Resolution-PC 95-1I)~~ /1Af I ~ 5' ~~i ~~ i g~~ urloN Nn. P~,sS•i A R~SOI.U710N OF THE ANAHEIM ~1TY ~LANNIN~~ Ct7MMl55i(~N THAT PETI7i0N FOR CONDITIONAL USE ~'~FlMIT NO, :1'73A BE GRAN7ED WHER~A~, the Anah~im Gity Planning Commission did r~c~ive a verificad Potitlon far Condition~l Use W~rm1t for certRin roal property situated In thQ Clty nf Anaheim, ~ounty af Ar~r~gd, Stato of California, described as: pAf~C~l.1; THP.7 POI~TinN OF VIPVEYARD LO'1' G3, IN THE Cfl'Y OF ~1NANEIM, C4UNTY OF OFiANGE~ STA'TE OF CAI.I~ORNIA, AS SHOWN ON A MAP PCCOi'~tDED IN BaOK 4 F'AGEB 628 ~AN~ 63n, DECDS, REGURDS C~F L0~ ANGELES ~4UNTY, CALIFORNIA, aESCFIBED AS FOLLOWS: BECaINNiiVG A7 A PAIN7 ON THE SOUTHERLY ~INF OF SAID VINCYAHO L4T, 10 FFET WMSTERIY FROM THE SOUTHEASTERLY CORNER THEREOF; ~H~NCE NQRTHERLY PARALLEL WITH TNE ~ASTERI.Y UNE OF SAID VINEYARD LO'T, 91.85 FEET TO THF SOU71-1ERLY LINE OF U1ND DESCRIB~D IN THE UECD TO TH~ SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY, R~CORDED MARCH 23, 1899, IN BOOK 41 PAGE 3'1?., DEEDS, R~CORDS OF SAID ORANGE COUN1'Y; THENCE WEST~RLY tiLQNG SA1D SOUTHERLY LINE, 14-) F~ET; 7H~NGE SOUTHEFtLY PARALLEL WI7H THE EASTERLY LlNL" OF SAID ~VINEYARD LOT, 92.85 FE~T YO THE SOUTHERLY UNE OF SAID VINEYARU LOl'; TH~NCE EASTER~Y 1~10 FCET TO '1'NE POINT OF SEGINNINU. EXCEPT TH~REFROM THE S4U7HE~iLY 2.1.75 FEET. PARCE 1~ ~PAGE 3QOMISCELI.A EDUS MAP~QRECORUS 0~ SAID ORANG~ F300K COUPfTY. V'lH~REAS, the City Pl~nninq Commissipn did hold a public hoar(ng at thQ Civic Contpr in tho City uf Anaheim on Novert~ber 30, 1994 at 1:30 p.m., notice of said p~ibfic hearing having b ~haptor givdn as roquired by I~w and in ~ccordance with tho provisions of the Anaheim Municipaf Cod~, 18.0~, to hear and consider ovidence for and aflain~t saW proposed condixianal use permit aixi to invostigate and make find~in~gs a~nd~re~coPia n ng iCommission meeting rArulh~ a~ that sn(d public hearing was ccrntirn~ed to the Ja u ry . WHEHEAS, sa~d Comrnls~ion, after due inspectfon, investiqa'tion and study made by fts~li and in its b~haif, anci altar due consideration of all evidence and ~eports oKored at said hearing, does find and determinQ the following facts: t. That the pS~ppQ~ ~ n3 030 U1~ ta pormft ahconven~~cQ/~lquor sto o and coin-c-~ 4ated Anaheim Municipal Calo laundry faciliry wiih waivers of 'he fnllawing: (A; `'~$:~S1~3~ - ~ ~n i~~lS ~~"~~n~-~-~ts7t~S~S~~ ~?,,~~gt requirad; ZQ t,ig~ pronosed along plive Streec) _ ~ ~ PC~5• 1 CR226~MS ~a~p 1'~T.• .i~ (~) ~t~1.4a..1$.~l~.t?3.R ~ LLQ.~S~l~l~Si~r~4.~]lL19_.~~1~~ t~a Ye~l onJ~1 (6•toot hiah_ mtigon~v w~11 4.~.rthon ~.@.~- ,~ cnr~l i~f -1.~h.