Resolution-PC 95-102t~'~; ~,'" ~ i ,~t~SQ.~S ITIQN NQ. PC~5"102 ,~,~j1~~'~~. ~J A RESOLUTION vF THE ANAHEIM CITY PI.~NNING COMtdIISSION Af)OP71N~a l~t~~ RECOMMENDING TO THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPTIGN O~ GEN~RAI. pLAN AMENDMENT NQ. 33f3 PEFl'~AINING TO TME LA~In USE ELEMENY WMEFiEAS, the ~f~y Cauncil of the City of Anahefm did adopt th~ An~heim General P~an by Fiosolutiora No. 69H-644, sh~owing the gon~rRl descriptlon and extent of possible futuro dev~lapment ~nrithin th~ Ciry; ancJ WH~FtF~1S, F'lanning Cammission directocl staff to initiat4 an amendment tn the Land Use Eloment of the Gener~l Plan to rc~clesignate Development Area 5 The Sycamore Canyon Specific Plan (SP88• 1); from the Genpral Commercfal land use designailon to the Hillside Modfum Denslty Residential lancl usa designatlon. y11MER~F ~3, the Anahofrr~ ~;ity Pl~tnning CUmmisslon dfd ho1~ a pt~i~llc h~ar{ng at tha Anahstm Civic Center, Councfi Chamber, ~0~0 Sauth Anahefm Boulevard, an August 21, 1995, ~t 1:a0 p.m., notice of st~id public hearing h~vfn~7 been duly given ~s requirod by law +and in a~curdsnco wiih the pravialons of the ~lnahoim ~lun(cipal Code, to hea~ and cansider ~videnc~ for and a~ain~' said Genoral ''an Am~ndment and to invAStigate ansl maGce fln~ings and re~commandatians in connoction rherewtth; anu WH~REAS, ss~fd Commissfon, after due consfdaration, ihsp~ction, investigatfan and study made by kself, ancl aitpr due considoration of a!I evldence and rvports afferod ~t said hearing, DOES HER~BY FINU: 1, That the evidenae prosented substantiates the need ~~r an amendment to th~ Anaheim Ceneral Plan and that, thersfore, Exhibit A s~~ould be adopfed redssignating the lantl use fQr subjact prope~ty. rAL,~Q[}~V~NYIRVNM~NTAL WUAL.ITY AC7 F~NI?IN~: That ihe Anaheim City Piann(ng Camm(ssi~n ha~ rgviewod the propasal to amend the l.and Use ~Ir~rrient of th~ General Plan to ahanga the cu~rent land use dosigreatlon from ~eneral Commerclal to Hillsida Medium Density Restdential on an 4rrag~larly-sha;~ed parcef of land aonsfstiing of approximately 4.2 acres located or~ tho n~or4heast corner af W~Ir Ganyon Road and Canyon Vista Driva, havin~ approxfmate frontages af 750 fe9t on the north side of Wefr C:anyon F1aad and 460 feet on the e~st side af Canyon Vfsta Drive, and further doscribed as Devolapmont Area 5 of the ~ycamore Canyon 5p~cifiic Pl~n (SF~88-1); ancf daes hereby approve the Negative Dealardtion upon finding that it has c~nsidered tha Negative Declaration tc~gether with any camm~nts r~ceived during tha public review pracess and further finding on th~ basis of the ir~itial study and any comments received tht thore is no evidance thax the project wilf have a si~nfficant effect on the environmont. NCW, TFIE;9EFORE, BE IT RESOLVECI, titiat pursuanc to ~he above findings, the AnaPioim City Planning Connmission does herehy adapt ~-nd recommend tn the ~iry ~ouncil of the City of An~heim ad~ption of ~en~ral P'an Amondment No. 338 pertafning to the La~id Use Elemont, Exhibit A, to redesignat~ the subjevt property from the Gener~l Commarcia~l land use to the HillakJe Mecffum Densfty Ftesidential land use designation. THE ~OREGUING RkSOLUTION was ~dnpted at the Planni~g Commission meeting of Au~,ust 21, 1 y95. : ~ ~,`- ~ w ~~ , ~ . ._.~y~~ `- CHAtR OMAN, ANAHEI~vI ~ITY P INC Cd4WMISSION ATTES7: SECRET~+Fi , A H~IM CITY ?LANNING COMMISSION CR2465DM.WP -1. Pf~,95-102 ~ 4~: STATE OF CALIFOi~NIA ) COUN?'Y OF ORANGE ) ss. CI'T`~' OF ANAh1EIM ) I, Margarita Salorio, Secrasary of the Anahelm Cfry ~'lanning Co~nmisslon, do hareb~r cartffy that tl~e faregoing, reaolutian was pasae~l and aciopt~d at a meeting of the pnaheim City F'lanning Commission held on August ~1, 199a, by the followin~ vote of the memb~r~ thereof: AY~S: ~COMMISSIONERS; 608TWIrK, BOYDSTUN, F3RISTOL, HENIVIWG~R, MAYER, MCSS~, F'EHAZA NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: CdMMISSiON~:R~: NqNE IN WITf~ESS WHGR~OF, I havo hereunto set rr~y h~nd thls ~~d~Y of ~.~~~~~~J„~ ~ 1995. ~_.._ /!~/~ l ' '~~"~'"N~~ pMMiaSION SECREf,~R ~ , AH~I CITY PI.A _2_ PC35-102