Resolution-PC 94-46.R~QL,~ITION N.~. °C94-46 A RESOLUTIQN OF THE AP~AhlEIM CiTY ~LANNING COMMISSION APAENDING CERTAI~1 CANDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3515 WHEREAS, Conditfonal Use Permit No. 35t5 (to permit a 5148-square•foot church with carel~ker's Ilving quarters and with wafver ot required sotback adjacent to reaidential zon~ng) was apprrned by the City Gouncil undor Resolutlon No. 92R-109 on Juno 2, 1992 (oltowing apF~roval by tho Planning Commissfon for property ~ocotE+d on the north sld~ of lincotn Avenue approximately 218 teet oast ol the centorlirn3 of Lindsay Stre~t and further deacribed as 2145 Wost Lincoln Avenue; and WHEREAS, sAid Resolution No. 92R-109 includes the toll~winq cnndition of approval: •4. That the hours of uperation shall be tho (ollowing: Sundays: 9:U0 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Tuesdays, Wednascfay and Thurscfays: 7:OU p.m. to 9:15 p.m. S~turdays: 9:00 a.m. to 10:C0 a.m.' WHERFAS, the petilloner has requested to amond said co~d(tion ~t approval In order to have proqram flexibility; and WHEREAS, the Cfty Planning Corrmission did hold a public hoaring at the Civic Center in tho City of Anaheim C,n April 4, 1J9A, at 1:30 p.m., notice ot said puWic hearinq having beon duiy gNen as requ(racl by 19w and in accordance with ihe provisions ot thr~ Anahofm Municlpal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidence tor and against saki proposed amendment and ta invostigate and make iindings ancl recommendations tn cunnecUon therewhh; and WHEREAS, satd Commfssian, after due (nspec:Uon, invttstfpatton and study made by itsQlf and In its behalf, and a(ter due consWeration ol all evidence and reports oflered ot said hearing, does find and datarmino thn to~laHing lacts: 1. 'ihat the prorosed ch~nge in tha hours will not adversely impact the surrounding land uses. nor the pubtic peace, hr,alth, safety and ~Fnvral weNare; arxl ?. '~hat no ona indica!ed their prusencQ at said p~ib!ic hoa!ing in o, sition; and that no correspondQnce was recefved In up~ailion to tho subj~~ct petitlon. CAI.IFORNIA ENNI NM l~T~flUAIITY AGT E'N~ij~~: That the Anaheim City Pt~nning Commissf~n has ruvim~ved ~he proposal to amend Condition No. 4 ot Hesnlution Plo. fl:.R•tO~J pe~tain(r~g to the hours ol operatfon lor the cnurch use~ in order to have Frogram Oexibility ar,d does hereby tind Itv3t tt~o Negative Declaration provfously approveA in ccnnection with Conditlonal Uso PQrmit No. 3515 fs aclc~quat~ to serve as tho requiretl ernironmental documentation in connoction with this request upon ti~xfing tha~ thc dec!aration rcllects the inclr.pend~2nt ~uclgertient ot Ihe lead opency and that it haS considere.+cf tt~Q Negative On,zlar~tion tcp^ther wilh any comments recatved durinfl tho publiC rovi~wv proceas anct lurther firxfin~ on Ihe t~ac;g r~f the initlal study and any commenta rectrh~c~ci lhat thore ia no si~bstanlial evidQnc~ that th~ proiect will havo a giAnilicant eNec:t on lhQ c~mironmsnt. CR20Crs~.SS.`.NP • 1 • PC94~4f, NOW, TFIEREFORE, BE IT P.E~OI.VED that tho Anaholm City Planning Commission does heroby ~mencl Condition No. 4 0l Resolution No. 92R-t09 to read as follows: "4. That tho hours of oporatlon shall bo the tollawing: Sundays: 9:Q0 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Manday throuph Fr(day: 7:00 p.m. to 9;15 p.m. Saturdays~ 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m." TfiE FOREGOING RESOLUTION w~s adopted at tho Planning~Commiss(on meeting of April a, 19Ja. ~ ~ ~ ,. r, ~/.~~~~ ~,, ,~';=-`T,, -`~i ~!j!; % `1 ~ ~> ~n,~ .. :. ~, . CHAIRMAN, ANAFiEIIV1 CITY PU4NNING COMMISSION ATTEST: ,, ~ i :'%~,(~i~.~.,iLi,•~itl, , ~;-~~~ C~~~t.~~' SECRCTAR ANAFteIM ~Ij~ PLAP~yIN~ COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANG~ ) ss. CITY OF AtJAHEIM ) I, Margarita So~orfo, 5ecretary of t~~e Anaheim City F'lanning Commisslon, do nereby certfly that tho !orogoing resolut(on was passed and adopted at a moetfng of the Anaheim Clty Plannlnfl Commission hetd an April 4, 1994, by the f~llowing vote ot the memtiers thoreo(: AYE5: COMti11SSI0PIERS~. CALOWELL, HENNINGER, MAYER, MESSE, PERAZA, TAI'f N~ES: COMMISSION@RS: NONE AOSEN7: COMMI5SIONERS: BUYDuTUN ~, y ~~-,~ ' , IN WITNESS WHEREOF,1 hava her3unto set my hand this ~~~~ da oi Z~-~` "~ 1994. '~~~f.l~.yl.IL ~ : " ~ ~'~!/7.c1 ~. SECFiFTARY, A1;OAHEiM CI'LY%PtANNiNG COMMISSION .2. PC94-4F