Resolution-PC 94-12FiESGLU i IQN NO. PC94-t2 A R~SOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY FLANNING COMMISSION AMENUING CERTAIN CONDITiON~ OF APPHOVAL OF CONfi1TI0NAL U5E PERMIT NO. 34t3 WHEREAS, the Giry Councfl approved Condft~onal Use Permit No. 3413 on July 9, 1 J91 under Rosolution No. 91 R-225, tol~owir~g approval by the ?lanninq Commlaston to expire on July 9, 1992 and to expand an existing rostaurant wfth on•premise salo anc3 ~onaumptiun of beer and wine on propeny located on the northoast comer oi Ball Rond and Sunktst Street arrJ furthAr described es 2521 East Bell Road (Gust~v's Jagerhaus); and WHEREAS, a one-year extension of time to complota conditians of approval was approved by tho Pla~ining Commission on SeFtember 9, t992 (retrr~actlve to July 9, 1~2) to explre on July 9, 19q3; and WHEREA5, on Oc:tober 20, 19y2, the Ciry Council adopted Resdution No. 92R-220 amendfng Condition No. 7 of Rer,dutton No. 91R•225 to extend the operation o( sub~ect use until July 9, 1993; and WHERE/1S, Condition No. 7 wae amendecl to read es idlowa: •7. That this conciKtonal use pormit shatl termtnate on July 9, 1993 " WFiEREAS, ihe petittonei has requeatod amendment or cleletfan of Condition No. 7, as amended by Rosolutfon No. 92fi-22~ pertaining to s time Iimitation for the expansion ol an existing restaurant with on•pramice sale anct consumption ol beor and wtne; nnd WHERE'1$, the CRy Planntng Commisslon did hdd a public hearing at Ihe Ch~ic Centor In the Gity of Anahetm on February 7. 14?94, at 1:30 p.m., nrtico of raid publfc haarinq havin~ been duly flfven as required tr~ law an~ In accordanco with the provislons a• tho rAnnearh~eirt'merM~e~ic~iP~: mode! C~~QeB~e~r 18.0~, to hear and canskfor evkfer~co tor and againat sabd ~ropos4d makQ tinding3 and re~orr.mendatfuns in cunnection tPtorewrih; arxi WHER~AS, safd Commfsslon, aNe~ due inspoctbn, Irnestfgatbn and stucfy mada by itsdl anc! In fts bohal(, arxl after due conskferatlon of all evidence ancf reports ot(ered at aakS hearinq, does find and dcttermine tho fdlowing factn: ~. That sa7d permit is being exercEsed In a manner rwt ~Wrlmernal to the partlcutar area and surrourrJinfl larxf uses, nor to tho p+tblic peace, haatt~. safQtY erxi g~c~erel weFlare. 2. That ttw use ramaina in complianc6 whh tho Anaheim C3anora! Plan. ~. 71sat all tondilbna ~t approval purauant tn R[ssdutbn No. 431R•225 have bean compHed with. 4. That thure have been no Cude amendments or now CJty Ceuncw Pdkfoa c"~acted ~1nce the init~al hea~ing on Ju'y A, 1995, which emendments wou~d edvo~sdY atfect sf~g ~s~' p~~'i~. ~. That Ra ono indiCafesf thefr pres~nce at 1Ms pudic henring In oppoaition; ancl that no r,orrnspon-JencR was resceNocl in c~pposNlon t~ Ih~ su~ecl requ~s:. L~i?OO~MS.wp •t- PCU4•t?. CALIF~i A N RONM~"~TAL ~I~AL.~TY_ACT FINDIN : That the Anaholm Clty Planning Commission hast ~10~Im~'itat onPo pthel expansion ot anee C In9 i~iA t u a t with~on-prem se s~le and pertaining to a roved consumptiGn of beer and w~ne and does heroby firxi that the Negatnro Doclnratlon previously epp in connoction wit1~CC~n eatlon whhthta reque t upon flnd ng that ihe dec aretion~re!lect ~the independent documentatlon In ~udgement o ceNed duringetl e pub~lchreview prncess aend furthe N id I^geont ha~ra~ti sis of9 he enft ail stucly comments e and any comments reculveci that there is na substAntial evWenca that the project will heve a slgnH can eftect nn the environment. ConditionENo~7~oEResolution NoL9ER-225, aseamnonded bY Resolution Nom 2fiS220.does hereby deloto THE FOHEGOING RESOLUY~ON was adopted at the Planning Commisston meeting ot February 7, 1994• . ~ - CHAIRMAN, A A IM CITY NNING COMMIS510N ATTE:ST: ~~' ' ~~Ulz.~-~a S[CR , ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMI5SIUN 1 STA7E OF CALIFORNIA ) COUfJTY OF ORANGE 1 ss• CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Mnrgar~a Sdorio, SecmtaN a tl~e Anahoim Cfry Planning Commission. do hereby certffy that the forogoing r~solulbn was passed end adoptud at a moet~rKl at the Anahoim Chy Planniny Commission held on Fe~n~ary 7, 1994, bY 1he idlowfny vote ot the memb6rs the~eo(: AYE~: COMfNISS10NERS: CALDWELL, HENNINQER, MAYER, MESSE, PERAZA, TAIT NOES: COMMIBSIONEFIS: NON~ AHSEtd7• COMMISStONFRS: 80YDSTUN ~ ~ ~~ ~r IN Yt~ITNEBS WHEREOF, I have horounto sat my hsnd thia SL' ~._ day M =~'~ t~t. ~~ ~ l ~~~ ~ Z ~ t.~:,t~'L~ i %--------~ CREI'ApY NANEIM CITY PLANN~NG COMMISSlON PC(!4• 1'l .2.