Resolution-PC 94-75RESOLU7IAN,(J0. PC94•7S A RESOI.UTIOiV CF TH~ ANA.HEIM CIIY PLANNING COMMISSION ADOPTING AND RECOti1MENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPTION OF GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT IJO. 337 PERTAINING TO THt TEXT ~JF THE LANO USF ELEMEM WHEREAS, the Anaheim General Plsn wss Adopterl In IJovembe~ 1969, On July 3, 1984, the City Council approved Ganeral Plan Amenciment (GPA) No. 194, updating and consolldAting the elements Af the General Ptan tnto a slnple, comprohensNe document. WHEHEAS, tollowing approval of GPA No.194, the Cfry has continuecf to amenu and update the Goneral Plan, as approprfate and .zs n9ecled, to reflect changing community needs and Stute law. WHEREP.S. 5ectlon ~;o. 65302, subparagraph (a), ot tho Calfiomta Go~~arnment Codo requires the Land Use Elemont (LUE) to designate the proposed general d(stributl~n and generel locatlon end ~xtent of uses ot land for h~using, busini~ss, industry and open space, includiny agriculture, natural resourcc~s, roci~ation and en~oyment of scenlc beaucy, education, publlc buildings and grounds, solid and liquld waste disposal iacilftios, nnd other categorlas of public and privaie uses ot land. It turthAr requfres a statement of populatinn density ancf building intensiry re~:ommended for the various zone dtstricts and other territory covered by the plan. Yhe I.UE must ideNify areas covered by the ~lan whfch are subject to Rooding, anci must be reviewed ennuatly with respect to those areas. WHERFAB, the City of Annholm LIIE r,omplies with Stato !aw with regard to the varfous componer~ts marxlaced by the le~(slatlon. HowovAr, because ol the number o( nmendmonts whfch have xc~rreci ~Ince tha 1984 update, ft fs aFproprtate to amend portions o( the LUE text to clarify the provisions relating to build(nfl Intensity and populatton ciensfty. W~iEHEAS, the Anahelm City Plpnning Commission dk1 hc:d a public hearing at the Anahetm Civic Center, Council Chamber, 2t10 South Anahelm Bouleverd, on June 1,1~J94, at 1:30 p.m., notice of sald public hearing having beon duly given es required by law end In accorciance with the provisions of tho Anahelm Municfpal Cocfe, to near aM corzfdor e~~lence tor ancf agatnst said (3eneral Plan Amerxlment and io Irnestigate end make ilndings and recommerxlatbns !n connoctton therev+kh; and WHEREAS, said (:ummisslon, alter due consiJeration, inspection, frnastigaNon arxl study mado by Rseli, and aRer due conskforotion ot all Rvidence and reports dflered at sa{d hearing, DOES HEREBY FIND: t. That the evtdence prasented subatanti~tf-3 the need tar an emencfinent to the text of tho Land Use ElQmont (LUE) of the Annheim Goneral Plan restatinp end claritying exlsting prcwiabns containod therofn rolatinq to l:t~INomla (3ovornment Cude Section No. 65a02, subparagraph (a). 2. 7hat re~tatamec~t a~d ciaritics-tion ot existing text within the I.UE wNl prrn,ide a better un:forstanding of how building Intengky and population densfty erta sat lorth In the Genoral Plon. CAUFQ~I~ ENVIRONME[~1~~, ~.1i1'Y /1CT F!N~: That the Anaholm City Planning C~mmfssio~i has rovlewod the proposnl to restato and clarHy uxisting provisions in tho LUE ot the Gonaral Plan rMatinq to buqding Intansity and populatfon denslty; arM dnos har~by apprave the Negattve Doclarat(on i~pon tmdtng that N has consider~d the Negative Declaratton together wNh any commrnta recei~•ed during tho public ravlew procoss and }urther 1lnding on Iho basfs of tho inNial stuiy and any comrnents raceival tt~t thore fs no evkler-~o that the proJF-ct wflt have a nlgnlllcarK efiect on th~ ornlronr:~ont. c~2>>r.r~~s.wc~ •~• PC~•~~ NOW, T{iEREFORE, 8E IT RESOLVCD, that pursu~nt to lhe ~bove tindinps, the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby adopt