Resolution-PC 94-126RESOLUTION NO. P 9~t-126 A RES01_UTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION THAT PETITION FOR CONDITIO~JAL USE PERMIT' NO. 3685 BF GRANTED WHEREAS, tlie Anaheim City Piannin~ Commission did receive a verifled Petition for Gonditional Use Pormit for certaln real pro~+erty situated in the CI!~~ of Anaheim, County af Orange, Stata of California, described as; PARCEL 1 AND r~ PORTION OF PAFCEL 9 OF PARCCL MAP 92-260, PER MAP RECORD~D IN BOpK 279, PAGES ?_1 THROUGH 24 INCLUSIVE OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE UFFICE OF THE COUNTY FiECORDER OF QRAPJGE COUNTY, C:ALIFORNIA, DESCRIBEG AS FQLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 1, SAI~J CORNER BEING ON THE SOUTH LINE OF KATELLA AVENUE AS SHOWN ON SAID PARCEL MAP 92-260; THENCE 30UTH 89 DEG. 13' 3Q" WEST ALQNCa THE NORTH LINE OF SAID PAFiCEL5 1 ANU 9, A DISTANCE OF 103.00 FEET THENCE SOUTH 0 DEG. 55' 30" ~AST PARALLEL WITH THE EAST LINE OF SAID PARCELS 1 AND 9, A DIS7ANCE OF 180.00 FEEf THENCE NORTH 89 ~EG. 13' 30" EAST PARALLEL WITN S,41D NORTH LINE 103.00 FEET TO SAIp EAST LINE, 7HENCE NORTH 0 DEG. 55' 30" WEST ALONG SAID EAST LINE, 180.00 F~ET TO THE POINT OF BEGINIJING. WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at the Clvic ContAr in the City of Anaheim on Juno 1, 1994 at 1:30 p.m., notice of sald public heAring havin~ boen duly Qivon as required by law and in accordance with the provisions oF the Anaheirti Municipal Ccxie, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidence fur and against said proposed conditlonal use permit and to fnvestigAte and make ffndings and rocommendations In connection therewith; and that said pubiic hearing was continued to the June 27, Auyust 8, August 22, and September 19, 19~i Planning Commission meetfngs; WMEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investiyation and study made by itself and in its bohalf, and after due considoration of ail evidence and roports offored at said hoarinp, does ffnd and determine the following facts: 1. That the proposed uso is properly one for which a c~nditiunal use permit is authorized by Anaheirri Municipal Code S~ction 10.44 050.300 to permit a 1,989 sq.f4. drive-through restaurant within an oxisting commerciai retail center with the iollowing waivers: (a) ~ti n. 18.06.050,022 1 ,Q06•050•0221 18.06.050•022~t 18.06.050,0231 18.06.Q50.Q?.913 1~•06•08Q and (b) ,S~t~n JNlni~num number of t~rkin,g~paces. 1 Ml requfred; ~~ proposed) Mlni m andscaaod sstback adJACent to ~ residentlal zone baundarv. (10.foot wfda iandsca~ed setback requfred; 4 to 2Q-foot wfde landscaped setback proposed) CR2196MS. W P -1- PC94-126 7. That the pAr!cing waivar (a) will not cause an increase in traffic congestion in the immedlate vicinity nor ~~dversely aHect any ad~oining lar~d uses; and that tho City Tra'~'^ and Transportation Manager has deterrcmed the proposed numbor of spaces is adequate for lhis specific proposed use; a. That ine granting ol the parking variance under tF,4 condftions imposed wfll not be detrimental to ihe pence, liealth, sa(ety or general v:eltare of the cftizens of the City of Anahoim because the request is minimal, amounting to a deviation o( less than 196 trom the Code-requirr:d pt~rking; 4. That thoro are special circurtistances applicable to the proporty such as locailon and surround?nqs, which do not apply to other identically zoned properties in the vicinity beca~so revtsed plans shovi Increased Ixndscaping adjacent to resWential zoning along the east property line (4 to 20 teet wide proposecl iersus ~l feet wtde which currc~~tly axl~ts): 5. 