~R1 raquirod; ,p r~ {~roposeci along interfnr lot Iine sop~r~tln~ ML "Limited Ir~clustr~al" from RS-5000 "Rosidential, 81ngl~ Family" zon~n~) 2. Tl~i~t tho pnrcion of s~abjoct property fronting on Olivo Streot Is currer~tly developed wl!h a nonconfarmin ~~c~n~vCn~ien 194~ u daWV~rfance~No. 1947 5)~ id a v~cantdbar, and that Yhose s1es wi~ll a single famlly r be repiac~d by the proposed dev~lopment; 3, That, since November 30, 1~34 when subJect petitEon w~s f(rst consider~d by Commissioc9, !he petitioner hR~ demanstratQCi good faith ~fforts by re~olving some of th~ exi~tln~ p~oblems an tt~e property such as dlsconnectin~ tho exteriar telephone sarv(ce to roduce loitoring, f~ncing thA ~iacant lot to prevent dum~~~q~ sonnel pa snonlt~or~~nd di~ au~rage on~site loite Ing and/or oinsumpt on of alcoholi~r. bush~s, and h q p baverages; 4. T~a4 waiver (A) i;: approved on tha basis th~.t ther~ are specir~l circumstances ~{~pl(cabl~ ta tha property consns~ifn because~a oommercialiv~u dc1 Uuildl g l~ts ox!st~d c~+'`~ ~' operry iar al nost 0 propert(es fn the vicl y, years; g, That waiver (B) is approved un the basis that there ars ~rbr,i~i ~circ~m~tances ap~ifcable to the praperty consistinfl of its location and surraunclings, which dA not aE -~ly t~ other klanticaliy zoned prop~rtias in tho vicinity, because th~ requireti screRni~g pertalns to the twc~ :~nrt~r~ns of subj~ct property, the ~ast partion beiny zdned M~ and the west ~ortfon be(nc~ zaned RS-500a, that the EiS-50~0 portion is currentiy vacar~t and will not be dev~aloped with a residential uso, and tl~at 6-foot scroonin~ will se[~arate subJect us~~a and parking from adjacent rosidenti~l znning to the west; 6. That strict applicatlon of the Zon(ng Cade de{~rfves the ~~operty of privitegQS en(oyed by other ~rapgrties under ldentics~l zoning classiNcation in thQ vf .inity; 7. That the praposed use Es not IfstE~cl in the Zoninc~ CodQ as beEng a pc~rmftte~l use; g. That the proposed develppment and uses, as cor~dition~d herQin, wi41 substantiaily improve thd overall condition vf th~ subject property ancl will redu~ce or aliminate conr,~ltions which Rravida an attracthia rnalsance for chlidren or enable person~ to r,nmmlt unlawtul or immor~l acis; g. That th~ proposed use, as condition~d herein, wfl! not advers9ly affect the adJoininr~ la~~ usQS end tho gruwth and develapment of the araa in which It !s propesed to be iocated; 10. Th~t the sii4 and shapo of the site for the pr~pased us~, ~s conditlGned herein, (s adequat~ to allow the ful! dovelopmeM of tho prc+p~~sed u~e in a manner not det~V~nental to the partic~lar area nor to tha peace, he~alth, safaty, and g~ner~l weifare; 11. That the traffi~ generaterJ by tha proposed use wI!1 not imposo an undue burden upon the streets and tiighways desiqnecl and improvec! to c~rry the trafflc in the area; .2.. pC95-1 6r }'~ ~:; ~~ 1 12. That iha granting of the conditlonal use permft us~dar the coriditions impoaed will not b~ dotrimont~l to tho peace, he~ith, s~fety and ~eneral welfara of ~he citlzens af the City of Anaheim; AI1CI 1~, 'that twca (2) peoplg in favor and aoven (7) ~eople in oppnsltion to thQ proposal indicatod th~ir presenc9 At said public haarin~; and tha4 currospur~denc~ In oppasltion was reCaived. ~IF~ IA F V,II N,M .N'~Al~4~A~~AG~' ~,-NQ ~`-~' ~'hat tl~e Anah~{m City Plannfng Camr~~iss(on has revi~wed the propoael to ~Ermit r~ Ganv~nien~e/Iiquor st~ra ansj coin-operated iaundry facility with waive~s