Resolution-PC 94-98,i,,z•<, ,B,F~QLUTId~J~l~f . PC94-98 ~.c:,, . A RESOLUTION OF TFIE A~AHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION THAT PET'1710N FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERM{T N0. 3699 ~E GRANTED WHEREAS, the Anaheim Ciry Planning Commlasion did recelve a veriffed Petition for Conditional Use Permit for certain real property situated in the Gity of Anahelm, County of Orange, State of Celffornia, described as: PARCEL 1, AS SHOWN ON PARCEL MAP N0, 89-'135, IN TH@ CITY OF ANAHEIM, AS SHOWN ON A MAP HECORpED IN BOOK 246, PAGE(S) 1, 2, 3 OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF ~AID COUNTY. WHEREAS, the City Planning Cammis3lon did hold a pubNc hearing at the Civic Center in the City of Anahelm on July 25, 1994 at 1:30 p.rii., notice of said public hearing having been duly given as requfred by law and In accordance with the provisions of the Anahelm Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidence for and against safd proposed conditional use permit and to investiga4e and make findings and recommendatlons in connRCtion therewith; and WFIEREAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investfg,~lon and study made by itself and in its behalf, and aft~r due consideration of all evidence and rsports o(fered at said hearing, doaa find and deterrnine the following facts: 1. That the proposed use is properly one for which a conditlonal use permlt Ia authorized by Anahoim Municipal Codo Section to permit an 8,355 sq.ft. chiarch including a Ic,ft seatin~, a 6,900 sq.ft., 2-story, socla! hall with basement and a 30-foot high bell tower, with waivers of the following; (A} Sactfon~ - , i~,i(~num structural helaht. and 18.25.062..Q1Q ~@~t permitted; 50-fqot hiah domo topped bYa cross of undetermined heght proppsed~, (B) ,S~ctlon 18.25.063,010 - M(nimum frQnt vard setback. (2596 j~0 to 105 feetl of lot depth required; 9°k to iF~ [35 to 7Q~yQ~ Proposed) (C) Sectfons I8.04.p47..020 - Minimum ,sgtback of fn t tutianal uses ~S~JI acent ~d 18.25.Q¢~ to a rosidentlal ~one. (15 feet requfred to RS-10,000 zonlnc~ to the south; 10 fe~ proposed) (D) Soction 1a.25.063.Q.~,Q - ~ifnimum rearyard setback. (25 feet to west property I(ne required; 10 feet to trash enclosure and 18 to 46 iQQt to .~415~~ Proposed) (E) $ections 18.OA.043,103 - P rm ~~ccessorv buildTfry,as_. , 1- " Yached,~ccessory ibuldina permitted In .~pd 25-foot rear sett~ack; 2-StON dots~ched building proposed wfth 18-foot setback) CR2152M$. W P -1- PC94-98 (F) ,~~i,~s 18.05.080 - Permittai sl~ny. and (onv i sq.lt. nameplatu slpn ponnitted, one ~-squere (oot monument sign proposad; and roo~-mounted siqns Ilpj permi;tod, g~g rooi-mountod cross proposed) (G) Sections 1A.04.060,O~Q • Re red oarktna lot Iandsca~Jr~, and 1~.06.039Q44 (Required: one avoraao 48•sa.R. ol~er containina a minimum 15-aallo~y trae to se~rate~Qcon{ja~$.par~<i ~ s ces; Propased: nonel 2. That waiver (A) is hereby approved on the basis that tPiere are apecial circumatances ~p~licable !o the property consisting ot ita aU!e whtch does not eppty to other ~dentlcally zoned propertiea in ti~a vlcinfty t-~cause the proposed dome topped ~y a crosa wlil be located at loast 80 ta 100 leet from the ctosest residential zoninq (to the noAh and south); 3. That waNer (B) Is hereby approved on the basis that sirlct applfcatfon of the Zoning Code deprives the property of privNogea en~oyed by other propertle4 urxSer klnntM.~l zoninS clessHicatlon in the vicinRy because nearby and adJacent properties have tr~nt setbacks similar to the proposed 35-toot satb~ck from Wsst Stroet; 4. Tnat waNers (C), (~) And (E) are hereby approved on the basts that there are special circumstance~ applicable to the praperty conslsting of fts location whl:.h does not apply to other Wentlcally zoned properties tn the v~Mity because sub~s~:t waivers purtain to the northweat property line ol subject propeRy whk:h abuts tho approximately 80-foot wide Carbon Creek floai Contrd Charn~el, arxl thet tho actual aetbacks from the social hall and frash onclosure to propenfes on the other side d the channel wfll iange from approxbrsately ~JO to 100 feet; 6. That waNer (F ' sby g-antecf on the besia tS~at thorcs are spec~ai circurt-atances epF!IcaWe to the prupetty cons~s...