Resolution-PC 94-157RCSOI~~N ~IQ. P~94-~ A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION AMENDING RESOLUTION NA. PCfl7•72 ADOPTED IN CONN[CTIQN WITH CONOITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 2900 (READVE~iTISEQ) WHEREA~, on March 3Q, 1987 the Anaheim City Planning Commission approved CondHional Uso P~rmit No. 2900 under Resolution No. 87Ft-72 to permii autoniotfve detaiUng and preparatlon in an oxis;inq Industrial buildfng at 2E31a East Nliralr~ma Avc~nue wfth waiver of minimun, number af parkin~ spaces on property locatecl un tho south side of Miraloma Avenue ~pproximately 26(~ feet east of centerlir~e of Blue Gum Street; anti WHEREAS, tho potltioner proposes expanding the adJacent automotfve repair shop at 2816 East MiralomA Avenue (approved under Cond!tional Use PArmit No. 3329) Into subJect Industrial unit, thereby necessftatir~g amendment to subJect cur.ditlonal use permit to change ti~e use from automotfve detailir,g and preparat~on to autamotive repair; :~nd WHEREAS, the City Pianr,ing Cammission did hold a public hearing at the Civfc Center In the City of Anaheim nn November 30, 1~, at 1:30 p.m., notice oi said pubtlc hearfn~ having been duly qiven as requlrerJ by law and in accorda~ce with the provislons of the Anaholm Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and cunsider evidance for and against sald proposad amendment and to investigate an~ make finding~ ~nd recomm~ndations in cnnnectlon therewith; and WHER~S, said Commission, after due inspectfon, fnvestigation and study made by itself end in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidenca and reporta offored at sald hearing, dces find ~nd determ(no the tollow(ng facts: 1. That the pdtitloner has requested amendment tu subject condltional use permit to chango the use at 2814 East Mfr~loma A~~enue to automotfve repair under authoriry of Code Sectfon; 2. That, sinco the parking requlrement for tne prevl~usly approved use and tho proposed uso is thQ ~ame, the parking waiver previously approv~ad is the same and rema(ns in effect; 3. 7hat the proposod amonded use will not adversely aNect tho adJoinfng land uses and the growth and develupmeni of the ar~a in whfch ft Is propbsc~d to be locatecf because ttie automobfle repair use lias already operated fn the neighborfng industrial unft without detriment to the surrounding Area and tfiat ~xpandi~g tliat use will have less (mpact :han Swo separate businesues fnsfde the same building; 4. 1'hat the size and shape of the site for the proposed am~ndc~d use is adequete to allow 4he full development of the propcsed use in a mAnner not detrimental to the particular erea nor to the peace, hoalth, safety, and g~noral weliare; 5. That no additional tr~Hic wlll be flonerated by the proposat and, thasofore, an undue burden will not be imposed upan tl~e straets And highwsys designeci and improved to carry traNic in the are~; 9. That ~mendfng the conditinnal us~ permit under the conditlons Impused will not be detrimental to tha ~>eaee, h~alth, ss;foty and ~eneral weliare of the citizens af the City of Anahelm; ond 7. Thac two (2) people indlrat9d their presence at said public hearing En opposition; and thAt na correspond~anr,~ was r~ceNed in opuosition to tho subject petitlon. CR2251 MS.W~' -1- PC94-157 S',~QRNIA ENVIRON~NTP! ~~~~A~ITY ACT FINDIN~: That the Anaheim City Planninq Commission has reviewed the pruposxl and doea hereby ilnd that the NegutNe Doclaratlon previously approved In connectfon wfth Conditional Use Pormit N~. 2900 Is adequate to serve as the req~ired env(ronmentel documontation (n connection with this request upon findin~ th~t the daclaratloR ro8ects the irdependant ~udqement o( the lead agency and that it has considerad the NegaUva DeclAration together with any commonts receNed during :he public review process ancl turthor fir~diny on the basis of ihe Inltiai stucJy and any comments received that there is no substantial evidenco that the project will have a signiticant etiect on the environment. NO`N, THEREFORE, BE IT HESOWED that the Anaheim City Planntng Commis: ~~ does hereby amend Resolutic~n No. PC87-72, as tollows: A. Amend the first Findln~ ot Fact to res~J: ' 1. That tho proposuci use is properly ona tor which a conditional use permft fs authorized by Anahoim Municipal Caie Section to wft: so permft automotNe rups:v in an existing industrfal unft at 2814 East Mfraloma Avenue with waivor ot the !dlowing: ~c~lon~ 18.06.OSJ.0222 - N.inim~m number~_~3rkina suaC@g. 18,06 p50.03t (4A requitod; ,'~. proposed- 1 Q,~Q$Q n t . 't~1.066.050' 3. Add ihe (dlowing threa conditions: "8. Thai four (4) workin~ stalls arxf sevon (~ parking spaces shall t~o provided inside the building at all times. 9. That this busfness shall be IimNad to a rn~ximun• ui seven (7) employeas. t0. That the ovomiqht outsklo storage of ~serL.nai recreatlonal vehfcles pncludfng bc~atsl shnll be prohibftaJ ' TH~ FOREGOING HESOLlIf10N was acloptecl et thQ Plannfng Cc~mmfssion meetin4 of November 30, 1994. ~ ,g~ ~ ~ ~~~ G y ~ i p,IRW MAN, ANAHEI ITY NING COMMISSION A1'iEST: ;~ ~ ., ~ ~`~ > ~ SEC t7AM ,~ANAIi~IM CITY PLAN~11Na COk1MI~510N STATE OF CALIFONNtA ) COUPJTY OF ORANdE ) ss. CItY Of ANAHEtM ) I, Margarita Sdorfo, Secrocary o1 the Anaheim Ciry Planr,iny C:ommisafon, do hereby c~snNy that h~~°~~h~mb~ef 3p n~g~ggA,~by the Idlowfng ote oi h m~embarstha ~ m Gity Plannfnfl ~Cemmfssl~n AY[S: COMMISS(ONER3: BOYD3TUM, CAL~WEI.L, HENNIt~(3EA, MAYER, MESSE. PEFiA7J~. TAIT NOES: COMMISSIONCRS: NON~ ABSENT: COMM13S10NERS: N4NE 1 ,~~~ L~,r , ,9sa. tN WITNESS WHEREOF. I t~ave hereuma 4et mY ha^d this ~( ay A( ~~'",_~. ~J ~ ~ ..., U'i,~'~~ - g~~ Y. I~,FtEI CITY PIANNIMC; COtNM18510N 2 PG94•157