and recommand to the City Council ot tlio City of Anahoim adoption o( General Plan Amendment No. 337 making the tollowing text clariiications or changes to the LU~ of tho Anaheim Goneral Plan (the modiffcatlons ere IdentHied by ~trikeout text for deletions and shaded text for additions): Page 17 of the LAND USE ELEMENT Po uIR ation: tfl 1'his sectlon-f4 Is kx3-IRte-~E (ntondeil to deal with pattorns of growth rather than the ultimate populatlon tn terms of numbsis. The primar~ goal of the Goneral Plan is to achieve a moanfngiul end in ovaluating what th0land, environmenth) and governmental iramework can accommodete In torms of population pattems ond urban land usea. This goal lu accomplished by a Cfty program of providing rNquired puallc Improvements in a manner that estabflshes ~zublic fiscal equiry te 1ot ail residents In Anaheim anci avoi~s promature public expenditures. Thio City m~ssurea populatlor: densky as a functton bl the uvvange papulaUon par"tlwetllnQ;unit Pa~uladon ~.~stimates are' updnte~i on a regutar ba3is throi.~gh annual tand usa aurvsyo, buildinp perrtilt rACOrda, Ute Fedvraf Cansu.a nnd 8fete Dep~trnent ol r`inance data. Po~ulatlon (Citvwl i~: Populatl~n studie~ aro essential to undersiarxling tlie number, compositfon, and spatiai distrlbution of present and tuturd ~slaents of ttie communiry. Those studfos prcvide a lxisls !or determinina the rypes, locat!ons, ~nd quantfties of communiry facilftle~ such gs schools, parks, Iibrarles, streets, and utllitfes to be provided in accorclance wfth standards adopted by various publfc agencfes responsible tor ma!ntalning adequate IAVeIs of servico. ~e Slx comprehonsive c~nsusos have been tal:en since the m(d•t950's when Anaheim began to raptdly urbanize. A 19f/J, 1970, erad 19H0, encl fr90 decenniai consusBe wee Wor~ cunductxi by the Unftod States Departmant o1 Commerce, Buruau ot Census, and i~ 1966 nnd 1976, the Anahetm Spur,tal Census was conducted by the State Department of Financo at the City's request. A briof summary of lacts pertinent to populatlon denshy, s(ze and composftion a~e Ia Ilsted below: 14~ !BZ4 .2.9~ .1P.44 .!~ .!.ffiQ .14R.! Incorporalsd Ane 31 34 ~9 ~2 43.5 48.A3 ~t8.Ui1 (Squere Mil~t) Tot~t Populellon 148,800 tri(i.701 196.382 219.~94 228,9N0 2d6,~Wd 200~7'12 Avsrepr Populaticm per Ow~qinp Unit S~npla}amUy ~ 9 • 3.4 3.2 3.2 . 3.3 Multlpl~•temily 2.4 • 2.1 2.1 2.t 3.4 • Mtdisn Aqs 2S Z7 27 ~ 2fl' ~0 ' M~dien Family E9.185 S11,BOi SS3.12C 523,112 i34.d00• '~{39,e20 • 1nu~m~ "Oronp~ County Propna ~~upoA 1fl8384 (Counry•rvldo Avorep~) .2. PC9~•75 It is ditiicult to estimate tha eftects regional ond natlonal pupulation trends will havo upon e relntively smnil areA such as an (~idlvlduAl clty - espoclally a city that h~s undorgone rapid growth. A number of mothocls are useci to project pupulation; however, the ~ogistical curve technlque is considered a relatively rellable in instancas wh~re it is possible to predi~~t (uture patterns and donsities of devolopment with a high de~roe of accuracy, The logistical curvo method is baserl upon the assumptlon that future population growth will be Iimited by Iand Availability to an estimatecl Pape 18 uf the LAND USE ~LEMENT saturation fitiure and that the growth rate wiil decraase as saturation is ~pproach~d. Factors taken into consideration for proJecting papulatlan growth wore: `fhat residontiafly plsnned areas t~ro approach(ng saturation; + That given a knowledge of densities common to difforont resld~ntial zones, residentlal construction rates, topography, existing lanc+ .