~y .~t it sfze which doas not apply to othe~' identiCally zonec~ propertfeo in the vicinRy beceuse the propoaecf sign wUl be locatecf on a 2Y~ acre parcel with a 222-foct fronQage along Wcat Street and its aize and Irontage is siqrilicaMly large~ than existing IGs in the arrs~ ('/. acro or smaller wRh 75-foot frontages) end, therefore, tho proposed monur»eM sign will heve s mfnimal visual impact cn nearby residences; 6. That waiver (d) is hereby qrarded on tl-e besis thet thero are special ctrcumetances applfca~le to ti-o p-opeRy conaletiny cf Hs size and shupe whlch do nM appty to other identically 2~ned propanies In the vicinit~ bocauae tf~e par:cinp area wiU be lo~~ted moro Ihan 150 feat hom the atreat ard tho proposed Iand~caplrro Nong 1Nest Street wAl be In excrss of 35 teet deep and, therr~ffore, the parking lot is minirr-~Ily vfslble ftom Weat Slreei and wNl bs screened by the landscaped selback: 7. That s~rict applicatbn ot the Zoning Coclo deprhes the propenY ~ P~~'~'IoY~ bY ather pro~rtles urxfer kterttical zoning dass+lication h ihe WcMity: 8. That tho proposad use is property cx-e Iw wfdCh g ccxxlNiw~al uat~ permit As sutho-lted by !he Zoning c:ode: 9, 7-~at the propos~ed uae wiN rxx achrera~~ly Mtoct the adjankig I~~~d uRes and the growth and ~1evnlo~meM d the aree M vrhich q-~ propowA tr~ be Icx~tad; .~. PCS)4•ed 10. That ~he size Fnd shape of the sfte for the pro{wsed use is 2uequate to allow the (ull development of the proposeci use in a manner not dotrimorrtsl to the pertir,ulbr area nur to the pe~ce, health, sa(ety, nnd goneral wellare; 11. That the tra(fic generated by the proposed use will not Impase an undue burden upon the streets ~nd highways designed and improvod to cttrry the tra'.fic In the are~; 12. 7hat the granting o( the condiHonal uae permit under the conditions Imposed will not be detrimc~ntal to the peace, health, safety and Qenurat welfar6 oi ihe citUens of the City af Anaheim; and 13. That four (4) poople in lavor and three (3) people In opposition indfcated their presence at sAfd public hearinq; and that correspondence was received in opposition to t~ie subJect ry~tftion. $~ALIFORNIA ENVIRI)NMENTAL ~UALITY ACT FINDING: That ~he Anaheim Cfty Plenning Cnmmission lias rAViewod tha propoual to permit an 8,355 sq.it. church including a lott Reating, e 6,900 sq.it., 2-story, soclal i~all with basement and a 30-(oot hiph beil tower, whh waivers of maximum structural h~lyht, mfnimum tront yard setback, mintmum setbeck of Institutlonal uses adJacent to a re~identiaf zone, rntnimum rear yard sotbsick, permftted accessory buUdings, permitted sl~ns nrx! required parking lot landscaping on an irregulariyshaped parcol ot land consistiny of approximat~ly 2.5 acres, having a (rontage o( appro~imately 222 feet an tho west skle o( West Street, heving e maximum depth ~( approximately 34~5 feet, being located epproxinwtely 5301eet south of the centerline of La {'alma rlvenua and (urlher described es ~ NoRh West Street; aM does hereby app-ove thg Negative Declaration upon finding that the declaration re0ects the indepeixlent ~udgeme~t of the iead agency arxi tlwt It has considered the NegatMe Declaration together with any cornmonts received during the put~ic rRVlew prncess ar,d further finding on the basls o( the inftfal study and any comments recefvod that thare is no substantial evfdence that the project will have a signNicant eHect on the omfronmeM. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Aneheim City Pfanning Commisalon does horeby grarri subJect Petillon lor CondKiona! Uae Petmft, upon the fdlowing conditions whkh Are hareby lound to be a necessary prerequisNe to the proposed use of the sub~ect property in ordgr t~ presc3rve the salety ~nd gonerel welfere d the Citizens d the Cky of Ar~ahe(m: 1. Tho devdo{~r shsll eithar (a) purchase Ihe City properry (which hs incorporated iMo tt» epprwed site plan) hAm the Ci1y o1 Anah~im or (b) enter into a loaae agreement as approved by the City. Yhe devetopet shall submit a purchasn cx I~se oNor, based on an appraisal, to 1he Fieal Pr~pei Secl~on for ~evfew and epproval by Ihe ~iry Counc~. In Ihe event the sale or lease is not epprrnet :~e aft4 plan shall be revised to eliminxt~r the City•ownecf percel. 2. 