Resolution-PC 95-106~''-,;;~, R~,sol~uT~oN NQ,~95-1~~ ~ q REBULUTION OF THE APJAN~IM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION RECONIMENDED THAT ThiE CITY COUNCIL APPROV~ AN ANiENDMENT TO SPECIFIC PI,.~-N N0, 8?-1 "HICHLANOS AT ANAI-IEIM HIL~S SPECIFIC I'1.APJ" WH~t~EAS, the An~h~im Clty Gouncli appraved Speaific Plan No. 87-1 ('The Mighiands°) on August 25, 1987 tn provide fior deveiopment of up Yc~ 2,1~7 rosidentfal unics, 8 aGres of aornmor~lai u~ea, a park site, an 8-acre elsmentary sch~ol and approximately 29?. acres af ganeral opc~n space on 816 ~cres of property located on b~th sidas of 5errana Averiue, south of 3~nta Ana Canydn Ftoacl, w9st ~f Woir Canyon Road and ~north of C~nyon Rim Raad; and WH~R~AS, the 5pecific Plan was amandeci in July 1992 to radesignate 5.2 of tha 8.0 c~mmorclal acreg to residential, thar~by reduaing Developmont Area 8 tn 2.~ commerclal acres and expanding the baundaries 4f Development Area 6; and tl~at a Densfty Trans'ar w~~ also approved tt~nsfe~rin~y 48 dwailirig units from Developm~nt Area 11 to D~velopment Aro~ 6. WhIEREAB, Devolopment Area 8 of The Highlands consfsts of approximataly 2.8 acres of ~roperty Iocatod at the nar4hwost corner of Sunset Fl(dge Roac and Serrana Avenuo; and that said prop~rty is currentiy deslgnatr~r! fc~r General Commerclal land uses o~~ Exhibit 5"LFand Use Pian'' and Exhibft 14 "~~veloprrient Plan" of the Specffic Pian c~ocument, and that Exhibft 36 "Illustrative Product and Sfte Design" shows aommercial dovelopment for Develapmen4 ~1rea 8. WHEREAS, the petitfoner pro~ases to redasignate Dev~lppment Aroa 8 from Gensral Cpmmerclal land uses to H!llslde Metllum residentlal fand uses to permit 32 residential condominiurn units in Development Area 8(i 1 units to be transferred firom Davelopmont ~reas 6 and 7 and 21 new unitg), to Increase tho total number of permittecl dwelling units in the Specific Pi~n area fro~n 2,1~7 to 2,168 unft5, to amend ~xhibit 5 and 14 acaordingly, and #a delete Exhibit ;i6 "illustrative Product and Site Design;" artd Wt-I~REAS, tha petitianer also propa~oE ta amend Subsectfon .t~80 "Development Aroa 8(of ~p 87-1;" of Sectlc~n 18.70.060 "Develapment Standards" nf the Anahoim Municipal Code to ~stabl(sh standarci~, similar to ihe RM-3400(5C) (Re~idant6al, Multtplo-Family, Scenic Corridor C7voriay) ~one wfth c~rtain exceptlons. All develo~ment standards af the "~S-3qU0(SC)" 2one (Chr~pter 1a.31) shali apply to DevelupmArrt Area 8 er.cept ~s proposod below: ._....~._...~....~..-,.~.~ _ , D~VEL4pMI~~iY S~'mNL1~1~1D Amer+de~ ~r 40?MJ~N~' AR~A.~ Requlrecl Lot Frontage All lots shall fr~~nt on ~ public or private acce~sway. (the same as ~xistfn~ Dev~lopment Are~ 6) Minirnurr~ L~t Width Lots utilixed as private accessways ahall have a minlmum width of 42 fset; All ~ther lots sP-ail h~ve a minimum width of 70 foat. (the sama as e~cfsting Dov~i~pment Area ~) CR247~DM -i - PG'~5-i 06 ( i ..._,, ;~, ` ~,.~..~-...--.,.-~- .: -,.:; pI~V~~.~~'I~~N"~ SYANbAE~C~', ~-mewtlt~l ID~UEl.~1~NM~IN7 a~~~4 8`:; ~~, ':: ~---- ~ _ . .. _ _ ,..._._....._.......~. Niinimum bullding satback from ~pnsidera Ioniofthe Final SltenPlannPl~~nn~ngth the art~rlal hi~hways (Sarrana ~-venue) Commis~fon may approve a buHding encroachrnent inta the minlmum aatback provided that (i) no structure sh~ll be located closer than 30 faet to the right-of-way and (il) the ianqth of the ~nCroachment area shall be no greater than 15°b of the Development Are~ 8 frantage along Serrano Avenus. Required 5fte Scroening Unloss otherwise provided horein, a mEUCiirum 6-foot high solid decurathre-type masonry wall may be constructed a minBm~~m of 5 fee't from 5errana Avenue and Sunset Fiidge Roacl; Walis shail be planted wfth either clinging vines or fast- grawing shrubbery to scrnerr tYie wall surface r~o as to eliminate graffi~i oppQrtunitoes; Th~ locatfon of the wall ~t the corner af Serrana Avenue an~d Sunset Rldge Road shall bo subject to the revfew and approval of the Cfty Traffic and Transportation t~Aar+agpr for Iine-of-slght requirements; Provisions for a deco~ative-typo wall ~hall be mad8 to ~Ilo~v and preserve view opportuntti~s~ when possible. WHEREAS, tha City Planning Cummissiaii did hold a public hearing a~ the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on September 6, 1995, at 1:;~0 p.m., notice of safd public hear6ng having been duly aiven a~ r~quircd by law ~nd in aCCOrdance v+~tli the provisfons of the Anaheim Mun(cipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidence for and against sa(d proposed am9ndment and to investigat~ anci make findfngs t~nd recommendations in connE~ctlon therewith; and WHER~AS, s.