~: a policies, and ~reas of propoaed chanflo, ft ts possible to reasonably proJect a~tf~ipated growth; and, • That tho continued growth and development of Anahelm's Industrlal aroas will result In continueci demand (or housing. Basod upon the approach outl(~iod above, k Is ostimated that a build-out population e! 2~k~9U~2~b;8A9 in: exCess or 3?2.247 will occur beyond the year 2000 ior the entire Ciry. The -ollowing figuros refiect d~velling units and population for Planning Area B"t~lll and Canyon'A~oo'. ~ ~ ~.t~ P191e~ts~t POPUI.ATION 15,36t 37,6t;3 ~13,219" ~~~~ DWELLING UNITS Hillside Estate Density 339 - A21 4,189 Hiilside Low Density 2,831 • 6,445 9,710 Hili3ide Low-Modium Gensity 2,781 • 5,f~8 5,702 Hiltside Modium Density tOEl - 1~243 2.F>1~ Total 6,OS9 - 1d,2U5 22,218 ''19y0 Census Inia~mation Page 19 of the LAND USE EIEMFNT COMMERCIAL ARE~ The (3rcriMh Mana4emo-n Clement (GME), adopted In 1992 And Intemotfy conalatent wRh tha t.and Use Eloment, sa;s forth ~tanderds for buildinp (ntensity es followa: • A Comprehec~alve Phasfnp I~roQ~m (~~t~ ILhk6 buNdtng pertnR isauance to lranspertatlon at~f riublid taci~itlas/services phasfng for new communltl~ In the Hpt erxf Canyon Area. The CPP inGlud~.an ovemll buildout ptan demonstraUnti tha obl!IN aP intraatn~cturt to suppo-t development nnd ~nanCUt9 mechanisms tn tund lmprovem~nts. . pro~~c+s that are nat aub~oc~t to a phaatng progrom ero reqWrerl tA Irr.plemont Impravamentu wlthtn three yeara ot buRding pormk ~ssuance N th~e years hom tho lirst gn~dinq parmh ta e~c~ approved phaeo, wkh bondlnQ to ensure (alr shero contribtrrions to erea-wlde Im4xovemoMa. .3_ PC94-75 "'°' ~y .Y::.._. , ~ The QME; contatns pnlicl~~ to essess Imnactg of' propose~! devel~pmanf and/ar int~nsillratlon at oxiating tand uso and roquiros mitlgattan moasuroato provido adequata levels of aetvtc~ (~05~ end intraetruct~re. 5ak~ pollcias are itnpiement9cl ihrou~h lhg CPP ~vhich ra;qufrpq, that ~i!alidpt~t be ~dmmansurAta,Wfth thR abfUty to provido adequt+telntrastructure cepaciry. ~ • 7he GM~'fncludao poliGtes tb ensuro traffic LpS stNndard bl St~oeta tunless alrna8y at;lOS F},'.and U alqng the i~alanae n .,. . , l.~rge scale pro~acts ~re requfred' tu establlsh an apprc~voit developMdnt ;phe~stn~; progt~m ,c;,, phases d~velapmeM commaneurate wfth requlred„Irnpmvements to mu~ntain roactw~ay gapacftiea: P1~e9~.~.~1 Pr@sent Status: Most ot the comm~rcfal develoFment in the City oi Anaheim is presently locateci fn Planning Aroa A, and ~dnd use patterns are typical of many suburban communities in Southern C~Iitornia. Commercial devalopment is located primarily along tho more heavil;~ traveled aRerial hlghw~ays and ireeways r~nd Includes a v~rlery of tyFes of uses as well as development forms. Curront land use datss that nearly soven percent o( the tntal dev~loped acroage within thls Pianning Area Is allocated for rotail s~ales and commercial•prote3sionat oNice uses. This percentage increases to more than twelve porcent with the addition of commerclal•recreu~lon I~nd usES. Page 21 oi the LAND USE ELEMENT in adJoining commurities. The maJority of now growth and dovelopment will be the tourist-oriented, commercial•recroatfon type irael~~~o~'°~~~~$ ~ ~and uR~B. In Plar.ning Aroa A, most large parcols appropslat~ for retall commerrial use have be~n developed. ~uture commercial development, with respect to retail convanlence and shopper's goods, wlll prfmarfly consist or expand(ng and redeveloping existing commerclal sites tor more eff!cient and intensfvs use. A.Ithough commercial land use constitines the smallest percentage of land davaloped for private use, commercial ect{vftios have an impact and influence upon a communi[y that far exceed the proportlonate uso of space. In the past, the centret business district constftu:ed the tucal point of the community serving as the retail, edmfnistrative, ifn~ncial, entertalnment, and cultura! centar. Recent emphasfs In comrnorcial developmont has been ~ opening t~~ new faailities to serve t~ie mobile and