Resolution-PC 94-133RES 1U710N NQ. PC9~~ A RESOLUI'ION OF T~iE AiJAHEIM CI7Y PIANNING COMMISSIOtJ AMENDINr CERTAIN CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL rJF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3675 WHEREAS, on May 2,1994 thA Anahoim City Planning Commission approved Conditional Use Permit No. 3f75 under Resolution No. PCJ4•51 permittfng a private educatlonal tacility for ninth thro~igh twelfth grade with a car~taker's unit and walver ot minimum number ol parking spaces on property locat4d on tt~o west sido ot Sequoia Avenua, approxlmately 130 teet west of the centerline of Brookhurst Street ancl turthe! doscribed as 2200 West Sequoia Avenue; ;~nd WHERE.4S, safd Resolution No. PC94•51 Includes the following corxiftinns of approva'~ That there shall be a maximum student enrollmei~t of three hundred fffty (350) studonts, a maximum of eighteen (18) tQachers, and a maximum of nine hundred (900) square teet ot oHice use. 6. '~hat a minfmum ot eighty throe (f33) on•site parking spnces shatl be providod (and shown on the plans submitted for b~llding permits); that all employees and students sliall park on•site; arxf that the scliool's a~Jministration shall Ilmft student parking throuCh ttie use ot parking pgrmits so that thera is no overtto~v ~arking onto ad~acont public streets. :":~EREAS, on August 26, 19~1, Davfd R. :~cks~n, Exor,utFrQ Oirector of Fatrmont Privata Schoda, roq~ested ampndment to Condition N~~s. 1 and 6, p~oposir,.• that 80 parkin{~ spaces in3tead o( th~ 83 parkfng spar.es be provkleti (~s curr~ntly required by Cnndition No. 6) and that the maximum permitted numner of tvachers be reducad by three (Ir~m 1810 15) to compcsnsat~ for 3 fewer parking spaces and lu ~irovido parkinq in accardance wfth Code requirernents (ono parking spa~o required for oech non•oRice ernployee). as follows: 7HEREFORE, Fetitioner requests that the wording tor Conditions NUS. 1 and a be amencfed •1. 7hat there shall bs a maximum student enrdlment of three ht,ncired litty (350) studonts, a maxirnum numbar ol eighWgn~igl 'lJlte9il Lt a~ taACl~ers, nnd a max~mum of nMu hunclrod (900) uquare feet of oHice use. "8. That a minimum ct Ai~t-ty~~p~ee afpMv (801 on•sitg parkir~g spaces sliall be prw`d~~cf (arni shown on Ihe plar.s submitted far buNding permits): that :~II omployees nnd stuctents ahall park on•sita: and that Iha school's a~tminiatr.~tfon shall limit ~ludent p.uking through the use d parking permits ao that there ia no ovQ~iow p~rking onto ad~ac~rn pubbr, stree:s.' WHERFAS, the City Ftanning Comniission did t~old a puWic hc-arinfl at the Civic CoMer In itio CKy of Arwh~im on OGober 3, 19~}4, al t~30 p.m.. ~otico of saicl public t~.ariny having been duly fliven 9~ requ'uaf by law antl in accordancA wilh th~f provfsions of Ihe Anahei,~ (dunicip3l Cod~-. Cha~ter 18.0~, lo hear and aonskler ~viclonr.tt lor and againat said propr:secl amw~lment arxf lo fnvasUQato pnd make fincfinVs and rer,ommc!ndalions fn conncs.tbn therawhh; and CR2207MS.wp .1. PCSJd• t a3 VVHEREAS, said Commissi~n, after duo inspactlon, invastigatiun and study rn~cle by itself and in its behalf, And after dua considQration of all ovfdenco and repoit~ oNered at safd tiearinp, does iind and determine the following facts: t. That the proposed use, as amc~ndeci, is p~ooorly one tor which a conddlona~ uso permit is authorized by the Zoning Calo; 2. Thsat the prnposecJ use, as amended, will not adver~ely aBoct the sdj~ining land uses and the gmwth and deveiopment M the area In which it is proposed to be locateci because the proposed modifications