Resolution-PC 94-3RESOLUT~ON 1`1 .~ PC94-3 A RESCLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PIANNING COMMISSION THAT PETITION FOR VRRIANCE NO. ~t241 BE GRANTED WIiEREAS, the Anahoim City Planning Commission dld receive a veriflec! Petition for Variance for certaln real properry sftuc~tAd in the Ciry oi Anaheim, Co:~n4y of Orange, State of California describ~d as: THA7 PORTION OF BLOCKS ~, B AND C OF THE LrJRELEI TRACT, I~I TNE CITY OF ANAHEIM, COUNI'Y t7F ARANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHUWN ON THE MAP RECORDED IN B~JdK 29, PAGE 24 OF MISCkLI.ANEOUS RECORDS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, TOGETHER WITH THAT PORTION OF BLOCKS D-1 AND E-1 OF Ti-E VIN`',aRD LOTS AS SHOWN ON THE MAP RECORDEG IN BQOK 3, PAGES 109 AND 110 OF MISCELLANEOUS RECOADS OF SAID LOS AI~IGELES COUNTY, ALL LYING SOUTI-IERLY OF LINCOLN AVENUE AS IT NOW F.X15TS AND NORTHERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIDED LINE: BEGINNING AT A P~IP1T ON THE ~:ENTERL.INE OF EAST STREET, SAID PAINT BEING NORTH 14 DEGREES 2P' 42" WEST 179.25 °EET FROM THE CENTE~LINE INTERSECTICN OF SAIQ EAST STREET AND fiA7ADWAY (WEST); THENCE PARALI.EI_ Vvi TH THE CENTERLINE UF SAID BRGADWAY SOUTH 75 DEGREES 28 05' WE.ST 12~1.60 FEET TO THF BEGINNING 7F A CURVE CONC.4VE vORTiiEASTERLY HAVING A RRQIUS OF 20.50 FEET; 1'HENGE NORTHWESTERI.Y AI.ONG SAID CURVE 32.20 FE~1' TNROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 90 DEGN~ES 00' 00"; TMENCE NORTH 14 DEGREES 31' 55" WEST 99.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 75 DEG. 2E' 05" WEST 931.16 FEET; T~iENCE S~UTH 14 DEG. 31' S5' EAST 97.00 FEET TO THE BEGINNING nF A CURVE CONCAV~ NORTFIWESTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 20.50 FEET; THENCE SOUTNWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVr 32.20 FE~"T THROUGH A CEN7RAL ANGE~ UF 9D.00 DE3. 00' 00"; THENCE SOUTH 75 DEG. 28' 05" WEST 84.15 FEET TO A PUINY ON TI-IF C;ENTERLINE OF ORANGE STREET, SAID pQINT BEING PJORTH 1A D~G. 28' 5a" WEST 181.25 FEET FROM THF CENTERLiNE INTEP.SECTION OF SAID ORANGE STREET AND BROADWAY. EXCEPT 7H05~ PORTIOfvS I_YING WITHIh EAST STREET, LINCOLN AVEMUE A~Jh QRANGE STREET. WHEREAS, tfie City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at the Cfvic Cente- ~n tho City of Anahe(m on January 10, 1994, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said publfc hearing havirg been duly glven as required by law t3nd in accordance with the provislons of the Anaheim Municipal Cocfe, Choptor 18.03, to h~ear and consider eviderice for and a~afnst said proposed variance and to investigate and meke findings and recommen~ations in connection thsrewith; and WHEREAS, said Commfssion, atter due inspection, investigation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due consideratfon of all evidence and reports offered at sald hearing, does flnd and datermine the foli~.ring facts: -1 • PC94-3 CR1~J90MS.WP t, Thet tl~e potitioner proposes waivers oi tho lotlewin~ to construct an 87-unlt, 2-story, RM- 3000 (Residentlal, Multiple Family) zunod detached condominium development: (a) tion 1 1 t - J~ot t t~°ubliS~,gl~• (All ~ots required to abut a p~lic stre~; 87 lots abuttinfl, rn tvate tg f00tg proposed) (b) ~ctions t. 4. 