rapfdly urUanizing Uran~e County reglon. ~ee Fout maJor factors nre expected to fn8uenco (uture ot}ice dovelupmc~nt: _ . Abntry to provf~e adequate i~asnucb~re as requlrud by th~ Growth Mana9ement Etemerd; . Reglonal population growth and tts attendant dornand lor ~ervices; . Incroased industriai de~~lopmarit and its damand tor corpora!e ultlco space; arui . The 'vistblltt~' and exF~sure factor ottored by sites located fn tt~e activfty centers such as the Commerclal•Recreation Area. ~. PC9a•75 In ths (uturo, the City will continu9 tc? realize tho developrnent of high-rise offic~ buildin47s in the "Downtown" area and the E-aflstNe~a4~a~a Analielm Statllurr! ~u~inpss Center around Anaheim Stadium. The Disnoyland and Convantlon Centor areas have oxperienced substantial growth within the last few years wfth constructlon of high-rise hotels and motets. With the exlstonce of vacant land in the general area, devolcpment of high intensity land uses should continue Into the future. ~~MMERClAI QISTRIBUTION The General Plan establishos the general parametors for land use. The plan symbology for Planning Area A pravides four c2tegories of commerclal ~and use~w~ii~kti-aFe: General Commercial, Comrnorclai Recreatlon. Commerclal Professional, and Reaional Shopping Centor. E~ch af thaso categorias is implemdr.ted by ona or more zone classific:ations. Tt~e type af use that actually develops in a perticular aroa or on A part!~ular sita is dotermined by tho aone classification within which the property is located and 4he types oi uses permittod ~nrfthir each zone -~---_......~__ .._,~_ ~w r.;a~ww-n.:w~t:~~rd Ganeral Commercinl - The Gener~l Commercial categor,r provides for the devalopment of ~ wfde varlety of aomr~ nrc(al uses parmitted in accordance witli standards conta(ned in the CO, Commorcial, Offlcd and Professfonal Zone; ~L, Commercial, Lfmfted Zone; CG, Commercial, Gen~ral Zone, and, CH, CAmmercia~, Heavy Zone. Typical development renqes irom shopping centers to smail businesses. General Plan symbology includes existing land use patterns and the logfcal extension ot these patterns. This symbology serves to convey comrnunlty peliclos tor a~eneral area rather than for spociiic properties or sites. Approximately 46 percenc oE the total planned commercial acreagc~ in Pisnning Area A is allucated to the General Commorclal cat~flory. This acrenge constftutes 13 percent of total acreaQe within Plsnning Area A. Comrnerclal-Recreatlan - Tho Commercial•Rocreatlon categorV was adoptod by the City in the 1960's to encaurege commercial-rocreatio~ land uses primarily in the Uisneyland are~. Currently, in addition to tho Disneyland area, tha Stadfum area is etso designatod as Commorcial•Recreation. This category ~s implemented by the C-R, Comrriercial, Recroation Zone which is inte~ided to prov(de tor the develorment of businesses dlrectly re~ated to the recroatlon and entertainment industries providing services to the .ourist as well as providing tor certain multi•story headq~arter•type business and professional oNice buildings. Page 23 of the LAND USE ELEMENT To ma(nteln and enhance tt~e positlon of the community as a natlonally recognizod tourist center. Policles: Ercoura~o and provfde tur the dovelopment of a broad rango oF quTlity commercial tacflities ot appropriato locations throughout the community. Enr,ourage the grouping of complamentary cnmmercial uses adJacent tn arterlat highways; and, the tota~ •ity-w(do inventory will reasonably relato to the s(ze and character of the ~opulation to be served. Encaurage ihe development of well-designed commerciai aroas ihrough the application of IIfte development stand~~ds which provide tor: . thE compatiblo integratlon of cc+mmercfal uses when they are ndjacont to residential and industrlal