Resolution-PC 94-163RE~QLSJTION NO, PC94-163 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CI7`f F'I.ANNING CUMMISSiON AMENDING CERTAIN CONDITIONS O~ APPNUVAL OF RESOLUTION NOS. PC92-44 AND PC93•53 ADOPTED IN CONNECTIqN WITH CONDI710NAL ~JSE PERMIT NO. 3498 WHEREAS, on April 6, 1992 the Anaheim City Planning Cammission flranted Conditional Use PormfY No. 3498 under Resolutlon No. PC92-44 to retain an automobilo ropair service with waiver of minimum number of parking spacos tor e perlad of one year (to expire on April 6, 1993). 8ubject proRerty Is located at the southeast corner of Arahelm Boulevard and Santa Ana Street and is further doscribed as 5U0 South Anaheim Boule~~ard; And WHEREAS, on May 17, 1993 the Plannirrg Commission amended Condition No. 1 of safd resolution under Resolution No. PCJ3•53, to read: "1. That subJect use permlt sfial! oxpiro on December 3t, 1994; provid9d, howuver, ihat time extensions rnay be rAquosted in connectlon with n public h~aring." WHEREAS, the petitioner has requested to amend said Conditfon hq. 1 to perm(t the uso for an additional five years; and WHEREAS, the City Planning Commtssion dld hol~ a public hearin~ at the Civic Center In the City of Anahelm on December 12, 1994, at 1:30 p.m., notice of sald public hearing having boen duly glven as required by law And in accordance with the provislons of the Anahoim Municlpal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and cons(der ovidence for and agalnst safd praposeci amendment and to Investigate and make find(n~s and recommendatlons In conn~ctfon therewith; and WHEAEAS, sa(d Commission, after due Inspection, Investigation and study made by ftself and in its behall, and after du~ consfderatfon of all evidence and reports oHered at safd hearing, does ftnd and determine the following tacts: 1. That subject conditionai use permit is being oxorcised in a mAnner not detr(m~i~u~l to the partlcular area and the surrounding land uses, nor to the public peace, health, satety pnd gen~ial wolfare; end with regard only to any delotion of a t(me Ilmit~~tion; 2. ThAt Codo En(orcoment Investigation indic,~tos no oxisting violations nor have any violations been reportecl sinca July 199~; and 3. That nn one indicatod their presence at said public hearing in opposition; and that n~ corrospondnnce was receivod (n opposition to the subJect petition. CAI.IFQRNIA ENVIRONMENTAL OUALITY A~j FINDING: That tr~e Anaheim City PlAnning Commisslon has revlewed the proposal ancf daes hereby find that the N~gative Declaratfan previuusly appruved in connection wfth Conditional Usv Permit No. 34J8 fs adequate to serve es the r~ulre~ onvlronmantal dor,umdntatlon In connection wiih thts requost upon finding that the declaration reflec;ts tho Indopendent Judgement of the lead ag~ncy and that it has considered the Negative Deciaration togather with any c;omments racofved during the publfc r9v(r~w process end turlher find(ng on -ho basis of the tnkfal study an~f flny commente recelvod tliat there is no substantial evidenc;e thnt the project wlll have a significant eNect on the ~nvfronment. NOW, 1'HEREFORE, 8E IT RESOLVED that tlie Anaheim City Plannlnp Commlusi~n doos hereby amend Conditlon No. t t~f Resolution N~. PG92•44, os amend~d by Resolution No. PC93-53, to read ns tqllows: t. That sub~act use permit shall sxpire on Decumbor 31, 1999. CR2262MS.wp -1- PC'94"~ 63 THE FOHEGOING RESOLUTION was adoptod at the Planning Con~mission meet~ng of Docember 12, 1894. ~GC.~ : ~~ ~ HAIRW MAN, ANAHEIM CITY LANNIN,: COMMISSION ATTEST: . _ /, ~f/ ~+~ , ~-, S~CRETR Y, ANAHEIM CITY PLA NING COMMISSInN STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY t~F ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAI-1EIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary oE tho P.naheim City Planning Commission, do hereby ~ertity that tl~e toregoing resolutio~ was passed and adopted at ~ meetin~ of the Anahefm City Planning Commission held on December 12, 1994, by the following vote of the members therdof: AYES: COMMISSIANEi~S; BOYDS7UN, CALDWELI., HENNINGER, MAYER, MESSE, PERAZA, TAIT NC`ES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE P.dSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE IN WITNESS WHEFiEOF, I have hereuntn set my hand thls ~ day o __ 1995. ~?~''~^.' ~ ~' . SECR~TARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMFAISSION .2. PC9d•tE33