Resolution-PC 94-151Rk LUTION NO. F' 41 1 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEINI CiTY PLANNING COMMISSION THAT P~TITiON FOR CONDITIONAI. USE F~ERMIT N0. 372a BE GRANTED WHEREAS, the Anahoim City Planning Commfssion did rer.eive a verifled Petitlon ior L'onditional Use Permit for cortain real property sftuated in the City of Anah4lm, County of Ordnge, State of California, describ~ci as: THAT PORTION OF 7HE WEST HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST ~UARTER OF S~CTION 8, TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTIi, HANGE 10 WEuT, IN THE RANCI-10 LOS Cf~YOTES, A5 SHOWN ON A P~1AP REC4RDED IN BOOK 51, PAGE 10 UF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, RECO{~OS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGiNNING AT THE INTERSEC710N OF 7HE EASTERLY LINE OF THE SAID WEST HALF OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARfEP. OF SECTION S VJITH THE SOUTHWES7ERLY LINE QF THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC: RAILROAD RIGHT-OF- WAY, 70.00 FEET WIDE; THFNCE ALONG THE SAiD EASTEqLY LINE OF TFIG WEST HAL~ OF THE SOUTIiEAST QUAF, I'ER OF SECTION 8, SOUTH 0 DEG. OS' 37" EAST 412.72 FGET; THENCE ~17 RIGHT ANGLES SOUTH 89 DEG. 51' 23" WEST 400.00 FEET; THENCE NOR71-I 0 DEG. OEl' 37" WEST 676.28 FEET TO THE SAID SOUThiWES7ERLY LINE OF SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD RIGHT•QF- WAY; THENC[ ALONG THE SAID SOU7HWESTERLY LINE SOUTH 56 DEC. A5' •16" EAST 479,02 FEET TO THE PQINT OF BEGINNING. WHEREAS, the City Pfanning Commission did hold a public hearfng at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on Cct~ber 31, t394 at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hioaring having been duly givon as required by law ~nd in accordanco with the provisions of the Anahaim Municipal Ccn~e, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidence for and against :,~:id proposed conditior~af use ~ermit and to investigate and make tindings and recommondations in c.onnec:tion therewith; and that subf ect public hearing was continued to the November t4, 1994 Plannfng Commisslon meeting; a~ WHEREAS, said Commfssion, after due inspection, investigation and study made by itseti and in its belial(, and after due consideration of all ev(dence and repoKs offered at said hearln4, doos find and deturmire the follow(ng facts: 1. That the proposed use is properly one for which a conditional use p~rrnit is authorized by Anaheim Munfcipal Code Section to permit an approxim~tely 38,000 sq.ft. church facility in the ML "Industrial, LimitQd" Zone; 2. That the proposod use is preperly one for whfch a conditfonal use permit is authorizod by the loniny Code; 3. That the pruposed use wfll not ~dverseiy affect the adjoining lar~d uses and the growth and cievelopment of the area in •.vhlch !t is proposed to bs located ber,ause it conForms with ali appticable site development stand~rds; 4. That tfie size and shapo of the sitQ for tho propcsed use is adequate tu atlow the lull devel~pment of thQ propused use in a rnanner not detrimental to tt~o particular area nor to the peace, health, s~fety, and general wnlf~rc~ becausa sub(ect site is large enough to easily accommod~to the proposat and the exist!ng maturP landscaping will be retai;~od; CR22~OMS.WF •t- PC94 151 5. That the traffic ,yoneratod by the pro~~osed uso wlll not impose an undue burdon upon tho streets and hic~hways desic~nad and irnproved to carry the traffic In the area; 6. 7hat tho grantin~ of the conditional use permit under the conditions imposod wili not be dotrimental to tho peace, healtli, safety and c~e~ieral wolfare of the cftizens of the City of Anaheim; and 7. That no one indicated their presence at said public hearing in opposition; and that rio corrospondence was rocoived in opposition to the subject petidon. ALIr RNIA ENVIRONMENTAL ALITY ACT FINDING: That the Anahelm City Planning Cornmission has revi~wed the pro~osat to permit an a~proximatoly 38,000 sq,ft. cliurch f~cility in tha ML "Industrial, L.imited" ZonQ on an irregularly-shapod parcel of land consisting of approximately 5.01 acres, tiavln~ a frontage of approxirnately 676 feet on tho Qast sicle o! Crescent Way, having a maxlmum depth ol approximately 400 foet, being locatec! approximately 380 feet north rovethe Neg tfvefDeclaralt on upon !urther described as 412 North Crescent Way; 2nd does hereby app (inding that the declaration reflects the independont judgement of tho iead agency and that it has considvrod the Negative Declaratlon toc7ether with any cortiments