Resolution-PC 94-80r..• ~ . R,i Y,t~ RESOLU710N NQ. PC94-80 A RESQI.UTIQN OF THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION THAT PETI710N FAR CONDITIONAI. USE PEFlMIT N0. 3689 SE GFANTED Wf-IEREAS, the Anahelm City Plannin~ Commission did receive a verif(ed Patitlon for Conditional Use Permit for certaln real property situated in tho City of llnaheim, County of Orange, State of Callfornia, described as: THOSE PORTIONS OF LOT 1 OF ORAfJGE GROVE AC:RES, IN 7HE CITY OF ANAHEIAA, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE C~F CALIFORNIA, AS SMti7WN ON A MAP THEREOF RECOR~E~ IN BQOK 6, PAGE 42, OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, RECORDS QF SAID ORANGE COUNTY, AND THQSE PO~iTIONS OF LOT 2, SECTION 5, 70WNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RANG~ 9 WEST, SAIV BERNARDINQ MERIDIAN, AS PER MAP FILEI7 IN BOOK 1, PAGE 29 OF RECORD QF SUFiVEYS, IN THE QFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECOADEH OF SAID COUNN, LYING WESTERLY OF 7HE 100.OQ FOQT RIGhI'~ OF WAY OF THE ATCHISON, TOPEKA AND SANTA FE RAILROAD COMPANY, AS RECORDED JULY 11, 1887 OF DEEDS, LOS ANGELES COUNTY, ALSO SHOWN AS~PARCEL 1 ON THAT CERTAIN PAFiCEL MAP, FILED APRIL 10, 1970, IN BOOK 28, PAGE 31 OF PARCEL MAPS, COUNTY OF ORANGE, S7ATE OF CALIF~RNIA. WHEREAS, the City Planrring Commission did hold a public hoaring at the Civic Center ln the City of Anaha(m on June 13, 1994 at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hoarinq havind baen duly given as required by law and in accordance with tho provisions of the .Anahelm Municlpal Code, Chaptor 18.03, to hear and consider evidence for and against said proposed conditional use permit and to Investigate end make findings and recommendations in cannection therewith; and WHEREAS, sald Commis~fon, after due inspdctlon, investigation ~nd atudy made by itself and in its behalf, and r~fter due oonsideration of all ovidence and repor~s offered at sald hearing, does (ind and determine the fcllowfng facts: 1, ?I~at the proposed use Is properly ona for whlch a conditlonal use permft Is authorized by Aneheim Municipal Code Section to pormit an Indoor volieyball training center with wafver of the fi~llowing: $g~ns 18 06.050.02~55 - Minlmum number of ~rkinct spaces. 18.~6.080 2 7 required; ~ proposed; ~ recommended and 18.61.06&,05Q by parking demand study, as concurred with by the Traffic Engineer(ng Division) 2. That the parkfng variance wlll not cause an Increaso in trafific congestion in the immedlate vicinity nor adversely affect any adJoining land uses; 3. That the grAnting of the parking variance under the conditions Imposed will not be dotrimental to the peace, health, satoty or genorat welfare ot the citixens of the City of Anaheim; 4, That the propcseci use is praperly one for which n conditfonal use permit {s authorized by the Zon(n~ Code; CR2121 MS.V1~P -1- PC94-80 ~ p..~ ' 5. 'That the ~roposed use will not adversely afisct the adJ~ining la~d uses and the growth and development ot the area in which it fs proposod to ~o locatad; 6. That the size and shape of the sito for 4he propased uso is adeyuate tu allow the full development of the proposed use In a manner not detrimonta! to the particular area nor to the peACe, health, satety arul genernl w~lfaro; 7. 7hat the traHic ~,anoratod by the Proposecl use will not imposo an undue burdon upon the streets and highways designed a~id improved to carry the trafltc In the area; 8. That tho granting of the cand~tional use permit under the conditions Imposod will nnt be detrimental to the peace, health, saiety and gene-al wetfaru of the citizens ot the City of Anahetm; end 9. Th~t no one !ndlcated their presence at snid puUllc haaring in oppoaklon; and that no corrospo~dence was raceived !