Resolution-PC 94-77;;~ ~ R~$.Q~TION N0. PC94-77 yu;~- ~ A RESQLUTION OF TFIE ANAH~IM CITY PIANNIiVG COMMISSION AMENDING CERTAIN CONDITIONS nF APPROVAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT NO. 3500 WH~R~AS, on June 29, 1992, tho Anaheim City Planning Commisslon approved Conditlonal Use Permit No. 3500 under Resolutlon No. PC92-80 ta retain an Ir:dustriallyrelated oHice buildlnfl Including a training seminar facility on proporty located at the northeast corner of La Palma Avenue and Van BttrAro Street and further described as 4001 East La Palma Avonue; and WH~REAS, sald Resolutlon No. PC92-80 includes the followirig findfnp of fact; 1. That the nroposed use is properly one far which a conditional use permit is Authorized by Anahelm Municlpal Code Section 18.st .050.605 to retaln an industcially-related oHico building including training s9minars and with waiver of: ,~CTIONS 18.06.05Q:Q?~,L - Minimum n m Lqf oarkin~s2aces, ~.050.0~ (336 s~acos requlred; as saaces 9xlsti~ 10.06.G50.0~1 18.06.080 and WHEREAS, sald Resolution No. P(:92-80 Includes th~ fol-owing cortditlons of approval: "5, 7hat prior to conductinq any seminars, the petitionor shall :.otaln a pub!ic assombly permit from the Fire Department. 6. That the proposea oNfce uses shall be Ifmited to tho following ilsted uses and that ati un~ubordlnated covenant, reviowed 2nd app-'ovod by the City Atturney's Office so•Ilmiting said uses, shall be recorded in the Office of the drange County Recordor, a copy af whir,h shall ba ~ubmitted to the Zoning L~Nision: 1. Accounting - Baokkeeping, CPA Firms or temporary CPA Firms 2. Advertising 3. ApprAlsers 4. Banks ,, Brokers - Real Estate, Business Opportunities, Etc. 6. Busfnoss System Companies 7. Communicatfon Consultants 8. Computer Analysis Firms 9. Credit Reporting Agoncies 10. Qestgnors - Industrial, Interior, Graphic 11. Development Campanies 12. Facility Maintbnanca and Plannfng 13, Insurance Companles/Agencias 14. Inventory Services 15. Leasing Companies 16. Management Consultants/Companles 17. M~rkat(ng Resoarch CR2t 18MS.wp -1- PC94-77 ~;~ ,,. ~ 18. Personnel Agencies 19. Quality Control Analysis 20. 5~les UHfces (which serv~ the industrlal are~) 21. Seminar Facility (Indiaatrlally-relateci) 22. Secretarial and Business uery9ces 23. Any use pArmitted under Zoninfl Code Section 18.61.020 "Pormitted Primary Uses end Structures," and subjoct to all condition~ of said Section. Each Indlvidual use shall requfra the writton approval oi the Zoning Divlsion prlor to occupancy which approval shall only be given when It is demonstrated that such use is either an expressly permittod uso in such zone or meets ihe criteria of Section °Conditlonal Usos and StructUres" of the Anaheim Municipal Code. a. 9. That any seminars of similar meetings taking place during tho day prfor to 6:30 p.m. shall be Ilmfted to a maximum of ono hundred (100) attendees. "hat a minimum of one hundred (100) off-sito parking spacos shall be obtalned by the petftioner. 1 t. That subJACt use permit chall expire one (1) year from the date of this resoiutlon; provided, however, that time extensions may be requested In connoction with a public hearing and, ff approved, the use may continue for the add(tional specifled time." WHEREAS, on July 12, 1993, th~ Anaheim City Plr~nnirig CommfSSlon granted an additional two year time period io expire on July 12, 1995; and No. 3500: WHEREA3, the petitioner has roquested tho follo~ving amendments to Conditlonal Use Permlt (a) Reduco tho number of parkfng spaces requlred in connectfon with the previously approved parking waiver, to read as follows: ,~gctlons 18.06.0 .5Q Q212 - Minimum numbe~p~rkinc~spaces. 