Resolution-PC 94-36RESn~UI'10~I NO• PC9!1s'1r A FiE~'OLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CUMMISSION THAT Pf71TiON FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 3665 BE GRANTED WNFREAS, the Anahelm City Planning Commisslon did rer.efva a verffieci Petltlon for Conc+ltinnal Use F3rmit tor certaln roal property situatod in the Ciry of Anaheim, County ot Orange, State ot ~alffornia, described es: THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST ~UARTER OF THE NORTHWEST ~UARTCR OF SECTION 23, TQWNSHIP a SOUTH, RAN~E ~0 W~ST, IN THt RANCHO SAN JIIAN CA~JON DE SANTA ANA, AS SHt7iNIJ ON P~ MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 51, F'A~E 10 OF MISCELLANE~JUS MAPS, fN THE ~FFICE OF 'fHC COUN7Y RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINIdING AT THE INTERSECYION OF THE NORTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF A 60 FOOT STATE HIGMWAY, AS DESCRIBED IN A DEED RECORDED JULY 10, 1914 IN BOOK. 258, PAGE 6~ OF UEEL':. WITH THE NOR7HERLY RIGHI' OF WAY LINF OF CERRI'~OS AVENUE 40.00 FE~T ItJ WIDTH, SAIU POIN7 BEINC3 CN A CURVE IN SAID NORTHEASTERLY RlG1~1T OP WtiY LINE CONCAVE SOUTHWES7EHLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 630.00 FEt'T, A RADIAL LINE THFidUGH SAID PUINT BEARS NORTH 82 DEG. 54' 41' EAST; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SA~D ~URVE THROUGH A CE~CTHAI. ANGLE OF 4 DEG. 37' 14', A DISTANCE OF 50.81 FEET; THENCE NORTH 6 DEG. 55' 00' WE:ST ALONG THE EASTERIY LINE OF LAND DESCRIBED {N A OEED TO THE STATE OF CAUFORNIA RECORDED APRIL 13, 1929 IN BOOK 257, PAGE 462 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, 70 7HE SOUTHWES7 GORNER OF 7RACT 3313, f~S SHOWN ON A MAP RECdRDEO IN BOOK 107, PAGES 34 70 37 INCLUSIVE OF MISCEUANEOUS MAPS, RECORDS OF ORANGE CGUNTY, CAUFQRNIA; THENCE NOR7H 89 DEf3. 58' 31' EAST 118t.91 FEET ALONG TFiE SOUTHERLY LJN[ OF SAID TRACT ~:0. 33t3, TQ THF WESTERLY LINE OF THE GO~THERN PAC~FIC RAILROAD RIGfiT OF WAY, AS DESCRIBED IN A DEED RECORDFD AUGUST 18, 18991N BOOK 44, PAGE 228 UF UEEOS;'fHENCc SOU7M t5 OEG. 25' 43' EAST 78.B5 FEEI' ALONQ SAID WESTEFiLY LINE TO THE EASTERLY LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST ~UARTER OF THE NbRTHWEST ~UARTER OF SHID SECTION 7.3; THENCE SOU'tH 0 DEG. 10' 18" EAST 640.48 FEET ALON(3 SAID EASTEFlLY LINE TO TFl~ S4UTHERLY UNF QF 7HE NORTHV'JEST OUARTEf~ TO SAIC SECTION 23; THENCE WEST ALON~ SAID 30UTHERLY UNC TO THE NORTHEASTEP.LY RIGHT GF WAY LINE GF SAI~ 60.00 F00T STATE liICHWAY; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID NORYfiEASTERLY UNE TO TIiE F'OIN7 UF AEGIPJNINCi. EXCEPT 7HER~FROM THE EAST 14a.51 FEET OF SAID LAND. A150 EXCEPT THEREFROM ALL TWAT i'ORTICM OF S.41D LAND DESCRIB~D A8 FOLLOWS: BEGINPIIN(i P.T THE INTERSECTlON OF A LINE WHICH IS PARALLEL WITH THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE NORTHWEST ~UARTER QF 5AI0 SECTION 23'CENTER LIN[ OF ~~RRIYOS S'~REET' AND DISTAN7 NORTH 220.00 FEE7. MEASUREO AT RIGHY ANGLES FRON SAID SOUTHERLY UNE, AND THE EASTERIY UNE OF THE LANU DESCRIBED iN A DEFD 'f0 'HE STA'fE Q~ CALIFORNIA FiECORDEU OF WS3 ANGELES ST~REET'; THENCE SOUTH 8' DEGR55' OAOEAST A ONG SAIO _~ _ pC9A-38 CR2040MS.WP EASTERLY LINE. A OISYANCE OF 150.99 FEET TO A POIN7 OF A CURVE C:GNCtiVE SOUTHWES1~ERl.Y, HAVING A RAOIU`~ OF E3.