviJQ_..c.~ S~ETARY, ANAHEI CITY PLP.NNING COMMISSION ~ -3.. PC94-110