Resolution-PC 94-32RE. L TI N N. P b- A RESOLUTION OF T:-IE ANAHEIh1 CITY PUINNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVF_ REVISED PIANS FQR CONDI710~AL USE PERMIT NO. 3623 WHFREAS, subject conditfonal i.~se permit was originally submitted to the Plsnning Commisslon and advArtisdd as a 94-bed convalescent facilfty with waiver af the minimum number of parking spaces (Exhfbit Nos. 1, 2~nd a) on property located ~t the southwest cornar of Santa Ana Canyon Road and Mohler D~ive and further described as 111 South Mohler Drive; and WHEREAS, on 5~ptember 8,1993 revlsed plans (Revlsion Nu. 2 of Exhibit Na.1 and Revision No. 1 of Exhit~it Nos. 2 and 3) for an 89•boci facility ware submitted and conaiderod by the Plannfng C~mmission. Commission, undor Resolution No. PC93-99, ~pproved the proposal, in part, permittinp an SO-bed convalescent facliity and denying the parlcin~ waiver. The conditlons of approval required that prior to issuance of a buildin~; permit, p~ecfse plans be submfttod to Commissiun for consideration at a public hearing showing a maximum of 80 beds and a rrdnimum 25-foot setback along Santa Ana Canyon Ro~d; and WHEREAS, the potitionor appealed Planning Commission's action and the potition w~s sche:lul9d for City Council pubiic hearfnc~ un November 16, 1993. Councll cuntinued the petition for redesign to show a maximum of 80 bads, to delete the parking v~aiver and to show a minirnum 25 foot setback along SantA Ana Canyon Road. Cauncll directod that, prlor to its consideratfon, Commissian consider revised plans at a public hearing and make a recommendatlon to Council; and WHEREAS, the petitionc~r submitted revised plans i~r ConditiAnal Use Perrnit No. 3G23 to permit an SO-bed convalescant faciliry, and requested review and a Planning Commission recommendatfon to Cfty Council; and WHERE.AS, the City Planning Cr~mmfssion d!d hold a public hearfng at the Clvic Center in the City of Anahefm ~n March 7, 1994, at 1:30 p.m., notice nf said puh!Ec hearing having been duly gfven as requfred by ~t~w and in accordance with the provisiuns nf tha Anahelm Municfpal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidonce for and against sald p~~oposed revisicn And to invostigate and m~ka findings and recommendations in cannect(on therowlth; and WHEREAS, said Commissfon, aRor due Inspection, Investigation and study made by itself and in its belialf, and after due consideratlon of all evldencA and rapor;s offered at said hearing, does find and datermine tho followi~~g facts: 1. That the petftioner requests review ~f revisecl ptans (or Planning Commission recommendation to Cfty Councll of a conditfonal use pormit which was granted auth~rity of Code Section to permit a convalescent facility. The original proposal was for a 9d-becl facility with walvor of the minimum numoer nf parking spaces. The waiver was donied. The r~vised proposbl is an 80-bed facility with &l parkii~g spaces, as required by Code, 2. That rovised plans (labeled Fiovision No. 3 of Exhibit Nos. 1 through S) aonform wfth the Planning ~ommission's roquirements and conditions contalned !n Resolut!on No. PC93-99 pertaining to the maximum number of beds and the min(mum building setback irom Santa Ana Canynn Road, 3. That twp (2) people indicated their presenco at s~fd publi^, hearinA in npposition; that no carrespondence was roco(ved; and that a petition was submitted wfth sixty seve~ (67) signatures in oppositlon to 4he subJect request. CR2035MS.W P -1- PC9~t-32 ~ALIFQRNIA ENVIROtvMENTAL QUALITY ACT FINDING: 7hat the Anahelm Ciry Planning Commisslon has reviewed the proposal to review and mako a recommendation to City Council of the revisod plans for Conditional Use Permit No. ~623 and does hereby !(nd that the Negative Declaration prevfously approved in connoctfon with Canditional U3e Permit No, 3623 is adequ~te to serv9 as the roquired environm6ntal documentation in connaction with this request upon findinfl that the declaration reflects the independent judgement of the lead agency and that ft has c~i;slulereci the Negative Declaration together with any comments roceived during the public revfew process and further finding on the basis of the initial study and any comments roceived that there is no substantial evidenae tliat the proJect will hava a significant elfect on tho envlronment, NOW, TFlEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVEU that the An~heim Ciry Planning Commisslon does hereby recommend approvsl of the Revision No. 3 plans to the Ciry Counoll, subject to the conditlon~ contained in Resolution No. PC93-99 beinc~ amended as follows: Amend Conditian No. 12 to read: "12, That subject property shall bo dovelopeci substantially in accordance with pians and specifications :~ubmitted to tho City of Anahelrn by the petit~oner end which plans are on file with the Plar.ning Gepartment rnarked Revision No. 3 oi Exhibit Nos, i, 2, 3, 4 a.nd 5" Amerd Condftion No. 14 to read: "14. That prfor to commencement of the activity authorizad by this rosolution or withln a period of one (1) year from the daio of this resolution, whichever occurs flrst, Condition PJos. 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 17 and 18, herein, shall bo oompiied wfth. Extensions for further time to complete said conditions may be granted in accordance wfth Section 18.U3.OJUU of tho Anaheim Munfcipal Code. Amend Gondition No, 15 to read: "15. That prior to final buildin~ and zoning inspections, Candftion Nos. 1, 2, 3, 9, 10, 12 and 13, above•mentloned, shall be comptled with' Add four new Conditi~n Nus. 17, 18, 19 and 20, to read: "17. That a I~ndscape plan sha!I be submltted to the Planning Cammission as a Reports and Recommendatlons item for review and approval. 18. 1'hat a sign proc~ram shall be submittE+d to the Plnnning Commisslon as a Reports and Recommandations item for review and approval. 19. That the employee working shifts shall break at non•peak trafflc hours. 2p. That the total number of employee~ shali be limited to thirry tive (35) " That the romaining canditions fn Resolution No. PC93-99 shall remain in full torce and effoct. -2- PC94-32 THE FOREGOING RESOLU710N was adopted at the Flanning Commission meetinp of March 7, 1994. . ; CHAIRMAN, ANAHEIM CITY NNING COMMISSION ; A'fTEST: , i E ETARY, ANAH~'1 CITY PLANNING COMMIS~ION 57ATE OF CAL.IFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEINI ) I, Janet l.. Jensen, Secrotary of the Anaheim Giry Planning Commiss(on, do hereby certify that the foregoing rasolution was passed and adopted at a meetin~ of the AnAheim City Planning Commissifln held on March 7, 1994, by the following vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: DOYDSTUN, CALDWELL, MAYER, MESSE, PERF~ZA NOES: COMMISSIONERS: TAIT AF3SENT: COMMlSSIONERS: HENNINGER IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this~,~,~day of ~„~i_. 1994. ~~ ~ ~~~A~~ ~ C~ CRETARY, AN~IM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION .~_ PC94-32