7hat strict application u( the Zurdng Code deprives the property oi privileges en~oyed oy ott.,r• properties in idontical zoning classific~tian In the vicinity; 6. That the proposed use fs property ono for wh(ch a corxiitio~al usR permit Is authorf~.ed by the ?oninp Code; /. That the proposed use will not advsrse!y aflc+ct tho acijofning land uses and the gr ~wth and umr~lopment of the area in which it is proposad to be located becauso the outside ordering device (spuaker) will -iot be utilized between the houra oi midnight arxf 7•00 a.n ~rxl that desibn meesures idenlifi~ J In the noise ~tucly will be implomented as iderrtNietf in th~ corxli: •~ of approval; p. That the size and stwpe of the slte tor the (~roposed use is adoquate to allaw the full dovelupmerrt ot the proposed use in ct rr~nner not detrimantal to the parti~:ular area nor to the peace, health, saf~ty and general weltare; g. That the traflic generate~ by tt~e pro~osed use will not imposo an urxlue burden upon the strRets ~nd highwayg designed and irnproved to carry the trailic in ~he area; 10. Thet the granting ot the cnnditional use permit under tt~e corxiitions imposecl will not ba detrirnenlal to the peace, Ixalth, scsfety and general wellAre ol the citizens ol thA Cky of P.rWheim, and 11. 1'hat no one Indicat~d their presence at saki p~iblic hea~ing tn opposition; 8rx1 that n~ corr~^oondenc~ wns received in oppositio~i to the sub~ect pethfon. ~ALI~ONL~IA ENVIt10NMEMAL oI~ALItY A~~PlL~~ 7tu~t t!~e AnahQlrr~ City Planniny Commissfon hes reviowod tl~e pro{,osal to pormit a~,989 sq K. drtve•through restaurant within an existfng commercial retail csnter wNh walvars o1 minlrnum numlxtr ot ~rking apaces arxf mfnimum iandscaped s~tt+ack ad~a~nt b a rc+~irtnmlal zonFt k~oundary on a rectang~Iartyahaped parcol M land cottslslin~ a~ ~ppro,cimat~{y 18.6 acros Iocate0 at the soulheast comer of Katd~a Aven~~e erxl Euc~fd Street, hsving aparoximate trontagcs of ~~~0 ~eel on the so:.1h s~le of Ka!el~a AvenuQ arxl 600 t~sW cx- the eas ~Q t e Euclid 5tn!i!t, arxf lurther dc3acnL•ecf as t600-18~J6 1Yest Katella Avenue: and doea har~aby apfN Neqative Declaration upon firxJinU that the dedaratlon rellects thn irxleFendent j~dgomont of thR I:iad agency anA that ft ha~ ~naidarecl the Negatw~e Uetlaretbn together with any comments receivacf d~ufnq the ~sublic r~~ prOCess an6 fuRher tirxfing on ttw betis ot the inNia! atucly ond ~ny u~.+mr,rents recolvad ti-~t lhnre is no s~~bstanttal avide~~ce tF-At tf+e pro~~ect will havH a si~n:!'ic.ti!tt eHeGt on the e~TVircxm~ent. -?. • P~'~f • 12Ef N01rV, 'fHEREPORE, 8E ~T HCSOLVEQ that thu Anaheirn City Plannir.g Commiaslon ~ooa hereby grant sub~ect Patitiori for Corc'.:tior.al Use Permit, upon tho (ollowing conditluns which are he~~oy found to b~ a necessary prerequisit~i ;a the proposed uso of ihe subJoct property in order to preservs tho sAfety and gonerai weltar~ of tho G~tizans of the City of Anetieim: 1. That any f~~eostanding s!~r~r.ge proposed +or sub~ect facllity s'na~l ba Ilmited to v-hat i•a ,peaSilcelly illustrated c~r; the submitted end approvod oxhibfts. 2. That a plan s~ioet to~ soHd wASte storaflc~ and cotlsction and a plan for recycling shall be submitted to the !)epartment of Maintenance for review and approval. 