Resolution-PC 94-33~_Q~~Q~+I N0. PCl4~33 A RkSOLUTION 0= 7HE ANAHEIM CITY PlANNING COMMISSION APPROVING MODIFICATION TO CUNDITIUNAL USE PERMIT NO. 34F2 (READVEHTISED) WHEREAS, on Octobar 7, t 991 the Anaheim Cfty Pianning Commisslon approved Cor~lltlonal U~e Permft No. 3462 under Reso~ution N~. PCJ1-161 permittlnp t~ chCd dAy care cemer on p~operry locatod at th~ southwest corner o( Welr Canyon Road and Serrano Avenue and furiher descrlbecl as 781 South Weir Canyon Road; arxi WHEHEAS, s~fd Resolutlon No. PC91-181 Includos iho fdlowing condftlon of approval; '8. TF~t subJect (acility shall be Iimiteci to a maxlmum enrdlment ot one hur-dred fariyfour (I4A) children. WHEREAS, the petltloner has requestM modNicatlon of subject use permN to ~rmit a 9~5- squgre toot axpansion of a previouslyapproved chitd dey c:are center a~xl modHication tu a condftion ot ~pproval Ilmiting tha maxlmum stixfent anrdirnent; and WNEREAS, ttie City Plc~nning Cotnmissi~n d(d hotd e puWia hearing et the CNic Cr.~nter In tho City of Anaheim on March 7, 1i~94, at 1:3Q p.m., notico of sat.i pudlc hearlnp liaving been duly yfven as requfrod by law ond in accordance wlth the provisions oi the Anaheim Munfclpel Caie, Chapter 18.03, to hear arxi considRr ev(dence kx arrJ ag3lnsl ,~ald proposExi modilication to Conditbnal Use Permft No. 3462 arxl tn fnvostigate and make fina+ngs arxl recommenc+atlons In connactlon thsrowMh; and WHEREAS, said Commissinn, a!ter due inspectio~t, irnestlqation and stucly made by hselt a:~d in its bohali, anJ etter due consideratlon of all evidence aixl repona cfferad et Eaid haring, dooa lirxf and detennlne ttie Idlowinti iAr.ts: 1. That the petitbner requests mvd~IC:ation nt e cor~dHionat ~me permit under eutho~itY ol Coc1e Sectior, t8.44.050.1~0 to permh a~J75 sq.N. expan~ir~n ot e pcevfouslyapprcyved cl~fid day cere centor; ancl, lurther, requosts rnodNicatfon to a concf~u~n ol appraval partefning to maximum atudertt nnrcAlment to permft 100 studaida. 2. That sub~ect chOd day care centEx has bnan Ikens~.d :.nd In oper~tfon slnce Mt~y 199~• 3. That Condilion No. P of sa{d -eadution ~~mNad Ihe maximum anrdimdnt to 14t thiGdren; and the petNia~or now r~qu~sKs an increaco M the maximum enrMlment ~o iR~ chAdren. 4. 'fhat Cmdition No. ~J ol sakf readution roquired develnpmer-t d the p-operly in A:coMance with Exhibit Nos. t, 2. erxf 3 wfth Exhibit No. 2'Aoor pian' ahowfnp an overalt ur~t aros of 7. !25 eq•ft•: ancl the pelitioner now requests s:,~5 sq.d. expanslon (addfnq an adJacaM unN) tor a total o~ 9,A00 eq.ft. 5. That no a+o irxttca~ecl ~he~r prese~ce at safd put~lfc hearir~ in opposHlwr arxl that ra correy~wndence was raceNed in upposit~a~ to 1he sub~eci pe~i~ion. CA203fiM3.WP -t - PCA4•33 S~.9j,l,EOR 'I~A ENVIRONMENT~1 ~l, UAL_I_T_Y_A~T F~NDING: That the Anahelm Gty Planning Commission has revlew4d tho proposai to perrtiit a 975•square foot expansion ot e previousiyapproved child day care center and amendment to Condition No. 8 of ~esolutlon No. PC91-181 and, doHa hereby find that tha Noflative ~ec!aratlon previousty approved ir, connectton wfth Conditional Usa Permft No. 3462 is adequate to serve as tha req~iirod envlr4nmentai doc:~ment~tion in connection with th~is request upon finding that the deciaratlon reNects the Indopendent ~udQemont of the lead ~dency and thnt It has considerod the N~gatNe ~eclaration toflether with aiiy comments receNed during the publf~ review procosa and iurther findinp on the basis ot tlie inftia! study ancl any comments recdNai that thor~ Is no substantlal evidence that the proJect wiil have a signiflcant eHect on the environment. NOW, TH~REFORE, B~ 17 RESOLVED that the Anahelm City Pla~ning c',.ommissior does hsreby approve the modiiicatlon of Conditlonal Use f'armit No. 34t32 and amends CondRion Nos. 8 and 9 of Resol~dton ho. PC91•iFi to read as tollows: "a. The subJoct facility shal~ be I(mtted to a maximum enrollment cf onn hundred ei~hty (180} children. g. "ff~at subject proporty shall be devolopecf substantially in accordance with plans and spec!itcations submftted to tho City of /,naheim by the petitlone- and whir,h ~Ians are on 111e with tha Planntng Oep~rtment marked Exhibk No. 1, Rovision No. 1 vt Exhibk No. 2, and Exhibk Nn. 3' ?HE FOREGOiVG RESOLUTION was adopted at the Planning Cor~~ml~alon meet(ng ~i March 7, ! 594. . CHAIRMAN. ANAHEIM CI LAMNINCi COMMI3SION ATTE57: ~ R~TARY, aNAF~ CITY PLANNItJG COMMISSION ~/ STATE OF CAU~OHNIA ) COUNTY ~JF ORANC3E ) ss. CITY OF AN-,HEIM ) I, ~anet L Jon~en, Secretnry ol the Anahelm City Planning Comenlss~a'-. do heroby certMy that u~ (orefloing resdu!fon w~.3 pessud and adoplecl at a iT~~oting ot the Anahe~r Gry PlenRing ~ommisslon held on March y, t994, by the fnliowing vnte of ihv mernbera thereof: AYE ~. COMMISSIONERS: BOYDSfUh, CALDWF.LL. MAYER, MESSE, PEFiAZl+, TA!T NOES: COMMISSIGNER;i. NON~ A9SENT: COMMISSIONERS: HENN:NQER fN WITNESS W!~1ERCOF, I havc hereumb sat my harxf thi~ ~ day d~~~(„~. 1 ~J94. ~~ ECtiETARY, A~~/CIT; PLANNIN(3 rOMMIS.CitdN ,?, PCt#4~33