~id Commission, anar due inspection, investigatfon and study mado by itself and in fts behalf, ~nd after due consldewation of a!I ~vidence and reports offored at sald hearin~, doas find and determfne the fiollowing facts: 1. That the property encam~-ass~xl by the Specific Plan, as amended, has unique site characteristics includinc~ topography, location and s~ir our~lings which wfll be enhanced by ihe special land use ar~d develepment str~ndards o~f the specific plan, including thA proposed amendments; 2. That the 5pecific Pian, includiny the propns~cJ amendments, is cons(stent wfth the goals end policies of tho G~neral Plan, as recommended to b~ amended, ~and with tho purpases, standards and land uso ~uidelfns~ therefn; 3. That the Specific Plan, includin~ tMe proposed amendments, wlii result in d~velopment of a desirabie character whicii wfll bo compatil~!~ with existing and ~roposed d~evelopment in the surraundin~ area; 4. That the Spe~lfic Plan, includfng tha proposed amonc~ments, contributes to ~ balanco of land uses; 5. That the Spectflc Plan, including tha praposed amendments, respocts Anviranmental and a~sthetic resouPCes cansistent of sconomic realities; _2~ pC95-106 ;~ 6. That the proposeci amendmenxs to Speclfic Plen No. 87-1, accordin~ to the submfttod fisc~l irr~pact study, will not result fn any additional ar negatfve fiscal impacts ta the existing Spocific Pian area, tc~ it~ corresponding Community Facilitles District, or ta the City's Ganeral Fund; 7. That the pl6p~ovide oead ualiry r~s dential~cnndt~minium surbdiuision~cnmpl mentary ta the Speciffo Plan No. 87-1 wi p q existing residont(al comdominlum complox an adJacant property; 8, Th~t no on~ indica~ed th~ir preaence at safd pubilc hearing in opposftian; and th~t no correspnndence was r~+~elved in op~~sition ta the subject petitfon. ~AL.IFORNIA ENVIRQNM~NTAI. (~U~I.IL1! 1~ FINDI : Th~t the Anahelm Cky Plannfng Commisslon has reviowed th~ proposal and does hereby approve the Neg~tive Declaration u~on finding that ft has cansidered the Rlegative Doalaretion te~other with any comment~ roceived during the nublic roviow process and fhrthepfect,wfll havaea slgnificant effe`at onthe environmentments rec~fved th~t thero is no evidenca tiia't t e p J NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT R~SOLVED that tl~e Anaheim City Flann~ng Cammissian doRs hereby recammend to the City Councii approval of the proposed amendment~ to Specif{c Plan Nca. 87-1, consisting of revised Exhibit 5"i..and Use Plan," Exhibit 14 "Deveio~ment Plan" and Exhibit 23 "Community Monumentatfun Concept" changing tha land use desigr~ation for D~velopmerYt Ar~a S from General Cam~nerclal to Hlllsl~J~ Medlum, revising the Developmant Stand~rds for Development Aree 8, as proposed horein, ar~d deleting ExF~ibit 36 "Illustrative Product and Si4~ Design" upon the ~oilowin~ conclitfons which aro horeby found to be a ne~essary proroqu(site to t~~e proposed use of thd sub~ect praper~y in order to praservo thn safety and genr-ral welfara of the Cl~Izens of the Cfty of Anah~fm: 1. The completian of th~o n An~Qndmient No. 3~~ bytthor <1r aheimSCity Councj nt upon approval and ~dontion af Gener~l la 2, That wfthin thirty (30) days ~ollowing the adoptian of The Hlghlands at Anaheim Hilis Specifia Pl~n Amendment, that the property ownsr/developer sr+ail submit revised Exhibfts 5, 14 anci 23 for the Specifia Plan document incorpor~tir~g thg adopt~i changes. ~. 7hat the maximum permilted number of dwelling units within The Highlaiids at Anaheim hlflis ~pecific t~lan area sh~ll not excead two thou;and one hundrod sixty e~ght (2,168). 