of mlr~imum sAtbac:k abuttin~; a collo~tar streat an~i ro~ulr~d sito screenin~ adjaaent to a resi~~ntial znr~o baund~ry on pro~erfy wh!ch cansists of 4wo parcels of land totallfng approuirnately O.a acre and located at th~~ northwas4 Carr~ar of VVater St~eet and ~Iive ~treet, having ~pproximato frarit~ges of 186 fe~t ~n 3ha north slde of ~lJat~r Street and 70 foet on tho west sicle ot Ol(ve St'e~eVeah~ furthor de~cribed as ~59 Jouth Ollve St;oet ~nr~ 213 East Water Street; and does hereby ~ap~ Negative Uec~aratlon upon fin~iing tlia: the declaration ~efiecta the ln~~apc~ncJe~t judgnment of the lead agency and that i! t~as considered tha Ne~ative Deciaration togother with any commQnt~ recoived ~uring tha public r~aview proces~ and itirtr,~r ffnding an tha basis of the initial study anrJ any comment~ rec~ivecl tV~at there is no substantial evidf, ~~Q tl~at the wroject wlli have ~ signlficant eff~ct on tha er~vironmont. NOW, 7H~R~FOR~, B~ ~T RESOI.V~G that the Anat~eim City Planning Commission do~s hareby g~ant ~ub~ect Petltion for ~'.:o~ditional Use Pern~ft, upon tho foAowing conditlarrs which are hereby found to be n necessary prer~r~uisita ~~ns of the C~a of rlnaholm ub~ect pro~Arty !n ordor to preserve the safety and ger~erai weifare o` the Citize tY 1. Thst th~ re!~il marketalis~upa~te attt ~:~~s t~~hall be provided in he~lau dro at duringna! hoursit-f managemf,nt, artci that p operatio~~. 2, Thzt the hours of aptaration of both ttie -~arket and laundr~mat shali r~nt ~xcaed 8:00 A.M. to 9:00 p.;v1., Monday thrAUgh Sunday, and that at no tima sriatl the la~inc~ramat aperate senarately ar ~ndependontly of tho market. ,^•,. Th~c tho rastroom facfiitfes locateci ir~ ~~'~~ ~•,t~~~drom~t shall remain lockecl at all tfines, a.id that access shall be providcjcJ ta c~~~r^:"•~.-~ only tJ ~ ~~~n5 art ~ keY ~rovlded by tFie laundromat attendant. 4. Tt~at 'stur~ frant" windows shall be installed across the entire fr~nt (sauth elevation) of the laundmmat beginnir~g no hfghor than four (a) feot abovA tt~~ adjacent grrde. 5. 7hat signs shali be posted ir~ a conspicuo~is places in both :t~e parkin~ lat and insido the taundromat notify(nfl patrons th~t loite~n~gC~p S~~I be prov de~j (n b~a n~ngl~islQ and~Spanfsh. b~vera~es upon the prem(sos is prohibited. ~. That not more than tWe th fma kot~leinuar sroro shaurbo devated~ o~theldisp ~y ~~1 ~~~ ~f alcohollc groas retail floar area oi I q bev~ra~os. 7. Tliat no wine ~nd/~~ distflled splrits sl~all !-,e s~~id (n bottles ~f containers smaller than two hundred mlllilftors (204 ml.) In voiume. n. 7ha• ~ecurity liqhting shalf be fnstai~ad and mainteiried ta the satistactfon of iho A~aheim Police Department, an~J such i(~hting shali Ae ~~irocted to prevont glar~ or spili-ov~r onto ~djacent residorrtiel ~rope~tios. ~. PC95-1 : ~ ,~ ~ ,;, g. 7hnt ~ny (aublir, t~lop n~a cons licuous plACarirmclosarproxbmity to te I cashio hs aun Q~ f~cility only mnd shali be toc~ted p 1q, That the ~ei~~~ p~°,{dth i;am the coint~eriine n~the all9y a o gi the norcPeprioperty Iine~im ~~ ~~sement Yen (10) foet in 1 t. 