Resolution-PC 95-103~t'~~' RE ~, TU I~ON N0. PC95.103 A RESdLUTION OF Thl~ A~IAHEIM CI'1'Y PIANNING COMMlSSION R~C4iUMENDiNG THAT THE CITY COUNCIL APP~OVE AN ANI~NIJMENT '~O S{~ECIFIC PLAN NO. 88-1 "SYCaMORG CANYON SFECIFlC PL,~N" WHEREAS, thA Anaheim City Councfl approvecl Spoctfic Plan No. 88-1 (thc~ Sycamaro Canyor, 20 acres of Sp~cHic Plan~ on FebrUary 9, 19H8, to provide for develapment of up to 1,119 residentlal units, commercial usas, ar~d~3he e st and wAStlsides ofSer~ranQ Avenue at Wei~r Cany~an Road; and St sidos nf C~nyon V(sta pr4vo a WHERCAS, tho Specific Flan was subsoquently amonded in May 1989 to provi~le for 61 additional rosidentdal un(ts ~ar a maximum totttl of 1,180 residentlal dwelling unfts. WHEA~A3, Development Area 5 of th~ aycamoro Canyc~n Specific P{an cansists c~f appraximately 4.?_ acres of property located at tho northeast ~orner of Wo(r Canyon Road and Canyon Vist~ Urive; and that said property Es ~urrently d~slgnated for d~velopment ~s General Commc~rclal an Exhibit ~ 2"Specific Plan", Exhibit S 5"Specific Plan Exhibit A" ar-d Exhibit 23 "i'roduct Types" of tha 5pecific Plan document. ~i'VHEREAS, tho petitionE)r proposos to redesfgnate Development Area 6 from Ger~eral Commerclal ta Single Family Detached to allow devolc~pment of ~p to twenty four (24) single-family detached dweiling units, thereby incrsasing the total numbar of permitted dwelling units in the S~eaific Plan from 9,18A to '1,20~ units; and 1MHEREAS, the potitioner also proposas to amend ~ubsection .070 "Development Area 5" ~f Section 18.71.Q60 "Develaprnent St~ndards" ~f tho Anahafm Municipal Code, to ~stablish standards similar to those for nei~hboring Developmont Areas 4, 6 and 7(which standards arQ basetl on the RS-5U00[SC) "Resir~entfai, SingiR-Family - Scenlc CorricJor Overlay" 7_one) with certain exceptions. All development standards of the "RS-500(~(SC)" ~one (Ch~apter 18.27) sha41 apply tn Development Area ~ ex~opt as proposed below: 'C~~E~b~MH~~1T STANDARD Minfmum Bui!tiir~~ Slte and Buildina ~ad Area PpOP~SED DEVELAPMENT A,R~A ~ 4,OQ0 sq.ft. lot and ~,0~0 sq.ft. buildfn~ Minimum L~t Width Minimum L~t Width for Cuf~ie-sac and Knuckle l.ots Minimum Lot Frantage Width far Flag L.ats Maximum l.ot Covera9e and (~inimum Open Space per Lot 45 feet ~~ 3~ feet, m~asured at tfie required building sotbacic Iin~ 7_0 feet on accessway or easemant providing access fo the flag lot _ a0~ Iat coveragA and No additinnttl open spac~ requirgd for additianal bedraom5 __ -1- PC95-103 CR2a66DM.WP ''`~t'. ,~. ;~; a v~ - ,.:,::..... ....._, . .____,,.,. - :~::::;:._~~- Minimum 5et~ack to "Front-on '' Garages Minimum Parking Space pimensfons Requirer,~ Site Screenin~ ___.___.-.-~.-r M~nimum Lot Dopth adjacAnt to Arterlal Highways ____.r,,,_. Minimum apen ~pace Are~ adJacent to Arterial hlighways ~ _ 18-foot long driveway betw~en tho ~roperty I(ne ancl a gar~ge with R roll-up garage door ~_ ___.. 