4. That tha wat~r laack flow oquipment and any other large w~ter syste~ equipment shall be installed to the s~tisPaction ofr4hn a manner uilly~s reen~ed f om allspubi c~ st eets aensi a leysk ~roa in efther underground vaults o 5. '~hat prior to finai tract m~p appraval or Issuance of tha first building parmft, whichever occurs first, the ~roperty ownar/developer sha!I pay appropriate park and ~ecr~ation in-{feu fees for twenty one (21 ~ residentlal a~nits in Develnpment ArEa 8 to tha City of Anaheim in an amount as est~blished by City Cauncll Resofut(~n (the in-lieu fee requ(remants for the ~+emaining eloven (1 t] units ~ra set forth in prev(ous conditions of approval adapted iri conneGtton with the origin~l approvai of two thousand one hu~drad forty seven [2,147J units in ihe Spec~ic F'lan area). 6. That if any structural enaroachment is proposoc! int+a the minimum fifty (50) faot wide seti~ack from Serrana Av~nuo, tho plans submittetl for F(nal Site Plan review and canslder~4ion by the Plannir~g Cammission shall show a minim~~m forty (40) foat strwctural setback from Sunset Ridfle Road 7. that in connection wfth the submittaf a~ Finai Site Plans for Planning Commission roview and conskieratioR, the ~ro~erty ownor/developer shail submit a view st~dy, prepared to the satis~actlon of the Zoning Divislo~ nC~tAye iae ar~d Sunset Fiidg~ Raad tFtat could be~preserved by thef use o opportunities from S~ a ~- PG'g5-106 ~ ~' an open d~c~refive typQ wall inste~d of a~olid mas~nry wall. If the~ study shows that a scenic vfew opp~rtunity exists, tF~e open deGOr~t6ve type welis (including the locatian and design) shall be identtfleal on tha Fina{ SKo P1~n. 8. That prior t~ finai tract map approva~ ar issuanco of tr~e first bufidin9 permit, whichever ocr,urs first, th~ praporty owner/cl~veloper sh~ll pay Brarich Library Fees for thirty two (32) residential units in Qevelaprnent Area 8 7o tho Ciry af An~heim in an amount as establisheci by Ciry Counc(1 Resolution. g, Tl~at prior to the is~uar~cA of a bullding ~ormit, th~ properry ~awnar/developer shall submit Final Sito Plana '~ the Pl~inning Commissinn for review and approval at a noticed public hearin~. Sald Firoal 5f:~ Pla-~ ~ahall Include, but not bc~ Ilmited tin, ryplcal fl~~~ plans, d~ta(lad elevatlon drawings with oxterior bufiding materl~Is, raofing materials, ancl accent/~rim informatlon per eacNi ~lovation style. 1Q. That the property owner/doveloper shail bo responsible for complyfrrg with all applicable conditlons of Ordinanco No. ~1861 pertaining to dcavelopment within The Highlands ~t Anaheim Hilis Specffi~ PI3n. 11. T'hat ap~roval of this ~Qpiication constitutes approv~l of thv proposed roquASt only to the ex:ant that it comp{les with the Anaheim Munfcipal Za~in~ Code and any other applicable City, State and Federal regulatfons. Ap~roua! daes not include any a~tians or findin~s as to cornpllance or approval of the roqu9st rsgardinp any other applicable Ardlnance, ragul~tion or requlr~ment. BE IT FU~iTHER FIESOLVED that the An~hoim Cfty Planning Commission does hereby find and determine that ~doption of thls Resolutlon is expres~ly predicated upon applic~nt's compliancc~ wfth each and a!I of the canditions herefnabove set forth. Should any s~ach condition, or any part thereof, be deciared invalld or uneriforc~able by tha fln~i jsidgm9nt af any court of comp~tent ~urisdfctiAn, thon this Resalutian, and any ~pprovals herein conrained, shall be dsvmed rndl ar~d void. THE FONEGOlNG t~ESOLU'1'ION was adap4ed at the Planninc~ Commi~sion rneet(ng of August 21, 1 ~95. ~ ~L,•G.~„¢_.__- CHAIRMAN, PRO TEM RE ANIIHEIM CITY PIANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: ~~r.~n ' ---- ~,~~ SECRETAF~Y: AHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNIY C~F ORANGE ) ss, CIYY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Margarita 5olorlo, SACrezary of the Anahsim City Plann~ng Commissior~, do hareby certffy tha.t the foregoing resalution was passed ~and adopted at a meetfny of the Anahelm Ciry Piannin~ Commissiaro held on August 21, 1995, by the foll~wing voto o'f ihe members there4f: A~'ES: CONIMI~510NER5: 64STWICK, BOYDSTUN, BFiIST4L, !-IENNINGER, MAYER, MESSE, F~E~AZA NO~S: COMMIS514NERS: NUNE ARSENT: COMMISSlONERS: NOPJ~ IN Wli'NESS WHEREOF, I have h~r~unt~ s~t my hand this _ J___~~ day of ~ h~ ' ~ 1995. . . D~R ~- ~.oru~ ._... SECR~1'AR , A EIM ITY PLANNI~IG COMNflS31AN -~i- PC95-106