Resolution-PC 94-34,~~Ss'~JS T) ION NO• PC$4-34 A RESOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY F'LANNING COMMISSIOIv 7HaT PETITION FOR CdNDITIONAI. USE PERMIT NO. 3f,63 BE CiRANTED `NHER~AS, the Anaheim CKy ?I~nning l';ommisslon did recelve ~ verified PAtitlon tor Conditionel Use Permit fur cartaln real property skuateci In the City of Anahelm, County oi Oranga, State of California, doscribed as: THQSE PORTIONS OF THE EAST HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER QF SECTION 3, TOWNSHIP b SOU7F~, RANGE 10 WEST, IN THE RANCHO SAN JUAN CAJON DE SANTA ANA, CITY QF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF ORANt'.,E , STATE OF C.4UFORNIA, AS SHOWN l~N P. MAP RIECOROED IN BOOK 51, PAGE 10 OF MISCELIANEOUS MAPS, IN 7HE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAIA COUNTY, DESCRIBEU AS FOLL4WS: PARCEI. A: BEGINNING AZ THE NORTHWEaT ~ORNER OF 7HE SOUTH HALF OF THE NOpTHEAST ~]UARTER OF THE SUUTHWEST ~UART[R OF SAIu SECTiON 3; TH~NCE SOUTH 09 D~G. 58' 15' EAST 1331.15 FEET TO THE 1JQRTHEAST CORNEH OF SAIQ SOUTM HALF; THF_NCE SOUTFIO DEG. 03' 00' EAST 20.95 FEEf ALONG THE E11S7 UNE OF SAID SOUI'H HALF TO THE B[GINNING OF A NON•TANGENT CUNVE CONCAVE SOUTHEASTEALY, SAID CURVE BEING CONCENTRIC WITH AtJn DISI'ANT NORTHWESTERLY t0.00 FEET, MEASURED RAOIALLY, FROM Thl~ CENTER UNE OF THAT CERTAIN SPL'H TRACK OF THE ATCHI50N, TO~'EKA AND SANTA FE RAILWAY CGMPANY, AS IY EXISTEp OCTqt3ER 27, 1949, pND AS SHOWN ON THE MAP F01.[D IN BOOK 22, PAGE 3 OF RFCCRD OF SURVEYS IN THE OFFICE OF TWE COUM'Y RECORDER OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFQRNIA; THENCE 50UTHWESTERLY ALONCi SAID CONCENTRIC CURVE TC THE EAST UIJE OF LAND DESCRIBED I~1 A DEED TO TH[ U.S. INDUSTRIAL AL~OHOL CO., RECORDED JANUARY 21 1927, IN BOOK t, PAGE 3&4 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS; THENCE NORTH 0 DEG. 02' 30' WEST 32.06 FEE?, TO THE NOFi'THEAST CORNER OF SAIa LANU OF THE U..~'i. INDUSTRIAL ALCVHOL CO.; THENGE WESTF. RLY 365.00 FEET ALONG THE NORTHEpLY LINE OF S~~ID LAND OF 7HE U..~'i. INDUSTRIAL NLCOHOL CO. LAST ABOVE DESCRIBED, AND P,5 DESCRIE3ED IN A DEED RF_CORDED NOVEMBER 15, 192e, IN ~OUr: 689, PAG~ Ei;i OF OE~DS, TO THE NORTIIERLY PROLONGATION OF 7HE WESTEFiLY UNE OF LAND DESCRIBED AS PARCEL 2 IN SAID U1Si DESCRIBED DEEU TO THE U.S. ~NDUSTRIAL ALCOfiOI CO.; THENCE SOU?H 0 DEf3. 02' '~' kAST 50.00 FEEI' ALdNG SAID NORTHEHLY PROLO~~GAiION 7O THE EA3TERLY PROLONGA710N OF T.'~i~ SOUTHERLY UNE OF THE IAND DE$CRI6E0 IN A DEED 70 RiNSl~EO•MASON COMPANY RECOFiD~O MARCIi 22, t95'7, IN 840K 3846, PAGE 39 OF OFFI~IAL RECORDS; THENCE NOiiTH 89 DE(3. 58' t 5' WEST ~3.15 FE.ET TO THE WEST L1NE OF THE N4RTHEA3T OUAR'fER OF TWE SOi1TFIW'cS7 OiIARTER ~F SAID SECTION 3; TIiENCE NORTH 0 DE(y, q0' 45" E/13T 339.2 TO THE POINT OF BEGINNINC. PARCEl. B: BEGINNING A7 A POIN'f UN TH~ WEST UNE UF THE tANO 0[5CRIF3ED A3 PARCEL,~i 1 AND 2 IN DEEO TU 1i.3. iNDUSTRIAL AICOHOL CO., RECOROEq MOVEMB~R t5, t026 IN BAnK 809, PAGC 83 OF ~EEDS, RECORDS OF ORANGE CUUNTY, CAUFORNIA, SAID POIKf 9EING NORiH 0 C~'1037M3.wp -1 • P~4,34 DEG. 02' 15" WEST 1022.00 FEE7 FRON9 THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID SECTION 3, SAID POINT ALSO BEING THE NOR7HEAS7 CORNER OF 71~E LAND DESCfliBED IN DEED TO GEORGE W. CARTER AND WIFE, RECOI~DED JANUARY 8, t948, IN BOOK 1604, PAGE 436 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG 7HE NORI'HERLY LINE OF SAID LAN~ OF GEORGE W. CARTER, A DISTANCE OF 603.87 FEET 70 7HE WEST UNE