4 ~1Q2 • Maximum Fence helaht. and 18 3t.064.070 (6 teet permttted in required sWe or rear yard; t6 foot higF~ block wall pro~wsed along railread riflht-of-way) (c) ,S~ction~$t,06~1? - Parmiriocl resldenttal~tr ~reR (~~t ecl or semf•attacheci one-iamily dwellings permmed: 87 ~1 t li one•lamily dviellings proposed) (d) ~ ct~on 18.31.0~3.022 . N1(nim m igtance between {+arallel buil ina w~q. 1(~ to l~!@gl required for wa!!s containtng windows to hatftablo rooms; 10 to 12~5 feet proposeci) 2. 1'hat waivor (a) penainin~ to the requirement th~t all I~ts abuc A public street Is hereby granted on tha basis ihat there Is a special circumstance applicsble to ~+ propeRy consisting uf fts lar~e size, which does not apply to other identically zonecl properties in the vicinity, ~nd that the proposed private street system wil' Frovide an adequate an•site circul~tion systom; 3. That wafver (b) pert~ining to m~vcimum wall height is granted on t~~o basis that thore fa n specia! c(rcumstance applicable to tho ~roporty, which does not opply to other ldonlfcally zoned propeAb3 in the vicinity, consisting of its locatfon and surroundings ad~acent to ranrnad tracks, which trar,k~ r,reEte a physical hardship and adverso impact on rosidential developmont ot ih~ properry thereby warranting approval of t~ waii heigfit waiver to protect futurg resident~al usos; a~xi 4. Th.at waivers (c) and (a) are horeby yranteci on the basis that thore are speclal circumstances app~tcable to the property sur,h as stzo, 3hape, topogrnphy, locatton or eurroundinga, which do not appiy to othsr kfeniically zonecf properties in the vlcinity; 5. That strict applicaticx~ of the 7.oning Code deprives the property ot p~lvllegea enJoyed by r~~,~:r propenfes In identfcal zonfng cJassNication in the v'.cinity; 6. That one concerned person indicatM h:s pres~snce at said puWic hearin~; end tFwt no cvrrespondence Kds recefveti in opposhfon to the sub(ect putition. ~FORNIA EL1VIq¢~Q2~ TA .~,1.LgC~N9J~`1G~ That ihe Aneholm Ciry f'tannirp f:ommission h33 rev~ewed the propcsa~ to: l~:) Reclassify Portion A(~lie appror.imat~ly 1~.75•acra noAhorfy pnrtlon ol sub~~ct property) Irom tho RM- 1200 (Fic!sidentfal, Multf~le•Family). C~ (Commarcial. IJmNud), RM•2400 (R9sldQntlal, Multfple~Ft~mAy), HS •7200 (Rasidemial. Sinyle•Familyi ttrvl ML (it-duatriai. LimMed) Zor-e t4 the RM•3000 (R~kletsttB~~ Mulilple• Family) or a lesa intense -ona to const~uct a 7•atory. 87 unN. detached condamirnum de~vetopa~orK with waivers ot raquiremont that IQta abut b public strsot, m.~ximum tencc+ hoight, parmittal rpsldentfa~ atructures and mirdmum dfsG~n.3 botween parallel buAdinfl walla; (b) flcclaaaNy Portfor~ B(tha approri~rately S.Bd•acre southarty po!tbn ot sub~oM property) ~rom tho FiM- 12Qp (qesidornG~l. ~dulti~~lo•FamNy), RM•24a0 lResidemfai, Multipl~•FamNy). RS•7240 (ReskfeMial, Sin~le- Fam~y) and Nl (Indusutat, Urnfted) Zano to thR RM•24W (Flesidentl.~l, Multiple-FamUy~ or a loss brienae z~ne to tonstruct a 2~s1Cry. 65 unit opachecf condaninium dmr~lopment wRh wa~im~ u( the requUemAnt thet loto ab~t a pubfic str~t, maxirnum lence heighr, mincmum rRCreation leisuru ar~n ~ncl minlmum struCturs~~ sclhack; ,~. PC94~3 (c) Waive Counc~t P~I(cy No. 5•:2 to construct rosidonces wfthin 100 teet of a rallroad ~fght•of-way on both Portions P. And B; and (d) Establish a subdlvision consisting of fl5 numborod lots and 4 lettered lots ~Portlon A: 87 single tamlly lots, and Pnrtion B: 8 lots containing 65 air spaco resid~ntlal condominium unlts and 4 lettered lotssj on a rectangula~,;y-shaped parce! ot land consistin~ of