Resolution-PC 94-145RE ' L TI N ~ . P A-1 ~i A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION AMENDING CERTAIN CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF CONDITIONAL USE FERMIT ~10. 2628 WHEREAS, on Decomber 4, 1984 the Anaheim Clty Council approved Conditional Uso Permit No. 2G28 under Rosolution No. a4R-471 pormitting a truck repalr facility with waiver of minimum number of parking spaces, for a period of five (5) year~, follawin~ approval by the Planning Commisslon on October 15, 198~1. Subject property is located between the Unlon Pacific RailroAd and Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad rights-of-way and Is iurther described as 711 EaSt Sycamoro Streot; and WHEREAS, said Hesnlution tVo. 84R-A71 includes the followinc~ condition of approval: "12. That this permit shall oxpire at the end of fivo (5) years, on pecembor 4, 1~389," WHEREAS, the petitioner requests modification or deletion of said condition of approvat percafning to tho Iimftation of time to ro:ain a truck repair facility at 711 East Sycamore Straat; and WHFRENS, the City Planning Commission did hold a publ(c hearing at the Cfvic Center in the City of Anaheim on October 31, 1994, at 1:30 p.m„ notEce of safd public hear(ng having been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the provisfons af the Anaheim Municipal Ccxlo, Chapter 18.03, to hear and r.o~isider ev!dence for and against said proposed amendment 2nd to investigate and make findin~s and recnmmendations in connection tharewith; and WF-IERFAS, said Commisslon, after due inspection, investigation and study mede by Itsoif and in its behalf, and after dua consideratlon of all ovidence and reports oHer3d at sr~id hearing, does find and cietermfna the foliowing facts: 1, That subject use permit is being exercised in a manner not detrimental to the particular r~rea and surrounding land uses, nor to the public poace, health, safety and general walfare; 2. That the use Is hereby approvcxJ for another 5 years to expire on Dacemb~r 4, 1999; and 3. That no one (ndicat~d their presence ~t s~~id public hearing in opposition; and that no correspondonce was recefved in uppositlon to the subJect Fetftion. ,~AL.IF RNIA ~PJVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT FINDING: That tho Anaheim City Plannin~ Commissfon lias reviswed ttie proposal to Amend Condition tJo. 12 of Resolutlon No. 84R-471 ta retain a tnick ropair tacility and does heroby (ind that the Negative Declara'iun previously approved in connection with Conciitiorial Use F'ermft No. 2628 fs adequate to serve as the r3quired environmental documentatlon fn cunnectior~ with this request u~on finding that the declaradon refi~•cts the independent ~udgement of tho lead ac~ency~ and that it has considered tFie Negative Declaratlr:, together with eny comments received during tho public revlew process and turther finding on the :,asis of the initial study and any comrnents rece!ved that there is no substsntfal ovidence tliat tho projact w(II have a signfficant alfect on tho or.vfronmant. NOW, THEREFORE, BE !7 RESOLVED that the Anahoim City Planning Cummiss(nn do~s hereby amoncJ Condition No. 12 of R~solut(on N~. 84R~47t to read as tcllnws: t2. The subjoct condttfonal use p~rmit is hereGy granted tor a perlod of tive (5) years to oxpire on Decomher 4, 1999. CFi2231 MS.wp -1- P(~4-145 THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was adopted at the Planning Commission meotfng of October 31, 1994. ~ ,eci.;~ ~-~ C AIRWO AN, ANAHEIM CITY PLA NING COMMISSIOIV ATTEST: ~ ~' -~ ~~ ~~-~'~~~n. : . SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY nF ORANGE ) s,. CITY OF ANI~MEIM ) I, Edith L. Harrls, Secretary oi the Anahefm City Planning Commisslon, do hereby cortity that the foregoing resalution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission heid on October 31, 1994, by thH follow~ng vote of the membars thereof: AYES: CUMMISSIONERS; BOYDS7UN, CALDWELL, HENNINGER, MAYER, MESSE, PERA7.A, TAIT NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hersunto set my hand this ~- (~ day of _~,.~.,. ~1, .- 1994. ~ ~ ~ 1 --~'---l=t~`L,~... . SEL~ ARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLA~:NING COMMIS510N ~ i -2- PC94-145