~O.GO FE~T, SAID POINT BE(31NNING IN THE NORTHEASTERLY RiGHT OF WAY LINE OF A 60.00 F00T STATE HICiHWAY, AS DESCRIBED IN A DEED RECCIRDED JULY 1U, 1914 IN BOOK 258, PAGE 88 OF DEEDS, A RADIAL LINE THROUGH SAID POINT BEARS NORTH 78 UEQ. 17' 27' EAST; THENCE SOUYHERLY ALONG SAIq CURVE THROUGH A C~NTRAL ANGI,E OF 6 DEG. 26' 59' AND AN qRC DISTANC~ OF 70.92 FEET TO A p01NT IN THE SOUTHEpLY IINE OF THE NORTHWEST ~UARTER OF S~ID SECTlON 23, A RhDIAL LINE THROUGH SAID POINT BEARS NORTH 9~t DEG. 44' 28' EAST; TH~NCE EAST ALONG SAID SOU7HERLY LIN[, A DISTANCE OF 221.36 FEET; 'THENCE NORTH AND AT RIGH7 ANGLES TO SAID SOUTHF.RLY UNE, A DISTANCE l'1F 220,00 rEET; THENCE WEST AND PARALL~L WITN SAID SQUTHERI.Y UNE,A DIST/1NCE OF 250.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. WHFHEAS, the Ciry Planning Conimission d(d hold a public heg~fng et the CIvIc Center in ;he Clry ot Anaho(m on March 7, 1994 at 1:30 p.m., notfce of said public hearing having boen duly given as requfred by law and in accordance wRh the provisl~ns ot the Anahefm ~~Aunltipal Code, Chaptor 18.03, to hear and consider evidence for and a9ninst said proposed condltlonai use pormit and to Investigate end make findings anct recommendations in connection there~-ith; and WHEREAS, said Commisslon, atter due Inspoction, irriestiflation end ~tudy mado by ftself and fn its behalf, and aher due consideration of all ev'~ience and reports oftered at seid hearing, does (ind and dotermina the following facts: 1. 7rat the proposod use Is properly one for wt~lch a conditlw~al use pom-it Is authorizecl by Anahefm Municipal Cale Sectlon 18.4~1.05021b to permk a pawnshop in ~onj~~nct~on wfth en exi.sting ~ewelry store in an existing Incioor swapmeet fac{Iky; 2. That the proposad use ia properly one tor w~-fch e condftlonal use permft 13 euthorized by the Zoning Cods; 3. Th~t the prdposed use wlif not adversely aHect tho ed(oining IarM uses and tho grawth and developmont ot the area In which ft is proposerJ to be ~ocated; 4. That tlie sfze and sh~pe of ih~~ sfte tor tha proposed use is edequate to allaN the tull developrtieM of the proposed use In a manner not detrimental to the particular aroa nor to the poace, haalth. safory, and ~~neral welfare becausQ the exlstin{~ indoor swapmeet, thn ~Awelry gtore and tho proposed (~wnshop atl conform to the CL Zone development standards; 5. 7hat the trnH~ gonor+~ted by the Froposecf use wRi not Impose an und~~e burdon upcm Iha strents nrxi hi~hways designed and fmproved to carry the tratf(c In thA area; 6. 71~at the granilnq of the cor~fitla~al use pem~it under the conditlana Imposed wUl not be detrimemal fo the pu~ce, health, salety and genoral wetfare of the cHizana of the City of Anohelrn because jewelry wel bo tho anly coliater~i 2ccRptaO fAr loar,s, and Ihat no other items (auch es televlsiona, muslcal instr~ments. Quns, etc.) will Ixs ~ccepterf lor cdlataral; bnd 7. That no one Irxllcated thelr prusanco at said public h~arina In oppoetltlan; and Ihat no corresporxfcmce waE racQivcd In opp~shi~n to iho sub~ect petil! ~n. ,~. e'C93~3ft S',AI,IFORNIA ENVIRQNMENTAL OUAI.ITY A~T' FiN I G: That the Anahoirn Ciry Planning Commissi~n has reviewed tl~~ proposAl to porrnft a pawnshop in con~unctlon wfth an existing ~ewelry store in an Rxls;mg indoor swepmoet (aclliry on an irregularlyshaped parcel of iAnd consisting approxlmately t4.74 acres locatod north and east o} the northot~st corner of Cerritos Avonua and Anahelm Boulevard, having spproximate trontages of 725 feot on the ncrth skia of Carrftos Avenue and 485 fc~et