c1o not create any slgniticant changes to the oriyfnal re:~uost approvod by tho Planning Commission and th~ proposed mocfifications cortform to current Code requfremAnts for parking; 3. That the slze and shapo ot the site tor the proposed use, as amonded, Is adequate to allow the tull dovelopment of tho propost~d use tn a manner nut dotrimenta! to the part(cular area nor tn tt~e paace, health, safety and general welfare; 4. That thQ traHic genera;ed by the proposc~ci use, as Amendai, will not impose an undue burden upon the stre~ts and highv~ays designed anci improved to carry the traHic In the area; 5. That the granting of the conditfonal use permit under ihe conditlons irnpcsal wfll not be detrimontal to the peace, health, safoty and goneral welfare ot the r,itizens of the City of Anahelm; and 6. That no one irxficated thefr presence at sald public hsaring in oppos(tion; And that no correapondanco was r9cen~ed in oppositlon t~ tho subJact patitfon. ~Al F RNI ENVIRGNME~~~J~LITY~CT FIN~ING: That the Anaheim City Planning Commission has reviewec! the proposal to amend Conditlrn~ Nog. t arxi 6 of Resduiton No. P~94-51 pertaining to tho m;ucimum number of taachers and minimum number of parking sp~ces for a proviously approved private educatlonal far,ilily and does hereby ifrxf tl~at the Negati~e Oeclaration proviousiy approved fn r.onnectfon with Conditional Use Permit No. 3675 is adequate to servQ as the required errvironmental documontation in connection witl~ this raquQSt upon lindl~g that the declsratlon rellecta the inclependent judgernent uf tho lead agency and that it has considered tl~e Nogattve Declaration tugother with a~y comments recetved during tho public ra~~lew process and lurther findinp on the basia of the initia! study and any comments recefved that there is no gubstantial evidence ttx+t the pro~ect will have a ~(gnHfcant a:tect on tho omironment. NOW, THEFlEFGRE, BG It RESOLVED that the Anaheim City F'lanniny Commissfon doas harQby t+merxl Cundilfon Nos. t and 6 of RescNution No. PC9~•51 to read as (ollowq: 't. That thgre shall bo a maximum student enrdiment of threo hundre~l Iffty ;350) atudunts, a maximum of (iReen (t5) tQach~~s, a~xl a maximum at nino hurtiarF±d (900) squa-a (uet of otlica use. R 'fhat e minimum of efghty (80) on•site parking a~ces sha!I tx± Prrn+iclbcf (drx~ sho~n'n on ihe ~!ans subrnitted tor building permits); that 211 employeos and stuclenta shall park on•aRe; ancl tl~at tho ac1~oW's s~dminlstratian shali limh student ~arking thiough the usE- of perking permits so thaf therg fs no ove~low parkin9 amo ad~acent put~lic streuts.' .2. PCfid • 133 THt FOREGOING RESOLU'~ION was adopted at th~ Plannf~tig Commisslon meeting of October 3, 1994. ry ~ ,f~ ~ , .~(i) .~ /~GL~~ C AIRWQ AN, ANAHEIM CITY P NNING CdMMIsSION ATTES ~/1 „ ` ?~ SECR ARY, ANAH~I CiTY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CAl.IFORfJIA ) COUNTY GF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L Harrls, SHCretary ot the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby ~:ertffy that tho foregof~g resolutlon was passed and adopted at a meet(ng o( the Anaheim Chy Planninq Commisston held on October 3, 1994, by the following vote of the mombers thureof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOYDSTUN, CAIDWELL, MAYEN. FERAZA NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISS~ONERS: HENNItJ~ER, MESSF, TAIT ~ ~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, i have horeunto sot m~~ har,d this ~ day of 1934. 1 _ ~ , . Q,l.~,~~ SECR ARY, ANAHEIM CITY F'LANNINd COMMISSIOP! .3. P~94•133