Resolution-PC 95-101~, ~ R~~n~Ul'ION N~.~ECq~,:LQi. A RES~'?I.UTIQN OF THE ~11JAH~IP,~ CI~"Y PLAI~NING COMMISSIQN AM~NDING R~SO ~~NDITIONAL U5~ PC WIIT NQ 2 47~N~~~IQ~ WITH WI~IER~AS, an Decem~ber 15, 1J80 the Plannin~ Cammis3ion adopted Rosolutfon ho. p,~,~p_~37 ~pproving with Canditinnel Use nd ai new laading bay~andpwaiviers of (a) irr ~ni~mumeands ap ~ term{nal, addition of two fuel ~t~rag~ tanks a front set~i~ck, (b} rriaximum tencQ hefght~nd, c~woro approved~ir~Pantdenul in~ a 10-foot wilclA and~ pQ of p~rking spaces; ~nd th~t w~ivers (a) ~ () setback along Jef~erson Stroet and slatting nQtf rthea`actionfwas take nby her City Council;~ ~he eastorly 50 feot of th~ narth praperty lln~; a.nd that WHEREAS, subject pro~orty was annexed to the Cfty of Anaheirn in July t981, at wrifch time it was already d~veloped with a fuel terrninaln(g~i ~~~nance buildfng ) ar d an I~fl IweIIQn' includfng a tank fiarm, loa~linti f~cilfty and oifice, warehouse and WHFR~AS, Mabil 011 Corporatic~n hasfiied ~x prapas~i ta modi4y sublect condition~,l use permit urder authcarity of Code aoctions 18.61.06U.~50~5~a g•~~ruGk t~a ler ~risl~ an stagin~ and s orage or a~ one thF existinc~ fuel termfnal to establish a(tE p N) modulHr office trailor, and ~vaivei~ of th~ foilowing: ~tinna 18.06.03Q - ~~. ~LRravemont of parkin~ a areaS• n 18 61 0~6 Q34 (payQd st~rface roquired; n n ~roposed~ WI-IEfiEAS, tho City Planning Commission did h~id a pbbc h~~ann h~ving beien duly c~ivan tho City of Anaheim on August 21, 1J95, at 1.30 p.m., notfce ot saEd pu 9 as renuirorl by law and tn accardance W~xhair s tsaid p o~os~d an ~ d entuand toI n~~stig te ~tnd 1make to hear and consider evidence for and ag findings and recommendatians in r,onnection ttierewith; WW~FiEAS, said C~mmission, a~all ovfciQnc eanid roportstogfered at said i~ea ng, does find and in its behalf, and ~fter due cnns~derati~n of and determine tFrR tollowing facts: 1. Th~t there ~re special clrcumstancas a~p4(cabie to tho propArty consfsting of its locatior and surroundfngs, ~vhich cJo not apply to other idWi`~ 12 ~n hes~o~rc ushed istone exists ~in the tr ck tra(fep and is temporary and an appr~ved subsurface van stagEng and stargge area in Ifeu of a p~rmanent paved surFaca; 2. That strfct appfict-tlan of the Zoning Cod9 depriv~s the propvrty af privileges enloYed bY ather properties undor identic~l zoninfl classificatior~ iii ths vicinity. a, That the propasai truck t hit~ar~~n ~~~~~Q~~~tlahat the~mociu apoftice traile~ is~not 1f t c1 canc4itlonal use permit is authorfzed bv t 9 th$rei~i as boing a Rermitted use; 4. That subjoat condittonal u: e gormft, as readvEr4ised, Is hereby approve~ far ane year to expire an A~~~ust 21, t~JB• CN246ADM.WP .~. PC~35-101 1~ 5. 7h~t th~e ~ropos~~1 u~as will not adversel;~ affe,ct ~;ie ddJoining land uses and the growth a~cl davalc,~~;~ttY Of th~a ar~,a ~~•+ ~a!d ~;~a~ a~~ ~ropose~ ta be Iccatod; 6. That the slze ~and sht~-ao af th~ site for the propoaed usos is adec~us~te to allow the full davelapment of the u~e, as amanded, in a manner not dotriment~l to the pa.r!icular nrea nor tn the peacc, health, safaty, and g~nAral w~lfare bacause tho outcl~or storago of I~rg~ ~qufpmbnt wili be sigh! screoned by a chaln Ilnk fence along the north property line i7terwoven wit~ slats fn cnm~olfanaQ wfth Zonfnc~ Cud~ atandards far 3creaning c~utduar usos; 7. That the traffic generated by the pra~osed uses will not impose an undue burdsn upon the streets and hi~hwa~rs desl~nec~ and impraved to r.arry the traffic in tho aren; S. T'hat the grantfng of the conditlonal use permN, as rovised ~nd under the c~nditions impos~d, wfll not bo detrimental to the ~eace, health, safaty and gon~ral tivoifare of the citizens cf iha City of Anahefm; and 9. That no ane indic.ated their ~resence at said piablic fiearing in oppusition; and that no correapondenco was racaivecl in appositfon to the sub)NCt petitlon. _ AI.IF(~,}iNIA ~t~IVIRONUIEh`TAL ~UALITY A(:7 ~INDI~I~: 7hat th~ Anahefm City Plann(nr~ Commissi~n has