OF THE EAST HAI.F ~F THE SOUTFIWEST DUARTER OF SAID S[~TION 3 AND THE CENTER LIiVE OF LEMON Sl'REET, fi0.00 FEEf IN WIDTH; THENG~ NC~RTHERLY ALOWG SAID U1ST MENTIONE~ WEST LINE TO THE SOUTHWEST CQRNER OF THE LAN~ DESCRIBE~ fN OEED T~7 RINSHED•MASON COMPANY, RECORDEO MARrH 22, 1957, IN BUOK 3Ei46, PAGE 39 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS; THENCE EA8TE9LY ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE THEREOF AND ALONG THE EAS7ERLY PROLONGA i IQN OF SAID SQUTHcRLY l.INE TO A POINT IN SAID WESTERI.Y LINE OF U.S. INDUSTRIAL ALCOHOL CO., UR IT5 NORTHERLY PROLONGATION; THENCE SOU7HERLY ALONG SAID WESTERLY LINE AND ITS PRO~ONGP.TION TO 7HE POINT OF BF_GINNIfVG. WHEREAS, the Clty Planninp Ccmm(ssion did hald a pubifc hearing at the CNIc Center in :he City of Anaheim on Fohruary 23, 19Ja at 1:30 p.m., notice of sald public hoaring having beon duly c~iven as requlrod by law and In accordance with the provigions ot the Annheim Municlpal Codo, ~ha~ter 18.03, to hesr and consider avidence tor and against satd propoa~d condltlonal use permft ancl to investigate end make 11r~dinfls and roc~mmer~datlons In connoction therowkh; and that subJect petftlon was c~nnnue~i to the March 7, 1934 Planning Commfsafon meettng; arxf WHEFiE~1S, safd Commfssfon, after cfue inapectlon, investigation and study mede by itsell and in its b~half, and after due conslderation M ail ovldence and reports oNeroci at sakl hoar(ng, doos flnd and de!ennine tho tollowing tacts: 1. That the proposod use is properly one for wh!ch a condltional uae permk Is authorfzec! by Anaheim Municipal Code Sectlona 18.03.Q30.010 and ta.63.050.210 to pormit the mnnutar,turing o} road base material }rom asphaltic concrete and to permit the placomeni ot one 160 sq.it. modular offir,e unit with waNer of tho follawind: ~g~tiQn 18,63.068~Q,3Q • Mini m r~co helaht. (~'-,~ toot high chain-tink (enco Inte-wwen wfth wnod ulats reyuir~d to ~Gual hotgM of outdoor storage; ,~(Q~ h(gh chain•Iink lence Interwoven with wooci sldtR exlsting and proposed) 2. Thai thare ar~ spcscial c:frcumstancss applicoblo to the prop~rty such locetlon and surroundfngs, which do not app~y to other klentically r.oned properti4s In the vfcinlty; 3. That strict appHcati~n of the Zoning Code deprives tlie propeKy M prNilefles enJoyed by oth~r proportios under idenii~al xoninp classificatlon in the vlcinity because the r~quasted wafver fs based nn th~ varyfng height c~t lh~ proposed stockplles, and thet the uniaue cha~ctdristics ~f ttie surroundtnp land cisas includo outdoor us~a whfch cannat be screenocf eHe~;tlvely due to the n~ture ot targe•sr.~le manufacturinp o~rationa; 4. Tfsat tNu pro{wsecf n-anWacturing uso fs properly one tor whfch a corxlRfonal use pUrrnlt ~s authorized by the'Laninfl ~'•odo fn the Heavy Industrwl Zone, and that ihe propoaed modular oftfce unrt is not list~cl thac,fn es boing a permfttad ugo; 6. That the use is I,~terlm (~pproximatoly 5 years) arxf the ~andscaping impravemerns and f~enco relacalian wNl benclit tho ~esthetic ahpearanc~s of tt~e are~a durinp sakl interim pericxf; .2. PC94~34 6. That the proposed use will not ~dversely aHect the adJoining land uses end the growth and development of the area In which K Is proposad ta he located because ~ub~ect parcel is In the city's MFi (Heavy Industrial) erea which cont~ins assorted heavy industrlal businesses which would are compatiblo with th4 requested I~ind use; 7. That the size and shape of the sfte for the proposed use Is adequate to allow the tull development of tho proposed use in a manner ~ot detrim~rital to the particuiar area nor to the poace, hoaltti, safety, and ge.ieral wdltare; 8. That ihe tr~~nic generated by the Qropos~d use will not Impose an und~te burdsn upen the streets and highwsys doslgnb.