1~.Ofi.080 (~ requfred; _4~ exlsting on-site) n 1 . 'I Q,6Fi.~riQ (b) Deletetraining seminars as a conditfonal use in ihe existing tndustrfally-ralated oNice building; (c) Deleto the time Iimftatinn for sub~ect conditional use permit. WHEREAS, the City Planning Cornmission did hold a pubUc hearing at the Gfvic Center (n the City of Anahefm on JunQ 13, 199h, at 1:30 p.m., notice of sai~l public haaring havin~ been duly given as required by Iaw and in accordance with tho provisions of the Anahe(rn Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and conslcier evfdence for and against said ~roposed amendrnent a~~d to fnvestiflate snd make f(ndinas and recommendations fn connac:lon therewfth; and WHEREAS, said Commissfon, aftor due inspectfon, invastigation and study made by itsolf and (n its behalf, and after due consideration of all evfdence and reports otfered at s~id hearfng, does find and determine the followfng tacts: 1. That the petitioner has requested amendme~t to subJRCt resolution In order to eliminate the training serninars from the permitted uses, delete the 100 required off•site park(ng spaces, and delote the 1-yoar t(mo Ilmitation. -2- PC94-77 ,- , ~ 2. That the parktn~ waiver grantod in connectlon with the origl~al approvai of subJect use per-nit w'as based on the parking requiroments tor both oHice uses (4 spaces per 1,000 sq.k.) end training uses (1 spaco per 10 sq.tt. or 1 space per seat, whichever Ia greater), with a total ~oquiremant of J36 space~; but tno proposal to de!etQ the trainfn~ seminar uso rAducos the totai requiremont for thle building to 55 spacos; 3. That n renent parking study, prepareci tor subjoct bullding at 4001 East La Palma Avenue and approved by ihe City Trafi(c and Transportatfon Manager, dgtermin~d that 48 parking spaces are adoquate for oNice uses and, there(ore, doletion c,} Condition No. 9(requiring 10~ oN•site parkinp spuces) is appropriate; q. TI•.at the parking variance, as amended, wfll not cause an incraasu In traHic cunpastion in the immedlate vicinfty nor adversely aHect any adJeining land uses because the revised park~n9 wetver (tor the rovisod uses) increases the rn~mber of parking speces provided trom 43% to 8496 of the Coda r~quireme~t; 5. That grantfng of th~ parking variance under the concikions, as amendecl, will not bo cfa!rimentel to the p~ace, I~ealth, satety or general wal(are of the citizens of the City of Anahelm; 6. That deletion of tho timo Ifmitetion is approprinte because the use of subJttct prnparty wi~~ no lunger include 'seminar tACflity (industriallyrelated); an~ 7. Ti~at deletion o} the time 1(mi~ation is necessary to permit reasonable operotion under the approvod conditlonal use permit, aa amerxfed, In accordance with Sectlon 1~.03.093.042 0( 4he Zoninp Code. 8. That no one indicated their aresence at safd publlc hearing fn oppositfon; and that no carresponcfa~~ce was receNcxl in opposhior~ to tho subject {~etRion. ~TY FI IN That the Anahelm Clry Flannin~+ ~~ORMN ENYIRONIUIE _ AL 4~$~.L+.rL-~A-~a~ Cort~mission haa revieweci the proposa~ and does herQby lind that the Ne9etive Declaatlon prevlously 9pprovod in connoctton with CondNional Use ~'ermit N~ 3500 Is adequate to aeive as the required onvironmental docum~ntatlon in connection wfth this requeat upon tind~np that the dedaratlon refleccs tho indeperxforn Judgemont o( the laad agoncy and that tt has considerdd tho Nogatw~e Dectarntton tugether with any commerns received durinv the pubiic reviow procoss ar~d fuAhor finding or• the bc~ais ot tl~e In~tial stucly and any cornments rocelvad that there is no substantial evklenc~ th~t tho proJact w01 furve a signHicant eftect on the u~rvironment. NUW, 7HEREFORE, 6E IT RESOLVED that the Ar~ahofm City Planning Commlasic.x~ cfoea here~y: A. Amoncf Finclinq o1 Fact No. t of Rosoiution No. PC97.