Resolution-PC 95-11~ ~ F~C80LU71n~1 N~~?S~.-l]. A RESqLUTION C1F TNIE ANAhi~IM GlTY PI~ANNINU COMMIS~ION 7ERNIINATIt~c3 AL.L P~OCE~D~Na5 tN CONNECTIO~I W~rN VARIANf.~E N0. 1154 WHER~Aa, on Octaber 5,1~5~ tha Anahe~im Cfty Plonning Commission approvod Varlanco No. ' 54 unddr Fiesolutlon No. 73 pormi4ting the sale and Gonsum~-tlan af baer un property locatod at 1217 Sou ~~- E3rookhurst ~traot; and WHFRFAS, M~ 8 NA~1154to omply~with the~condit o s ofe~ppno al of Contdi~tiannt U e requost(ng termination of Varianc Permit No. 365~. NpW, THER~~ORE, BE 17 HCSOLVED that tho Anaheim Cit~r ~lanning Cummi~sian doos h~raby torminate all proceedinga in connection with Veriance No. 1t54 on th9 b~sis of the forogoing findings. ~ HE FORE301NG RES4l.U'f~ON wag adopted at the Planning C~mmission meQting Af Fabrua ~ "~ ~ ~ j ~--• rY ; 6 1995. i~ ,l4 /'~,~ y~' ~~ ~;~-{~ .1-~, .~~____---._. LL ~ i~ ~~.Z CHAIRWOMAPJ, ANAHEIM CITY LANNIlVG COMMIS~ION ATTEST: ~~~e~o~ SECR AR ANAH~IM CI'I'Y PLANNING COPv1MISS10N STAT~ OF CAL.IFARNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss• CI7Y OF ANAHEIM ) i, Margarita. ~olorio, 5ecretarv af the Anah~irn City Pl~nninq ~Commission, do hereby cortify that the foregoinfl resolution was passed and adopteci at a modting of tho Anaheim Ciry Pl~nninq Commfssion helcl on Febru~r/ 6, 1995, by the foliowing vote of the membars thereof: AYES: COMMIS.ciIQNERS: BOYDSTUN, CAIDWELL, HENNINGER, MAYER, MES~E, P~RALA NOE~: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE VA~ANCY: ONE SEAT IN WITNESS WMEHEOF, I have he~eunto set my hand this c~ d~y ~_ ~~~~~~-~-~ 1995. ~~~~' A_h~ .~ ~ ~1UGU~-~.~~j~~l u.c~ - ' EfARY NAHEIM CI fY PLANNING COMMISSION SECR ~ .~. P~95•I1 CN2287NiS.Wp