Resolution-PC 95-115.,~, RE.~QL' 71 F NO PG95-1'IG A RE50LUTION OF TH~ ANAHEIM CITY PL4NNING COMMISSION DE7ERMINING PUBLiC CONVENIENCE OR NECESSITY FOR ALCOHOL.IC B~VERAGE CONTROL LICENSE N~. 95-02 AT 30~0 El~ST l.A PALMA AVENUE WHEREAS, the Anahefm City Plannirig Commfssion did roc9ive a veri'ried request for dotermination of public convenience or nocessity for an Alcoholic B~vera~e Contro! licensp tu sell b~er ar~d wine for QN-pramis~s consumption at a~ropos~d supermari<et for certain real pro~erty situated in the Ciry of Anaheim, Gounty of Orango, 5tate of Calffornia, and WM~RCAS, the City Piar~ning Commission did hold a{~ublic he~ring at the Civic Center in the Gity af Anaheim on Sopterrtber 18, 1995, at 1:30 p.m., ~otice of said public hearing having becan duly given a5 required by Resolution Na. 95R- ~ 3~ and In accordanc~ with the provisians af the Anahoim Municipal Coda, Chapter 18,03, to hear and consider evidQnce fo~ and against said prnposed detarminatian of pub{ic convenience or necessity for an alaor ~lic bev~rage contral license to invc~stigate and make findings and ro~ommendatfans in connection therewlth; and WHERE~A~, the Anaheim Cfiy Councii, by its Resaltrtian Na. 95R-134, has delegated to tho Planning Cc~mrnis~fon th n~~ hs ate law ta make such dete~ minat~ian,`~with he ri~ht ofn pneal~ (or revhew) the City is resn~neible u by the City Co~anr,il; and WHE~I~AS, said Camrni~sian, after due inspection, investigation and study made by itself and in its behaif, and aftar dua cansideration of all eviden~e and re~,orts offered at said haaring, daes find ~nd determine the fnllawing facts: ~. 'Fhat pursuant to Sectfon 2395~.4 of the ~usiness ancl Professions CodB, as th~ local governing body ;-f the ~r~:a in which the a~pliaant premises are located, ih~ Planning Commissi~n shall make detarminatians rd~arding public convenience nr nFCessity. 2, That the petitioner requests a determination of public convenience or necessity for an Alcoholic Reverac~e Cantr~l Iiconse to seil beor and wina for off-premises ~consumption at a serviaa statlon wich a convonienc~ market locate~ at a080 East l.~ Palma Avenue (Texaca Ssrvice Station). 3, ThatAv nue and K~~ er Boulgvaird, ~s zaned MLt Limitad I~ustrialted at the southwest corner ~f La Palma e ~, That the Flanning Cammission determfnecl th~t the salo of beer and wfne for off premisas Gonsumption is appropriate at this location based on the following: 5, That the Anaheim City Cauncif and planning Cammission havo previously granted a condttional use p~rmit (Candition~l Use Permit No. 3710}, subJect to certain conditions, for the retail sale vf beer and wine for off-premisos consumptian in conjunctian with a cnnvenience market and gasolins service statir~n operated on the premises. g, That th~ public Gornonience nr necessity would b~ servic~d by th~e issuance c-f th~e requested license for the followir~g reasons: (a) That canvenience markets at g~solinP service stations offer an alternative to superrriarkets for customers dESiring t~ make quick purchases ~f groc~ry ancl related ftems (including beer and wine); _~ , PC95-115 CR2~S~DM.wp ~ ~ (b) That ather ~qualiy convenient alternativas~ for the purchase of beer ~and wine for off-~rornise consumption ar~ nnt current;y ava!lable in the area; and (c) That a p~xitiari llluatrating the percaivo~! noed for such a facility affering alcahal salos W~' oximatel~ in cunjunction with Conditfonal Use Perm(t No. 3710 ~nd sa(d p~titinn wag si~7n~d by app Y 325 individuals. ,~~LIFQf~NIA ENVIRONMENTAI~ QUALI7Y ACT FINQIN ~: 'The F'Iraryrving ~ommissian has dete~•m,inod by matlon that pursuznt to Section 15A61(I~)(3), the prar~c,se~0 nXnja~Y is gxempt ~rom tho requirernent ta prepare E~n environmontal impact roport (Elf~! as do~ir~~d in th~ Stato EfR Guide4in$s. ~JdW, THEFiEFORE, BE 17 R~SOLVED that the Anaheirri ~~ty Rf~nn~~ng C~mmi;;sioin does hereby make the detorinin~tlon thttt the public convenience or nocessity wo~ufd ba scaN~~ by ttie sale of beer and wine for off-premise~ consumptian at this locatlon upon ii~~ iolJowing Ganrlitic~n~ which ara herela~y faund ta be a r~ocessaiy prerequisite ta the propasod use of the subjort prac,erty in a~d~r to ioP~aerve tho safety and general weifare of th~ Citizons of the City a6 Anaheim, and racomme~nc~s to the De.