areas; and, . adeuuate off-strQet parki~g, loadinc~ areas, ~andscaping, and other appro~~riata G~te impruvoments. ,5_ PC9a-75 Provide all commercial developments with adequato ~nd safe accdss to transportation faclllNos, firo and palic~ protection, public utllitles, and other nocessary community sorvices. Encourege the rNdevelopment of the "powntown" Area as an Integrat and vltal part of the commercinl network of the communfty. Encourago the development of quality facilitles which comploment convontions, tamily entertainmont, and rocreation within appropriato areas of thA community. Maintain the integrity oi the Commerclal-~iecreation Area by pormiriing only compatlble land uses withfn this designated xrea. Eveluate the Interelatlonshi~ between ttie "Downtown" Area Redevelopment And the contlnusd ~rowth fn the Cor~mercial•Roore~tion Area including both the Disneyland/Cornantion Center Area ~nd tho An~heim Stadlum Area to maintain the integrity of developmont tronds. Plannina Area @ Presont Statu~: To date, commarclal development consists primarily of nelghborhood shopping centers located in appropriate activity centers ratlier than distributed In 3trip fo ~{cCl~commerciA Ide~velopment incl d ng Currontly, approximately 290 acres have been developed/app a Refllonai Shapping Center and suppoK commorclal on the 9auer Rancl~. The Plan desl~natas approxfmately two percont of the total acroage In thls Planning Area for commercial uses. Future Outlook: Tho ~'lan utllizes the "planned communit~' concept In that the amount of commercial development ralates to the market support of residents INing within Plannirig Area B. 7his conce{~t ehsUtA9,'Ithrotlgh':ri publfC Mcilifiag pipn, that rsdequatp;inCrt~etructure and,;publlc: i'~ic111Nea%serv~~es;are oonstructad.ta accammod~t~ buildtnq intensity and thus will conUnue fo be Implementr.d as th9 r~~melning acraago ts devaloped. Commercit~l DI ri tl,Qn: Slnce one o! the basic ob~octNes in Fiann(ng Area B is to encourage the locatfon of commerclal facilities a~ca caopt t-f smaU I disp sed neig ~orhood shopping cent ees has been pruposedsatnd mpiemenp.i1 0 date. The General Plan for Planning Area B provides (or thrAe categori~~ ~f commercial lancl use which are: GHneral Commercial, Commorr,lal Recreatlon aruf Regionaf Shoppinq Center. E~ch of these P2ge 24 of the Ln"3U USE ELEMENT catagories is impiamented by one or more zone classtticatlons. ?he tyne oF usg that actually dovelops in a particular area or on a particular site I~ determineci 6y the z~~no classlfication within which the property is located, and the types of uses permitted wfth(n oar.h zone classitication. ~urEher, tho developmeM afarxiards for each tmplemeMadan zone' Includ(ng Iand usa reMrlctfong,:setbaCks, ~2~kin~, and helght ~eq~alrem~nta doflne a bulldtng envelope• ~. PC94-75 General Commerclal - Tho Goneral Commercial cAtagory provicles for the dovelopment of a wlde veriety of cammercial uses pormittad In accordance with the standards contained in the CO(SC), Commerclal, Office and Profassional-Sconic Corridor Overlay Zone; CL(SC), C~mmercial, Limited-Scenic Corr(dor dveri~y Zane; ~LL-NS(SC), Commercial, Limited Hillsidv-Sconic Corridor Ovorlay Zone; and tho l:G(SC), Cummercial, General-Scenic Corridor Ove~lay Zone. Due to the naturo of the Hill and Canyon Area, typlcal development consists of a number of small nefghborhood canters with supportina commercial uses. Thls symbolo~y serves to convey community policles Ior ~ general aroa rather than for ~pecif(c propertles. Commerclal Aecreatlon - The Commerciaf Recr9atlon cate{~ory provideg for tho development of commercial/recreation oriented uces such as the existing tennis club on Anaheim Hills Road. This catE~gory is implom~nted by the C-R(~C), Commorcfal-Recreation-Sconic Co~ridor