Resolution-PC 94-147RESqLUTION N0. PC94-147 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLl~NNING CUMMISStON TNAT PETITION FUR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3726 BE GRANTED V~~HEREAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission did receive a verified Netitlon for Conditional Use Pormft for certain real praperty s4tuated fn tho Lity of Anaheim, ~ounty of Orango, St~to of Colifornla, described as: PARCEL A: PARCELS 2, 3 AND 5, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF ORANG[, STAT~ OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN ON A MAP RECOR~ED IN BOOK 175, PAGES 26 AND 29 OF PARCEL MAPB, IN '~HE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAIU COUNTY. PARCEL B: PARCEL 4, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, COUN'fY OF ORAN~3E, STATE OF CAL{FOHNIA, AS SHOWN ON A MAP RECORDED IN BGOK 175, PAGES 28 ANO 29 OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SA1D COUNTY. WHEREAS, the City Planning Commfssion did hold a public hearing At tho Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on October 31, 1'~94 at 1:30 p.m., notico of sald public hearing having beon duly given as requirad by law and in accordanco with the provislons of the Anaheim Municipal Cnde, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidenc9 for and against said proposed conditional use permit ard to Investigato and make tlndings and roGOmmendations in connection therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, aRer due Inspection, investigation and study made by itself and in its bahalf, and after rlu9 consideretion uf all evidence and reports offered ai safd hear(ng, does find and determine the foilowing facts: 1. That the proposeci use is properly one for which a conditlonal use permit is authurized by Anaheim Mun(cipal Code Sectiori to expand a prevlously approved private educational Institution as an accessory use of an existing church facility; 2. That the proposed use Is properly one for which a conditional use permit is authorizod by the Zoning Code because, although the proposed school is not affiliated with the existing church, it is an accessa~ ~ use in terms of its proposed locatfon inside an exlsting buildfny; 3. That the proposed use will not adversely affect the adjoining land uses end the growth and development of the area in whicl~ it is proposed to be located because an accessory church-ro!ated educational facility aiready exists on subject proparty in conjunction with the oxisting church; 4. That the size and shape of tlie sfte for the propasad use fs adequate to all~w the full devolopment of the propased use in a manner not detrimantal to the particular aroa nor to the peace, health, safety, and general welfare because the proposed private educational facility will operate during timo periods when the primary church use is not in operation and that he proposal is accassury to the existing church and will be located ins(de an existing bufiding; 5. That the traffic genorated by the proposed use w,!I not fmpose an undue burden upon tho streets an.i liighways designed and imprnved to carry the traHic in the area; CR2233MS.WP -1- PC94-147 ~. Th~~t the grantiny of tl~e conditionnl use permit undar the conditions Imposed will not be d~trimental to the peace, health, safety and goneral wolfare af Ilio citizons of tho City of Anaheim; and 7. That no one indicatecl their presonce at said p~~lic hearin~ (n opposft(on; and tha- no c~~rrespondence was received in opposition to the sub~e~t pAtitiun. C~IFURNIA ~N.. Iy~ONMENTAL QZALITY ACY FINDIy~: 7hat the Anahoim City Plann(nq Commission has reviewod the prop~sal to exparxl a previously a~proved privat~ ed~catlonal institution as an accesscry use cf an existin41 cl~urch facflity on a rectangularty shapc~ parce! oF land consisting of approximately 23.08 acros having an approximato irontage of 1238 foot on the south side oi la Palmo Avenue, liaving a maximum aepth ot approx(mately 860 fe~t, bo;nc~ located approximately 2,370 fgot west of the centerlfne oi Im~orial Htghway and lurther dascribed as 5300 East La P~Ima Avenue; and dces hereby .ipprove the Ne~ativo Declaration upon iinding that the decla~ati~n reflocts the in~ependent judgQment of the lead agency and :hat it has consi~iered the Negative Doclaration to{~other wRti any r,omments rc~ceivod clurin~ the public ~eview process and turther finding on ihe basis of the fnitial study and any cornments receivRd that there Is n~ substantial ovldence that the projQCt will have a siqnBicnnt effect on the ~nvironment. NOJV, THEREFORE, BE IT RESGLVED that tho Anaheim City Planning Commission does ~ioraby grant sub~ect Patition for Corxiillanal Usa Permit, up~n tho followir-g conditions which are hereby (ourxi to be a necessary prerequisite to the propo3ed ~~e of the sub~uct property in order t~ preserve the safety and goneral weltare ot the Citizens of the City of Anahairn: t. That subject conefitfonal use parmit shall remain Ire QHect onl; .