Resolution-PC 94-47qt=Gni i iTioN N0. PG94-47 A R~SOLUTION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMPAISSION AMENDING CERTAiN CONDITIOP~S OF APPROVAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT N0. 2981 WHEHEAS, on March 29, 19F38 City Councll grantec! Condftional tJse Permit No. 2981 in con7ection with Resolutlon No. 88R-135 to p~-mit a church In the ML "Industrlal, Limited" Zono with waiver of minimum number of parking spaces tor a period of three years to expire on March 29, 1991, followinp approval by the Planning Commiss(on. Sub~oct property is located on the sauth side of la PAlma Avonuo, app~oximetAly 1,100 faet east of tho centeriine of BrasF~er Street end further described es 5464 E~st La Palma Avenue; and WhEEF1EAS, sald Resolutlon No. H8R-135 includes tha followin9 condft(on of approval: °2, 7hat in conformance with Code :,ection 10.61.U50.614, the temporary church use of subJect proporty shall be Iimited to ~ total ~f not more than threa (3) years duratlon (trom the date herefn) within any consecutivo ten (10) year period, and turther pruvided that sucl~ use, other than church oHice staif, shall not be pQrmin~cl on Mon~ays througli Fridays prior to 6 p.m." WHEREAS, on October t, 1991 City CouncA adoptetf Rosolucion No. 9tR-295 t~mendinp Conditfun ho. 2. ~f Rasotution 88R-135 to read as tollows: "2. 7h~t in conformanco wEth Code Soction, tho temporary church use of subJact property shr~ll ba permftted to continue tor a three (3) year tlme period unNl March 29, 1994, and that the petitluner or his authorized ropresentative may thon seek approvAl af a Ifnal three (3) year tim~ extens(on from the Nlanniny Comm(ssion in connectlon with a dulynoticed public hearing. The church shall, with tho excQpt(on ai nattonai holidays, limit nctN(tfes prior to 6:00 o'clock p.m. on Mondays throuyh Frfdays tu church oHice statl" Wf-1EREAS, Pastor Eddie Rodrlguez, tho petitfoner, has submitted two letters, dated March 2, 1994, rRquesting to continue the approvad use. The oriflinal iettet requestecl doletion o( Conditfon No. 2 but the petitionor was intorma! ihat s(nce the Iimitation lor churches in tho C.~nyon Industrfal Aroa is basecf on Section 18.61.06A.614 of the Zon!ng Code, deletion oS Condit(an No. 2 would.~( ramova the 9- year limitatfan for this church but that a tinal threo year time ~xtension may be requostecf. VVHEREAS, the Ciry Pianninp Commission d(d hold A publ~c hearing at thv Civic Canter In tha City of A.nahelm on April 18, 199d, ot 1:30 p.m., notice o( s~(d publfc hearinfl liaving been dul~ piven a~ royuir2cf Uy law nnci in accordance with the provlslons ot the Ar-aheim Muntcfpal Cude, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidenc~ for and against s~fd proposod amer.dmpnt enc! to Irnestigate ancl make tindinqs and recommondations in con~ection therewith; and WHEREAS, sald Cummfssion, after due InEp~ctfon, fnvest(gation arx) st~xfy made by itself and in its bcl~~lt, And aitQr due conskleratfon of all2vidence and roports aftered at safd honring, does find and determino tho foAowing ta~^ts: 1. Th~t the Znning Codo ai!ows a linal three•year timo extansfon tor the etxisting church In thA C.~nyon Incfust:lal Area to termir.ate on March 29. 1~37: CR2070MS.WP '~' P~ A~ 2. ThAt the oxisting church use has not adversoly ~Hected adJoining land usos nor tho growth and devolopment of the area, nor has It beon detrirnental to th~ peace, heaith, safety and penaral wAlfare of the citizens of the City of Anahelm; 3. That on April 11, 99<<, tho petitioner indicated in a tetephone conversation that no modH?cations arc~ requosted perte.ining to the operation of the existing use; 4. 