~+ and improved to carry the traflfc in the area; 9. That the granting ot tl7e conditfonal usA permit under tha conditlons imposed wlll not be dotrimental to the peace, heaitli, safety and general welfare of the citizens af the Cfty of Anaheim; and t0. That no one IndScated their presence at said public hoaring in opposltlon; snd that no corrosponcfonce was racelved In opposition to the subject po:ition. CALIFORNIA EPIVlR NM~IVTAL QUALITY A~INpINCi: Th~t the Anahefm City Plannlny Commission has revieweid tho proposal to perrnit tho manu(acturing oi road base mate~inl irom asphaltic concrete und to permit the placement oi one 160 sq.ft. modular oNice unR wf!h watver of minlmum (once he-~ht on ~ rectangul~rlyshaped parcel of land consisting ot approx(mately 8.12 &cres, having e frontago of approx~mateiy 620 teet on th~ east side of Lemnn Street, having a maximum dc+pth ot approxlmately 5f;5 (eet, being located approximateiy 830 feet sotdhesst of the centerline of Commerclat Street end furtFior dascribed as 1244 North Lemon Straet; .,~d dous heraL•y approve a mftlgatad Negativo Declaratfon and adopt the Mltigatfon Monitoring Program pursuant to SoCtlon 2198'.6 0l the Public Resources Code on the basfs th~t the deciaration reitects tho Independent ~udgemoni of tl~e lead ggency and that the f'lann(ng Commisslon has considered the proposal wfth tho mftigated NogAtNe Oor,l~ratlon and Monitoring Proqrem, togethQr ~aith any comments receivod during tho publ(c r~~view process and (urthor flnding, on tho bas~s ~f tlie Initlal Study, that there is no substant(al evidence that the proJect will have a signHict~nt dtfe~;t or the env(ro~ •ent. NOW, 'hIEREF'ORE, BE IT HESOLVED that the Anaheim Ciry Planning Commission doss hereby flrant sub(~ct Petftion for Conditional Use Permit, upon the followin9 condKlona which are herety toi.ind to be a nocessary prerequtsito to the propoaed use of tho subJect property In orcler to preserve the satsty and general welfarc- oi the Citizens ot tho City o- Anahelm: t. That no outdoor storage of equlpmant and/or products shall cccur beyond that usod (n the dayto- day operatlons di thd (acllity. 2. That no matQrial ptl~s shall exceeci u helght at rivc~nh~ Me t25) foot tr~m the undectying ru+tural prade levol. 3. Tha: nA ad~~ert(sin4 signage st~all be pormitteci for sub~ect facfiity. 4. That the dovel~per sha{I be responsible tor compliance snd Any direct costs assocl~tod with the Mitigation Monitu~ing Pragram establtshed by thh City as requfrdd foy S~ctfon 2tO8t.8 ot tho Public Resources Code to ensure implementatlan ~f those mit~gation measures kfontHiod In the Rocommended Conditl~ns of Approval for the Mftigated Neflatlve Declaratlon. 5. t'ha! sub~~sct approval shal! axpiro drxl be~:ome rwll and void th+o (5) years irom the date of thls resolutton, on :Narch 7, 19~.xJ. .3_ PC94-34 6. 7hat vines arxi/ar fence hoight shrubs shall be planted And rneintalned outslde tho westorly fence facing Lemon Street to provlde sight scroening. 7. That the appropriate fees due tor primriry w~ter malns shall be paid to the Water Enginaering Uivision. e. That no storage shall occur outside thd coniinos of the fence. 