-80 to read: •t A heim Munpcif.~ uCoda ~oc ion~ 8 b 1050.G05 to reta nnar~ f~du~triallyretatr!d ottice twMdinp and with waiver ol t~~s IdlrnMng: $4'~144tlS..1.~?.~~'~?.LZ - Sk~~u~II~ffiLQI..I~~S.1~R8S~• !8.08~ (;~s re:.~u~retf; ~~~~ 4~ exlatin~ on•afte)' B. Oelats Conditbn Nos. 5 arxf S oi pesdWicn No. PC92-60, which conditions perta~n to the acUvKy ol 'tr.tininy sert-inara.' ~ PC94-77 ,.... C, Amend Condition No. 6 tn deleto "seminar facilitios (industrially-related)" as a pormitted conditlonAl use, to read: '6, That tho proposed oftfce uses shatl be Ilmfted to the followinp Iisted uses and that an unsubordinated covonant, revlewed and approvod by the City Attornoy's CHfco so•Ilmfting said usos, shall be recordod fn the Oftico af tho Ornn~7o Go~mty Rec~rder, e copy of which shall be submitted to tho Zonfng Dfvislon: (1) Accountfi;g - bookkeeping, C~A (irms Inrluding temporary CPA (irms (2) Advertising (3) Appralsers (4) Banks (5) Broke;s - rea! estate, business o~;portunities, Atc. (G) Business syutem companies {7) Communlcatlan consultants (E) ComputRr ana(ysis Iirms (9) CrEttiit re~,ort(ng agRncfes (10) Designers - Industrial, In;erior, grophic (tt) Development r.ompanies (t2) F~cflity matntenunce and planning (13) Insurance companles/agencies (14) Inventory servlces (15) Leasing companias (16) Managernont consultant3/cornpanies (17) Marketinq research (18) Persorniol aflenctos (t9) Oualtty cor.trol enalysis (2Q) Solos o}fices (which sorvo the Industriat area) (21) SecrQtarial and business sarvfcos {22) Any uso permitted undor Zoning CodR Sectlon 18.81.020 "Perrnlttecl Primary U.se~ and Structures,' and sub)oct to all conditlons of said Section. Each Irdivklual use shall requlro the written approval ot the Zoninq Dlvislon prior to occupency which approval ahall only be given whc~n h is demonstratad that such use i~ elthe- an expreasly permittc-c1 uso in such zone or meots tho critor(a ot Section 1~.61.OBA.taS'C4nditfonal Uses ond Structures' of the Mahelm Munictpal Code.' D. Delott~ Cond~tion No. A ponainH~g to the requlsgment for 1d0 oN•sito pa~king spncoa; E. DalUte Cund'Abn No. 11 portaining t~ a S-yesr ttme Itmk with possiblo time extsnsions; F. Add the InllaNir~y~ n~rw corMitlon: 't3. That thnre ahall be a mazimum of torty five (45) omptoy~ea.' Tl~E FOREi301N(i EIESULUTION vr»s adoptocl at the Plannln~ Commi~sf~n msstlnq of Junv 13, If~94. ~~/~ ~~ j _,~ .,, _~ ' , ~ ,,~y~ . :. ~ __,__r_- C1iAIN'AAN, AN HEIfN CITY P NINC3 COM~AI8S10N ATTEST: ~ ~ ; J~ f~-~~ ~!'~2.i1~Y1--=, CRETARY, AlVAH~~+A CITY PU-NtiVNG COMMISSION '~ ~. PC:9A-77 S7A7E OF CALIFORNIA ) CAUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CIN OF ANAHEIM ) I, Janet L. Jonson, Secretary of the Anahoim City Planning Commisslon, da hereby caRHy that tlie foregaing resolution was passod and adopted at a meetinp of the Anaheim Clty Planning Commission held on June 13, 1994, by the foilowing vote ot the members lhoroof: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BGYDSTUN, CAL.~WEIL, HENNINGER, MESSE, PERAZA, TAIT Nl)ES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSEN7: C~MMISS~ONERS: MAYEH IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I havo hereunto set my hand thi~ t~,f,~fi day ol ~ ~~~ C , 5 RETARY, ANA iVl CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ~ .5, PC9~3•~