Overlay Zone. nue to the tupographic constraint of Planning Area B, minimum amount ot acreage has been designated in this category. Reg/onal Shopping Qenter - The Plan designates one ReQional Shopping Center in Planning Area B, approved near the intersoctlon ~f Santa Ana Canyon Road and We(r Canyon Road, contalning ~pproxlmately 85 acres. ~oals and P lo icles: Goal: Provide commercial development that is consistent with the "planned community" concept, theroby dfscouraging strip commorcial developmant. Page 25 of ths LAND USE EIEMEN7 Policy: Encoura~o location ~f oommor~ .-I uses In appropriate activity centers rathor than distributod along arterial highways. Goal: Prov(de commerclal areas wh(ch service the convenience shoppinp and personal sorvice needs of resfdents Iiving (n tho Hill and Canyon Area. Pnlicies: A cummunity commercial center wfl~ be provldod which will service the full needs of the paople who wili be Iivirig in the area, thereby nagating the neec! (or additional automoblle use. A number oi neiphbarhood aommercial contors will emerge whfch provide the ev9ryday needs oi th~ populace (or t~od and basic servicA~, and which may be reached by foot or bicycle as woll as automobile. MaJor commercia! centers will be easfly accessible to maJor transportatfon facilities and corridors. Encourage the developmont of a repional shopping center whi;,h will s~rvice the full needs of the peopte who will bo Iining in thR ar~a. INDU,~,TRIAL AREA~S '~ho Grcwth Management ~lemenf ailoptoii (n 199z and h~ter~lty coneistant with tho l:and (~ae ~lbmoht sets torfh swndari~s for bufid-ng frnansity us tolic~ws: - A Comprehanaivei Pf~as(n~ Program iCPP) ~fnkss M~ildinq permit issuance to hans~ortation And public facltlttea/sorvices phasingT~r new cammunRles In tF~e tiUt and Canydn Ania. ,Tho CPR. Inciudes an overali liuNdout plan demonstratinq the abllity of Intr~structure to oupport deveiopment and flnancing mechanisms to tund tmpravemente. • Projaotn that are nnt sub)ect to e phastng prugrsm are raqulred tn. implamant irnprbvements wtthin three yeara of building permR fsauance vr five yesrs irom the first grading permft ivr ear,h eporoved phase, tvith bondiny to onaura tair share cont~ibutions.; _~. PC94-75 Pl~nn(na Areas A and B Prosent~'_~r,~~: There are f~~iar maJor plannad Industrlal areas withln the City of Anahelm prlmarlly located (n Planning Area A: Carr~on Industrlal (portion located In {'lanning Aroa B), Stadlum industrial Area, Central Industrlal Area ai~ Freeway Industrlal Aroa. Page 2B of the IANp USE ELEMENT Inherunt problomt; often Include a geileral lack af aft•stroet parking facllitles and poor Internal afrcu!at~on; exlsting structures were constructed wFien landscaplny and architoctural treatment wore not a s4andard of sfte deslgn; and, no expanslon potent(al due to surrounding non•Industriel lar.d usas. Such aroas should be consldored for rehabllitatlon to help revitallzo the oconomlc fndustrfal base. Calffornla communltlos are recognlzing tho beneflts whlch accrue irom a sound lndustrlal base, and determined efforts are being made to attract n~w Industry. 7hls competftlon among communftles has Allowed Industry to become vory seloctive, -lnahelm Is the recognlzed Industri•,i centQr of Orange ~ounty. Fi~wever, It wlll be necessary fur clvlc leader to retaln the conflde~ce oF exl~:mti fndustrles by Insuring lnat development approved wlthln lndustrlal uses and that zoning Integrlty fs ~,ialntalnecl If the community (s to enJoy contlnuod success In attracting new Industrlal flrms. In tri I Dlstnbutlon: The Anahelm Ganeral Plan sets forth the communlty's Ind~.