recc~ived during the publlc revlew process ancl furth~r finding on the basis of ihe initial study and any commonts rece(ved tliat there is no substantlal evidence that the proJect will havo a significant eHect on tho en•rironment. NO~V, THEREFOHE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby grant subJect Petit~on for Conditio~al Use PermiY, upon the following conditions which are hereby found to be a necossary prerequisite to tho proposed use of the subjact oroperty in order to presarve the safaty and general welfare of ttie Citizens of the City of Anaheim: 1, Tl~at the permitted freestandinc~ si9n shall be limited to a ton (1U) squaro fuot sign mountod on tho porimeter wall as illustrated on Exhibit No. 3. 2, fhat prior to issuance of a building permit far Phase 2, a fee, in the amount of three hundred fourtoen dol!ars and fffty cents ($314.50) per one thousand (1,000) square feet of building addition, shall be paid to thQ Cfty of Anaheim for sewer capacity mftigation. 3. That a traffic signal assessment fee eq~alin,y the differenco between the industrial and church assessrrient f~es shall be paid to the City of Anaheim in an amount as established by City Council. 4, That prior to the fssuance of a bufidinc~ permit, the daveloper shall pay a traffic and transportstion improvemeiit tee to tha Traffic Engineering Givision of the City uf Anahdim in an amuunt establist~ed by the City Council resolution. This fee will be used to fund traffic and transportation improvamonts withfn the area fmpactQd by this project. Said tee shall be subJect to adJustment by the City Councfl. 5. That tfie pole sign located at the nortliwQSt carner of the property shall be removed. 6. Tt;at all remairdng driveways shall bo reconstructed to accommodate ten (10) faot radius curb returns in conformance with Engineo~ing D~partment Standards, 7, Tha~. a plan sheet for sclid waste storage and ca~loctfon and a plan (or rec;~rling shall bo submitted to the Department of Maintanance ~or roview and approval. g. That subject property shall be developed substantially in accordance with plans and spocifications suhmitted tu th~ City oi Anaheim by the petiti;,ner and which plans are on fiie with the Planniny Department ma~kecl Exhibit Nos. 1 througri 4, .2. PC94-151 J. That prior to cammencernent uf the ac tivity autliorized by this reso!ution or ~vithin e periurl of ane (1) year (rom the date o~ this resoluti~n, whichever occurs first, Condition Nos. 3, 3, 6, 7 and 8, anave-mentionod, shall be aomplied ~vith. Extensions for further time to cc~mplete ~;aid conditions may bo granted in sccardanco with f;octi~n 1A.03.090 of tho AnAhoim sVlun~clpal Cade. 10. That apprr~val of this appllcatlan conatitutes approval ot the proposed requ~3st only to the oxtent tfiat it complies with the AnahQfm Munici',al Zoning Code and any other applicaf~le City, fitate ~nd Federal regulatioris. Appro~~al does not Include any actiori or fi~idfnc~s as tu compllance or approval of tlie request regarding any othor appllcabie ordinance, reyulat(on or requfrerr,ent. BE IT FURTHER RESO~VE~ that tho Anaheim City Planninq Gommisslon does hereby fl;id and determine that adoptlon of this H3solution is expressly predicated upon applicant's cornpli~nce with each and zl' of the conditions herein~~bove set forth. Should any such condition, or any part thereof, be doclared invalid or unenf~rceable by~ the iU~al Judgment of any court of co,npetent Jurlsdictlon, thun this Resolution, and any approvals herein cantainod, shall be deerriecl nuil anc' void. THE FOREGQING RESOLUTIO~J was adopted at tfia Plrinn(nfl Commission meoUng of November 14, 199d. ~ : ~'.~~ ~. ~~---~ ~~_'~~__ ~ ' .t'`,.,.' - i CH~IRWOMAN AhJAHtcIM CIT`( LANNING COMMIS~ION arrESr: 1 j i ~ ~;f ~,F ~L8"~c-6'' SECiiETARY, A HEI CITY PLF,NNING CqMMISSION STATE OF CALIFQR~IA ; COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHE~M ) I, Margar'ta ~~I~~rio, Secretary uf the AnaF~eim City Piannir,g Commission, do hereby certify that tha forF;goin~ reso utfon was passAd and adopted at a meetin~7 of tYie Anaheim City Plannfng Commission held on NnvPrnber 14, 1994, by the tollowinc~ vote of tha members thereof: AYES: COMMISS.QN~RS: 80YDS7UN, HENNING[R, ~tAYE.H, AtESSE, PERAZA, TAIT NOES: COMMIS~~IONERS: NONE AgSENT: COMMISsIONERS: CALDWELL IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my t~and this _ ~S~ day of _ ;(~i~YU~'L ~ 1394. ~ ~~n ¢,~ SECHE~ NAIiFIM CITY PIANNING COMMISSION -3- PCy4-151 .-,~. . --•r,.,. /It~• „~~: t _ • f" ..dl`~.. . _ .~ _ ~ ~ ~ai~. . ! .~~^ ' ..{~dl'1~V4y.~P.e'Vh :.