Resolution-PC 94-122RES LI~IQN N0. P~aa-~z2 A RESQLUTION OF 1'HE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION THAT PETITION FOH RECLASSIFICAl'ION N0. 94-95-03 B[ GRANTED, UNCONDITIONALLY WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission dld receive a veriffed petitfon for Reclassification for real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, ~tato of California, doscribed as follows; NARCEL 1: LOT 1 OF TRACT NO. 1194, AS PER MAP ~iECORDED IN E300K 38, PAGES 1 AND 2 OF MISCELl11NE0US MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAIC COUNTY. PARCEL 2; THAT PORTlON OF "DREYFUS AND OTI-IERS" LAND, AS SHAWN ON A MAf' OF SUHVEY BY WILLIAh1 HAMEL FILED FOR RECORD IN LOS ANGELES COUNTY, A COPY OF WHICH IS SHOWN ON PAGES 163 AND FOLLOWING ItJ BOOK 3 EMTITLED "LOS ANGLES COUNTY MAPS", RECORD.°, UF SAID ORANGE CQUNTY, DESCRIBED AS FULLOWu: BEGINNING AT A STAKt IN THE IN'fERSEC710N OF LOS ANGELES STREET AND SOUTH STREET, SAID STAKE F3EING 17..50 FEE7 SOUTHEASTERLY OF THE CENTER LINE OF SOUTH STREET AND 24.50 FEET SOUTHWESTCRLY FROM THE CEN'~ER LINE OF I.OS ANGELE5 STHEET; THENCE SrJUTHEASTERLY 280.5 FEET PARALLEL WITH THE CENTER LINE UF SAID LOS ANG~LES STREL-?; TH~NC~ SOU7H~AS~fERLY 310.86 FEET PARALLEL WI''H THE CENTER LINE OF SAID SOUTH STFiEET; THENCE ~JORTI-IWESTERLY 280.50 FEET PARALLEL WITH THE SAID CENTER LINE OF LOS ANGELES STREET; THENCE NORTHEASTERIY 310.96 FFE7 RARALLEL WITH THE SAID CENTER LINE OF SOUTH STREEf TO THE POINT OF gEGINNING. EX~EPT THAT PORTION TH~REOF LYING WESTERLY OF A IINE PARALLEL WITH AND ~ASTERLY 68.00 FFET FROM Th~~ EASTERLY LINE OF 1'HAT ALLEY 10 FEET IN WIDTH ALONG THE EASTEqLY (.INE OF TRACT N0. 11, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 9, PAGE 11 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, IhJ THE ! ~FICE OF THE COUN7Y RECORDE~i OF SAIQ COUN7Y. PAIiCFL ;,: THAT PORTION OF "D(~EYFUS AND OTHE~S" LAND, AS SHOWN ON A MAP OF SURVEY BY WILLIAM HAMEL FILEU FOR RECOFiQ IN LOS ANGELES COUNTY, A COr~Y OF WHICH IS SHOWN ON PAGES 163 AND ~OLLOWING, IN BOOK 3, ENTITLED "l05 ANGE.LES CUUNTY MAPS", RECORUS OF SAID ORANGE COUNTY, DESCRIBED A.~, FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE INTERSEC710N OF THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF WEST SOUTH STREET, AS DE5CRIBED IN A DEED 70 THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, RECt~RDED DECEMB~R 9, 1912 IN BOOK 22A, PAGE t 1~ ~F OEEDS WITH A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND EASTERLY 68.00 FEET FROM THE EAS7EFiL.Y LINE OF ~THE 10.00 FOOT AI.LEY SHOWN ON A MAP OF TRACT NO. 11, RECORDED IN 600K 9, NAC~ 11 CF RIfSCELlANEOUS MAPS, RECORQS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA; THENCE .'iOUTHERLY ALONG SAID PARALLEL IJNE TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF LAND DESCRIBEO IN TI1E DEED TO MAl~CELENO SOTO, RECORDED NOVEMBER 29, 1987 IN BOOK 349, PAGE 85 OF DEEDS, RECORDS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY, i;ALIFOkNIA: THENCE WESTERLYTO THE SOUTNWESTERLY CORNER OF S~ID IAND OF SOTO; THENCE NORTHERI.Y ALONG THE WEST~RLY LiNE OF SAI~ LAND OF 5dT0 THE SOUTtiEHLY LINE OF SAID WFST SOUTH STREET; THENCE EASTERLY TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. ~R2187h1S.WP -1- FC94-1?.2 ,,, ,.,. WHEREAS, the City Planninc~ Commission did hold a public hearing at tf~e Civic Center in the City of Anahoim on September 7, 1994 ~t 1~30 p.m., notice of said public hearinp havinp been duly given as requirod by law and In accordance with the provisions of the Anahelm Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to I~ear and cansider evldencd for and against said proposod reclassification and to Investigato and make fir~dings and recomrnendations in r,onnection therewith; and WHEREAS, said Comrnfsslon, after due (nspecti~n, investigatinn and s4udy made by itself and fn its behalf, and after due considoration of ~II evidence and reports offerod at said hearing, d~~3s find and de4ermine the following facts: 1. That the petitioner propo~es reclassification of subject property from the CH (Commercia~, Hoavy) anci PD•C (Parkinfl District, CommerciAl) to the CL (Commerclal, Limited) Zone. That the Anahefm General Plan designates subJect property for Goneral Comrnercial land uses. 3. 