on the aast Side of Anaheim Doulevard, and (urthor described as 1440 South Anaheim 8oulevard (Ar~aheim indoor Marketplace); and does horeby approve the NegAtivo Doclaration upon tlnding that the declaratlon ro8ects the indepondent ~udgement of the lead agancy and that ft has considerecl the tJeyative Declaratlon topether with any aomments roceived during the public revlew process end further finding on the ba~ls of the initfal study and any c~mments received that there is no substantfal evidence that the proJect will hava a significant ~ifect on the envtronment. NOW, THEREFORE, F3[ IT RESOLVED that tho Anaheim City Planning Commfsslon does hereby grant subJoct Petition tor Condit}onAl Use Permit, upon the tollnwing conditfons whlah are hereby found to be a necessAry prerequisite to the proposed use oF the sub)oct property in order io prosorvo the safety and general welt~re of tho Citizans ot the City oi Anahe~m: 1. That ihe colfoterAl ior loans ralated to the pawnshop operation shali be Ifmited to JAwelry only. 2. That subjoct prooerty shall be devolopod substantfally in accordance with plans and specificat(uns submitted to thd Cfty oi Anah~im by the petitloner and wh(ch plans aro on tile with tho Planning Department marked Exhibit Nos. 1, 2 and 3. 3. 'fhat prlor to commencement of the activity authorized by this resdutlor. or within a po~fod o( une (t) year irom thc~ date of this rosolution, whtchever occurs firs-, Gorxiiti~n No. 2, above-mantloned, shall bo complied w~th. Extenslons tor furtl~er time to complete said conditlons mny be granted In accordance with Section 18.03.Q90 of tho Anaholrn PAunlcfpal CodB. 4. Thnt approval of thls ~pplication constitute~ approval o( the proposed roquest only to the extent thnt it complies wfth the Anaheim Municipal Zoning Ccde and any other apalcabin Cfry, Stete and Foderal rogulationa. Approval does nat include any action or (indings as to compilunce or approvai of the request repardfng ony other applict~ble ordinance, rogulatfon or requlrement. BE 11' FURTFIER HESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commfssbn does hereby linc! and deterrnino ihat adoptia~ o! thls FtosdeRion fs expressly predicated upon applicanYs c~r*~nliance witti ear.h and sll ot iha condhtons heretnabove set turth. Should any auch condltlon, or a~y pan tharQOf, bo doc~nred invalid or unonlorceaWe by tho t~nal ~~uigment oP any court ol competpnt jurisdictfon, thon this Resolutlon, and any approvala hereln c~ntalnert, shall be deamal null and void. THE FOREGOINC, RESOLUTtON was edopted at the Planning Commisslon meoting of MarCh 7, 1994. ~~~1.I~' _ ~ % - CHAIRMAf~ ANA~~F.IM CI PLANN1NCa COMMIS810N AT'E:ST: ( / ~Gi ,~ r c~/~. ~C . N CLU,.-- S@CRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PIANNINC3 COMMISSIdN .3. PG94-3E STATE OF CALIFORNI/1 ) COUN7Y OF QRANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Harrls, Sacret~ry ai tho Anaheim Ctty Pianning Commisslon, do hereby certHy that the (oregoing resolution was pa3secl and adopted at a meeting of tho Anaheim Cfry Planning Commisslon hel~l on March 7, 19°4, by the foilowing vote of the mombers thereof: ; AYES: COMMIS310N~RS: BOY~]STUN, CALDWELL, MAYER, ME55E, PERAZA, 7AIT NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: HENt~iNGER I,~ IN ~~ ~; NESS WHEREOF, I have horeunto set my hand this ? f,~ day oi ~~~ , 1994. ~ . , 4 ~ 'C'!'u~ - SECRR'ARY, ANAHF{M CITY PLAMNING COMMiSSION ~. pG94-36