1'hat the requost was r~viowed by affected Clty departments to determine whether it conforms with tho Cfty's Growth M~nagemont Elemant adopteci by the City Cauncfl on March 17, tu~2; and, based on staff revlew of the proposal, It has beAn determinecl that this projec: dcos not fit withir the scope necessary to require a Growch Managemant Element analysfs and, therefore, no analysfs has beon perforrned; 5. That Code Enforcemont staff inspected the su~iJect property and found no outstanding Cod9 violations with the exception of portablo s(gns in the l.a Pelma Avenue publlc right-o(-way to direct church mombers Into the drfveway loading to the church; tho petftlonar was notified oi said violation of Cocie requiremen-s and Code Enlorcement staN will monitor subJect property for complfance; 6. That the r~edovelopment Commi3sion roviovved tho request on April 14, 1994 and recommendod Planning Commisslon approval oi a time oxl~anston; and 7. That r.o ar~e i~di,ateci their presence at ssiid public hoaring in opposition; and thAt no correspondence was received in opposition ta tlie subJec.t potitlon. a IF RNIA NV R ~ t~TAL QUAI,ITY~CT FINpING: That the Anahelm Gfty Planning Commission has r9vlewed the proposal to amend Condition No. 2 of Hesoiution No. 88R•135 pertaining to a tir~e Iimita!ion ot a previouslyappravud church and dces hereby tlnd th~at the Nogative Doclaration prev(ously approvod in connection with Conditlona! Use Permit No. 2981 Is edequate to serve as the r~quired environmental documentation in connection with this request upon finding that the declaretlon reflects the indeperu~ent ~udgQment of the laad agency and that it has consfderod th~ Negative Declarption together with any comments received during the publir, re~riew pro~ess and funher tin~in~ on the basis of the i~itial study and any comments receivod that there is no substantfai evfdence t`~at the proJoct will hav~ a signNicant ANect on the environment. tJOW, THEREFORE, 6E IT RESOLVED that the Anaheim Ciry ~'lanning Commisslon does herebv amunc! Condition No. 2 of Re~olutlon No. PC88•135 to read as foll~ws: "2. That (n coniormance with Cod9 Sect~on, tho tempora~y church usR of subject proporty shall be permitted to continue for e!~ ihree (3) year timc~ por~od untii March 29, 1997, The church shali, wNh tho exception of national hdidnys, Ilmft activities prior to 6:dQ p.m., MondAy through Frlday, to church ottice staf}.' THE FOREGOiNG RESOLUTION was adoptad at the Planning Commisston rneotfng ot Aprfl 18, 19~1. / ~~.(11, ' ~ ~~ / -_ ~" % ~ / ,~~ ..~~ CHAIRMAN, ANAHEIM ClW PIJMNNING COMldIS510N A17EST: "" ~ ,~.~'~.~,~';i-~~.~~~~~._ ~ S .t~E7ARY, A~ CITY PLANNIMG COMMISSIQN / ,~ / ,2. PC9A-47 STATE UF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGF_ ) ss. CI7Y OF ANAHEIM ) I, Janet L. Jensen, Secretary oi the Anahoim City Planning Commission, do hereby certity that the iorofloing resolution was passed and adopted At a meeting ofi tho Anaheim Clty Planning Commi~~lon held on April i 8, 199d, by the following vote of the members thereoi: AYES: COiUIV11SSI0NERS: BOYDSTUN, CALDWELL, HENNINCaER, MAYER, MESSE, PERAZA, TAlT NOES: CQMMISSIANERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE IN WITNESS WHERF.OF, ~ have hereunto set my hand thi ~~i~ day oC 7~ ~Q ,~ , 1994. ' ~L'~.C`J • ;z ~?~Z.d o,~. ~ CRETARY, ANAH~IKA CI1Y PLANNING COMMIS$ION ,~ 1 ~ .~. PC94-47