approximately 20 acres ganerally buunded by Lincoln Avonuo on the north, Broadway on the south, East Stroot on the east on~ the Atchison•Topoka and Sante Fe raflroad ri~ht-of-way on the west; a~d does heroby approve the fVegath~a ~?ec~~ratlon upon (Inding that the declaratior re`~ucts the independont judger~ent of the lead ayency artd that ft has consi~ered the Neyative Doclaration together wfth any comrnents :eceived during the public review process and (urlher find(ng on the basts of tha Initial study and any comments rece(ved that there ts no substantiAl ~dence thnt the proJeci wfil ha~!e a signiNcant eBoct on the environment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Ptanning Cnmmisalon doea hereby grant sut~ect Petitlon tor Var(anca, upon the following conditions whlch aro hereb/ tound to be a necessary prareauisite to the proposed use ot the subJect propert,r in order ta prc~sarve t~ safety and general welfar:, of the ^.itizens of the City of Anaheim: 1. That ihe tegal property owner/d~veloper shall ~rovide ancl fnstall underqrounci conduits, subsiructures and relatecl materfal in accordance witti the City of Anuhoim Electrical Engfneoring Drt~wings and wfth the City =lectrical Rates. Rules, ancJ R~ulations tor Underground Line Extensions. 2. 7hat clothes vv~asher and dryer hookups sliall be incorporated into each condominlum dwelling unlt end shnll be shown on thd plans submitted for buitd(ng permits. 3. That the appll~ablA trafffc s(gnal asse:,sment tee ahall be pa(d to the Csty of Anaheim In an emouM establishecf by City Cauncil Resolution. 4. That tha doveloper shali pay a traHic and transportation improvement fee to the C TreHic Engineoring DNision, in an amount established by the City Council Fiesolution. 7hic tee wil~ be used tc (ur~ traHic ancf transportation improvements with(n the a~ea impacted by this project. Sa{d tee ahall be sub~ect to adjustmgnt by tho City Council. 5. Thal ~tans shnwing the operatlon of the veh,cular socurfry gatoo and turn•erourx+ area shall be subR~ittod to and approved by iho Chy TralHc ancl Transportation Managor. 8. That gates sl~all noi be inatatlocl acro:ss any drfvoway or privata street (n a manner whfch may ~dversuiy s~Nect vehic~lar tratifc on tl~e ad~acont pubifc streot. InstNlat{on of ~ny gates ahall ronform to Engineering Stancfard Plan No. 609 and sl~alt be sub~ect to the review and approval ot tha City Tretfic ancf Transportation Manag¢r. 7. 7hat p!ans shatl be submitteJ to the Ciry TrnHic and Transportatbn Mana~er for hia revtew and npproval shrnnrfnp conlA-mance wNh the I~test rsvtsions d Enflinooring Standard Plen Nas. 438 and 6~~ pertaining to parktng standards an~! driveway locations. Sub(ect prcporiy ~hali thereupon bo devclo~ed and matrnolnecl fn coMormance with sakf plAns. 0, That nll driveways sh.~il ~ c~naUucteci with ten (10) loot radfu3 curb rotums as raqulr0d by the City Engin~r !n conformance with Enginarsrinfl Standarci No. 137. ,~3• PC91~3 9. That roll-up garage doors having mir.imum widths of s' duon (16) feet and with minimum twonty {20) toot long driveways shall b~ shown on pian submittod for building pe~mits. Sald doora ahell be installed And maintained as shown on submftted plans. 10. That parking spaces in iront of c~aragu doors may count towerd the minimum parking requlrement for the underlying dwelling unit only. tt. Tliat an on-site trash truck turn around areA bu provided In accordance with Engineering Standard Detall No. f 10 and as rdqu(rocl by the Department of Maintenance. 