3. That the legal owner of sub~ect property shall dedic;ate ;o the City of Anahelm a five (5) (not wido public utility easement ad;acent to tho east property lino, a4 requlred by the Utilitles Department. A. That subject pr~perty shall bo developed substan:ially in accordance with pl~ns and specifications submitted to tF~~ City af Anaheim by the petitioner and which plans ere on file with the Plannin~ Oepart-nent marked Revision tJo. 2 of Exhibft No. 1, Re~iision No. 1 ot Exhibit No. 3, and Exhibtt Nos, 2, 4 and 5. ,. That prfor to Issuance of a bullding permit or withln a period of une (1) year from the date of this -esolution, wh)chevor occurs Hrst, Condition Nos. 2, 3, 7 ancl 10, her~in•rnentioned, shall be compliecl wfth. Extonsions for further Hma to complete said conditlons may be grantocS in acco~rJanct~ with Se~tion 18.03.090 ot the Arahelm Municipal ~ode. 6. Tliat a unilormed security guard shalt ba prosent at the subject restaurant as requfrecl by the Code Enforcement Dfvisfon to prevant loiterfng and nufse dfsturbartces. 7. TFwt plans submitted to tlie Buitding Uivfsion shall 3how Ihe following: a) Installatfon of sound absorption panels on the east boundary wali adjacent to the resfdentlal areA end opposit~ iha speaker board. b) Signage requesting petrons to lowar their rndio vdurno on approach to the speakor boani. c) The speaker board souncl systom shal: be designocf with day and niflht settfngs that ~+ro~uc~ not more than sixty (6G) dB at ihe proporty line. Sakf systam sha~l be des~gnEd such tht~t the vd~~me acl~ustment is controlled lrom inside the restaurant. t3. Tnat night time tio::~•s of oMsr~ttfo~ tar t:~e drive•through wirxlc~w betwden 9 p.m. arxl 7 a.m. shall be dn~ermined by Ihe Code EMorcement Divisi~n, guided by tho neuJ to protect ad~acent resirJences Irom unwarranted nipht time noise. 9. 7hat the applicant shall pay (cx any Code Eniorcement Inspecuona resulting trom cnmplaims received from acl~ac~eM neighbors. 10. Th.~t an unsubonlinat~d reciprocal acceas arxl {~arklnU agraernern in a form satisfsctory to the Chy Attorney shah bo racordetf v-ith tho ONice of the Orang~ County Recorcier. A co~y of Iho recardecl agreement shall bo submitted to ihe Zoning Divisian. t t. That pr~or tu tins~I buRding and zor~ng inspectbns. Condition Nos. t and 4, abcv~•meminned, sha(I be ~ompllM wHh. .g- PC'34•128 1?.. That apprnval of thls application constiti~tes approval oi th~ proposod request only to the extont tha~ it complles with the AnAheim Munlcipal Zoninp Code and any other appticable C?!y, Stato and Federal regula~ions. Approv~l doea not Include any action or }indlnfls ~s to compllAnco or approval uf tho roquest regarding nm~ other applicable ordinance, rogulatlun or requlrement. BF IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Cnmm(ssfon does hereby (ind end detormine that adoption of thls Resolution Is expressly preciiccited u~o~ &~plic~ant's compilance with each and all of the conditlons heroint~bove set (orth. Sl~ould any such conditlon, or any part thereof, be declared invelid or uneniarceable by the 11na1 Judgment of any court of competoM jurfsd(ctian, then this Re~olution, and any approvals herefn contained, shall be deemed null end vold. THE: FOREGOING RESOL~JTION was ~tdopted at the Planntng Commisslon meettnc~ uf Septomber t9, 1994. ~ i; ,. ~/~~ ~~.c.a//~ „ ~ G~~d.~tc '.~.,~ CHAIRWOMAN AN/I~iEIM CITY LAN~IING COMMISSlON ATTFST: r ' 1~ ,~ , /1 ~c~ i~'s-z _i / CRETARY, A AN H~rA CITY PLANhfING COMMISSION ~/ '~~ S7ATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF CRANGE ) a~. CI7Y OF ANAHEIM j I, Jangt L. Jensen, Secretary of the Anaheirn City Planning Commisslan, clo hereby certify that the fore~oing rosolution was pass~i and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim Cfty r~lann(ng Commission held on September 1~, 1994, by ihe tollowing vote oi th~ mornbors thereof: AYES: COMMIS~IONERS: BOYDSTUN, CALDWELL, HENNINGER, MAYER, MESSE, PEFiA7J1 NOFS: COMMISSIQNERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: TAIT ~, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hava hereunto aet my hand thls ~~ day M ~''y~ .r ,. J 1994. i j i~ . . J.. . .C~RY, A~ti: M CITY PLANNING COMMISSION .~. P~:94•1?.f;