Resolution-PC 94-86RESOLUTION N0. PC94•@f~ A RESQLU710N OF THE ANAHEIM CIIY PLANNING COMMISSION AMENQING CERTAIN CONDITIONS OF APPROVAI. UF CONQITIONAL USE PERMIT NQ. 334h WHEREAS, on October 8,1990 the Anaheim City Planning Commisslon approvod Conditlonal Uso Permit tJo. 3344 under Resolution No, PC90-240 permiring an outdoor swapmee4 with walver of minimum I~ndscaped setback on property iocated on the east side af Lemon Street between Durst Street and SR91-Riversfde Freeway and further descrfbed as 1520 North Leman Street; and WHEREAS, said Resolution No, PC90-24U Includes the following condition5 of approval: "19. That this canditional use permit shall terminate in iive (5) years on October a, i995. 21, That ths existfng thoater screens shall be properly mafntained (palnted, etc.) even though thoy arQ not b~ing usecl and, H tho movie activitlos have not resumed when this permit expires (Qctober 8, 1995), said screens shail be removed prfor to approval of a new conditional use parmit." WFIEREAS, the petitioner requests amendment ta safd conclitlons of approval pertaining to the expiration of ths previously-approved outdoor swap moet and the removal dato of the existing theater scroens. WHEREAS, the City Plannfng Commfssion d(d hold a public hearing at the Civic Centar in the City of Anahelm on June 27, 1994, at 1:30 p.m., n~tic9 of safu publlc haaring having been duly given as required by law and in accvrdance wfth the provisions of the r` naheim Munlclpal Code, Chaptc~r 18,03, to hear and consider evidence ior and against sald proposed am,andment ~nd to investigate and make findings and recommandations in connectton therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, after due inspoctiun, fnvestigation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and aker due consfderatfon of all evidonce and reports offored et sald hearing, does find and determine the fullowing (acts: 1. That prlor tn Plann(ng Commission or City Councfl granting approval for deletlon or mndification of a t(me Iimitation for a conditfonal uso permit approved with a time Iimftation, Section 18.03.093 of tha Anahalm Municipal Code requires the granting body to make the finding that deletion or modification of such Iimitation is necessary to permit reasonable operatlon under the permit as flranted; 2, 7hat retalning the time limitation and approving a time extension will ailow thc Planning Commisslan to review ttie proJect In ihe context of antlclpate~J land use changes in the immedfate neighborhood, as directod by the Redovelopment Plan for the Anaheim Cummercial/Industriai Redevelopment Project; 3. That the ewapmeot has operatecl at this location fnr a number of yoars without detr(ment to the surroundin4a area or to the cond(tfon of tho surrounding area, and that the condltion of i;~e theatar screens has not deterforated noticeably; and 4. Thai no one indicated their presence at said public hearing In opposition; and that no corrospondence was recefved In opposftion to tha subJect petition. CR2129MS.WP -1- PC94-86 ~ALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUAIITY AGT FINDING: That the Anaheim City Planning Commission hac revfewed the proposal to amend Candition Nos. 19 and 2t of Resolut(on No. PCgO•240 pertaining to the oxpiratfan of the prevlously-approvad outdaar ~~vap meet and the removAl dzte of the oxisting theater sc;reens and d~es heroby find that the Neg~tive Declaratlon prevfously approvacl in connectlon with Condition~al Use Permit No. 3344 is adequata to seNe as the requfred environmental ducumontatlon in connoctlon wfth thls request upon findinc~ that tho declaratlon refler,ts the Indopendent Judgement of the lead agency and that it has cunsidered the Negative Declaration tngether wfth any comments recaivad during tho public revlew proc~ss and further finding on the basis of tho Initlal study and any cornm~nts recelved that thore is no substantfal evidenca that the proJect will have a signfFlcant affect on the environment. hOW, THEREFORE, F3E IT RESOLVED that the Anahofm City Planning Comml~slon does hereby amend Condition N~s. 19 and 21 of Resolution No. PC90-240 to read as foltows: "19. That this conditional use permft shall i~rminato on Or,tober 8, 2000. 21. 7hat the exfsiing theater screens shall be properly maintained (painted, repafrad, etc.) even though they are not befng usoc'; and iF the movle ectivities have not resiamed when this permit oxpires (pctober 8, 2000), the theator screens shall bo removed prior to approvai of ~ new conditlonal use permft." THE FOREGOING RESOLUTION was adoptod at tho Planning Commisslon meeting of June 27, 1994. ~~~-G ..C/' '~c'.L--- CHAIRMAN, ANAHEIM CITY PiaKiVNING COMMISSION AITEST: , Il ~ ~ECRETARY, A HEI~I CITY PLANNING GOMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNiA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM 1 I, Margarfta Solorlo, Secretary oi the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the foregofng resolution was passed and t~dopted at a meei(ng of tha Anaheim City Plennfng Commisslon held ~n June 27, 1J94, by the followfng vote of the members there~f: AYES: COh1MI5SI0NERS: BOYDSTUN, CALDWELL, HENNINGEFi, MAYER, PERAZA, TAIT NOES: CaMMISSIpNERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIQNERS: MESSE fN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have he~~eurtc, set my hand this ~~~'~ day of ~._. Gl.~ ^ 199~i. ~~' CL~1C CUU, Q ..C'~OLort,L6 SECRETARY, A HEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION -2~ PC94-86