'fhat ~ foQ !n the amaunt af twa hundred efghty ffve dollars ($2&5) pAr one thousand (1,00~} sq.ft. Af buiiding area sliall be paid to tho Clty of An~heim for sewer capacity miti~atlon. 12, That a reciprocal access ttntl parkin~ agreemant shall I~e recnrded betwe~n tho two (2) parcels of rocord. 13. That there shall bo no trash or discarded baxes stored outside the loading aroa mdJacont to Aliv~ S~treat. 1~l. 7hat a trash receptacle ~hal! ba provideti and maintained at ~ach public entrar,ce and exit to both tlie inarket and the laiandromt~t. 1~. 'i'hat roof signs and freostanding signs shall ~ bQ pormitted at this lacation. 1~~. That there shaQ be no ~~erior advertising of "check rrashin~" sorvices. ~ 7. That trash stora~e ar~as st~all be providQd a~~d maintained in a location acceptable to the Dopartment of Maintenance and in ai~tld shownVOn t~npl~ans suibmitt d fo1ebu idir g~ f m~ip~~ment. Such fnform~tfon shal{ be spe y 18, That tho owner of s~ibject property sh~ll submit a letter requostin~ termfnatinn of'Jarianr,e IVa. 1947-5 to the Zo~ing Division. 1~. That trees, na smaller than fiftQen (15) galions in s~e at time of insta~~ Iinonad acentt a thess ~rgls- maintained on maximum ten (10) foot intervals alon the west proporty 1 family res(dentiai zoning t~ provide an adequate Idn~scapo screen. 20. That subject prop~rry shall be devalope~ substantiaily in acc~rd~nce with plans snd specificatiAn, 5ubmitted t~ th~ City of Anahefm by tho petitianer and whiah plans are on filo with the ''lannfn~ Dep~rtment marked Exhibit Nc~s. t through 3. 21. Thai a sol(d bl~ck wall shall be constru^ted along the alley fn ordec to prohibit pedestrian or ~~eh(cul~r access fram safd ~liey. 22. Tiiat ~ates shall be installQd across th~ drivow~~y nn Water Streei. 5ubject gates shall be closed nnd lockeci after business hours. ~3. 'Chat the fina! bt~iiding eiovstion plans sttal{ ~ie submitted tt~ the zoning Divlsfan for subm~ttal to th~ Plann~ng Commission far ~itior al windc~w areas ngthe aunclroma ~r deenhanced ext~~tor treatment elPVation~ shall ~Ilustrate ad of tho east etRVati~n f~cing Olive Str~+Qt. 2d. That the property owner shal! pravide dally r~n-slte uniformQd securiry frorn nocm to 9:00 p.m. for a periocl of clxry (60) days, ~nd thero~iter as deemecl nec~s~ry by the (',•oclo EniorcemeM ~Ivislon. ~- PG95-1 "'~A". i ~', 25. Th~t tho quanerly gross sales of ~Icoholic bevara~es sh~ll not exceed tliirty percent (30~~) of the gross sales of food mrid/or otf~ier a~mmoditias during the same perlod. The applicant 3hall rnalntain rocards on n q~i~rterly basis indic~atin~ the aepar~te sales amounts of alcoholic beveragas ~nd oth~r items. 1'hess ror,orcia shall be ms~de available far inapectiar~ by ~ny City of Anaheim oftlc~al upon rsquest. 26. T~at there shall be no exterior ~cJvertising of any kind or typa, ir~cluding advertising directsd ta the oxtorfor from (nsid~ tho building, promotinq or indicatin~ tha av~ilability of alcoholic bevera~es. 27. That no alcoholic bevera~~es sh~ll t~a consumod on any ~raperty adjacent to thQ liconsed promises under th~- cantral of the Iicenseti. 