~r~a.rtment of Alcoholic Bevora~e Controi that saicl conditlons bo impased upon the lia~nsR: 1. That no alcoholic beverages, ar bewr or wlne, ~hall !~e sqld, furnishecl, or deliv~red via ~ drlve-up window. ~, Tli~t the sales of alcohofic beverag~s shall bo permittAd aniy between the hc-urs r~f ~:~~1 a.m. 3nd 11:OQ p.m. on weekdays and form 3:Oti a.m. until 1;00 a.m. ~n weekends. 3, That the quarterfy gross sales vf alcoholic ~ever:;~es shall n~t exceed ten percenk (10°k) of th~ gross salos of food or oth3r comrnoditie~ durin~ the ^ame period. Records af grass sal~s shall bo avaiiabla for inspectian by Code EnforcernEnt ar~d I'ui;re De~artment staff. 4. That thsre shall be no oxterior 3dvertisfn~ df any kfnd ar typo, includinc~ adv~rtising directed ta tho gxterior from insfde any buMldfng, promoting or indfcatinc~ the avaHabiiity of alcoho~i~ beverages. 5. That nu aicoholic beverages shall be consumed on any property ~dJacent to the Iicensoci premises under the control of the Iicensee. G. That the parking !ot oP the promises shall be equipped with lighting of sufficler~t pawer ~to illuminato and malce easily discernible the appear~~~c~ and conduct af all persons on ar about the parking lot, 7. That the lighting in the parking area ~f the~ premisos shall be dir~cteJ, ~;oaftioned and stiieldati in ~~ich ~ manner so as not to unreasonably illuminate thR window are~ of noarby busin~sses. 8. That there shall be no coin-aper~ted garnes rn~intained upon th~ prerr~ises at arn/ time. 9. 7hat, if proposeci, wine caolers shall be sc~id in quantitfes of a faur da) packs or more. 10. Th~t signs shafl b3 promtnently pc~st~d at the wine storac~e area ~nd the cash register area reading: "Wine coolo~~ may be purchased un this premises oniy in quantiti~5 of a four (4) ~Sack or m~re", 11. 1'hat beer shall be ~old in quantities qf a six (6) p~ck ~r mc~re. 12. That siyns shail be prominently posted 2~t the wlnr~ st~ra9e ~re ~tnd the cash ragistor nre~ ceading: "Bser may be purchased on thi~ pr~inis~s onty In c~u~ntltios o( a sfx (6) ~~k ar more." 13. That there shall be no cofn-oper~t~d telephc~nes m~intaine~J upan or ad)acent to the building at Any timg. Suah ielephones shaH remair~ a4 the southeask {~~rtion ofi tho property. -2~ PC,'''95-115 r''r~. ;;~ 14, That ~ppraval of this ~pplication constitutos a~~r~v~al ~f tha ~rapose~J roqu~st c;nly to th~ extent t{~at it camplfcas with the Anc~P~efm Muniaipal Zoning 'Cnde anci any oth~r appNrablo City, Stnte and Fed~ral ro~ul~tions. Approval ~ther ~ t Il~cab apordir~ancenregulat on~ or requlr~menLnce or approval ~f the request re{~ardin~ any o pp BE IT FUFtTM~FI RESOLV~q th~t the Anaheim City Plannin~ Comm(saion doe~ horoby find ~nd detQrmtne that adoptlon af this RAAalutfan is expressly predicateci upon ~applic~nt's ~~mpli~nco with oach an~ all of tha aonclitions horoin~bava set iArtfi. Should anv such candition, or eny part tli~ho~of,tb~ ~~~~. tinroci Invalid ar unonforcesbhereiritcant~in~d~~ ailr~be deemr~d ull ~andrvoid~nt Jurisdiction, ~esolution, And any approval. THF ~OREGOING RESOLU710N was adaptQCl ~x the Planning Commissian rnaeting of 5optember 18, '1995. ~ , ~~~ ~~~~_.._ ~...___. CMlAjt~ ~aMAN ANAHEIM CITY' P' NING CQMMISSIi~N A71'EST: ~ . ~ ~CQMMISSION SECRET Y, NAHE M CITY PlA STATE OF CALIFARNIA ) COUN7Y OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY QF ANAHF_IM ) do h~roby cortity I, Margarft~ Solurio, Secretary Af the Anaheim Clty Planning Cammi~sion, tha! the forefloing resolutembera 8~ 199~by the olowr ng v~~e of the ma nbersahQ eom ~fty p~gnning Commissfon held on Sep AYEB: C41JIMiSSIONEI~S: BOSTWIGK, BRISTAL, HENNINGER, MAYEF~, P~ESSE, PERAZA PJ4E5: COMMISSIONERS: A~SENT: COMMIS510NERS: BOYDSTUN IN WITNESS WI-iFREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ~/~""' d~Y of ~L ~~JU ~_. ~ 19~35. • . ~ ~ f y~N C4MMISSION S~GRETA Y~ AH~ G{TY f'LA G .3_ PC95-115