• mg as it remains as s~n accessory use to the primary church uger of the h,uilding (Vinoyarcf Chr ~ Felirnvship). 2. That plans shail be submittecl to the City Traliic and 7rnnsportatian Manager tor his review and approval shnw~ng conforman. with tho current versfons ~t E.nqineorinq Sla~xiard Pt~n Nus. 438 and Ep2 pertaining to ~arking atandards and driveway ~ocatton. Sub~ect p-opc3rty shall thcsreupon be deve ~p~:d and maintained (n conformance whh 3ak1 plans. Th~ proposal tanclern parking spaces shall be etiminatcxf a~d the Coda required landscapo ~lanters si~al! be pravided wb.i~in any new parkiny area. 3. That a pl~n sh~et ta sdid waste storage nncf colteclfon ai~d a p~en (or rQC;ycling shall tx~ submittecl ta the DepartmE~nt oi Maintenanco lor rrvievi and approval. 4. That ary proposed lreesianding sipn on subiect cxoperiy shall be a monument•type not oxceading aig~it (a) test In hei~ht arxl shall t~e sub;ect to t~~e review and approva: of the City Trailic; ancl Tranaportatfon M~natiier to determine adoquate linas•ot-sigM. 5. Ttu+t subject propeny stiall I~e developed substantL~lly in accordanco with ~~lano ar~d speclNct~tions submittcsd to the Ci1}~ of Anaheim hy the petitionar arxf which plans are on tile whh tho Planning DQp~rtment rnarY.ec1 Exhibit Nos. t through 3. K. Th.~l enrdlr~ent c~t sub~ect fchcol sh.ill bo Iirnit~Kf to lour hund~etl fifty (450) studenta. ~ l. That prior to comrnencement d Itxs eclNtty authorizr±~! by this ro:u~lulion, ~r prior to lasuance ot a build~ng permN, or within a periat oi ond (11 yea! Irom thA datd ol ~his rasc~ut!on, whichwor occura (irat. Conditbn Noa. 2 and 3, above•msn~ionad. shall -w campl~al with. Extnnalons tor lu-lhar timo ,y+.~ to Com~41e naid conditions may bo grantc~l in acccxdancts wNh Suction t0.0~,Of~O M thu Anahe~m hiunicipal Coclc. 8 'hat pric~r to lh~al bu~'ding arxf zon!n~ inspc~tiona. Caruf~icn No. 5, ab~+o~menticx~o~. ehali be com{~+iecl with. - ,2. PC9n•147 9, 7hat approval of this applirstion constitutes approva, af ti~e proposecl lecable Cft ly State arn Fecld al it compiias with the Anahe'm, Municipal Zoning Code and any othar app Y~ rogulatlons. Approval does not Include Any action or iindings as to cornpllar.ce or approval of tho request reqarding any other applicablo ordinance, reflulaNon or requirement. BE IT F~~, i HER RESOLVED that the Anahelrn City Plar.ninp Commisslon does hereby tind and detormirte that adoption o( this Resolution Is expressly predicated upon applicant's compUance with each and all of tho conditions herelnabove set (orth. Should any such conditlon, or any part theraof, be deciared (nvalid ur unon'orc~ablo by the 11na1 judgmont of any court of com~etent Jurisdicti~n, then thi~ Resolution, and any approvals here(n contained, shall be deemed null and void. THE FOREGOING RESOLU'TION was bdo~ted at tt~o Plann(ng Commission rnaeting of October 31, 1994. ~/ ~ L ,Y~UiI G ~'~~it,~.~/ CHAIRWO AN ANAHEIM CITY P NNINd COMMISSION ATI'EST~ , , , 4.~' ,.4 ~~'`-r~ ~~ ~~;• ~-, SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY P NNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANG~ ) ss• CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, EdNh L.Narrls, Se retary o( the Anahelm City Planning Commission, do hereby certity that thg loreqofng rosolution was passed and adopted dt a meeting of the Anaheim Cfty Planning Commissf~n held on October ~t, 1994. bY the following vote of the members thereai: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOYDSTUN, CALDWELL, HENNINGER, MAYER, PERAZA; TAIT NOES: COMMlSSIONERS: MESSE ABSENT: COMN.~SSIONERS: NOfJE IN WI7NESS WHEREOF, I have herQUnto set my har~1 this ' f~ daY af ~.(~.~~" .!~_ 1994 ~--- ~~ ~,~ ~~c ~ t/~ ;r - SECR ARY, ANAHE{M CITY PLANNING CO'~MI$SION -~• PC94-147