revieweci the proposal to amend subJect conditianal use pc~rmit by exp~ndinc~ tha existing fuel terminal to Rs~ablfsh a temporary truwk trailer and ~~an stagln~ a~~d stc~rac~e ~rna, onq m~dular tr~ilor, and waiving the improvement of p~ri<Ing area on proparty ~:onsist(ng of appror.im~tely 7.7 acres located at 1477 North Jeffersun Street; and does hergby apprr~ve the iVegativo Declaration unon f(nding that it has considored the Nagative Daclaration t~gether with any ; ommsnts received d~aring the public revfow process and further findinfl oii tho ba51s af the initfaf study and any camments recen~ed th~t there is no evidonce that the project ~r~ll tiave a sic~nificant effract on the ~nvironmont. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL.VE~ that the ~lnaheim City Planning l:~mn iissian hereby amends Res~lution No. PC~0-237 under authority of Co~e Ssct(ans 18.61.A50.505, 18.61.05q.507 and 1~.03.030.01Q to permit ~xpans(on af an existing fuel torm(nai tA f~clude ~(temporary) truck trailer and van staging and ~tor~ge area, ~nd one modular offic~ trailer; and, further, that an additfon2l waiver (e) is hereby also ~pproved, as follpws: ,~tf n 1.$~Q - Re~ir imgraverr~ent of ~arkina areas. ,~„nd 1 ti. 1•~.. 06~.O,~Q (~v~, rF~.~ requirdd; ,~g~ proposecl) Be tt further resoivad, th~t the conditions of appruval containeti in Resolut(on No. PC~0-237 ~re heraby amended to add tho follawing new conditions: 13. That tho an-site staginc~ and storage af refr(gerated trucks, trailQrs ~nd/or vans shall be permitted for a peric~d of one (1) year, to explre ~n Augi~st 21, 1996. 14. That the existing chafn-link fence located along the nortti property {ing ad)ace~t to Orangothorpe Avenu~ and the Atwood Flacxl Contr: ' Cliannol shall be entireiy fntarwoven with cedar, redwood nr PVC slats to effectively screon all outdoor st~rage from public view. 15. Th~t tho modular aff(ce trailer shall be remaved from the premises on or before the expiration date of August 2'I, 1996. 16. That the propeKy owner/davAloper shall comply with ~pplicable NP~aES requ(rements tar the balRnce of the properry to the satisFact(on of the Utilitios Department, WatQr ServicQS Division. -2- PC95-101 ,~, ;~~ 17. That subJect pro~erty sr~all b+a developed substantially In accc~rdanco with plans ~ncl spACiffcatinns auhmitted to tho City of Anati~im by tne petitinner and which ~lans are on f!la wlth the Pi~nr~ing ~J~partment marked Exhibit Nc~s. 2 anci 3. 1~, 'fhat prfar ta th~ cornmencern9iit of tho activity ~uthorized ~-y thio resolution, or prior to final building ar~d zdning inspectfons, whtchevvr accur~ first, Cnnditian Nos. 1 ti, 16 and 17, at~avQ•mentianed, shall bo carnpli~cf with. ~9. That ~pproval c~f this applicatfon IJonstitutes appr~val af th~ prnposod reques4 only to the extent that It campliea with tl~o Anahefm R9~anicip~l Zoning Code and any t~ther applicabl~ Cit}r, 5tate and Feder~l regul~tions. Approval doas not inciud~ any actlon or findln~s as to compliance or approval of the roquost ~egarding ar~y other appll~;able ordin~nc~, ragulatian or require~~ent. THE FOREGOING FtESOI.UTIO~J was adopted at tho Plann(ny Commission meeting of Augeast 21, 1995. ~ y,~l ~-- C WOMAN, /1NAWEIM GI i..ANNING (~4Mt~AiSSION ATT~ST: ~ t.,VTil~7 SECRETARY, A EIM ITY PIANNING C~~MMISSIpN STATE dF CALI~ORNI~1 ) COUNTY OF OF~ANGE ) ss. CiTY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ma-garita Solorio, Secreiary of the Anahefm (:ity Pfanning Commissfon, da hereby certify that ttie foregoing r~sotutian was passed and adopted at a meeting uf ~the Anaheim City Planninc~ Commissinn hold an Au~ust 21, 1995, by ihe following voto of the members thereof; AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BOSTWICK, BOYDSTUN, BRISTOL, HENNINGEFi, MAYER, MESaE, P~RA7J~ f~JOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISS{ON~RS: NONE IN WI'TNFSS WMER~OF, I have hereunto set my hand this _~~ day of _~~~?~~".~7 , 1595. O~L~'~C~?.l.d ~ a SECREfARY, AHEI CITY PI.l~NN1NCa COMMISSlON ~- p~95-101