7hat ~xlor to gradinq plan app~ovat, the developer ahall submR a water qualitY manaQement plan (W~MP) specincany tdemHy~ng bes~ manayem~rn proc~~cos lhac wA~ be used on sNe to ccmtrd prudictaWe pollNarna frum stamwater nuxNf. th¢ W~MP shall be submin«1 to the Put~lic Wo-Fcs Depahment, Uevelopment 3ervices 6ivbbn, 1ur revfew ancl approval. a, lhat a fee, in thc~ ~m~unt ol two hundred eiqhty five ddlars (t2Afi) per one thousand (t,000) sq.tt. uf buacffng aresi, ~hall be pgid to Ihe Ciry M Anaheim tor aewer capacity mitfyaUon. A. That sutqect propehy ~sha~l he developecf ~ubatantlolly in accordancg wNh plans anC specificatiaia aulxnNteC to tho Cqy nf Anaheim by tt~ po1Nloner arK! ,~~hir,h plant are on Mo wilh IhA Planniog pepcsrttnoM merk8d ExriiWl Nas. 1 tht0u~h e. S. That prlor to isN~anca of a buidiny petm" crr wllhin e perkxt d one (~) Year from tha date d this readutfon. whkhever occura Ikst, ~~~m Nan. t an0 ~. nl~ove•merMbned. st~all be compNod wNh. ErtRnsbns la h~rthor tfm~ IG cQmplets sakl caxlRions m~y be p~dn~ed in occordarke wilh Soctlon 18.03.090 ot ~ho Mahelm Municipol Codo. .~. PCfal•98 6. That prlor to ilnal building and zoning Inspections, Conditlon Nou. 4 arxl 13, horoin-mentioned, shell bo com~l~ed with. 7. That approval of this application constitutes approval oi the pruposed requeai only to the extent that it com~lias with the Anaheim Municipal Zonin{~ Coda and any other applicade Cfty, State and Fecler~~l re~~letions. Approval does not fnclude any actlon or 8nd(ngs as to complience or approval ot the request regaMing any other applicable o~dinanco, reQulation or requiremsnt. 8. That the church services shall be Iimited to one weelcday service (beyinning at 9:00 a.m.) and one Sunday servtce (beginnfng at 10:0~ a.m.j. This condition shall not preclude special r~liqious services on holy days. 9. Thet there ahell be no overlapping activfties In the church and social hall (whh the excAption o( Suncley achc~ol actNitles). 10. That this condkional use permit does not Includs app~ovel of any school, child care tacfliry or playgrouna. 1 t. That subjest church shall be allowed evening operatlons for commhtee meatings with a maximum attendanr.e oi fHty (50) persons. The church shall be allowed a muximum af iffty two (52) evening events that would acc~mmodate the total contiregation. The events shell end sa~1y enough so that the parking lot is empty by 9:30 p.m. 12. That the stairway loc.ated on the north skie of the sociat hall shall be used tor emergency exit purposes unly. The door shatl be kopt closed ~uring events. t3. That tho property owner/devdoper shall Install n devic~ (f.e. vehicular access gato or fence) to contrd vehiGes ente-Ing the site after hours. 1~1. That the bell tower mey be used at t2 noon and 6 o.m. soven days a wee8c, ~rxf for cali to 3ervice on Sundeys. 15. That the dome and cross ahall not bo Nluminated. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEO that the Anaheim City Planninp Commission d~s hareby Nnd and detenniiie thet adoptlon ot thi5 Aosdution is uxpreaay p-edicated upon aWpl~ent's compllence with ea~h and all d the cnndltlons fwreir-sbove set forth. 5hould any such condltbn, or any part thereof, be declared Irna1W nr uneMorceable by the final ~udpment of eny court M compotr~-t ~urladictfon, then this Resdutfon, and any epprcwals hereln ccntafned, ~F~all be cleemed ~~ull and vokl. 'fHE FORECiOINCy R=80LUTION wan adopted at th6 Planninp Commisafan meetfng of July 2~. 1994. ~~ 7 . " ~/. i! !r •'~~~~/ - CHAIHMAN ANAHEfM CITY PLAN Ci CO MI8SIVN ATf EST: ~~ ., ~.7'u~L:;o~i.r~ CFtETARY. ANAH~ CITY P4ANNING COMMISSION / .~. PC94•94 STATE OF CAUFORNIA ) COUN'fY OF pRANGE ) ss. Ci i Y OF' A~lAHEIM ) I, Janet L Jensbn, Secretary of the Anaheim Ciry Planning Commfsalon, do horeby certiiy that the foregoing resdutton was QassecJ and edopted at a meeting of tho Anaheim Clty Planning Commissinn held on July 25, i994, by the idiowing vote of tne members thereo}: AYES: COMMI5SIOIdERS: BOYl7STUN, CALDWELL, HEN~JiNGER, PERPZA, TAIT NOES: CfJMMISSIONENS: MAYEF ABSENT: GOMMISSIONERS: MESSE IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I havA hereunto set my hand thls ~~,, day of ~~G~yr~~i~~~_ 1994. / • ~ . ~.a~. ~ CRETARY, AhA~I CITY PWNNING CUMMISSION ~ ,5. PC9~1•98