7hat tho proposed roclassification of subject property is necessary and/or desirable for tho orderly and proper dovelopmei~t of the community. 4. That the proposed reclassification af suaJect property dues properly relato to the zones and their permitted uses locally estabifshed In close proximity to subject property and to the zonvs and their permitted usos genera~ly ostablished throuqFiout the community. 5. That no one indicated their presence at said public hearing In oppositlan; and that no corr~spondence was received in opposition to subJect petition. c~ALIFORM~A ENVI~ONMENTAL QUALtTY ACT FINpI~: 7hat the Anaheim City Planning Ccmmfssion has reviewed the proposal to reclassify subject proporty frorn the CH (Ccmmercial, Heavy) and PD•C (Parking Oistrict, Commercialj to the CL (Commercial, Limited) Zone to perrnit an automotlve complex containing a car sales lot with a mcdular offico trailor, automotive repair fACilities, and an automotive paits retall store with waivers minimum parkfng lot landscaping and minimum number of parking spaces un an irregularly-shaped parcel of land consisting u! approximatsly 1,79 acros, located at the southwest comer of South Street and Anaheim Buulevard, having approximate frontages of 280 feot on the south side ot South Streat and 365 (eet on tfie west side of Anaheim Doulevard, and further described as A01 Scuth Anaheim Buulevard; and does hereby approvo tho Neflatfvo Decl~ration upun finding that the declaratfon reflocts the Ind~pondent judgoment of tlie lead agoncy and that it has considared the Negative Declaration togeth~;r witti any comments rQCOived during the public rPview process and further findinfl on the basis of the (nit(al stud~ and any comrrients roceived that ther~ is no substantial evidence that ths proJect will hav9 a significant effect on the envfronmant. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE~OLVEU that lhe Ansheim City Planning Commission does liereby approve the subject Petition ~~r Reclassif(cation to authorize an amendment to tho Zaning Pdap of the Analieim Municipal ~ode to exclude tho abovo-described property irom tFie CH (Commarcfal, Heavy) and PD-C (Park(ng Di~trict, Cammorcial) Zones and to fncorporato said describec! property into the CL (Commercial, Umftacl) Zone, unconditlonally. BE I'f FURTHER RESOLVEO that approvat of this application constitutes approval of the proposed requast only to the extent that it complios with the Anahoim Municipal Zoning Code and any other applicable City, State and Fecieral regulations. <,pproval does r~ut Include any actlon or }indings as to compliance or approval o~ the request regarding any ather applicable ordinance, regulation or requfrement. BE IT FURTHER RE~OI.VED, that th(s rasolution sha~l not constitu:e a rezoning ot, o~ a commitment by tti9 City to rezone, the subJect pro~erry; any sucf~ rozoning shall requiro an ordinance of the City Councfl whir,h shali be a legislative act which may be approved or denied by the City Council at its solQ discret(on. -2- PC~a•s22 r THE FOREGOING R~SOLUTION was Adopted at the F~lanning Cornmission meoting of September 7, 1994. /~/ ~ „ ~ {i ,. ~JJ~fLy. ~cai~ j~ ~:~... ~:~ ~_.. ~ CHAIRWOMAN, ANAHEIM CI~ PLANNING COMMISSION ATf EST: ' ~ .~~.~.c.~._./ __._ E ETARY, ANAHEIM~Y PLANNING COMMISSION [/ STA7E OF CALI~OFiNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY pF ANAHEIM ) I, JAnet L. Jenson, Secretary of the Anahe(m City Planninfl Cummission, du hereby cerNfy that the foregoing resolukion wns passed ~nd adopted at a meeNng of the Anaheim City Planning Commiss(on held on September 7, 1954, by the fol!owing vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONFRS: HGYDSTUN, CALpWELL, MENNINGER, MAYEa, PERAZA, TAIT NOES: COMMISSIONERS: tJUNE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: MESSE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this an~/ - day of 1994. ~'~ .,~~r,,~ A__ J ~ ~ CRETARY, A Ary1~~ VIIY PLANNING COMNIISSION v..- (/ .3_ PC~J~I •122