~ opposition to the subJect petitlon. ,~„Ay,IFQR~IIA ENVIRONMGNTAL QUALITY ACT FINDING: That the Anahelm Giry Plannfng Commissian has reviewed tFie propCSal to permit an indoor volleyball tral~~ing cerrtdr with waiver oi min(mum number o( p~rking spaces on an (rreflularly-shapetf parcel of land cunsis'Ing oi appruximatol~ 5.20 acres located south and east ot the southeast corner oi La Palma Avenue and ~3rove Street, havlny approximate (rontaflus of 405 feet on the south side ot La Palma Avenue and 67 teet on the east side of Grove Street, and furtf~er dascribed as 3550 East La palrna Avenue; and does t~oroby approvo tho NegatNe Declaration upon (inding that the dec:laratfun reflocts tho Irxlepandent (udgement of tr~ legd e9ency and that i~ has considered the NQgative Daclaration together with any comments r~!celved durfnp the puWfc reviaw process and turthor tinding on the basis of ttie in~tial stucly and Eny com~nents rocefvod that thure Is no substantial evidence that the proJact w(II hav3 a y~gnilicant et(ect on thd ernrironment. NOW, THERE~O•'~ -~E IT NESOLVEO that tho Anaheim City Plannfng Commisslon does hereby grant subJect Petit(on (or • itional Uso Permit, upon tho following conditlons which are heroby iourxi to be a necessyry prorequlal;.. .~ the proposed uso of the sub~pc! proporty fn order to preserve the sa(oty And ganeral welfarA ol the Ckizens of tho City ol Anaheim: 1. That subject corxiitfonal use pormit shall oxpire tive (5) yoars trom the dato ot this resdWfon. 2. That a tram. sig~~al assessment lee uqualing tho dHlerence betwe~n tho industrl~i arx3 commorr,lal asseasment fees s~iall be pakl tr, the City ot Anaheim in an Amcunt as establishod by Cfty Cuun~if N~sdution. 3. That plana shafl bc~ submittaf to tho Cr-y YraNic and 7ransponation Manaper for his revfew and npprovat nhowing coMormar.ce wfth the latest revisiona of E+~girwering Stnndard P{an Nus. 436 arx! 602 pertalninq to parkin~ ats~ndords and drfveway locationa. 3ub~ect pro~rty a~~all thero~pon be dovel~pEM erxl maintained In coniorrr,ance with u;iid plana. 4. That sfdewulka ahall be (nstalled alor:q La Pairr~ Avenue to the satfafaction ot :h~ CRy Engineer and in dc:ordance with Atandard plans arxl spocNications on tile in the AHica uf th~ Ciry Enfllneer. 5. Tha! eub~ect ~xoperty shail txr d~~elopecf sub4tantfally In accorQance with plans arxt specHtcatfons submitto~ +o ihe City o( Anaheim by tho petitioner crxf which ~ians Arc on 17e wNh the Piannir~ Departrn~nt r.,arked Exltibit Nos. i ond 2. .2. PC94-80 A 1~ pt;1+ f. o. That p~ior to commencoment af the ar,tivity autt~orized by this resolutlon, or prlor to fssuanco df a building pormit, Ar with(n a perioci of ono (1) year from the dete oi this resolution, whichever occurs first, Condition Nas. 2 nnd 3, above-mnntfonod, shall be compliod with. Extansions ior further tima to cumplete oaid conditfons may be granted In ar,cordanca with ~ectlon 18.03,090 ot the Anaholm MuNcipal Code. 7. That prlor to commencomont ot the activ~ty authorizec! by this res~lulion or prior to final buildinp and zoning Inspectlons, whicl-ever occura iirst, Conciition Nos. 4 Aiid 5, above•mentioned, ah~ll be camplied with. 8. That approval of this applicatlon constit~des approval of the p~onosed reque~t only to the extent that ft cortiplies with the Aneheim M'; nic(pal Zoning Cocie and any other applicable Ciry, State and Federal rogulatlons. Approval does not (ncludo nny action or findfngs as to compliance or apprcrval of tho request reQarding any other applir.ablo ordin~nce, regufdtfon or rsqulrement. 8E IT FURTNER iiES~JI.VED that the Anahelm City Planning Commission does hereby tind and det~rmine that adoptlun of ihis Resolutfon is oxpressly predicated upon applicant's compllanae wlth ouch and aii of the conditions heralnabove set lorth. Should any such condrifon, or any part thereaf, be daclared Invelid or unenlorceable by tl~e final Judgment ai any court of ~ompeterr. Jurl~~lictlon, then thts Resolution, And a~iy approvais hereln contained, shall be deemod null ancJ void. THE FOREGOlNG RESOI.UTION was Adopted at the Planninp Commlaslon meeting ot June 13, ty94. ~ i , i •/~/i / i ~ - ~ ' ~.: - .~ CHAIHMAN A.NAFIEI d ITY PLA ING COMMISSION ATTEST: - ~ ` ^ .-, CRET~ANAbI'IM•C~TY PlJ1NNING COMMISSION !/ STATF QF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAH~IM ) I, Janet L Jensen, Secretary of tha Anaheim City P~anntnp Commfsslon, do f~Areby certlfy tliat tho ioreQolrg resolutfon was passed ancl f~dopted at ~ m¢etinp of the Anaholm ~:Ity Planrnnfl Commfssion held on Juna 19, 1J~34, by tho following votc o11he members thereM: AYES: COMMISSIONENS: ElOYD3TUN, CAIDWELL, l~ENNINQER, MESSE, PERAZA, 1'AIT NOES: COM~~AI~S{ONERS: NONE A~SENT: COMMISSIONERS: MAYrR IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I havo hereunto set my harxf this Z~ day o1 ~/(,~j'~/ ~. 0 1994. ^ '~ ~ ; '~~Xl '" .'- ' ' : .~ ~RETARY, ANAWEIM TY PLANNINCi CCMMISSION .~' .~. PC94-80