28. 1'hat tha parkin~ lot of tha premises ~f~ial{ ba E~quipped with 1(ght(ng of ;~ufficient powar to illumtnate ~nd mako easily discernible thc~ appearenco anc! conduct of a11 persans on or about the aark(ng lot. 29. That th~ iighting in tho parking iat shall be diractod, positioneci and shic-Ided in such a mariner so as not to unreasonably illuminete th~ windaw area of any n~~rby residenco, 30. That the applic~nt sh~ll bo responsfble for maintaining ~ Iitte~ freo ~roa adjacent to tlie prer~ises nver wF~ich he/she has control. 31. That tr~ere shali be no pool tables or coln-operat~d c~arnes maintained ttpan the prAmises a'c any time. 32. That prior to IssuancA of a buildsr~y permit or within a poriod of one (1) year from tho date of thfs resolution, whichever occurs first, Condition Nos. 10, 11, 12, 17, 18 and 23, abave•menticmed, shall be aomplied with. Extensians far further tim^ ta cornplsta sa{d conditions may bo ~rantecl in accordance with Section 18.43.090 nf tha Anahaim Munlcipal Codp. 33. That prlor to final buflding and zonir~g Ina~aections, Condltion Na. R, 5, S, 14, 19, 20, 21, :?2, 28 and 29, above-mentioned, shail bv compi(Ad with. 34. 7hat approval of this appt(cation ~canstltutes approval of the proposvd requsst only to the excent that it camplies wftli the Anaheim Nlunicipal ~aning Cpde anc! any atl~er applicabfe City, State and Federal rr;gu0ations. Appraval does not includa any action or findings ~s to comp~iance or appr~v~l of th~ req~est regarding any other appllcable or~inanc~, ragulation ar reyuiremont. BE iT FUR7HER FiES01.VED that tho AnaMeim Cfty Planning Commfsslon does i.iereby find and determine 4hat adoption of this Resolutian is expressly prAClir,~tecl upon appilcant'~ com~diance with each and ~II of the cunditions hera(nabove set forth. Should any such coitiditfon~ or any part thereof, be doclared invalid or unenforceable by the final judgment of any r,aurt of comp~tent jurisdictlar~, then this R~solution, and any approvals h~rein cantained, shall he deemed null and void. THE FOREGQING FtESOLUTiON was ada~ted ~t the Piarming Commissior~ m~eting af January 9, 19~5• ~ ~ c.- \ rT C! ~-.n.~ ~ C~LI~ ` ~'°`~ "`~v -- HAIRW MAN AN~HEIM CITY NNING COMMISSION ~TTES'i': ~~eP~~.~ ..~._ _~ ~ ;ECRET~Ai~Y, A HF_IM CIl'Y PIANNiNG COMMI~SION -5- PC95-1 N H f ~. ~~i STA1'E C11= CALIFARNIA ) COUN1'Y t~~ ~RAN~E ) ss. ~~'~( pF ANAF~EIM ) i, 'Margarita Solorio, Secretary of the An~hefm City Plannin~ Commission, do heraby certify tMat the foregoing re3~lution was passa~i and aclopted at ~a meetin~~ of the Anaheim City Planning Camrnis;~ion helci on Janu~ry 9, i995, by the followin~ vate of the mNrribers thereaf: AYES: COMMISSIUNERS: R~YD3TUN, GA!_DWELL, HENNINGER~ MAYER, ME55E, TAI7 NnES: COMMI~SIONEFis: P~F~A7~1 ABSEI~IT: COMMISSIONkf3S:IVONE v~1~j r~ day of IN WITNE~S WHER~OF, ! have hereunto set my ha~nd this (,1/)1,L1 , 1995. /' ~ L~l~'~'fl~ SECR RY, NAHEIM CITY PLANNING CQMMISSION ~_ PC95-1