12. 7hat trash storage areaa sha~l be provfdod aaid maintainarl In o loc~tion acceptable to the Oepartment oF Ma(ntananco and in acr.ordance with apnroved plans on ffle with said Department. Siich inFormation shail be specf(Ically shown an the pians submittecl 1or bulidin~7 permits. 13. That a plan sheet for solid wasto storafle and colloctton, and a plan for recycling shall be submitted te tlie Department of Malntenanco for roviow and approval. 14. 7hat prior to commencement of structursl framing, tira hydrants shall be instelled and chArged es requlred and approved by tho Ffro Departmgnt. 15. That any lockable pedestrian and/or vehicular accoss gates shall be equipped with "knox bo~' devices as requfred and approved by the Firo Depanment. t6. That sub~ect property shall be developed substant(ally In accordanc~ with plans arxl speciticatlons submi~ed to the City oi Anaheim by the pet~t~ner and which plans are on fila with tl~e Plannlnp Departmant marked Exhibit Nos. 1 through 19. 17. That prler to tssuance ot a buildlnfl permit ot withfn a perlod of one (t) year (rom tho date of ihla resaluUon, whlchever occurs tirst, Conditi~n Mos. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, t2 And 13, above•mentlaned, shal) be complied with. Extonsiors tor turther time to complete sald co~ditlons may be grtinted In accoidance witt~ Ser~ir~n 18.U3.090 M the Anaheim Municipa! Code. 18. That prior to f(nal buildinq and zon(nfl Inspections, Conditfon Nos. 1, 2, 8, 11, 15 and 16, ~bove•m~ntioned, shall be complied with. 19. That approval ol this applfcation constitutes approval ot ihe proposecl request onty to the oxtent that it complles wit~i !he Anaheim Municinai zoning Codo and any other applicable Clty, State und Federel regulations. Approval does not includa any a~tion or findin{~s ae to coinplianco or Approval oi the request regarding any other applicablo ordfnance, ragulatinn or reyu!rement. 8E IT Fl1R7HER aFSOLVED that the Anat~eim City P!anning Commissbn daes hereby iind nnJ detennind that adoptlon o: ~• Rosolution fs expressly prodir,ated upon apMicant's compifance whh each anci atl ct tho condNions her~inabove set forth. Shoutd nny such condition, or any part thoreof, be d~clarexf (nvalid or uneniorceable by tho tfnvl judflm4nt of any court of r,ompetent ~urfsdictlon, then this Rasolution, and any apprav~la horein contafnod, sha-II be doome~d nu11 ancl vok3. TNE FOREGOING RESOLUTIOP~ nnrs ndoAted at the Plann(ny Commission meetiny of January 10. 19~4. j~ ~~ i j ~1 / ~'Gi c~r ~ .,1~,! ~ •Y CHAIfiMAN, AN I CITY P~ NiNCi CdMMI~SION ATTEST: . ' ~ !' S..RETARY, ANAC EI CI PLANNING COMMISSION ~~ -4- PC4Y!-3 S7A7E OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGG ) ss• (;ITY OF ANAHEIM ) 1, Janet L Jensen, Secretary of the Anaheim Cfty F'Isnnir.g Cotnmlasion, do hereby ceMlty that tho foregoing resolution was passed and adopte~ at a mooting of the Anahelm Ciry Pianning Commission held on January 10, t9J4, by the tollowing vote oi the momber3 therAOf: AYES: COMA4ISSIQNERS: BOYDSTUN, CALDWELL, HENNINGER, MAYcR, MESSE, PERAZA, 7A11' NQE5: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSEN7: COMMISSIONERS: NONE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand tl~is _Z,,~'_,,~day o~ ~L~ 199A. O ' v ,~'t~~-- J ~ S RETARY, ANAHE! ~ CITY PLANNING COMMISSIO~! .~_ PC94~3