~trial land use pollcles and designates four maJor industrial t~reas, prlma~ily loceted wlthlr~ Plennlr~g Are~ A. Due to the unlque nature of the HIII and Canyon Area and tho current Genaral Plan land use deslgn2tlons, Industrlal usos will be Ilmfted In thls area In the futuro. Currontly, a portlon of the Canyon Industrlal Aroa lies In Planning Area B and ft Is expocted that many o( the emptoyees In this Industrfal areA will avall themselvc~s of tlie nearby housing market in the Hill ~nd Canyon Area. In most Instances, boundarles for these fndustrial areas conslst of (r6eways, arterial hlghways, the Sants Ana River, ~nd uther natural or manrnade features which serve to separate and buHer Indu~triel areas from non- (ndustrial areas. The olanned Industrlal areas totel approxlmately 4,8U0 gross acre~, and approxlmatoly 13 percent of thls acreage fs available for development. The Plan Includes the concept that these areas can be developed In the torm ~~f (ndustrial parks, and the implement(ng zones contafn standards necossary to achlevo this goal. .g_ PC~J4-75 ; Ls~rg~ sr~le proJec~s are rpqutretl tn ostabttah an approved ds~a~mant ph~sing ~m~r~rn whlcYi phases;dovelopment c~mmeh5urate with raqulr~.l.imprc~voni~nts. to malntain roadvuey cBp~cRles The typo af usa that actually develops In a partlcular aroa or ~n a particular site Is de!ormined by the zone ciassification wlthin which the propsrty Is located and the types of uses permitted within oach zone cldssii(catio~-. ~urth~r,::the :ctav~opme,nt statid~ttlS far;each 1rhplament~N4n znno, irticluding;i~nd usi~ Tha General Industrial designation Is primarily Imptemontod In accordance with the standards contalned ~n the Ml., Industrial, Limited Zone. However, a iimfted amount ot M, Moavy Industrlal zoning is located in the Central Industrial Area. Th~ Mt. Zone provides fnr the development of Iight manufacturing, warehousing, wholesaling us~s and under certain conditlons solid waste facllitios (fncluding transter and disposttl facilfties). The M Zone permfts heaver industrial uses whlch camply with recognizetl ~+erformance st~nd4rds. Provision Is made for ttio estnblishment of industrially-rolated ~ommercial uses and heaver induatrial uses within araas zonod ML subJect to the approvai of a Conditlon~l Use Permit, .~Q ~~4~~ ~~~ Goal: To develop and maintaln a stable, divers~fled range of industries to enhance the economic b~sa of the cammunity; and To protect and enhance the integrity and desirability uf industrlal sfte~ withfn the planned Industrial areas oF the communiry. Provide attractfve f~idustrial areas which will encourage future firms to locato in the area, Encourage a divArsified industrlal base in ordor to provide a range of empinymont opportunitles for citizens of both the CKy and the Orange County area. Pollcies: Encourage tho oxpanslon of existing industry and attract a broad range of high-quality industrial development. TI-iE ~OHEGAING RESO4UTION was adopteci at ttie Plannin Commisston moeting of June 1, 1994, ~1 ,~ ~ U~.~ CHAIRMAN, NAHE M CI tAIG COMMISSIQN ATTEST: ~~ ~ ~„`~~ ~ , ~ N ~ -'•.^r S~ECRETARY, ANAH IM CITY PLANNING CAMMISSIOh ~ ~./STATE OF CALI ORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss, CITY OF ANAH~IM ) I, Janet L. Jensen, Secretary uf the Anaheim Ciry Plannin9 Commission, do hereby cerlify that the foro~oing resolution was passed and adopt~d at a meeting of tha Anahefm Clty Planning Comrt~fssion held on June 1, 1994, by the following vote of the members tl:ereof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: oOYDSTUN, CALOWELI, HENNINGFR, MESSE, PERAZA, TAIT NpE~; COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMfv11SSI0NER~: MAYER IN WITNFSS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this~~~ day of.-_ ~ yt_~~ _= ~ 1~• ~, ~ •-' ,.. „. ~ _,,./'•;/'}~--f`' . ~S • ,~Ga;. i..:,~ 'S~CFlETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PIAI~INING COMMISSION ~ ,i -~• PC94-75