16 feet wide by 18 feet lonc~ for rsquired drfveways, measured from tho properry Iine to a c~a.raga with a rall-up garage door D~corativ~ zy~e walt permitt~d ta presenre viAw c~pportur~ities where a minimum 6-foot gracle separation exists batween any arterial highway and a property Ifne and a minimum ~12-fnot setback exlsts betwoen the single-iamily developm~nt and tho abavo-stated aonditions; otherwisa a 6-foat high bl~ock ~wali is requirod __.- - 70 fF:at, with the exception of open spaces lots ~ 5 faot wide tandscaped open spacQ area or I easement ____ ,__.__..~_....__._..~.-- WHEREAS, thQ City Planning Comm(ssion did hold a public h~aring ~t the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on August ?_1, 1996, at 1:30 p.rn., notice of said public hearing having bCha~rter 8.03 as required by ~ s der evido cerfar and aga ns tsaid propased~amendm~ntuand po in~astigate and make to hear and co findings and recommendations i~~ connection therewith; and 1MHEREAS, said CAmmission, after due inspoctian, investlg~tior and study made by itseif and In its bohalf, and after dua consideration of al! ovidence and r9~aar4s offered at said i~earinq, c;oos r;nd and determine the following facts: 1. That tho property encompassed by the Specific Pian, as amended, h~s uniqua sltQ characteristics including topoc,raphf tho,stiecific plan`~ c ud'~~ng he~p ~po ed amend ~rnSha speci~l land use and development standard~ o p 2, That th~ Spectfic'lan,~nnle ~a9~ t be ~me ded and withtttie pi.~posesn s a~ndahds and land aolicies of the Gen~ral Plan, as rvco use guidal(nes thersin; 3. That the ~pecific N~a p~ a~~ble with exi ~i qSand propos d devel"~~menlt in thevsurr~ undi g a dasira~le character which wili be c p area; 4. That the Sp~cific Pian, including the prop~sed amendments, Gontributes to a balanca of land uses; 6. That ihe Spocifi~ Plan, inaludin~ the praposed amei.~iments, respects environmental and aesthetic reaources cansistar~e oi sconomfc rea!(tios; ~. That the propased amendment to Specffic Plan No. F3&~1, acc~rdin~ Lo ttie su`bm6tteci fiscal impact stud.y~ will not resuit In any additiAnaf or negat(vQ fiscal im~nct~ to the exist{ng Specific Plan area, to its corresponding Community Facilities ~l~trict, or to the City'~ Gener~i Fund; _2_ PC95-103 1~ 7~,. That tha praposed amendment to tho Development Standard~ for povolapmant Area 5 of Specffic Plan No. 8~1-1 w~li pnoald~ei~hbc~rhofoyds~ngle~famlly detached residential subdivision cor;~pifinentary to existing adJacant reside 9 g. 'That approval nf im~ii~im a~s ~ d m~~ntia n ng exist ng mlianulf Wtu ed slop~s without ~equ~rning rosidential tract using existing bu c~ p any ret~ining walls adJacent to Woir Canyon Road; and g. That no ane ~~d~n o~ osl~tiion to tha subjecc ipai ion~~ ~earing in opposition; and that. no correspnndence was r~~eived pp ~q~~gN~q ~_ NVIRONMFNTAL n~ Al.l'1'Y 1~~7 I IiV : 7h~t the Anaheim City F~anninc~ Commisston has reviowe~l the praposai and does herof~y approve the N~~~tive aecla~atfon upon finding that it lias considered the Negative Dih~~~~~os of h ehnitia st dy ~ d any ctomments~receiv ~t hat t elrv r e v i e w p r o c q s s a n d f u r t h e r f i n d i n g o is no