9. That sldewafks shall be constructed along Lemon Street In conformanco wfth Public Works Standard ~etail Nos. 101 ~nd 110 fnr second~ry arterial hlghways. The stdewalk shall be a minimurn f(ve (5) foet In width adJacent ta the property Ilne. The pnrk~vay betwoen ihe curb and sidewalk 3hall be planted wfth c~rass or a drought tolerant ground cover. tU. That the property ownor shall submit a Water ~uality Pvlanagement Plan (WqMP) speaific;Atiy (dantftying b~st man~gemont pr~ctices th~t wlll be used onsite to control predfctable poilutants irom s4armwat~r runoff. The WpMP stiall be submittod to the Subdivislon Section of th~r Publlc Works DepartmQnt for r~view end approval. t 1. That i( the site area is Incraasecl beyond the twu and une-half (?..5) acrea shown on tlie epproved s(te plan, traf(ic clrcul~tian, Including drlveway locations, shall b~ subJect to revlew end appr~val by the City TraK(c and Transportation ~Aanagor. 12. That subject property shall be develaped substontially In accordance with plans and speciFlcations subm(tted to the Ciry of Anaheim by the petitfoner and which plans are on fil~ with the Planning Dopartment markod Exhibit Nos. 1 end 2. t3, TFiat prior to commencement af the ectivity authorized by thls resolution ar within a period of c~~e (1) year irom the date of this resolution, whichever occurs fir~t, Conditlon Nos. 7 and 10, above-rt~entioned, shall bo complied with. Extensions for further time to completo salc! conditions may be granted in accordance with Section 18.03.090 at the Anaheim Mun~clpai Code. 14. That prior to the commencomont oi the activiry authartzod by this resol~rtfon, or prlor to final building and zoniny inspar,tfons, whichevor occurs iirst, Condition Nos. 8, 9 and 12, above•mentioned, shall bo complied with. 16. That approval o} thfs eppllcation conatitutes approva~ of the proposed r9yuest only to tho extent that it complios wrih lhe Anaheim Municlpal ~oning Ccxfe and any other applicablo City, 8tn:s and Federal regulatfons. Approval does not Include any action or flndings as to comptiance or approval of the roquest rogardtng any other applic~ble ordinance, rngui~tion or requiremunt. BE I? FURTHER R~SOLVEO that the Aneheim Ciry Plonnfng Commission doea heroby iind and determi~e that adaptlon o( this Rosolutlan Ia oxpressly predicAted upon e~+plica~t's compliance with eac~i ~nd all of the conditlons herolnabovo set forth. Shoutd ~ny such conciition, or eny part thoreof, be declared invali~ or uneniorcoable by ths ifnal Judgment of any court of competent (urladictfon, then this Re~o~ution, and any approvals hsrein containod, shall be deomed null end vokl. TH~ FQREGOING RESOLUTION was adopted at the Planninq Comrnisslon meeting of March 7, 1~'J4. ~ / ' . .. `c~- • CHAIHMAN A AH IM CI LANNING COMMISSION AT7EST: y v CRETARY, ANA IM CITY PIANNING 40MMISSION / .4. PC?4-34 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUN'fY OF ORANGE ) ss, CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Janat L Jensen, Secratary of the Anaheim Ciry Planning Commisslon, do hereUy certlfy ii~at the toregoing resolutlon was pass9ci and adopted at a rrieoting of the Anahelm Cfry Planning Corrimisslon held on March 7, 1994, by the fullow(ng vote of the tnombors thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOYDSTUN, CALDWELL, MAYER, MESSE, PEREIZA, TAIT NO[S: COiVIMISSIONERS: NONE ABSEh1T: COMMI5SIONERS: HENNINGER iN WlTNESS WHER~OF, I have hereunto set my hand thls ,~~, dAy of ~~~j ~ I -, 199A. ~-- ~ C QI'.L(L ar~ CRE?ARY, AfJAHE I1Y PIJINNING COMMI3SION .5. PC94-34