Resolution-PC 94-4RESOLUTION NO, PQ94-4 A RESOLU71pN AF THE ANAMEIM CITY PLANNING COMMIS510N DEPJYINr, THE REQUEST TO AMEND CERTAIN CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL bF CONDITIOMAL USE PERMIT N0. 3593 WHEREAS, on Marcti 22, 1J93 the Plznnin~ Commission approved Conditionai Use Permit No. 3593 under Ro~olutlon No. PC93-32 to pormit on•premise consumptlon of alcoholic beverage3 In con~unction with a restaurant/billiard center on property located on tho east side of Beach Boulevard approximately 1050 teot north of the centerline of Lincoln Avenue and turther described as 314 North Beach Boulevard; and WHEREAS, sald Rasolution No. PC93-32 Includec the tollowi~g conditio~ of approval: "6. ?hat there shail be no cofn oporated tahles/amusRment dnvices, Iive entertalnmont, and/or dancin~ on ~ubJoct property' WHEREAS, the petftioner has requested to amend sald condition of approval by doleting iho reterence to "Iive entert~inment"; and WHEFiEAS, the City Plann(ng Commission did hold a public hoaring at the Civic Center in tho City of Anahe(m on January 10, 1994, at 1:30 p.m., notice of sa(d publfc hearinQ hav~ng boen dufy g(ven ~s requtred by law pnd in accordance with the provisions nf the Anaheim Munlcipal Codu, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evfdenco for and against said proposed amendmRnt and to Investigate erui mako tindings and recommondations in connecti~n therewith; And WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investfgation and study made by nself and in its behalf, and after due consideration of all evidence end rsports oHerod at said hearing, dous tirxl 1nd d~termfne the tollnwinfl tacts: t. That the proposed emondmont to the r,onditions of approv~l would aaversoly afte~K the adjoining land uses and the growth end deva~opment ot the area in which it Is proposed to be located; 2. That appro~~al oi the proposed amendment would be dofrimental to the peace, health, safAty and gen~ral w~liaro of the citizons of tlio City of Anaheim; 3. That, as testifiQd to by Palice Ue~rtmont ataH, the addition uf Ilve o7terta(r.mant to the establishment would hav~ a cumulativo negat(ve ofiect and would chanAe the characteeistics oi the establishrnane frorn restaurant/billfard hall to primarily a billiard hail/niBht club in canjunction wkh on-sale of alcoholic baveragEls !horaby potentially rosult(ng in hlgher Incidents ot crime and calls for ~olice servicos; ~nd n. 7hat two (2) people Indicated their pr9se~ce at said public hearinp In tuvor of ~ubJec! proposal; pnd that no carrospondence was receivacl in opposftion to the subJoct petftfon. CAl1~RIVIA ENVIFlONMENTRL f~UALITY AGT F N I : That the Anahelm City Planning Commission has r~rviewed tho p~oposal to dalete the referenco to "Iive entertab~ment" contalned In Condition D1o. t3 of R~3solution No. PC J3•32 and ~o~s herahy tind that the NeqativR Dedaration prevlously appr~ved in conner.ticn with Cond~tional Uso Permft No. 3593 is adoquate t~ serve as the requlred envfronmc~n!ni documentat(on in connactlon wfth thfa request upon finding that the declar~t(on reflecta the indepesident ~udgamr,nt c~ the lead agency and tFu+t it has cons(dered the NegatNo Decla~tlon tagother v+ith ariy co~nments receivoci durin{~ the pubifc roview process end further finding on the basis of the InRial study and any comments received that thon- is n~ sub~tant(al QvidencQ that tho pro(ect will have ~ si~nific~ant afiect on tho ernironmtnt. PC94-4 CR19£35M8.WP '~" r- NOU1~, THER~FORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the 1~naheirn City Planninb Commis~;lon does hereby determfne that Condition IVo. 6 of Resolution No. PC93-32 should remain In eNect, and that the request is therefore denied. THE FOREGOING RFSOLUTION was adcptod et the P~ nnl~ Comm!sslon meeting of January 10, 1994. > > ~/ /l .~2l~"~ /~ CWA RMAN, AN HEIM CI PLANNING COMMISSION ATl'EST: ~ ,, ~' %~ RE1'ARY, ANAH,E M CITY PLANNING C~MMISSION ' !/ STATE OF CP,LIFORNIA ) COUNTY 4F ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, ,1a~iet L. Jensen, Secretary of the Anaheim Cit~/ Plannin~ Commi~sfon, do hereby certffy that tho foregoing reso~ution was passed and adoptod at a meeting of the Anaheim Cfty Planning Commission held on January 1Q, 1994, by the followfng vote of the members th9reo4: AYES: COMMISSIONFRS: CALDWELL, MENNINGER, MAYER, MESSE, PERAZN, TAIT NOES: COMMISSIO~IFRS: BOYDSTUN ABSEN7: COMMISSIONERS: NONE !N WI1'NESS WHEREOF, I 17ave hereunto set my hand this ~~L day of ,,~r_° sa ~! ,t -7~ 1 ssa. l ~~~~ 3~ ETARY, ANAHEI CITY PI~INNIN(3 COMMISSIdN 2. PC9d~3