evidence that the project will have a significant eHfoct on t he env ironme n t. iVOW, 7HEREFORE, BE IT R~SOLVE~ that the Anaheim City Pianning Comm(ssion does hereby recommond to the Cfty Council appraval af the propos~ amendm~r~ts to Specific Plan No. 08-1, consisting of revised Exhibft 12 "Specffic Plan", Exhibit i5 "S~ocific Pl~n ~xhibEt A" and revised Fachibit 23 "Praduct Types chanc~ing the land us „~eDove oprnent Stand~rds fnr~Devolop entQAr~~a/5, a5 p oposed S i n g l e F a r r ~ l l y D e i a c h e a~ a n d r e v i s i n g r e r e q u i s i t e t a t ~ i e herein, upon the followir~~ conditionsin ~~~~~ao preseb e the ~fety and general el are of th~ Citixens proposed use Qf the ~ubject property of the C;fty of Anahoim: 1. 7hat completion of the praposed a n~~d~ t Not 338 byftha Anaheim~City Couni~`gent upon appraval and adoptfon of Generai I~lan Ame 2. That prior to approval af Fin«i 'fract '.4ap No. 15223 (Qevelapment Are~ 5) or issuar~e of the first bullding permit for Tract Map No. 15223, whichtver occurs first, the prnperty owner; develnper shall pay apprapriate park and rscrmeno ~~e~~~~tQ°ho City of Anahe(m~inran2amount ~s esitabi~ish d by residential units in said Develop Gity ~~uncil Resoluti~n. 3. That prfor to appraval af Fin~! Tract Map No. 15223 (Develapment Area 5) or issuance af the first buflding permit for'fract Map No. 15223, the praporty owner/d~veloper shail pay Branch Ubrary feEs f~r the tw9nty-four (24) sfngle~Famfl~yliset~d be City`Council Resolution.Devolopment Are~ 5 to the City of Eonahelm in an amount as 3s a Y 4. Tha~t app~'oval ~f thi~ applicati~n~co~ a~ ~~~fn pCntielai d any othsr appli ~bIA CityyStato and Federal ft cc-mplies with tha Anaheim M~ c p ~ rogulatiorts. Approval daes n~t licabl~e o d(nantcenregul ton oa equiremonit nco or ~pprovai of the req~~est re~arding any oth~r app BE !7 FURTHFR RESOLVED that 4he Anai~efm Ciry Planning Commis~s~int's can hiance wftt and determine that adpptfon ~af this Resalution is expres~ly predicated upon app P each and all ofi the conditions hereinabov~ sex forth. 5hould any such conditio!L or any part the~ee f'this deci~rod ir~val(d or uner~fd valsb~e eintco t~a iect~s aUnbe eemeci nulpandrvoident ~urisd~ctian, Resolutian, and any appro .~_ PC95-103 ~' ~ TH~ FUFlEGOINQ RESULUTIOIV w~s adapt9~i at th~ Planning Commisslon meeting of Au~ust ?1, 199~a, /~ V• l CI-I ~ OMAN, ANAWEIM Cl7Y f~ NNINC CdMMISSI NO A71'EST: _.._...~~~~ ' . ~~ MMISSION SECR~'1'ARY, A HEIM IYY PLAN STATE OF CAI.IFORNIA ) COUM'Y AF CIRANGE ) ss• CITY OF ANAH~IM ) I, MargaritA Solorio, Sar,rotary ~f tho Anahoim Ctty Planning Commiaslan, do hereby cc~rtify tha~ the foregoing n Auluufat 21, 1995, by the oilowi~ng~ ote of the members tha ~o~heim City Pls~nninfl Carr~mission hald o g AYES: COMMISSIONEFiS: BOSTWICK, BOYDSTUN, BRIS70L, HENNINGER, AdAYER, MESSE, PERA~A NOES: COMMISSICJN~RS: Nt?NE AI3~~N7: CONIMISSl4N~FiS: NONE IN WITNESS WHEFiEOF, I hava herounto set rny hand this ~~'day of ~~~ 1995. ~Q~l ~(!'rt"J~ ~ SECRETARY, NAHE M CITY PI.ANNING COMMIS510N ,~, PC95-103